#' Integration by Stratified Sampling for Variance Reduction
#' Divonne works by stratified sampling, where the partioning of the
#' integration region is aided by methods from numerical optimization.
#' Divonne uses stratified sampling for variance reduction, that is, it
#' partitions the integration region such that all subregions have an
#' approximately equal value of a quantity called the spread (volume times
#' half-range).
#' See details in the documentation.
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @inheritParams vegas
#' @param f The function (integrand) to be integrated as in
#' [cuhre()]. Optionally, the function can take an
#' additional argument in addition to the variable being
#' integrated: - `cuba_phase` - indicating the integration phase:
#' \describe{
#' \item{0}{sampling of the points in `xgiven`}
#' \item{1}{partitioning phase}
#' \item{2}{final integration phase}
#' \item{3}{refinement phase}
#' }
#' This information might be useful if
#' the integrand takes long to compute and a sufficiently accurate
#' approximation of the integrand is available. The actual value
#' of the integral is only of minor importance in the partitioning
#' phase, which is instead much more dependent on the peak
#' structure of the integrand to find an appropriate
#' tessellation. An approximation which reproduces the peak
#' structure while leaving out the fine details might hence be a
#' perfectly viable and much faster substitute when
#' `cuba_phase < 2`. In all other instances, phase can be
#' ignored and it is entirely admissible to define the integrand
#' without it.
#' @param key1 integer that determines sampling in the partitioning
#' phase: `key1 = 7, 9, 11, 13` selects the cubature rule of
#' degree `key1`. Note that the degree-11 rule is available
#' only in 3 dimensions, the degree-13 rule only in 2
#' dimensions. For other values of `key1`, a quasi-random
#' sample of \eqn{n=|key1|}{`n=|key1|`} points is used, where
#' the sign of `key1` determines the type of sample,
#' `key1 = 0`, use the default rule. `key1 > 0`, use a
#' Korobov quasi-random sample, `key1 < 0`, use a Sobol
#' quasi-random sample if `flags$seed` is zero, otherwise a
#' \dQuote{standard} sample (Mersenne Twister) pseudo-random
#' sample
#' @param key2 integer that determines sampling in the final
#' integration phase: same as `key1`, but here
#' \eqn{n=|key2|}{`n = |key2|`} determines the number of
#' points, \eqn{n > 39}{`n > 39`}, sample \eqn{n} points,
#' \eqn{n < 40}{`n < 40`}, sample \eqn{n}{`n`}
#' \code{nneed} points, where `nneed` is the number of points
#' needed to reach the prescribed accuracy, as estimated by
#' Divonne from the results of the partitioning phase.
#' @param key3 integer that sets the strategy for the refinement
#' phase: `key3 = 0`, do not treat the subregion any further.
#' `key3 = 1`, split the subregion up once more. Otherwise,
#' the subregion is sampled a third time with `key3`
#' specifying the sampling parameters exactly as `key2`
#' above.
#' @param maxPass integer that controls the thoroughness of the
#' partitioning phase: The partitioning phase terminates when the
#' estimated total number of integrand evaluations (partitioning
#' plus final integration) does not decrease for `maxPass`
#' successive iterations. A decrease in points generally indicates
#' that Divonne discovered new structures of the integrand and was
#' able to find a more effective partitioning. `maxPass` can
#' be understood as the number of \dQuote{safety} iterations that
#' are performed before the partition is accepted as final and
#' counting consequently restarts at zero whenever new structures
#' are found.
#' @param border the relative width of the border of the integration
#' region. Points falling into the border region will not be
#' sampled directly, but will be extrapolated from two samples
#' from the interior. Use a non-zero `border` if the
#' integrand subroutine cannot produce values directly on the
#' integration boundary. The relative width of the border is
#' identical in all the dimensions. For example, set
#' `border=0.1` for a border of width equal to 10\% of the
#' width of the integration region.
#' @param maxChisq the maximum \eqn{\chi^2}{Chi2} value a single
#' subregion is allowed to have in the final integration
#' phase. Regions which fail this \eqn{\chi^2}{Chi2} test and
#' whose sample averages differ by more than `min.deviation`
#' move on to the refinement phase.
#' @param minDeviation a bound, given as the fraction of the requested
#' error of the entire integral, which determines whether it is
#' worthwhile further examining a region that failed the
#' \eqn{\chi^2}{Chi2} test. Only if the two sampling averages
#' obtained for the region differ by more than this bound is the
#' region further treated.
#' @param xGiven a matrix (`nDim`, `nGiven`). A list of
#' `nGiven` points where the integrand might have peaks.
#' Divonne will consider these points when partitioning the
#' integration region. The idea here is to help the integrator
#' find the extrema of the integrand in the presence of very
#' narrow peaks. Even if only the approximate location of such
#' peaks is known, this can considerably speed up convergence.
#' @param nExtra the maximum number of extra points the peak-finder
#' subroutine will return. If `nextra` is zero,
#' `peakfinder` is not called and an arbitrary object may be
#' passed in its place, e.g. just 0.
#' @param peakFinder the peak-finder subroutine. This R function is
#' called whenever a region is up for subdivision and is supposed
#' to point out possible peaks lying in the region, thus acting as
#' the dynamic counterpart of the static list of points supplied
#' in `xgiven`. It is expected to be declared as
#' `peakFinder <- function(bounds, nMax)` where `bounds`
#' is a matrix of dimension `(2, nDim)` which contains the
#' lower (row 1) and upper (row 2) bounds of the subregion. The
#' returned value should be a matrix `(nX, nDim)` where
#' `nX` is the actual number of points (should be less or
#' equal to `nMax`).
#' @return A list with components: \describe{\item{nregions}{the actual
#' number of subregions needed} \item{neval}{the actual number
#' of integrand evaluations needed} \item{returnCode}{if zero,
#' the desired accuracy was reached, if -1,
#' dimension out of range, if 1, the accuracy goal was not met
#' within the allowed maximum number of integrand evaluations.}
#' \item{integral}{vector of length \code{nComp}; the integral of
#' `integrand` over the hypercube} \item{error}{vector of
#' length `nComp`; the presumed absolute error of
#' `integral`} \item{prob}{vector of length `nComp`;
#' the \eqn{\chi^2}{Chi2}-probability (not the
#' \eqn{\chi^2}{Chi2}-value itself!) that `error` is not a
#' reliable estimate of the true integration error.}}
#' @seealso [cuhre()], [suave()], [vegas()]
#' @references J. H. Friedman, M. H. Wright (1981) A nested partitioning
#' procedure for numerical multiple integration. \emph{ACM Trans. Math.
#' Software}, \bold{7}(1), 76-92.
#' J. H. Friedman, M. H. Wright (1981) User's guide for DIVONNE. SLAC Report
#' CGTM-193-REV, CGTM-193, Stanford University.
#' T. Hahn (2005) CUBA-a library for multidimensional numerical integration.
#' \emph{Computer Physics Communications}, \bold{168}, 78-95.
#' @keywords math
#' @examples
#' integrand <- function(arg, phase) {
#' x <- arg[1]
#' y <- arg[2]
#' z <- arg[3]
#' ff <- sin(x)*cos(y)*exp(z);
#' return(ff)
#' }
#' divonne(integrand, relTol=1e-3, absTol=1e-12, lowerLimit = rep(0, 3), upperLimit = rep(1, 3),
#' flags=list(verbose = 2), key1= 47)
#' # Example with a peak-finder function
#' nDim <- 3L
#' peakf <- function(bounds, nMax) {
#' # print(bounds) # matrix (ndim,2)
#' x <- matrix(0, ncol = nMax, nrow = nDim)
#' pas <- 1 / (nMax - 1)
#' # 1ier point
#' x[, 1] <- rep(0, nDim)
#' # Les autres points
#' for (i in 2L:nMax) {
#' x[, i] <- x[, (i - 1)] + pas
#' }
#' x
#' } #end peakf
#' divonne(integrand, relTol=1e-3, absTol=1e-12,
#' lowerLimit = rep(0, 3), upperLimit = rep(1, 3),
#' flags=list(verbose = 2), peakFinder = peakf, nExtra = 4L)
#' @export divonne
divonne <- function(f, nComp = 1L, lowerLimit, upperLimit, ...,
relTol = 1e-5, absTol = 1e-12,
minEval = 0L, maxEval = 10^6,
flags = list(verbose = 0L,
final = 1L,
keep_state = 0L,
level = 0L),
rngSeed = 0L,
nVec = 1L,
key1 = 47L, key2 = 1L, key3 = 1L,
maxPass = 5L, border = 0, maxChisq = 10,
minDeviation = 0.25,
xGiven = NULL, nExtra = 0L,
peakFinder = NULL,
stateFile = NULL) {
nL <- length(lowerLimit); nU <- length(upperLimit)
if (nComp <= 0L || nL <= 0L || nU <= 0L) {
stop("Both f and x must have dimension >= 1")
if (nL != nU) {
stop("lowerLimit and upperLimit must have same length")
if (relTol <= 0) {
stop("tol should be positive!")
## xGiven check
if (!is.null(xGiven)) {
if (!is.matrix(xGiven))
stop("xGiven should be a matrix")
nGiven <- ncol(xGiven)
ldxGiven <- nrow(xGiven)
if (ldxGiven != nL)
stop("Matrix xgiven should have nDim rows")
else {
nGiven <- 0
ldxGiven <- nL
all_flags <- cuba_all_flags
for (x in names(flags)) all_flags[[x]] <- flags[[x]]
f <-
cuba_params_exist <- "cuba_phase" %in% names(formals(f))
if (all(is.finite(c(lowerLimit, upperLimit)))) {
r <- upperLimit - lowerLimit
prodR <- prod(r)
fnF <- if (cuba_params_exist) {
function(x, cuba_phase) prodR * f(lowerLimit + r * x, cuba_phase = cuba_phase, ...)
} else {
function(x) prodR * f(lowerLimit + r * x, ...)
if (!is.null(xGiven)) {
xGiven <- apply(xGiven, 1, function(x) x / r)
} else {
lowerLimit <- atan(lowerLimit)
upperLimit <- atan(upperLimit)
r <- upperLimit - lowerLimit
if (!is.null(xGiven)) {
xGiven <- tan(xGiven)
prodR <- prod(r)
fnF <- if (nVec > 1L) {
if (cuba_params_exist) {
function(x, cuba_phase) {
y <- lowerLimit + r * x
prodR * f(tan(y), cuba_phase = cuba_phase, ...) / rep(apply(cos(y), 2, prod)^2, each = nComp)
} else {
function(x) {
y <- lowerLimit + r * x
prodR * f(tan(y), ...) / rep(apply(cos(y), 2, prod)^2, each = nComp)
} else {
if (cuba_params_exist) {
function(x, cuba_phase) {
y <- lowerLimit + r * x
prodR * f(tan(y), cuba_phase = cuba_phase, ...) / prod(cos(y))^2
} else {
function(x) {
y <- lowerLimit + r * x
prodR * f(tan(y), ...) / prod(cos(y))^2
flag_code <- all_flags$verbose + 2^2 * all_flags$final +
2^4 * all_flags$keep_state + 2^8 * all_flags$level
.Call('_cubature_doDivonne', PACKAGE = 'cubature',
nComp, fnF, nL,
nVec, minEval, maxEval,
absTol, relTol,
key1, key2, key3,
maxPass, border,
maxChisq, minDeviation,
nGiven, ldxGiven,
xGiven, nExtra,
rngSeed, flag_code, cuba_params_exist)
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