
Defines functions saveSample sampleSize

Documented in sampleSize saveSample

## Author: Daniel Sabanes Bove [sabanesd *a*t* roche *.* com]
## Project: Object-oriented implementation of CRM designs
## Time-stamp: <[McmcOptions-methods.R] by DSB Fre 16/01/2015 11:58>
## Description:
## Functions/methods for the MCMC formal class.
## History:
## 12/12/2013   file creation (copy from glmBfp package)

##' Compute the number of samples for a given MCMC options triple
##' @param mcmcOptions the \code{\linkS4class{McmcOptions}} object
##' @return the resulting sample size
##' @example examples/McmcOptions-methods-sampleSize.R
##' @export
##' @keywords programming
sampleSize <-
    stopifnot(is(mcmcOptions, "McmcOptions"))

    return(as.integer(ceiling((mcmcOptions@iterations - mcmcOptions@burnin) /

##' Determine if we should save this sample
##' @param iteration the current iteration index
##' @param mcmcOptions  the \code{\linkS4class{McmcOptions}} object
##' @return Logical value, if we should save this sample
##' @example examples/McmcOptions-methods-saveSample.R
##' @export
##' @keywords programming internal
saveSample <-
    stopifnot(is(mcmcOptions, "McmcOptions"))

    return((iteration > mcmcOptions@burnin) &&
           (((iteration - mcmcOptions@burnin) %% mcmcOptions@step) == 0))

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crmPack documentation built on June 26, 2024, 5:07 p.m.