ModelEff-class: No Initialization function class for Efficacy models using...

ModelEff-classR Documentation

No Initialization function class for Efficacy models using pseudo data prior


This is a class of which contains all efficacy models for which their prior are specified in form of pseudo data. It inherits all slots from ModelPseudo


The dose function has a first argument ExpEff, a scalar expected efficacy value which is targeted. Additional arguements are model parameters. It computes using modal estimate(s) or samples model parameter(s), the resulting expected efficacy value at that dose level. If samples of the model parameters are used, the function must vectorize over the model parameters.

The ExpEff function has a first argument dose, a scalar dose level which is targeted. Additional arguments are model parameters. It computes using modal estimates or samples of the model parameter(s), the resulting dose level given that particular expected efficacy value. If samples of the model parameter(s) are used, the function must vectorize over the model parameters.

The data must obey the covention that the data input is called exactly in the DataDual class. This refers to any observed Efficacy/biomarker responses (w in DataDual class), the dose (levels) (x in DataDual or Data class) at which these responses are observed, all dose levels considered in the study (doseGrid in DataDual or Data) class and other specifications in DataDual class that can be used to generate prior or posterior modal estimates or samples estimates for model parmater(s). If no responses is observed, at least doseGrid in DataDual has to be specified in data slot for which prior modal estimates or samples can be obtained for model parameters based on the specified pseudo data.



a function computing the dose reaching a specific target value of expected efficacy, based on the model parameter(s). The model parameter(s) (samples) are obtained based on prior specified in form of pseudo data and if any together with any observed responses (see details above)


a function computing the expected efficacy (value) for a specific dose, based on model parameter(s). The model parameter(s) (samples) are obtained based on pseudo data prior and (if any) with observed responses (see details above)


refers to the data input specification in DataDual class which are used to obtain model paramters estimates or samples (see details above)

See Also

Effloglog, EffFlexi

crmPack documentation built on June 26, 2024, 5:07 p.m.