
Defines functions num_format last fround find_cert_bundle drop_name curl_opts_fil def_head check_for_package norm_headers prep_opts assert_opts assert sw ccp `%||%`

`%||%` <- function(x, y) if (is.null(x)) y else x

ccp <- function(x) Filter(Negate(is.null), x)

sw <- function(x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)

assert <- function(x, y) {
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (!class(x) %in% y) {
      stop(deparse(substitute(x)), " must be of class ",
           paste0(y, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)

assert_opts <- function(x, y) {
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (!x %in% y) {
      stop(deparse(substitute(x)), " must be in the set ",
           paste0(y, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)

prep_opts <- function(method, url, self, opts, ...) {
  if (method != "post") {
    opts$opts$customrequest <- toupper(method)
  if (!is.null(opts$type)) {
    if (nchar(opts$type[[1]]) == 0) {
      opts$type <- NULL
  rr <- list(
    url = url,
    method = method,
    options = ccp(as.list(opts$opts)),
    headers = as.list(c(opts$type, def_head())),
    fields = opts$fields
  rr$headers <- norm_headers(rr$headers, self$headers)
  if (!"useragent" %in% self$opts && !'user-agent' %in% tolower(names(rr$headers))) {
    rr$options$useragent <- make_ua()
  rr$options <- utils::modifyList(
    c(self$opts, self$proxies, self$auth, self$progress, ...)
  rr$options <- curl_opts_fil(rr$options)

norm_headers <- function(x, y) {
  if (length(names(y)) > 0) {
    x <- x[!names(x) %in% names(y)]
    x <- c(x, y)

check_for_package <- function(x) {
  if (!requireNamespace(x, quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop(sprintf("Please install '%s'", x), call. = FALSE)
  } else {

def_head <- function() {
    # `User-Agent` = make_ua(),
    `Accept-Encoding` = 'gzip, deflate',
    `Accept` = 'application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*'

# drop any options that are not in the set of valid curl options
curl_opts_fil <- function(z) {
  valco <- names(curl::curl_options())
  z[names(z) %in% valco]

# drop named things
drop_name <- function(x, y) {
  x[!names(x) %in% y]

# adapted from https://github.com/hadley/httr
find_cert_bundle <- function() {
  if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows")

  env <- Sys.getenv("CURL_CA_BUNDLE")
  if (!identical(env, ""))

  bundled <- file.path(R.home("etc"), "curl-ca-bundle.crt")
  if (file.exists(bundled))

  # Fall back to certificate bundle in openssl
  system.file("cacert.pem", package = "openssl")

fround <- function(x, accuracy) {
  tmp <- floor(x/accuracy) * accuracy
  if (tmp == x) x - accuracy else tmp

last <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 0) return(list())

# Format numbers so they don't turn into scientific notation
num_format <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x) || !is.numeric(x)) return(x)
  format(x, trim = TRUE, drop0trailing = TRUE, scientific = FALSE)

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crul documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9 p.m.