
context("Cube subsets")

# Skip tests on windows (because they're slow and CRAN complains)
if (tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) != "windows") {
    test_that("replaceMissingWithTRUE", {
            replaceMissingWithTRUE(alist(, 1)),
            list(TRUE, 1)
            replaceMissingWithTRUE(alist(, non_object))[[2]],
            "object 'non_object' not found"

    test_that("replaceCharWithNumeric", {
        dimnames <- c("cats", "dogs", "llamas")
            replaceCharWithNumeric(dimnames, c("dogs", "cats", "llamas")),
            c(2, 1, 3)
            replaceCharWithNumeric(dimnames, c("cats", "llamas"), visible = c(T, F, T)),
            c(1, 2)
            replaceCharWithNumeric(dimnames, c("apple", "bananas")),
            "Invalid categories: apple and bananas"

            replaceCharWithNumeric(dimnames, c("dogs", "dogs", "cats")),
            "Index is not unique. Cube subetting is only supported for unique indices."
            replaceCharWithNumeric(dimnames, c(1, 1, 1, 1)),
            "Index is not unique. Cube subetting is only supported for unique indices."
                c("cats", "cats", "cats"),
                "Duplicate categories detected, please use a numeric or logical subset."

    test_that("translateHidden", {
        not_hidden <- c(T, T, F, F)
        expect_equal(translateHidden(1:2, not_hidden), c(1, 2))
        expect_equal(translateHidden(2:1, not_hidden), c(2, 1))
        expect_equal(translateHidden(1, not_hidden, drop = FALSE), c(1, 3, 4))
        expect_equal(translateHidden(2, not_hidden, drop = FALSE), c(2, 3, 4))

        not_hidden <- c(F, T, F, F, T, T)
        expect_equal(translateHidden(1:2, not_hidden), c(2, 5))
        expect_equal(translateHidden(c(3, 1), not_hidden), c(6, 2))
        expect_equal(translateHidden(c(3, 1, 2), not_hidden), c(6, 2, 5))
        expect_error(translateHidden(1:20, not_hidden), "Incorrect number of dimensions")

        not_hidden <- c(F, T, T)
        expect_equal(translateHidden(2, not_hidden, drop = TRUE), 3)
        expect_equal(translateHidden(2, not_hidden, drop = FALSE), c(1, 3))
        expect_equal(translateHidden(1:2, not_hidden, drop = TRUE), c(2, 3))

    test_that("translate hidden handles ifAny", {
        not_hidden <- c(F, T, T, F)
        # in the ifAny case, there are some categories which are hidden, but are
        # visible because there are some cases.
        visible <- c(T, T, T, F)
        expect_equal(translateHidden(c(1, 2), not_hidden), c(2, 3))
        expect_equal(translateHidden(c(1, 2), not_hidden, vis = visible), c(1, 2))

    cat_x_mr_x_mr <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/cat-x-mr-x-mr.json"))
    catarray_x_mr <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/catarray-x-mr.json"))

    test_that("subsetArrayDimension categorical dimension", {
        expected <- list(
            name = c("cats", "No Data"),
            missing = c(FALSE, TRUE),
            references = list(
                alias = "animal",
                name = "animal",
                type = "categorical",
                categories = list(
                        numeric_value = 1L,
                        missing = FALSE,
                        id = 1L, name = "cats"
                        numeric_value = NULL,
                        missing = TRUE,
                        id = -1L,
                        name = "No Data"
        expect_identical(subsetArrayDimension(cat_x_mr_x_mr@dims[[1]], 1:2, "categorical"), expected)

    test_that("subsetArrayDimension MR dimension", {
        expected <- list(
            name = c("rest_opinion", "play_opinion"),
            missing = c(FALSE, FALSE),
            references = list(
                description = "",
                format = list(
                    summary = list(digits = 0L)
                subreferences = list(
                    "rest_opinion__1" = list(alias = "rest_opinion__1", name = "rest_opinion"),
                    "play_opinion__1" = list(alias = "play_opinion__1", name = "play_opinion")
                notes = "",
                name = "opinion MR",
                discarded = FALSE,
                alias = "opinion_mr",
                view = list(
                    show_counts = FALSE,
                    include_missing = FALSE,
                    column_width = NULL
                type = "subvariable_items",
                subvariables = c("food_opinion__1/", "rest_opinion__1/", "play_opinion__1/")
        expect_identical(subsetArrayDimension(cat_x_mr_x_mr@dims[[2]], 2:3, "mr_items"), expected)

    test_that("subsetArrayDimension categorical array dimension", {
        expected <- list(
            name = c("cat_feeling"),
            missing = c(FALSE),
            references = list(
                subreferences = list(
                    "cat_feeling" = list(alias = "cat_feeling", name = "cat_feeling")
                name = "feeling CA",
                alias = "feeling_ca",
                type = "subvariable_items",
                subvariables = c("cat_feeling/", "dog_feeling/")
        expect_identical(subsetArrayDimension(catarray_x_mr@dims[[1]], 1, "ca_items"), expected)

        expected <- list(
            name = c("Somewhat Happy", "Neutral"),
            missing = c(FALSE, FALSE),
            references = list(
                subreferences = list(
                    "cat_feeling" = list(alias = "cat_feeling", name = "cat_feeling"),
                    "dog_feeling" = list(alias = "dog_feeling", name = "dog_feeling")
                name = "feeling CA",
                alias = "feeling_ca",
                type = "categorical",
                subvariables = c("cat_feeling/", "dog_feeling/"),
                categories = list(
                        numeric_value = 2L,
                        id = 2L,
                        name = "Somewhat Happy",
                        missing = FALSE
                        numeric_value = 3L,
                        id = 3L,
                        name = "Neutral",
                        missing = FALSE
            subsetArrayDimension(catarray_x_mr@dims[[2]], c(2:3), "ca_categories"),

    test_that("translateCubeIndex", {
            translateCubeIndex(cat_x_mr_x_mr, alist(1, , ), drop = FALSE),
            alist(1, , TRUE, , TRUE)
            translateCubeIndex(cat_x_mr_x_mr, alist(1:2, 1:2, 1:2), drop = FALSE),
            alist(1:2, 1:2, TRUE, 1:2, TRUE)
            translateCubeIndex(cat_x_mr_x_mr, alist(1:2, 1, 2), drop = FALSE),
            alist(1:2, 1, TRUE, 2, TRUE)

        # MR selection entries are set to index 1 when the indicator is dropped
            translateCubeIndex(cat_x_mr_x_mr, alist(1:2, 1, 2), drop = TRUE),
            alist(1:2, 1, 1, 2, 1)

                               alist(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), c(TRUE, FALSE)),
                               drop = TRUE
            alist(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), TRUE, c(TRUE, FALSE), TRUE)

    test_that("cube [ method errors correctly", {
        cube <- cat_x_mr_x_mr
        expect_equal(length(dim(cube)), 3)
            cube[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
                "You must supply 3 dimensions to subset a 3 ",
                "dimensional cube; you supplied 6."
        err <- paste0(c(
            "Invalid subset:",
            "- At position 1 you tried to select element 3 when the dimension has 2 elements.",
            "- At position 2 you tried to select element 4 when the dimension has 3 elements."
        collapse = "\n"
        expect_error(cube[3, 4, 1], err)
        expect_error(cube[rep(TRUE, 3), 4, 1], err)
        expect_silent(showMissing(cube)[3, 1, 1])

    test_that("[ method for cat by cat cubes", {
        cube <- cube_withNA <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/cat-x-cat.json"))
        cube_withNA@useNA <- "always"

        subset_cube <- showMissing(cube)[1:2, ] # drop the No Data row
        expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube")
        expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(2, 4))

        expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(2, 4))
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(showMissing(cube))[1:2, ])

        # drop a non-missing row
        subset_cube <- cube[1, , drop = FALSE] # drop the second row (C)
        expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube")
        expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(1, 2))

        # since the cube retains the missing dimension, it defaults behavior to
        # `drop = FALSE`, though this isn't true of the the array since only one
        # element is being selected from that dimension
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[1, , drop = FALSE])

        # check that useNA doesn't impact
        subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[c(1, 3), ] # drop the second row (C)
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[c(1, 3), ])

        # drop, selecting a missing category on columns
        drop_cube <- cube[1:2, 1:2]
        expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube")
        expect_equal(dim(drop_cube), c(2, 2))

        expect_equal(as.array(drop_cube), as.array(cube)[1:2, 1:2, drop = FALSE])

        # no drop, selecting a missing category on columns
        no_drop_cube <- cube[1, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
        expect_is(no_drop_cube, "CrunchCube")
        expect_equal(dim(no_drop_cube), c(1, 2))
        expect_equal(as.array(no_drop_cube), as.array(cube)[1, 1:2, drop = FALSE])

    test_that("[ method for MR cubes", {
        cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr
        cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA@useNA <- "always"
        # subset rows
        # drop the No Data row which is #2 here! d
        subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr <- showMissing(cat_x_mr_x_mr)[c(1, 3), , ]
        expect_is(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr, "CrunchCube")
        expect_equal(dim(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), c(2, 3, 2))
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr)[1:2, , ])

        subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[c(1, 3), , ]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[c(1, 3), , ])
        subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[c(1, 2), , ]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[c(1, 2), , ])

        # subset cols
        # drop the No Data row which is #2 here!
        subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr <- cat_x_mr_x_mr[, c(1, 3), ]
        expect_is(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr, "CrunchCube")
        expect_equal(dim(showMissing(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr)), c(3, 2, 2))

        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr)[, c(1, 3), ])

        subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[, c(1, 3), ]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[, c(1, 3), ])
        subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[, c(1, 2), ]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[, c(1, 2), ])

        # subset cols with drop
        subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr <- cat_x_mr_x_mr[, 3, ]
        expect_is(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr, "CrunchCube")
        expect_equal(dim(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), c(2, 2))
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr)[, 3, ])

        subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[, 3, ]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[, 3, ])
        subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[, 2, ]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[, 2, ])

        # subset slices
        subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr <- cat_x_mr_x_mr[, , 2]
        expect_is(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr, "CrunchCube")
        expect_equal(dim(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), c(2, 3))
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr)[, , 2])

        subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA <- cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA[, , 2]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA), as.array(cat_x_mr_x_mr_withNA)[, , 2])

    test_that("[ method for cat array cubes", {
        cube <- cube_withNA <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/catarray-x-cat.json"))
        cube_withNA@useNA <- "always"

        # subset rows
        # drop the No Data row which is #2 here!
        subset_cube <- cube[2, , ]
        expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube")
        expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(5, 2))
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[2, , ])

        subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[2, , ]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[2, , ])

        # subset cols
        subset_cube <- cube[, c(1, 3), ]
        expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube")
        expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(2, 2, 2))
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[, c(1, 3), ])

        subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[, c(1, 3), ]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[, c(1, 3), ])
        subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[, c(1, 2), ]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[, c(1, 2), ])

        # subset cols with drop
        subset_cube <- cube[, 3, ]
        expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube")

        expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(2, 2))
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[, 3, ])

        subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[, 3, ]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[, 3, ])

        # subset slices
        subset_cube <- cube[, , 1:2]
        expect_is(subset_cube, "CrunchCube")
        expect_equal(dim(subset_cube), c(2, 5, 2))
        expect_equal(dim(showMissing(subset_cube)), c(2, 6, 2))
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[, , 1:2])

        subset_cube_withNA <- cube_withNA[, , 1:2]
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube_withNA), as.array(cube_withNA)[, , 1:2])

    test_that("subsetting with reordering works", {
        cat_x_cat <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/cat-x-cat.json"))
        expect_equal(as.array(cat_x_cat[c(2, 1), ]), as.array(cat_x_cat)[c(2, 1), ])
        expect_equal(as.array(cat_x_cat[c(2, 1), c(2, 1)]), as.array(cat_x_cat)[c(2, 1), c(2, 1)])

        catarray_x_mr <- loadCube(test_path("cubes/catarray-x-mr.json"))
            as.array(catarray_x_mr[c(2, 1), , ]),
            as.array(catarray_x_mr)[c(2, 1), , ]
            as.array(catarray_x_mr[, , c(3, 1, 2)]),
            as.array(catarray_x_mr)[, , c(3, 1, 2)]
            as.array(catarray_x_mr[, 5:2, ]),
            as.array(catarray_x_mr)[, 5:2, ]

            as.array(catarray_x_mr[, 5:2, ]),
            as.array(catarray_x_mr)[, 5:2, ]
            as.array(catarray_x_mr[2:1, c("Extremely Happy", "Somewhat Happy"), 1:2]),
            as.array(catarray_x_mr)[2:1, c("Extremely Happy", "Somewhat Happy"), 1:2]
        catarray_x_mr_ifany <- catarray_x_mr
            as.array(catarray_x_mr_ifany[2:1, 2:3, 1:2]),
            as.array(catarray_x_mr_ifany)[2:1, 2:3, 1:2]

    test_that("subsetting works when @useNA == 'ifany'", {
        cube <- loadCube("cubes/univariate-categorical.json")
        expect_equal(dim(cube), 2)
        cube_ifany <- showIfAny(cube)
        expect_equal(dim(cube_ifany), 3)
        expect_equal(as.array(cube_ifany[1]), as.array(cube_ifany)[1])
        expect_equal(as.array(cube_ifany[1:2]), as.array(cube_ifany)[1:2])

        # multivariate
        cube <- loadCube("cubes/cat-x-cat.json")
        expect_equal(dim(cube), c(2, 2))
        cube_ifany <- showIfAny(cube)
        expect_equal(dim(cube_ifany), c(2, 3))
        expect_equal(as.array(cube_ifany[1:2, ]), as.array(cube_ifany)[1:2, ])
        expect_equal(as.array(cube_ifany[1:2, 1]), as.array(cube_ifany)[1:2, 1])

        # make sure hidden categories are not displayed when output is a vector
        expect_equal(as.array(cube_ifany[1, ]), as.array(cube_ifany)[1, ])
        expect_equal(as.array(cube[1, ]), as.array(cube)[1, ])

    test_that("[ method with variables because `eval` needs the right frame", {
        cube <- cube_withNA <- loadCube("cubes/cat-x-cat.json")

        x <- 1
        y <- 2
        subset_cube <- cube[, c(x, y)] # drop the No Data row
        expect_equal(as.array(subset_cube), as.array(cube)[, c(1, 2)])

        inside_function <- function() {
            x_new <- 1
            y_new <- 2
            return(cube[, c(x_new, y_new)])
        expect_equal(as.array(inside_function()), as.array(cube)[, c(1, 2)])

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crunch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:03 a.m.