
Defines functions mdFnn

Documented in mdFnn

#MDFNN The mdfnn function computes the percentage of false nearest
#   neighbors for multidimensional time series as a function of embedding
#   dimension based on Kennel, M. B., Brown, R., & Abarbanel, H. D. (1992).
#   Determining embedding dimension for phase-space reconstruction using a
#   geometrical construction. Physical review A, 45, 3403.
#   Inputs:
#   Required arguments:
#    data = an m*n matrix, were m is the number of data points and n is the
#    number of dimensions of the time series.
#    tau = time delay for embedding.
#   Optional arguments:
#    maxEmb  = maximum number of embedding dimensions that are considered.
#    Default = 10.
#    noSamples = number of randomly drawn coordinates from phase-space used
#     to estimate the percentage of false-nearest neighbors.
#     Default = 500.
#    Rtol = First distance criterion for separating false neighbors.
#     Default = 10.
#    Atol = Second distance criterion for separating false neighbors.
#     Default = 2.
#   Outputs:
#    fnnPerc = percentage of false neighbors for each embedding.
#    embTimes = number of times the multidimensional time series was
#    embedded with delay tau. Note, that embTimes = 1 means no embedding,
#    and embTimes = 2 means embedding the multidimensional time series
#    once. Hence, the resulting falase neibor percentages result from
#    embeddeding data (embTimes - 1) times
#   Matlab Version: 1.0, 22 June 2018
#   Authors:
#     Sebastian Wallot, Max Planck Insitute for Empirical Aesthetics
#     Dan Moenster, Aarhus University
#   Reference:
#     Wallot, S., \& M{\o}nster, D. (2018). Calculation of average mutual
#     information (AMI) and false-nearest neighbors (FNN) for the
#     estimation of embedding parameters of multidimensional time-series in
#     Matlab. Front. Psychol. - Quantitative Psychology and Measurement
#     (under review)

# recoded in R by Moreno I. Coco (moreno.cocoi@gmail.com), 25/02/2019
# tau = 1; maxEmb = 10; numSamples = 500; Rtol = 10; Atol = 2

mdFnn = function(data, tau = 1, maxEmb = 10, numSamples = 500, Rtol = 10, Atol = 2){
  ## check the data type and possible errors in it
  ## class() in R 4.0 may return more than a single answer
  ## we just consider the first one as valid
  tdata = class(data)[1]
  if (tdata == "data.frame"){data = as.matrix(data)} ## convert data.frames into matrices
  if (sapply(data, is.numeric)[1] != TRUE){
    stop('Input is not numeric')}
  if (is.vector(data) == TRUE & length(data) <= 1){
    stop('Input must be a vector or matrix')}
  if (is.matrix(data) == TRUE & ncol(data) <= 1){
    stop('Input must be a vector or matrix')}
  # Now do the actual work to find FNN
  if (is.vector(data) == TRUE){ dims = 1; N = length(data) # get dimensionality of time series
  } else {
    dims = ncol(data); N = nrow(data) 
  fnnPerc = 100       # first FNN
  Ra = sum(diag(var(data))) # estimate of attractor size
  if ((N - tau *(maxEmb-1)) < numSamples){ # check whether enough data points exist for random sampling
    numSamples = N - tau*(maxEmb-1)
    samps = 1:numSamples
  } else {
    samps = 1:(N - tau*(maxEmb-1)) # generate random sample
    samps = samps[sample(length(samps), numSamples)]
  #  samps = read.table("C:/Users/mcoco/Dropbox/crqa_develop/functions_to_integrate/samps_mdFnn.txt", 
  #                     header = F) 
  #  samps = as.vector(samps[,1])
  # length(samps)
  embData = vector()
  i = 2
  for (i in 1:maxEmb){ # embed data
    # print(i)
    embData = cbind(embData, data[(1 + (i-1)*tau):(N-(maxEmb-i)*tau), 1:dims], deparse.level = 0)
    embData[1:10, ]
    dists = pdist2(embData^2, embData^2);
    dists[1:10, 1:10]
    r2d1 = yRd1 = 0
    j = 1
    for (j in 1:numSamples){ # get nearest neighbors and distances
      m = sort(dists[, samps[j]], index.return = TRUE);
      temp  = m$x
      coord = m$ix
      r2d1[j] = temp[2]
      yRd1[j] = coord[2]
    if (i == 1){
      r2d = r2d1
      yRd = r2d1
    } else {
      fnnTemp = 0
      j = 1
      for (j in 1:length(r2d1)){
        temp = dists[, samps[j]] # why is this here?
        # check whether neighbors are false
        Rtol_check = sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]) 
        Atol_check = abs(temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/Ra
        if (is.na(Rtol_check) != T & is.na(Atol_check) != T){
          if (Rtol_check > Rtol || Atol_check > Atol){
            fnnTemp[j] = 1;
          } else {
            fnnTemp[j] = 0;
        } else { 
          fnnTemp[j] = NaN
      fnnPerc[i] = 100*sum(fnnTemp, na.rm = T)/length(fnnTemp); # compute percentage of FNN
      r2d = r2d1;
      yRd = r2d1;
  embTimes = 1:maxEmb;
  return(list(fnnPerc = fnnPerc, embTimes = embTimes))

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