sequence: Sequence of scenarios

View source: R/sequence.R

sequenceR Documentation

Sequence of scenarios


A sequence of scenarios is treated as a single scenario and each scenario is simulated one after the other. If scenario n in a sequence was simulated, scenario n+1 will start off in the model state where n had ended. Scenario sequences can be used to e.g. implement changes in model parameters over time.



All scenarios in a sequence must fulfill the following requirements:

  • All scenarios must have identical state variables

  • The output times of all scenarios must represent a continuous time series without gaps or overlaps


Only simulation of sequences are supported, at the moment. Effects and effect profiles (EPx values) cannot be derived, yet.


an S4 object of type ScenarioSequence


# create two scenarios that need to be simulated one after the other
scen1 <- minnow_it %>% set_times(0:3)
scen2 <- minnow_it %>% set_times(3:6) %>% set_param(c(kd=0))

# create a sequence and assign scenarios
sq <- sequence(list(scen1, scen2))

# simulate the sequence


cvasi documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.