
Defines functions dai_notify dai_status dai_async_tab dai_sync_tab dai_async dai_sync

Documented in dai_async dai_async_tab dai_notify dai_status dai_sync dai_sync_tab

#' OCR document synchronously
#' @description Sends a single document to the Google Cloud Services (GCS)
#' Document AI v1 API for synchronous (immediate) processing. Returns a
#' HTTP response object containing the OCRed text and additional data.
#' @param file path to a single-page pdf or image file
#' @param proj_id a GCS project id.
#' @param proc_id a Document AI processor id.
#' @param proc_v one of 1) a processor version name, 2) "stable" for the
#' latest processor from the stable channel, or 3) "rc" for the latest
#' processor from the release candidate channel.
#' @param skip_rev whether to skip human review; "true" or "false".
#' @param loc a two-letter region code; "eu" or "us".
#' @param token an authentication token generated by \code{dai_auth()} or
#' another auth function.
#' @return a HTTP response object.
#' @details Requires a GCS access token and some configuration of the
#' .Renviron file; see package vignettes for details.Input files can be in
#' either .pdf, .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, or .tiff format. PDF files
#' can be up to five pages long. Extract the text from the response object with
#' \code{text_from_dai_response()}. Inspect the entire response object with
#' \code{httr::content()}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' response <- dai_sync("doc_page.pdf")
#' response <- dai_sync("doc_page.pdf",
#'                      proc_v = "pretrained-ocr-v1.1-2022-09-12")
#' }

dai_sync <- function(file,
                     proj_id = get_project_id(),
                     proc_id = Sys.getenv("DAI_PROCESSOR_ID"),
										 proc_v = NA,
                     skip_rev = "true",
                     loc = "eu",
                     token = dai_token()
                     ) {

  # Check inputs
  if (!(is.character(file) && length(file) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid file input.")

  extension <- tolower(stringr::str_extract(file, "(?<=\\.)\\w{3,4}$"))
  supported <- c("bmp", "gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "pdf", "png", "tiff", "webp")

  if (!(extension %in% supported)) {
    stop("Unsupported file format. DAI accepts only bmp, gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, tif, tiff, and webp.")

  if (extension == "pdf" && !(is_pdf(file))) {
    stop("Input file not a real pdf. Is the file in your working directory?")

  if (!(is.character(proj_id) && length(proj_id) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid proj_id.")

  if (!(is.character(proc_id) && length(proc_id) == 1) || proc_id == "") {
    stop("Invalid proc_id.")

  if (!(length(proc_v) == 1)) {
  	stop("Invalid proc_v.")

  if (!(is.na(proc_v) || is.character(proc_v))) {
  	stop("Invalid proc_v.")

  skip_rev <- tolower(skip_rev)

  if (!(skip_rev %in% c("true", "false") && length(skip_rev) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid skip_rev parameter.")

  loc <- tolower(loc)

  if (!(loc %in% c("eu", "us"))) {
    stop("Invalid location parameter.")

  # Encode
  if (extension == "pdf") {
    encoded_file <- pdf_to_binbase(file)
    } else {
      encoded_file <- img_to_binbase(file)

  ## Create json request body
  req <- list("skipHumanReview" = skip_rev,
              "rawDocument" = list("content" = encoded_file,
                                   "mimeType" = "image/tiff"

  bod <- jsonlite::toJSON(req, auto_unbox = TRUE)

  ## Build URL and submit API request

  base_url <- glue::glue("https://{loc}-documentai.googleapis.com/")

  path <- glue::glue("v1/projects/{proj_id}/locations/{loc}/processors/{proc_id}")

  if (is.na(proc_v)) {
  	version <- ""
  } else {
  	version <- glue::glue("/processorVersions/{proc_v}")

  method <- ":process"

  url <- glue::glue("{base_url}{path}{version}{method}")

  response <- httr::POST(url,
                         httr::config(token = token),
                         body = bod

  if (response$status_code == 200) {
    message(glue::glue("File submitted at {response$date}. HTTP status: 200 - OK."))
    } else {
      parsed <- httr::content(response)
      message(glue::glue('File submitted at {response$date}. HTTP status: {response$status_code} - unsuccessful.\nError: "{parsed$error$message}"'))



#' OCR documents asynchronously
#' @description Sends files from a Google Cloud Services (GCS) Storage
#' bucket to the GCS Document AI v1 API for asynchronous (offline) processing.
#' The output is delivered to the same bucket as JSON files containing
#' the OCRed text and additional data.
#' @param files a vector or list of pdf filepaths in a GCS Storage bucket
#' Filepaths must include all parent bucket folder(s) except the bucket name
#' @param dest_folder the name of the GCS Storage bucket subfolder where
#' you want the json output
#' @param bucket the name of the GCS Storage bucket where the files
#' to be processed are located
#' @param proj_id a GCS project id
#' @param proc_id a Document AI processor id
#' @param proc_v one of 1) a processor version name, 2) "stable" for the
#' latest processor from the stable channel, or 3) "rc" for the latest
#' processor from the release candidate channel.
#' @param skip_rev whether to skip human review; "true" or "false"
#' @param loc a two-letter region code; "eu" or "us"
#' @param token an access token generated by `dai_auth()` or another
#' auth function
#' @return A list of HTTP responses
#' @details Requires a GCS access token and some configuration of the
#' .Renviron file; see package vignettes for details. Currently, a
#' \code{dai_async()} call can contain a maximum of 50 files (but a
#' multi-page pdf counts as one file). You can not have more than
#' 5 batch requests and 10,000 pages undergoing processing at any one time.
#' Maximum pdf document length is 2,000 pages. With long pdf documents,
#' Document AI divides the JSON output into separate files ('shards') of
#' 20 pages each. If you want longer shards, use \code{dai_tab_async()},
#' which accesses another API endpoint that allows for shards of up to
#' 100 pages.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # with daiR configured on your system, several parameters are automatically provided,
#' # and you can pass simple calls, such as:
#' dai_async("my_document.pdf")
#' # NB: Include all parent bucket folders (but not the bucket name) in the filepath:
#' dai_async("for_processing/pdfs/my_document.pdf")
#' # Bulk process by passing a vector of filepaths in the files argument:
#' dai_async(my_files)
#' # Specify a bucket subfolder for the json output:
#' dai_async(my_files, dest_folder = "processed")
#' }

dai_async <- function(files,
                      dest_folder = NULL,
                      bucket = Sys.getenv("GCS_DEFAULT_BUCKET"),
                      proj_id = get_project_id(),
                      proc_id = Sys.getenv("DAI_PROCESSOR_ID"),
											proc_v = NA,
                      skip_rev = "true",
                      loc = "eu",
                      token = dai_token()
                      ) {

  # Check and modify inputs
  if (!(is.character(files) && length(files) >= 1)) {
    stop("Invalid files parameter.")

  extensions <- tolower(stringr::str_extract_all(files, "(?<=\\.)\\w{3,4}$"))
  supported <- c("bmp", "gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "pdf", "png", "tiff", "webp")

  if (!(all(unique(extensions) %in% supported))) {
    stop("Unsupported file formats. DAI accepts only bmp, gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, tif, tiff, and webp.")

  if (length(dest_folder) > 1) {
    stop("Invalid dest_folder parameter.")

  if (length(dest_folder) == 1 && !(is.character(dest_folder))) {
    stop("Invalid dest_folder parameter.")

  if (length(dest_folder) == 1 && grepl("/$", dest_folder)) {
    dest_folder <- stringr::str_replace(dest_folder, "/$", "")

  if (!(is.character(bucket) && length(bucket) == 1) || bucket == "") {
    stop("Invalid bucket parameter.")

  if (grepl("^gs://", bucket)) {
    bucket <- stringr::str_replace(bucket, "^gs://", "")

  if ((grepl("/$", bucket))) {
    bucket <- stringr::str_replace(bucket, "/$", "")

  if (!(is.character(proj_id) && length(proj_id) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid proj_id parameter.")

  if (!(is.character(proc_id) && length(proc_id) == 1) || proc_id == "") {
    stop("Invalid proc_id parameter.")

  if (!(length(proc_v) == 1)) {
  	stop("Invalid proc_v.")

  if (!(is.na(proc_v) || is.character(proc_v))) {
  	stop("Invalid proc_v.")

  if (!(skip_rev %in% c("true", "false") && length(skip_rev) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid skip_rev parameter.")

  loc <- tolower(loc)

  if (!(loc %in% c("eu", "us") && length(loc) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid loc parameter.")

  # format list of documents
  doc_list <- list()

  for (file in files) {

    filetype <- stringr::str_extract(file, "(?<=\\.)\\w{3,4}$")

    if (filetype == "pdf") {
      mime <- "application/pdf"
      } else if (filetype == "gif") {
        mime <- "image/gif"
        } else {
          mime <- "image/tiff"

    uri <- glue::glue("gs://{bucket}/{file}")

    entry <- list(list("gcsUri" = uri,
                       "mimeType" = mime

    doc_list  <- append(doc_list, entry)


  # format dest folder uri
  if (is.null(dest_folder)) {
    dest_folder_uri <- glue::glue("gs://{bucket}/")
    } else {
      dest_folder_uri <- glue::glue("gs://{bucket}/{dest_folder}/")

  ## create json request body
  req <- list("inputDocuments" = list("gcsDocuments" = list("documents" = doc_list)),
              "documentOutputConfig" = list("gcsOutputConfig" = list("gcsUri" = dest_folder_uri)),
              "skipHumanReview" = skip_rev

  bod <- jsonlite::toJSON(req, auto_unbox = TRUE)

  ## build URL and submit API request

  base_url <- glue::glue("https://{loc}-documentai.googleapis.com/")

  path <- glue::glue("v1/projects/{proj_id}/locations/{loc}/processors/{proc_id}")

  if (is.na(proc_v)) {
  	version <- ""
  } else {
  	version <- glue::glue("/processorVersions/{proc_v}")

  method <- ":batchProcess"

  url <- glue::glue("{base_url}{path}{version}{method}")

  response <- httr::POST(url,
                         httr::config(token = token),
                         body = bod

  if (response$status_code == 200) {
    message(glue::glue("{length(files)} files submitted at {response$date}. HTTP status: 200 - OK."))
    } else {
      parsed <- httr::content(response)
      message(glue::glue('{length(files)} files submitted at {response$date}. HTTP status: {response$status_code} - unsuccessful.\nError: "{parsed$error$message}"'))



#' OCR synchronously and get table data
#' @description Sends a single document to the Google Cloud Services (GCS)
#' Document AI v1beta2 API for synchronous (immediate) processing. Returns
#' a response object containing the OCRed text and additional information,
#' including table-related data.
#' @param file path to a single pdf or image file
#' @param proj_id a GCS project id
#' @param loc a two-letter region code ("eu" or "us")
#' @param token An access token generated by \code{dai_auth()} or another
#' auth function.
#' @return a HTTP response object
#' @details This function accesses a different API endpoint than the main
#' \code{dai_sync()} function, one that has less language support, but
#' returns table data in addition to parsed text (which \code{dai_sync()}
#' currently does not). This function may be deprecated if/when the v1
#' endpoint incorporates table extraction. Use of this service requires
#' a GCS access token and some configuration of the .Renviron file; see
#' vignettes for details. Input files can be in either .pdf, .bmp, .gif,
#' .jpeg, .jpg, .png, or .tiff format. PDFs can be up to five pages long.
#' Extract the text from the response object with
#' \code{text_from_dai_response()}. Inspect the entire response object
#' with \code{httr::content()}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' response <- dai_sync_tab("doc_page.pdf")
#' my_page_scan <- "001.png"
#' response <- dai_sync_tab(my_page_scan)
#' }

dai_sync_tab <- function(file,
                     proj_id = get_project_id(),
                     loc = "eu",
                     token = dai_token()
                     ) {

  # Check
  if (!(is.character(file) && length(file) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid file input.")

  extension <- tolower(stringr::str_extract(file, "(?<=\\.)\\w{3,4}$"))
  supported <- c("bmp", "gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "pdf", "png", "tiff")

  if (!(extension %in% supported)) {
    stop("Unsupported file format. See documentation for details.")

  if (extension == "pdf" && !(is_pdf(file))) {
    stop("Input file not a real pdf. Is the file in your working directory?")

  if (!(is.character(proj_id) && length(proj_id) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid proj_id.")

  loc <- tolower(loc)

  if (!(length(loc) == 1) || !(loc %in% c("eu", "us"))) {
    stop("Invalid location parameter.")

  # Encode
  if (extension == "pdf") {
    encoded_file <- pdf_to_binbase(file)
    } else {
      encoded_file <- img_to_binbase(file)

  ## Create json request body
  req <- list("inputConfig" = list("mimeType" = "image/tiff",
                                   "contents" = encoded_file

  bod <- jsonlite::toJSON(req, auto_unbox = TRUE)

  ## Build URL and submit API request

  base_url <- glue::glue("https://{loc}-documentai.googleapis.com")

  path <- glue::glue("v1beta2/projects/{proj_id}/locations/{loc}")

  method <- "documents:process"

  url <- glue::glue("{base_url}/{path}/{method}")

  response <- httr::POST(url,
                         httr::config(token = token),
                         body = bod

  if (response$status_code == 200) {
    message(glue::glue("File submitted at {response$date}. HTTP status: 200 - OK."))
    } else {
      message(glue::glue("File submitted at {response$date}. HTTP status: {response$status_code} - unsuccessful."))



#' OCR asynchronously and get table data
#' @description Sends files from a Google Cloud Services (GCS) Storage
#' bucket to the GCS Document AI v1beta2 API for asynchronous (offline)
#' processing. The output is delivered to the same bucket as JSON files
#' containing the OCRed text and additional information, including
#' table-related data.
#' @param files A vector or list of pdf filepaths in a GCS Storage bucket.
#' Filepaths must include all parent bucket folder(s) except the bucket name.
#' @param filetype Either "pdf", "gif", or "tiff". If \code{files} is a
#' vector, all elements must be of the same type.
#' @param dest_folder The name of the bucket subfolder where you want the
#' JSON output.
#' @param bucket The name of the GCS Storage bucket. Not necessary if
#' you have set a default bucket as a .Renviron variable named
#' \code{GCS_DEFAULT_BUCKET} as described in the package vignette
#' @param proj_id a GCS project id
#' @param loc a two-letter region code ("eu" or "us")
#' @param token an access token generated by \code{dai_auth()} or another
#' auth function.
#' @param pps an integer from 1 to 100 for the desired number of pages per
#' shard in the JSON output
#' @return A list of HTTP responses
#' @details This function accesses a different API endpoint than the main
#' \code{dai_async()} function, one that has less language support, but
#' returns table data in addition to parsed text (which \code{dai_async()}
#' currently does not). This function may be deprecated if/when the v1
#' API endpoint incorporates table extraction. Use of this service
#' requires a GCS access token and some configuration of the .Renviron file;
#' see vignettes for details. Note that this API endpoint does not require
#' a Document AI processor id. Maximum pdf document length is 2,000 pages,
#' and the maximum number of pages in active processing is 10,000. Also note
#' that this function does not provide 'true' batch processing; instead it
#' successively submits single requests at 10-second intervals.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # with daiR configured on your system, several parameters are automatically provided,
#' # and you can pass simple calls, such as:
#' dai_async_tab("my_document.pdf")
#' # NB: Include all parent bucket folders (but not the bucket name) in the filepath:
#' dai_async_tab("for_processing/pdfs/my_document.pdf")
#' # Bulk process by passing a vector of filepaths in the files argument:
#' dai_async_tab(my_files)
#' # Specify a bucket subfolder for the json output:
#' dai_async_tab(my_files, dest_folder = "processed")
#' }

dai_async_tab <- function(files,
                      filetype = "pdf",
                      dest_folder = NULL,
                      bucket = Sys.getenv("GCS_DEFAULT_BUCKET"),
                      proj_id = get_project_id(),
                      loc = "eu",
                      token = dai_token(),
                      pps = 100
                      ) {

  # Check and modify

  if (!(is.character(files) && length(files) >= 1)) {
    stop("Invalid files parameter.")

  extensions <- tolower(stringr::str_extract_all(files, "(?<=\\.)\\w{3,4}$"))
  supported <- c("pdf", "gif", "tiff")

  if (!(all(unique(extensions) %in% supported))) {
    stop("Input file type not supported.")

  if (length(unique(extensions)) > 1) {
    stop("Elements in files vector not all of the same type.")

  filetype <- tolower(filetype)

  if (!(filetype %in% supported && length(filetype) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid filetype parameter.")

  if (!(filetype == unique(extensions))) {
    stop("Mismatch between filetype parameter and actual format of files.")

  if (filetype == "pdf") {
    mime <- "application/pdf"
    } else if (filetype == "gif") {
      mime <- "image/gif"
      } else {
        mime <- "image/tiff"

  if (length(dest_folder) > 1) {
    stop("Invalid dest_folder parameter.")

  if (length(dest_folder) == 1 && !(is.character(dest_folder))) {
    stop("Invalid dest_folder parameter.")

  if (length(dest_folder) == 1 && grepl("/$", dest_folder)) {
    dest_folder <- stringr::str_replace(dest_folder, "/$", "")

  if (!(is.character(bucket) && length(bucket) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid bucket parameter.")

  if (grepl("^gs://", bucket)) {
    bucket <- stringr::str_replace(bucket, "^gs://", "")

  if ((grepl("/$", bucket))) {
    bucket <- stringr::str_replace(bucket, "/$", "")

  if (!(is.character(proj_id) && length(proj_id) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid proj_id parameter.")

  loc <- tolower(loc)

  if (!(length(loc) == 1) || !(loc %in% c("eu", "us"))) {
    stop("Invalid location parameter.")

  if (!(is.numeric(pps) && round(pps) == pps && length(pps) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid pps parameter.")

  if (pps < 1 || pps > 100) {
    stop("Invalid pps parameter.")

  # setup to return response list if several files
  response <- list()

  counter <- 1

  for (file in files) {

    # build uris
    file_uri <- glue::glue("gs://{bucket}/{file}")

    if (is.null(dest_folder)) {
      dest_uri <- glue::glue("gs://{bucket}/{file}")
      } else {
        dest_uri <- glue::glue("gs://{bucket}/{dest_folder}/{file}")

    ## create json request body
    req <- list("requests" = list("inputConfig" = list("mimeType" = mime,
                                                       "gcsSource" = list("uri" = file_uri)
                                  "outputConfig" = list("pagesPerShard" = pps,
                                                        "gcsDestination" = list("uri" = dest_uri)

    bod <- jsonlite::toJSON(req, auto_unbox = TRUE)

    ## build URL and submit API request

    base_url <- glue::glue("https://{loc}-documentai.googleapis.com")

    path <- glue::glue("v1beta2/projects/{proj_id}/locations/{loc}")

    method <- "documents:batchProcess"

    url <- glue::glue("{base_url}/{path}/{method}")

    resp <- httr::POST(url,
                       httr::config(token = token),
                       body = bod

    if (resp$status_code == 200) {
      message(glue::glue("File {counter} of {length(files)} submitted at {resp$date}. HTTP status: 200 - OK."))
      } else {
        message(glue::glue("File {counter} of {length(files)} submitted at {resp$date}. HTTP status: {resp$status_code} - unsuccessful."))

    resp <- list(resp)

    response <- append(response, resp)

    counter <- counter + 1





#' Check job status
#' @description Queries the Google Cloud Services (GCS) Document AI API
#' about the status of a previously submitted asynchronous job.
#' @param response A HTTP response object generated by \code{dai_async()} or
#' \code{dai_tab_async()}
#' @param loc A two-letter region code; "eu" or "us"
#' @param token An authentication token generated by `dai_auth()` or
#' another auth function
#' @param verbose boolean; Whether to output the full response
#' @return If verbose was set to \code{TRUE}, a HTTP response object.
#' If verbose was set to \code{FALSE}, a string summarizing the status.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Short status message:
#' response <- dai_async(myfiles)
#' dai_status(response)
#' # Full status details:
#' response <- dai_async(myfiles)
#' status <- dai_status(response, verbose = TRUE)
#' }

dai_status <- function(response,
                       loc = "eu",
                       token = dai_token(),
                       verbose = FALSE
) {

  if (!(inherits(response, "response") || inherits(response[[1]], "response"))) {
    stop("Input is not a valid HTTP response.")

  if (inherits(response[[1]], "response")) {
    last_elem <- max(length(response))
    parsed <- httr::content(response[[last_elem]])
    } else {
      parsed <- httr::content(response)

  if (!("name" %in% names(parsed))) {
    stop("Input does not contain a processing job id. Make sure it is from dai_async.")

  if (!(loc %in% c("eu", "us") && length(loc) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid location parameter.")

  if (!(verbose %in% c(TRUE, FALSE) && length(verbose))) {
    stop("Parameter verbose can only be TRUE or FALSE.")

  name <- parsed$name

  base_url <- glue::glue("https://{loc}-documentai.googleapis.com/v1/")

  url <- glue::glue(base_url, name)

  resp <- httr::GET(url, httr::config(token = token))

  resp_par <- httr::content(resp)

  status <- resp_par$metadata$state

  job_no <- stringr::str_extract(name, "(?<=/)\\d+$")

  if (inherits(response[[1]], "response")) {
    message(glue::glue('Status for job {job_no} submitted {response[[last_elem]]$date}: "{status}."'))
    } else {
      message(glue::glue('Status for job {job_no} submitted {response$date}: "{status}."'))

  if (isTRUE(verbose)) {


#' Notify on job completion
#' @description Queries to the Google Cloud Services (GCS) Document AI API
#' about the status of a previously submitted asynchronous job
#' and emits a sound notification when the job is complete.
#' @param response a HTTP response object generated by \code{dai_async()}
#' @param loc A two-letter region code; "eu" or "us"
#' @param token An authentication token generated by `dai_auth()` or
#' another auth function
#' @param sound A number from 1 to 10 for the Beepr sound selection
#' (https://www.r-project.org/nosvn/pandoc/beepr.html).
#' @return no return value, called for side effects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' response <- dai_async(myfiles)
#' dai_notify(response)
#' }

dai_notify <- function(response,
                       loc = "eu",
                       token = dai_token(),
                       sound = 2
                       ) {

  if (!(inherits(response, "response") || inherits(response[[1]], "response"))) {
    stop("Input is not a valid HTTP response.")

  if (inherits(response[[1]], "response")) {
    last_elem <- max(length(response))
    parsed <- httr::content(response[[last_elem]])
    } else {
    parsed <- httr::content(response)

  if (!("name" %in% names(parsed))) {
    stop("Input does not contain a processing job id. Either it's not from a\n
    dai processing function or it's from an unsuccessful processing request.")

  if (!(loc %in% c("eu", "us") && length(loc) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid location parameter.")

  if (!(sound %in% 1:10 && length(sound) == 1)) {
    stop("Invalid sound parameter.")

  finished <- FALSE

  message("Checking job. I'll beep when it's done.")

  while (isFALSE(finished)) {
    msg <- utils::capture.output(dai_status(response, loc, token), type = "message")
    finished <- grepl("SUCCEEDED", msg)

  message("Job complete.")



Try the daiR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

daiR documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:43 p.m.