Man pages for cvasi
Calibration, Validation, and Simulation of TKTD Models

Algae-modelsAlgae models
Algae_SimpleAlgae model with exponential growth but without additional...
Algae_TKTDAlgae model with exponential growth, forcings (P, I) and...
Algae_WeberAlgae model with exponential growth and forcings (I, T)
americamysisA DEB abj scenario of Americamysis bahia
cache_controlsCache control simulations
calibrateFit model parameters to experimental data
CalibrationSetCalibration set
DEB-modelsDynamic Energy Budget (DEB) models
DEBtoxDEBtox model
dmagnaA DEBtox scenario of Daphnia magna
dose_responseCalculate a dose response curve
effectEffect level
epxEffect profiles (EPx values)
epx_mtwCalculate EPx values for a series of moving time window
explore_spaceExplore parameter space
ExposureSeriesExposure time-series
focusd1A Lemna_SETAC scenario with variable environment
fxGeneric to calculate effects for a particular scenario
get_modelGet model name
get_tagGet scenario tag
GUTS-RED-modelsGUTS-RED models
import_exposure_textImport exposure profiles from text files
import_swashSWASH project exposure profile import
import_toxswaRead TOXSWA exposure profiles from out-files
is_DEBTest if argument is a DEB model
is_GUTSTest if argument is a GUTS model
is_LemnaTest if argument is a Lemna model
is_LemnaThresholdTest if argument is a LemnaThreshold model
is_scenarioTest if argument is an effect scenario
Lemna-modelsLemna models
Lemna_SchmittLemna model (Schmitt et al. 2013)
Lemna_SETACLemna model (Klein et al. 2021)
lik_profileLikelihood profiling
log_enableStart and stop logging
log_envirLog R environment properties
log_likCalculate log likelihood
log_msgAdd a log message
log_scenariosLog scenario properties
Macrophyte-modelsMacrophyte models
metsulfuronLemna data published by Schmitt (2013)
minnow_itA GUTS-RED-IT scenario of the fathead minnow
minnow_sdA GUTS-RED-SD scenario of the fathead minnow
morseImport 'morse' model parameters
MyrioMyriophyllum model with exponential growth
Myrio_logMyriophyllum model with logistic growth
Myriophyllum-modelsMyriophyllum models
no_exposureZero exposure
parameter_setSet of model parameters
pipePipe operator
pll_debugDisable parallelization for debugging
plot_epxPlot EPx values
plot_lik_profilePlot likelihood profiles or all profiled parameters
plot_param_spacePlot likelihood profiles or all profiled parameters
plot_ppcCreates a PPC plot for a single dataset
plot_ppc_combiCreate PPC plot for one or more datasets
plot_scenarioCreates a prediction plot for one effect scenario
plot_sdCreates plot of model results (uncertainties optional)
pull_metadataPull metadata from scenarios
RsubcapitataAn algae scenario
ScenariosEffect scenario classes
Schmitt2013A Lemna data set with multiple treatment levels
sequenceSequence of scenarios
set_boundsSet boundaries of model parameters
set_endpointsSet effect endpoints
set_exposureSet exposure time-series
set_forcingsSet time-dependent parameters
set_initSet initial state
set_mode_of_actionSet mode of action
set_noexposureSet zero exposure
set_paramSet model parameters
set_tagSet a tag
set_timesSet output times
set_transferSet transfer events
set_windowSet window length
simulateSimulate an effect scenario
simulate_batchBatch simulation of several effect scenarios
solverCalls ODE solver for a particular model
survivalSurvival rate
TransferableBiomass transfer class
cvasi documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.