
Defines functions purl auth_type make_up proxy_url proxy

Documented in proxy

#' proxy options
#' @name proxies
#' @param url (character) URL, with scheme (http/https), domain and
#' port (must be numeric). required.
#' @param user (character) username, optional
#' @param pwd (character) password, optional
#' @param auth (character) authentication type, one of basic (default),
#' digest, digest_ie, gssnegotiate, ntlm, any or `NULL`. optional
#' @details See https://www.hidemyass.com/proxy for a list of proxies you
#' can use
#' @examples
#' proxy("")
#' proxy("")
#' proxy("", "foo", "bar")
#' proxy("", "foo", "bar", auth = "digest")
#' proxy("", "foo", "bar", auth = "ntlm")
#' # socks
#' proxy("socks5://localhost:9050/", auth = NULL)
#' \dontrun{
#' # with proxy (look at request/outgoing headers)
#' # (res <- HttpClient$new(
#' #   url = "http://www.google.com",
#' #   proxies = proxy("")
#' # ))
#' # res$proxies
#' # res$get(verbose = TRUE)
#' # vs. without proxy (look at request/outgoing headers)
#' # (res2 <- HttpClient$new(url = "http://www.google.com"))
#' # res2$get(verbose = TRUE)
#' # Use authentication
#' # (res <- HttpClient$new(
#' #   url = "http://google.com",
#' #   proxies = proxy("", user = "foo", pwd = "bar")
#' # ))
#' # another example
#' # (res <- HttpClient$new(
#' #   url = "http://ip.tyk.nu/",
#' #   proxies = proxy("")
#' # ))
#' # res$get()$parse("UTF-8")
#' }

#' @export
#' @rdname proxies
proxy <- function(url, user = NULL, pwd = NULL, auth = "basic") {
  url <- proxy_url(url)
    proxy = if (grepl("socks", url$url)) url$url else url$domain,
    proxyport = url$port,
    proxyuserpwd = make_up(user, pwd),
    proxyauth = auth_type(auth)
  )), class = "proxy")

proxy_url <- function(x) {
  tmp <- tryCatch(urltools::url_parse(x), error = function(e) e)
  if (inherits(tmp, "error")) {
    stop("proxy URL not of correct form, check your URL", call. = FALSE)
  port <- tryCatch(as.numeric(tmp$port), warning = function(w) w)
  if (inherits(port, "warning")) stop("port ", tmp$port, " was not numeric",
                                      call. = FALSE)
  tmp$url <- urltools::url_compose(tmp)
  tmp$port <- port
  if (grepl("socks", tmp$scheme)) {
    tmp$port <- NULL 

make_up <- function(user, pwd) {
  assert(user, "character")
  assert(pwd, "character")
  if (!is.null(user) || !is.null(pwd)) {
    return(paste0(user, ":", pwd))

auth_type <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "character"))
    basic = 1,
    digest = 2,
    digest_ie = 16,
    gssnegotiate = 4,
    ntlm = 8,
    any = -17,
    stop("auth not in acceptable set, see ?proxies", call. = FALSE)

purl <- function(x) {
  if (grepl("socks", x$proxy)) {
    sprintf("%s (auth: %s)", x$proxy, !is.null(x$proxyuserpwd))
  } else {
    sprintf("http://%s:%s (auth: %s)",
            x$proxy, x$proxyport %||% "", !is.null(x$proxyuserpwd))

Try the crul package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

crul documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9 p.m.