
Defines functions autoquote.factor autoquote.character autoquote.default autoquote .autoquote has_comma as.csv.data.frame as.csv.character as.csv

Documented in as.csv as.csv.character as.csv.data.frame autoquote autoquote.character autoquote.default autoquote.factor

#' Read or Write CSV Using Selected Conventions
#' Reads or writes CSV files in a conventional way.
#' Generic, with methods for character and data.frame.
#' A length-one character argument is treated as a
#' filepath and tries to return a data.frame.
#' A data.frame argument is written to the specified
#' filepath. Typically, \code{quote} and \code{row.names}
#' are FALSE and \code{na} is ".".  When reading, white
#' space and empty strings are treated as NA, and \code{strip.white}
#' is TRUE. When writing, values with commas or
#' double-quotes are double-quoted (and embedded double-quotes are doubled).
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.csv.character}}, \code{\link{as.csv.data.frame}}
#' @family as.csv
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- head(Theoph)
#' filepath <- file.path(tempdir(),'theoph.csv')
#' as.csv(data,filepath)
#' as.csv(filepath)

as.csv <- function(x,...)UseMethod('as.csv')

#' Treat Character as CSV filename.
#' Treat a character string as a CSV filename.
#' If x is character, is length one, and is a path to a file, an attempt is made to read the file.  
#' @param x character file path
#' @param as.is passed to \code{\link{read.csv}}
#' @param na.strings passed to \code{\link{read.csv}}
#' @param strip.white passed to \code{\link{read.csv}}
#' @param check.names passed to \code{\link{read.csv}}
#' @param source whether to assign x as the source attribute of the return value
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link{read.csv}} if accepted by \code{\link{read.table}}
#' @return data.frame, with attribute 'source' set to x
#' @family as.csv
#' @export
as.csv.character <- function(
  source = getOption('csv_source', TRUE),
  stopifnot(length(source) == 1)
  args <- list(...)
  form <- names(formals(utils::read.table))
  args <- args[names(args) %in% form]
  y <- do.call(
  if(source) attr(y,'source') <- x

#' Save a Data Frame as CSV.
#' Saves a data.frame as CSV, using selected conventions.
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param file passed to \code{\link{write.csv}}
#' @param na passed to \code{\link{write.csv}}
#' @param quote passed to \code{\link{write.csv}}
#' @param auto double-quote column names and row values with embedded commas or double-quotes; the latter are escaped by doubling them
#' @param row.names passed to \code{\link{write.csv}}
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link{write.csv}} if accepted by \code{\link{write.table}}
#' @return invisible data.frame (x)
#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom stringi stri_detect_fixed
#' @family as.csv
#' @examples 
#' x <- data.frame(
#'   check.names = FALSE,
#'   stringsAsFactors = TRUE,
#'   person = 1:3, 
#'   `name, suffix` = c("Bill Smith", 'Joseph "Joe" Hancock', "Mary Laguire, DDS")
#' )
#' file <- tempfile()
#' as.csv(x,file)
#' y <- as.csv(file,as.is=FALSE)
#' attr(y,'source')
#' attr(y,'source') <- NULL
#' x
#' y
#' stopifnot(identical(x,y))

as.csv.data.frame <- function(x, file, na='.', quote=FALSE, auto=!quote, row.names=FALSE, ...){
  if(!quote & !auto){
   comma <- sapply(x, has_comma)
    nms <- names(comma)[comma]
      'quote and auto are false but found comma(s) in ',
       paste(nms,collapse=', ')
  # dup <- x[duplicated(x),,drop = FALSE]
  # dup <- data.frame(dup)
  dup <- anyDuplicated(as.data.table(x)) #dup_at(x)
  if(dup > 0){
      'found duplicate(s) at record ',dup, ' e.g.:\n',
        collapse=', '
  if(auto)x[] <- lapply(x, autoquote)
  if(auto)names(x) <- autoquote(names(x))
  args <- list(...)
  form <- names(formals(utils::write.table))
  args <- args[names(args) %in% form]
has_comma <- function(x){
  y <- format(x)
  matches <- stringi::stri_detect_fixed(y, ',', max_count = 1)
  present <- any(na.rm = TRUE, matches)
.autoquote <- function(x,...){
  hasComma <- stri_detect_fixed(x, ',')
  hasComma[is.na(hasComma)] <- FALSE
  hasQuote <- stri_detect_fixed(x, '"')
  hasQuote[is.na(hasQuote)] <- FALSE
  mustQuote <- hasComma | hasQuote
  x[hasQuote] <- gsub('"','""', x[hasQuote])
  x[mustQuote] <- paste0('"',x[mustQuote],'"')

# for two data.frames and an i valid on x, 
# where y is distinct(x), 
# either i and i-1 both match, both mismatch, or split.
# dfmatch <- function(x,y)isTRUE(all_equal(x,y,ignore_row_order = FALSE))
# continuity <- function(x, y, i){
#   if(i > nrow(x)) stop('i greater than nrow(x)')
#   if(i-1 > nrow(y)) return(1)
#   if(i > nrow(y)){
#     if(dfmatch(x[i-1,], y[i-1,])){
#       return(0)
#     } else{
#       return(1)
#     }
#   }
#   # now i and i-1 valid on both
#   a <- dfmatch(x[i-1,], y[i-1,])
#   b <- dfmatch(x[i,], y[i,])
#   if(a & b) return(-1)
#   if(!a & !b) return(1)
#   # now only one of these matches, likely a
#   return(0)
# }
# firstDifference <- function(x, y, i = 2, lo = 2, hi = nrow(x), ...){
#   stopifnot(nrow(y) < nrow(x))
#   # now y i.e. distinct x must have at least 1 record, and x at least 2
#   res <- continuity(x, y, i)
#   stopifnot(res %in% -1:1)
#   if(res == 0)return(i)
#   if(res == -1) lo = lo + 1
#   if(res ==  1) hi = hi - 1
#   can <- seq(from = lo, to = hi)
#   i <- can[[ceiling(length(can)/2)]]
#   return(firstDifference(x, y, i = i, lo = lo, hi = hi ))
# }
# firstDifference <- function(x, y, i = 2, lo = 2, hi = nrow(x), ...){
#   stopifnot(nrow(y) < nrow(x))
#   # now y i.e. distinct x must have at least 1 record, and x at least 2
#   res <- continuity(x, y, i)
#   stopifnot(res %in% -1:1)
#   while(res != 0){
#     # cat('i =',i,'\n')
#     if(res == -1) lo = i + 1
#     if(res ==  1) hi = i - 1 
#     can <- seq(from = lo, to = hi)
#     i <- can[[ceiling(length(can)/2)]]
#     res <- continuity(x, y, i)
#     stopifnot(res %in% -1:1)
#   }
#   # now res is 0 with current value of i
#   return(i)
# }

# dup_at <- function(x){
#   y <- distinct(x)
#   if(nrow(y) == nrow(x)) return(0)
#   return(firstDifference(x, y))
# }

#' Autoquote
#' Autoquote.  Generic, with default, character, and factor methods.
#' @family autoquote
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
autoquote <- function(x,...)UseMethod('autoquote')

#' Autoquote Default
#' Autoquote default.  Coerces to character and autoquotes.
#' @family autoquote
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
autoquote.default <- function(x,...).autoquote(as.character(x))

#' Autoquote Character
#' Autoquote character.  Quotes elements with commas or double quotes; the latter are doubled.
#' @family autoquote
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
autoquote.character <- function(x,...).autoquote(x,...)

#' Autoquote Factor
#' Autoquote factor.  Quotes levels with commas or double quotes; the latter are doubled.
#' @family autoquote
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
autoquote.factor <- function(x,...){
  levels(x) <- autoquote(levels(x))

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csv documentation built on July 5, 2022, 1:10 a.m.