
Defines functions utils.dist.binary

Documented in utils.dist.binary

#' @name utils.dist.binary
#' @title Calculates a distance matrix for individuals defined in a dartR
#' genlight object using binary P/A data (SilicoDArT)
#' @description
#' This script calculates various distances between individuals based on sequence tag
#' Presence/Absence data.
#' @details
#' The distance measure can be one of:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item Euclidean -- Euclidean Distance applied to cartesian coordinates defined
#'   by the loci, scored as 0 or 1. Presence and absence equally weighted.
#'  \item simple -- simple matching, both 1 or both 0 = 0; one 1 and the other
#'  0 = 1. Presence and absence equally weighted.
#'  \item Jaccard -- ignores matching 0, both 1 = 0; one 1 and the other 0 = 1.
#'  Absences could be for different reasons.
#'  \item Bray-Curtis -- both 0 = 0; both 1 = 2; one 1 and the other 0 = 1. Absences
#'  could be for different reasons. Sometimes called the Dice or Sorensen
#'  distance.
#  \item Phi -- binary analogue of the Pearson Correlation coefficient.
#'  }
#'  One might choose to disregard or downweight absences in comparison with
#'  presences because the homology of absences is less clear (mutation at one or
#'  the other, or both restriction sites). Your call.
#' @param x Name of the genlight containing the genotypes [required].
#' @param method Specify distance measure [default simple].
#' @param scale If TRUE and method='euclidean', the distance will be scaled to 
#'  fall in the range [0,1] [default FALSE].
#' @param swap If TRUE and working with presence-absence data, then presence 
#' (no disrupting mutation) is scored as 0 and absence (presence of a disrupting 
#' mutation) is scored as 1 [default FALSE].
#' @param output Specify the format and class of the object to be returned, 
#' dist for a object of class dist, matrix for an object of class matrix [default "dist"].
#' @param verbose Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2,
#'  progress log; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report [default 2].
#' @return An object of class 'dist' or 'matrix' giving distances between individuals
#' @export
#' @author Author: Arthur Georges. Custodian: Arthur Georges -- Post to
#' \url{https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dartr}
#' @examples
#'  \donttest{
#' D <- utils.dist.binary(testset.gs, method='Jaccard')
#' D <- utils.dist.binary(testset.gs, method='Euclidean',scale=TRUE)
#' }
#' D <- utils.dist.binary(testset.gs, method='Simple')
utils.dist.binary <- function(x,
                              method = "simple",
                              verbose = NULL) {
    verbose <- gl.check.verbosity(verbose)
    funname <- match.call()[[1]]
    utils.flag.start(func = funname,
                     build = "Jody",
                     verbosity = verbose)
    datatype <-
        utils.check.datatype(x, accept = "SilicoDArT", verbose = verbose)
    method <- tolower(method)
    if (!(method %in% c(
#       ,"phi"
    ))) {
        if (verbose >= 2) {
                "  Warning: Method not in the list of options, set to Simple Matching\n"
        method <- "simple"
    if(scale==TRUE && !(method == "euclidean")){
        cat(warn("  Warning: parameter scale only applies to Euclidean Distance, ignored\n"))
    # DO THE JOB
    mat <- as.matrix(x)
      mat[mat==0] <- -9
      mat[mat==1] <- 0
      mat[mat==-9] <- 1
      if(verbose >= 2){cat(report("  Reversing scores from presence[1]/absence[0] to presence[0]/absence[1]\n"))}
    dd <- array(NA, c(nInd(x), nInd(x)))
    nI <- nInd(x)
    if (verbose >= 2) {
                cat(report("  Calculating the scaled distance matrix --", method, "\n"))
            } else {
                cat(report("  Calculating the unscaled distance matrix --", method, "\n"))
        } else {
            cat(report("  Calculating the distance matrix --", method, "\n"))
    for (i in (1:(nI - 1))) {
        for (j in ((i + 1):nI)) {
            row1 <- mat[i,]
            row2 <- mat[j,]
            # row1[1:10] row2[1:10]
            a11 <- (row1 + row2) == 2
            a10 <- ((row1 + row2) == 1) * row1
            a01 <- ((row1 + row2) == 1) * row2
            a00 <- (row1 + row2) == 0
            a <- sum(a11 == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
            b <- sum(a01 == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
            c <- sum(a10 == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
            d <- sum(a00 == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
            # a;b;c;d
            if (method == "euclidean") {
                    dd[j,i] <- sqrt((b+c)/(a + b + c + d))
                } else {
                    dd[j,i] <- sqrt(b+c)
            } else if (method == "simple") {
                dd[j,i] <- 1 - ((a + d) / (a + b + c + d))
            } else if (method == "jaccard") {
                dd[j,i] <- 1 - (a / (a + b + c))
            } else if (method == "bray-curtis") {
                dd[j,i] <- 1 - 2 * a / (2 * a + b + c)
            # } else if (method == "phi") {
            #     dd[j,i] <- 1 - ((a * d - b * c) / sqrt((a + b) * (a + c) * (d + b) * (d + c)))
            } else {
                # Programming error
                stop(error("Fatal Error: Notify dartR development team\n"))
        dd[i, i] <- 0
        dd[i,j] <- dd[j,i]

      dd <- as.dist(dd)
      if(verbose >= 2){cat(report("  Returning a stats::dist object\n"))}
    } else {
        if(verbose >= 2){cat(report("  Returning a square matrix object\n"))}
    if (verbose > 0) {
        cat(report("Completed:", funname, "\n"))

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dartR documentation built on June 8, 2023, 6:48 a.m.