
Defines functions pTwoSidedFromChiSq pOutlierFinderChiSqNoCorr outputDFStarterNoCorr utils.outflank

Documented in utils.outflank

#' OutFLANK:  An Fst outlier approach by Mike Whitlock and Katie Lotterhos,
#' University of British Columbia.
#' This function is the original implementation of Outflank by Whitlock and
#' Lotterhos. dartR simply provides a convenient wrapper around their functions
#' and an easier install being an r package (for information please refer to
#' their github repository)
#' This method looks for Fst outliers from a list of Fst's for different loci.
#' It assumes that each locus has been genotyped in all populations with
#' approximately equal coverage.
#'OutFLANK estimates the distribution of Fst based on a trimmed sample of Fst's.
#'It assumes that the majority of loci in the center of the distribution are
#'neutral and infers the shape of the distribution of neutral Fst using a
#'trimmed set of loci. Loci with the highest and lowest Fst's are trimmed from
#'the data set before this inference, and the distribution of Fst df/(mean Fst)
#' is assumed to'follow a chi-square distribution. Based on this inferred
#' distribution, each locus is given a q-value based on its quantile in the
#' inferred null'distribution.
#'The main procedure is called OutFLANK -- see comments in that function
#'immediately below for input and output formats. The other functions here are
#'necessary and must be uploaded, but are not necessarily needed by the user
#'@param FstDataFrame A data frame that includes a row for each locus, with
#'columns as follows:
#'                   \item $LocusName: a character string that uniquely names
#'                   each locus.
#'                    \item $FST: Fst calculated for this locus. (Kept here to
#'                     report the unbased Fst of the results)
#'                    \item $T1: The numerator of the estimator for Fst
#'                    (necessary, with $T2, to calculate mean Fst)
#'                    \item $T2: The denominator of the estimator of Fst
#'                    \item $FSTNoCorr: Fst calculated for this locus without
#'                    sample size correction. (Used to find outliers)
#'                    \item $T1NoCorr: The numerator of the estimator for Fst
#'                    without sample size correction (necessary, with $T2, to
#'                    calculate mean Fst)
#'                    \item $T2NoCorr: The denominator of the estimator of Fst
#'                    without sample size correction
#'                    \item $He: The heterozygosity of the locus (used to screen
#'                    out low heterozygosity loci that have a different distribution)
#'                    }
#' @param LeftTrimFraction The proportion of loci that are trimmed from the
#' lower end of the range of Fst before the likelihood funciton is applied
#' [default 0.05].
#' @param RightTrimFraction The proportion of loci that are trimmed from the
#' upper end of the range of Fst before the likelihood funciton is applied
#' [default 0.05].
#' @param Hmin The minimum heterozygosity required before including calculations
#' from a locus [default 0.1].
#' @param NumberOfSamples The number of spatial locations included in the data
#' set.
#' @param qthreshold The desired false discovery rate threshold for calculating
#'  q-values [default 0.05].
#' @return
#' The function returns a list with seven elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item FSTbar: the mean FST inferred from loci not marked as outliers
#' \item FSTNoCorrbar: the mean FST (not corrected for sample size -gives an
#' upwardly biased estimate of FST)
#' \item dfInferred: the inferred number of degrees of freedom for the
#' chi-square distribution of neutral FST
#' \item numberLowFstOutliers: Number of loci flagged as having a significantly
#' low FST (not reliable)
#' \item numberHighFstOutliers: Number of loci identified as having
#' significantly high FST
#' \item results: a data frame with a row for each locus. This data frame
#' includes all the original columns in the
#'                    data set, and six new ones:
#'                    \itemize{
#'              \item $indexOrder (the original order of the input data set),
#'              \item $GoodH (Boolean variable which is TRUE if the expected
#'               heterozygosity is greater than the Hemin set by input),
#'              \item $OutlierFlag (TRUE if the method identifies the locus as
#'              an outlier, FALSE otherwise), and
#'              \item $q (the q-value for the test of neutrality for the locus)
#'              \item $pvalues (the p-value for the test of neutrality for the
#'              locus)
#'              \item $pvaluesRightTail the one-sided (right tail) p-value for
#'               a locus
#'              }
#'  }
#' @export
#' @author Bernd Gruber (bugs? Post to
#'  \url{https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dartr}); original implementation of
#'   Whitlock & Lotterhos

utils.outflank <- function(FstDataFrame,
                           LeftTrimFraction = 0.05,
                           RightTrimFraction = 0.05,
                           Hmin = 0.1,
                           qthreshold = 0.05) {
  #Setting up necessary columns in dataframe
  Fstdata <- outputDFStarterNoCorr(FstDataFrame, Hmin)
  # making working dataframe with real Fst (no NAs), storing NAs to add back
  # later
  # This also removes loci with He values lower than Hmin from the working data
  # frame
  nonkeepers <- which((is.na(Fstdata$FSTNoCorr)) | (Fstdata$He < Hmin))
  if (length(nonkeepers) > 0) {
    workingDataFrame <- Fstdata[-nonkeepers, ]
  } else{
    workingDataFrame <- Fstdata
  storedDataFrameNA <- Fstdata[nonkeepers, ]
  #Finding upper and lower bounds for trimming (eliminating NAs, but not
  # negative FSTs)
  sortedDataFrame <-
    workingDataFrame[order(workingDataFrame$FSTNoCorr), ]
    NLociTotal <- length(sortedDataFrame$FSTNoCorr)
    SmallestKeeper <- ceiling(NLociTotal * LeftTrimFraction)
    LargestKeeper <- floor(NLociTotal * (1 - RightTrimFraction))
    LowTrimPoint <- sortedDataFrame$FSTNoCorr[[SmallestKeeper]]
    HighTrimPoint <- sortedDataFrame$FSTNoCorr[[LargestKeeper]]
    if (LowTrimPoint < 0) {
                "ERROR: The smallest FST in the trimmed set must be > 0. Please use a larger LeftTrimFraction."
    if (HighTrimPoint >= 1) {
                "ERROR: The largest FST in the trimmed set must be < 1. Please use a larger RightTrimFraction."
    # finding dfInferred and Fstbar iteratively
    putativeNeutralListTemp <- ifelse(workingDataFrame$FSTNoCorr > 0, TRUE, FALSE)
    oldOutlierFlag <- rep(FALSE, NLociTotal)
    # Note: All negative FST loci are maked as putative outliers, which will
    #need to be tested with the coalescent model later. In the
    # meantime, they are removed so as to not confuse the likelihood function.
    keepGoing <-TRUE
    count <-0
    # writeLines(paste(mean(workingDataFrame$FSTNoCorr[putativeNeutralListTemp])))
    while (keepGoing) {
        count <-count + 1
        if (count > 19) {
            keepGoing <-FALSE
            writeLines(important("Exceeded iteration maximum."))  ###Try with
            #increased maximum value for count two lines above.
        FstbarNoCorrTemp <-fstBarCalculatorNoCorr(workingDataFrame[putativeNeutralListTemp,])
        dfInferredTemp <-EffectiveNumberSamplesMLE(
        workingDataFrame <-pOutlierFinderChiSqNoCorr(workingDataFrame,
        #### mark all negative FSTs as outliers if lowest nonneg FST is outlier
        #(because negative Fst estimates can't be evaluated through
        #### the chi-square approach on their own)
        if (any(workingDataFrame$OutlierFlag[workingDataFrame$FSTNoCorr < LowTrimPoint]))
            workingDataFrame$OutlierFlag[workingDataFrame$FSTNoCorr < 0] <-TRUE
        #### Any loci previously marked as $OutlierFlag=TRUE remain so, even if
        #the new iteration doesn''t flag them as outliers
        #### workingDataFrame$OutlierFlag=!as.logical((!workingDataFrame$OutlierFlag)*(!oldOutlierFlag))
        # Resetting neutral list, and checking whether the outlier list has
        putativeNeutralListTemp <-ifelse((!workingDataFrame$OutlierFlag), TRUE, FALSE)
        if (sum(putativeNeutralListTemp) == 0) {
            writeLines(error("No loci in neutral list...\n"))
        if (identical(oldOutlierFlag, workingDataFrame$OutlierFlag))
            keepGoing <-FALSE
        ###### if all in trimmed get IDed as outlier - return to user with
        if (all(workingDataFrame$OutlierFlag[workingDataFrame$FSTNoCorr < LowTrimPoint])) {
                    "All loci with Fst below the lower (lefthand) trim point were marked as outliers. Re-run with larger LeftTrimFraction or smaller qthreshold."
        if (all(workingDataFrame$OutlierFlag[workingDataFrame$FSTNoCorr > HighTrimPoint])) {
                    "All loci with Fst above the upper (righthand) trim point were marked as outliers. Re-run with smaller RightTrimFraction or smaller qthreshold."
        oldOutlierFlag <-workingDataFrame$OutlierFlag
        # writeLines(paste(as.character(count),' ',as.character(sum(putativeNeutralListTemp))))
    if (count > 19)
        writeLines(important("Loop iteration limit exceeded."))
    numberLowFstOutliers <-sum(workingDataFrame$OutlierFlag[(workingDataFrame$FSTNoCorr < LowTrimPoint)])
    numberHighFstOutliers <-sum(workingDataFrame$OutlierFlag[(workingDataFrame$FSTNoCorr > HighTrimPoint)])
    FSTbar <-fstBarCalculator(workingDataFrame[putativeNeutralListTemp,])
    # merge NA list back to working list, and sort by original order\t
    resultsDataFrame <-rbind(workingDataFrame, storedDataFrameNA)
    resultsDataFrame <-resultsDataFrame[order(resultsDataFrame$indexOrder),]
    # return new dataframe
        FSTbar = FSTbar,
        FSTNoCorrbar = FstbarNoCorrTemp,
        dfInferred = dfInferredTemp,
        numberLowFstOutliers = numberLowFstOutliers,
        numberHighFstOutliers = numberHighFstOutliers,
        results = resultsDataFrame

outputDFStarterNoCorr <- function(FstDataFrame,
                                  Hmin = 0.1) {
    # This will take a given dataframe with $LocusName, $FST,$He, $T1, $T2, etc.
    #and initialize $indexOrder,$GoodH,$OutlierFlag (to 0),
    # and $q (to 1).
    # Hmin is the smallest allowable He for which a locus should be included in
    #the initial calculations. By default this requires that a
    # locus have heterozygosity equal to 10% or more.
    len <-length(FstDataFrame$FSTNoCorr)
    indexOrder <-seq(1, len)
    GoodH <-ifelse(FstDataFrame$He < Hmin, "lowH", "goodH")
    OutlierFlag <-ifelse(is.na(FstDataFrame$FSTNoCorr), NA, FALSE)
    qvalues <-rep(NA, len)
    pvalues <-rep(NA, len)
    pvaluesRightTail <-rep(NA, len)

pOutlierFinderChiSqNoCorr <- function(DataList,
                                      qthreshold = 0.05) {
    # Finds outliers based on chi-squared distribution Takes given values of
    #dfInferred and Fstbar, and returns a list of p-values and
    # q-values for all loci based on chi-square. Assumes that the DataList
    #input has a column called $FSTNoCorr and that empty columns
    # exist for $qvalues and $OutlierFlag
    # Divide DataList into 3 lists: DataListGood has $FST>0; DataListNeg has
    #cases where $FST <=0; and DataListNA has cases where $FST is
    # NA. DataListNeg is necessary to keep separate here because these cases
    #do not have meaningful results with the chi-square aprach;
    # however, they do carry information.
    DataListGood <-DataList[which(DataList$FSTNoCorr > 0),]
    DataListNonPosFst <-DataList[which(DataList$FSTNoCorr <= 0),]
    DataListNA <-DataList[which(is.na(DataList$FSTNoCorr)),]
    pList <-pTwoSidedFromChiSq(DataListGood$FSTNoCorr * (dfInferred) / Fstbar, dfInferred)
    pListRightTail <-1 - pchisq(DataListGood$FSTNoCorr * (dfInferred) /
                                    Fstbar, dfInferred)
    # Note: Change made 13 June 2014; q-values now only calcualted on
    #right-tail one-sided p-values
    qtemp <-qvalue::qvalue(pListRightTail,
                           fdr.level = qthreshold,
                           pi0.method = "bootstrap")
    # Note: Using the bootstrap method here seems OK, but if this causes
    #problems remove the pi0.method='bootstrap' in the previous line
    # to revert to the default.
    DataListGood$pvalues <-pList
    DataListGood$pvaluesRightTail <-pListRightTail
    DataListGood$qvalues <-qtemp$qvalues
    DataListGood$OutlierFlag <-qtemp$significant
    rbind(DataListGood, DataListNonPosFst, DataListNA)

pTwoSidedFromChiSq <- function(x,
                               df) {
    # Takes a value x, finds the two-sided p-value for comparison to a
    #chi-square distribution with df degrees of freedom.
    pOneSided <-pchisq(x, df)
    ifelse(pOneSided > 0.5, (1 - pOneSided) * 2, pOneSided * 2)

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