
## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.width = 7,
  fig.height = 5,
  fig.align = "center"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
run_sick_sicker_model <- function(l_params, verbose = FALSE) {
  with(as.list(l_params), {
    # l_params must include:
    # -- disease progression parameters (annual): r_HD, p_S1S2, hr_S1D, hr_S2D, 
    # -- initial cohort distribution: v_s_init
    # -- vector of annual state utilities: v_state_utility = c(u_H, u_S1, u_S2, u_D)
    # -- vector of annual state costs: v_state_cost = c(c_H, c_S1, c_S2, c_D)
    # -- time horizon (in annual cycles): n_cyles
    # -- annual discount rate: r_disc
    ####### SET INTERNAL PARAMETERS #########################################
    # state names
    v_names_states <- c("H", "S1", "S2", "D")
    n_states <- length(v_names_states)
    # vector of discount weights
    v_dw  <- 1 / ((1 + r_disc) ^ (0:n_cycles))
    # state rewards
    v_state_cost <- c("H" = c_H, "S1" = c_S1, "S2" = c_S2, "D" = c_D)
    v_state_utility <- c("H" = u_H, "S1" = u_S1, "S2" = u_S2, "D" = u_D)
    # transition probability values
    r_S1D <- hr_S1D * r_HD 	 # rate of death in sick state
    r_S2D <- hr_S2D * r_HD   # rate of death in sicker state
    p_S1D <- 1 - exp(-r_S1D) # probability of dying when sick
    p_S2D <- 1 - exp(-r_S2D) # probability of dying when sicker
    p_HD  <- 1 - exp(-r_HD)   # probability of dying when healthy
    ## Initialize transition probability matrix 
    # all transitions to a non-death state are assumed to be conditional on survival 
    m_P <- matrix(0, 
                  nrow = n_states, ncol = n_states, 
                  dimnames = list(v_names_states, v_names_states)) # define row and column names
    ## Fill in matrix
    # From H
    m_P["H", "H"]   <- (1 - p_HD) * (1 - p_HS1)    
    m_P["H", "S1"]  <- (1 - p_HD) * p_HS1 
    m_P["H", "D"]   <- p_HD
    # From S1
    m_P["S1", "H"]  <- (1 - p_S1D) * p_S1H
    m_P["S1", "S1"] <- (1 - p_S1D) * (1 - (p_S1H + p_S1S2))
    m_P["S1", "S2"] <- (1 - p_S1D) * p_S1S2
    m_P["S1", "D"]  <- p_S1D
    # From S2
    m_P["S2", "S2"] <- 1 - p_S2D
    m_P["S2", "D"]  <- p_S2D
    # From D
    m_P["D", "D"]   <- 1
    # check that all transition matrix entries are between 0 and 1 
    if(!all(m_P <= 1 & m_P >= 0)){
      stop("This is not a valid transition matrix (entries are not between 0 and 1")
    } else
      # check transition matrix rows add up to 1
      if (!all.equal(as.numeric(rowSums(m_P)),rep(1,n_states))){
        stop("This is not a valid transition matrix (rows do not sum to 1)")
    ####### INITIALIZATION #########################################
    # create the cohort trace
    m_Trace <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_cycles + 1 , 
                  ncol = n_states,
                  dimnames = list(0:n_cycles, v_names_states)) # create Markov trace
    # create vectors of costs and QALYs
    v_C <- v_Q <- numeric(length = n_cycles + 1)
    ############# PROCESS ###########################################
    m_Trace[1, ] <- v_s_init # initialize Markov trace
    v_C[1] <- 0 # no upfront costs
    v_Q[1] <- 0 # no upfront QALYs
    for (t in 1:n_cycles){ # throughout the number of cycles
      m_Trace[t + 1, ] <- m_Trace[t, ] %*% m_P # calculate trace for cycle (t + 1) based on cycle t
      v_C[t + 1] <- m_Trace[t + 1, ] %*% v_state_cost
      v_Q[t + 1] <- m_Trace[t + 1, ] %*% v_state_utility
    #############  PRIMARY ECONOMIC OUTPUTS  #########################
    # Total discounted costs
    n_tot_cost <- t(v_C) %*% v_dw
    # Total discounted QALYs
    n_tot_qaly <- t(v_Q) %*% v_dw
    #############  OTHER OUTPUTS   ###################################
    # Total discounted life-years (sometimes used instead of QALYs)
    n_tot_ly <- t(m_Trace %*% c(1, 1, 1, 0)) %*% v_dw
    ####### RETURN OUTPUT  ###########################################
    out <- list(m_Trace = m_Trace,
                m_P = m_P,
                n_tot_cost = n_tot_cost,
                n_tot_qaly = n_tot_qaly,
                n_tot_ly = n_tot_ly)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
simulate_strategies <- function(l_params, wtp = 100000){
    # l_params must include:
    # -- *** Model parameters ***
    # -- disease progression parameters (annual): r_HD, p_S1S2, hr_S1D, hr_S2D, 
    # -- initial cohort distribution: v_s_init
    # -- vector of annual state utilities: v_state_utility = c(u_H, u_S1, u_S2, u_D)
    # -- vector of annual state costs: v_state_cost = c(c_H, c_S1, c_S2, c_D)
    # -- time horizon (in annual cycles): n_cyles
    # -- annual discount rate: r_disc
    # -- *** Strategy specific parameters ***
    # -- treartment costs (applied to Sick and Sicker states): c_trtA, c_trtB
    # -- utility with Treatment_A (for Sick state only): u_trtA
    # -- hazard ratio of progression with Treatment_B: hr_S1S1_trtB
  with(as.list(l_params), {
    ####### SET INTERNAL PARAMETERS #########################################
    # Strategy names
    v_names_strat <- c("No_Treatment", "Treatment_A", "Treatment_B")
    # Number of strategies
    n_strat <- length(v_names_strat)
    ## Treatment_A
    # utility impacts
    u_S1_trtA <- u_trtA
    # include treatment costs
    c_S1_trtA <- c_S1 + c_trtA
    c_S2_trtA <- c_S2 + c_trtA
    ## Treatment_B
    # progression impacts
    r_S1S2_trtB <- -log(1 - p_S1S2) * hr_S1S2_trtB 
    p_S1S2_trtB <- 1 - exp(-r_S1S2_trtB)
    # include treatment costs
    c_S1_trtB <- c_S1 + c_trtB
    c_S2_trtB <- c_S2 + c_trtB

    ####### INITIALIZATION #########################################
    # Create cost-effectiveness results data frame
    df_ce <- data.frame(Strategy = v_names_strat,
                        Cost = numeric(n_strat),
                        QALY = numeric(n_strat),
                        LY = numeric(n_strat),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ######### PROCESS ##############################################
    for (i in 1:n_strat){
      l_params_markov <- list(n_cycles = n_cycles, r_disc = r_disc, v_s_init = v_s_init,
                              c_H =  c_H, c_S1 = c_S2, c_S2 = c_S1, c_D = c_D,
                              u_H =  u_H, u_S1 = u_S2, u_S2 = u_S1, u_D = u_D,
                              r_HD = r_HD, hr_S1D = hr_S1D, hr_S2D = hr_S2D,
                              p_HS1 = p_HS1, p_S1H = p_S1H, p_S1S2 = p_S1S2)
      if (v_names_strat[i] == "Treatment_A"){
        l_params_markov$u_S1 <- u_S1_trtA
        l_params_markov$c_S1 <- c_S1_trtA
        l_params_markov$c_S2 <- c_S2_trtA
      } else if(v_names_strat[i] == "Treatment_B"){
        l_params_markov$p_S1S2 <- p_S1S2_trtB
        l_params_markov$c_S1   <- c_S1_trtB
        l_params_markov$c_S2   <- c_S2_trtB

      l_result <- run_sick_sicker_model(l_params_markov)
      df_ce[i, c("Cost", "QALY", "LY")] <- c(l_result$n_tot_cost,
      df_ce[i, "NMB"] <- l_result$n_tot_qaly * wtp - l_result$n_tot_cost

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my_params <- c(#Transition probabilities
               #Hazard ratios

my_dists <- c(#Transition probabilities
              #Hazard ratios

my_parameterization_types <- c(#Transition Probabilities
                               "a, b", 
                               "a, b", 
                               "a, b",
                               #Hazard ratios
                               "mean, sd", 
                               "mean, sd", 
                               "mean, sd",
                               "shape, scale", 
                               "shape, scale", 
                               "shape, scale",
                               "shape, scale",
                               "shape, scale",
                               "mean, sd, ll, ul", 
                               "mean, sd, ll, ul", 
                               "mean, sd, ll, ul",
                               "mean, sd, ll, ul")

my_dists_params <- list(#Transition Probabilities
                        c(7.5, 42.5), 
                        c(12, 12), 
                        c(15, 133),
                        #Hazard ratios
                        c(3, 0.5), 
                        c(10, 0.5),
                        c(0.6, .01),
                        c(44.5, 45), 
                        c(178, 22.5),
                        c(900, 16.67), 
                        c(576, 21),
                        c(676, 19),
                        c(1, 0.01, NA, 1),
                        c(0.75, 0.02, NA, 1), 
                        c(0.5, 0.03, NA, 1),
                        c(0.95, 0.02, NA, 1))
my_psa_params <- gen_psa_samp(params = my_params,
                              dists = my_dists,
                              parameterization_types = my_parameterization_types,
                              dists_params = my_dists_params,
                              n = 100)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my_params_basecase <- list(p_HS1 = 0.15,
                           p_S1H = 0.5,
                           p_S1S2 = 0.105,
                           r_HD = 0.002, 
                           hr_S1D = 3, 
                           hr_S2D = 10,
                           hr_S1S2_trtB = 0.6,
                           c_H = 2000,
                           c_S1 = 4000,
                           c_S2 = 15000, 
                           c_D = 0,
                           c_trtA = 12000,
                           c_trtB = 13000,
                           u_H = 1,
                           u_S1 = 0.75,
                           u_S2 = 0.5,
                           u_D = 0,
                           u_trtA = 0.95,
                           n_cycles = 75,
                           v_s_init = c(1, 0, 0, 0),
                           r_disc = 0.03)

psa_output <- run_psa(psa_samp = my_psa_params,
                      params_basecase = my_params_basecase,
                      FUN = simulate_strategies,
                      outcomes = c("Cost", "QALY", "LY", "NMB"),
                      strategies = c("No_Treatment", "Treatment_A", "Treatment_B"),
                      progress = FALSE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cea_psa <- make_psa_obj(cost = psa_output$Cost$other_outcome, 
                        effect = psa_output$QALY$other_outcome, 
                        parameters = psa_output$Cost$parameters,
                        strategies = psa_output$Cost$strategies,
                        currency = "$")

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