
Defines functions install_snippet

Documented in install_snippet

#' Install Dash RStudio snippet
#' Install the Dash code snippet for RStudio, for quickly creating a new Dash
#' app.
#' @return boolean Whether or not the snippet was installed
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export
install_snippet <- function() {
  # Modified code from https://stackoverflow.com/a/62223103/3943160 (user 'dario')

  added <- FALSE

  # if not on RStudio or RStudioServer exit
  if (!nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_USER_IDENTITY"))) {

  # Name of files containing snippet code to copy
  pckgSnippetsFiles <- "snippet.txt"

  # Name of files to copy into. Order has to be the same
  # as in 'pckgSnippetsFiles'
  rstudioSnippetsFiles <- "r.snippets"

  # Path to directory for RStudios user files depends on OS
  if (rstudioapi::getVersion() < "1.3") {
    rstudioSnippetsPathBase <- file.path(path.expand('~'),".R", "snippets")
  } else {
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      rstudioSnippetsPathBase <- file.path(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "RStudio", "snippets")
    } else {
      rstudioSnippetsPathBase <- file.path(path.expand('~'), ".config/rstudio", "snippets")

  # Read each file in pckgSnippetsFiles and add its contents
  for (i in seq_along(pckgSnippetsFiles)) {

    # Try to get template, if template is not found skip it
    pckgSnippetsFilesPath <- system.file("rstudio", pckgSnippetsFiles[i], package = "dash")
    if (pckgSnippetsFilesPath == "") {

    # load package snippets definitions
    pckgSnippetsFileContent <- readLines(pckgSnippetsFilesPath, warn = FALSE)

    # Extract names of package snippets
    pckgSnippetsFileDefinitions <- pckgSnippetsFileContent[grepl("^snippet (.*)", pckgSnippetsFileContent)]

    # Construct path for destination file
    rstudioSnippetsFilePath <- file.path(rstudioSnippetsPathBase, rstudioSnippetsFiles[i])

    # If targeted RStudios user file does not exist, raise error (otherwise we would 'remove')
    # the default snippets from the 'user file'
    if (!file.exists(rstudioSnippetsFilePath)) {
      stop(paste0( "'", rstudioSnippetsFilePath, "' does not exist yet\n.",
                   "Use RStudio -> Tools -> Global Options -> Code -> Edit Snippets\n",
                   "To initalize user defined snippets file by adding dummy snippet\n"))

    # Extract 'names' of already existing snitppets
    rstudioSnippetsFileContent <- readLines(rstudioSnippetsFilePath, warn = FALSE)
    rstudioSnippetDefinitions <- rstudioSnippetsFileContent[grepl("^snippet (.*)", rstudioSnippetsFileContent)]

    # replace two spaces with tab, ONLY at beginning of string
    pckgSnippetsFileContentSanitized <- gsub("(?:^ {2})|\\G {2}|\\G\t", "\t", pckgSnippetsFileContent, perl = TRUE)

    # find defintions appearing in packageSnippets but not in rstudioSnippets
    # if no snippets are missing go to next file
    snippetsToCopy <- setdiff(trimws(pckgSnippetsFileDefinitions), trimws(rstudioSnippetDefinitions))
    snippetsNotToCopy <- intersect(trimws(pckgSnippetsFileDefinitions), trimws(rstudioSnippetDefinitions))
    if (length(snippetsToCopy) == 0) {
      # cat(paste0("(\nFollowing snippets will NOT be added because there is already a snippet with that name: ",
      #            paste0(snippetsNotToCopy, collapse=", ") ,")"))

    # Inform user about changes, ask to confirm action
    if (interactive()) {
      cat(paste0("You are about to add the following ", length(snippetsToCopy),
                 " snippets to '", rstudioSnippetsFilePath, "':\n",
                 paste0(paste0("-", snippetsToCopy), collapse="\n")))
      if (length(snippetsNotToCopy) > 0) {
        cat(paste0("\n(The following snippets will NOT be added because there is already a snippet with that name:\n",
                   paste0(snippetsNotToCopy, collapse=", ") ,")"))
      answer <- readline(prompt="Do you want to proceed (y/n): ")
      if (substr(answer, 1, 1) == "n") {

    # Create list of line numbers where snippet definitons start
    # This list is used to determine the end of each definition block
    allPckgSnippetDefinitonStarts <- grep("^snippet .*", pckgSnippetsFileContentSanitized)

    for (s in snippetsToCopy) {
      startLine <- grep(paste0("^", s, ".*"), pckgSnippetsFileContentSanitized)

      # Find last line of snippet definition:
      # First find start of next defintion and return
      # previous line number or lastline if already in last definiton
      endLine <- allPckgSnippetDefinitonStarts[allPckgSnippetDefinitonStarts > startLine][1] -1
      if (is.na(endLine)) {
        endLine <- length(pckgSnippetsFileContentSanitized)

      snippetText <- paste0(pckgSnippetsFileContentSanitized[startLine:endLine], collapse = "\n")

      # Make sure there is at least one empty line between entries
      if (tail(readLines(rstudioSnippetsFilePath, warn = FALSE), n=1) != "") {
        snippetText <- paste0("\n", snippetText)

      # Append snippet block, print message
      cat(paste0(snippetText, "\n"), file = rstudioSnippetsFilePath, append = TRUE)
      cat(paste0("* Added '", s, "' to '", rstudioSnippetsFilePath, "'\n"))
      added <- TRUE

  if (added) {
    cat("Restart RStudio to use new snippets")


Try the dash package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

dash documentation built on June 23, 2022, 9:11 a.m.