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# Unit test makeValidNames
# Fixes bad names in data frames and messages the user

context("test makeValidNames")

test_that("makeValidNames function", {

  # Test the function in 3 scenarios
  # 1. No changes
  # 2. invalid name changes
  # 3. repeat name changes
  iris2 <- iris
  iris3 <- iris
  names(iris2) <- c("`__a horrible name`", "`and   another`", "`___so so bad`", "and", "a_good_one")
  names(iris3) <- c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A")

  expect_silent(a <- makeValidNames(iris))
  expect_message(b <- makeValidNames(iris2), "Fixing syntactically invalid names")
  expect_message(c <- makeValidNames(iris3), "Fixing syntactically invalid names")

  expect_equal(names(a), names(iris))
  expect_equal(names(b), c("X.__a.horrible.name.","X.and...another.","X.___so.so.bad.","and","a_good_one"))
  expect_equal(names(c), c("A" ,  "A.1" ,"A.2" ,"A.3" ,"A.4"))

test_that("makeValidKeys function", {
  # Test the function in a few scenarios
  # normal keys
  a <- "hello"
  expect_equal(makeValidKeys(a), a)
  b <- c("hello", "world")
  expect_equal(makeValidKeys(b), b)
  c <- c("hello", "world", "wide")
  expect_equal(makeValidKeys(c), c)
  # An NA
  d <- NA
  expect_equal(makeValidKeys(d), d)
  # Some cleaning
  e <- " hello "
  expect_equal(makeValidKeys(e), "X.hello.")
  f <- c(" hello ", " hello ")
  expect_equal(makeValidKeys(f), c("X.hello.", "X.hello..1"))
  g <- "_hello "
  expect_equal(makeValidKeys(g), "X_hello.")
  h <- c("_hello ", "_hello ")
  expect_equal(makeValidKeys(h), c("X_hello.", "X_hello..1"))
  # Should not need this test - keys are checked for validity
  #i <- c("A" , NA)
  # Messages
  # No  message if no cleaning
  # Message if cleaning

test_that("makeValidNames function in end to end context", {

  # Not comprehensive - just testing that the name changes work
  iris2 <- iris
  iris3 <- iris
  names(iris2) <- c("`__a horrible name`", "`and   another`", "`___so so bad`", "and111", "a_good_one")
  names(iris3) <- c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A")
  expect_message(a <- rCompare(iris, iris2), "Fixing syntactically invalid names")
  expect_message(b <- rCompare(iris2, iris2), "Fixing syntactically invalid names")
  aa <- capture.output(summary(a))
  bb <- capture.output(summary(b))
  expect_equal(aa[34], "No columns match, so no comparison could take place")
  # Issue #40: change to consistent capitalization
  expect_equal(aa[30], paste0("Columns only in iris: ", toupper("Petal.Length, Petal.Width, Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Species  ")))
  # There appear to be reordering in this column in the devtools::check() run vs testing normally
  # so we'll just look for the titles
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  "Columns only in iris2", x = aa[31], fixed = TRUE))
  # change these tests to uppercase for consistent capitalization. Issue #40
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  toupper("a_good_one"), x = aa[31], fixed = TRUE))
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  toupper("and111"), x = aa[31], fixed = TRUE))
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  toupper("X.___so.so.bad."), x = aa[31], fixed = TRUE))
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  toupper("X.__a.horrible.name."), x = aa[31], fixed = TRUE))
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  toupper("X.and...another."), x = aa[31], fixed = TRUE))
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  "Columns with all rows equal", x = bb[48], fixed = TRUE))
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  "A_GOOD_ONE", x = bb[48], fixed = TRUE))
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  "AND111", x = bb[48], fixed = TRUE))
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  "X.___SO.SO.BAD.", x = bb[48], fixed = TRUE))
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  "X.__A.HORRIBLE.NAME.", x = bb[48], fixed = TRUE))
  expect_true(grepl(pattern =  "X.AND...ANOTHER.", x = bb[48], fixed = TRUE))

test_that("makeValidKeys function in end to end context", {

  # set up data
  aa <- pressure
  bb <- pressure

  names(aa) <- c("  temp" ,"  pressure")
  names(bb) <- c("  temp" ,"  pressure")

  # What do we expect..
  # Keyless compare should just work
  expect_message(rCompare(aa, bb))
  test1  <- capture.output(rCompare(aa, bb))
  expect_equal("All columns were compared, all rows were compared ", test1[1])
  expect_equal("All compared variables match ", test1[2])                     
  expect_equal(" Number of rows compared: 19 ", test1[3])
  expect_equal(" Number of columns compared: 2" , test1[4])
  # Compare with the original name should work
  expect_message(rCompare(aa, bb, keys = "  temp"))
  test2  <- capture.output(rCompare(aa, bb, keys = "  temp"))
  expect_equal("All columns were compared, all rows were compared ", test2[1])
  expect_equal("All compared variables match ", test2[2])                     
  expect_equal(" Number of rows compared: 19 ", test2[3])
  expect_equal(" Number of columns compared: 2" , test2[4])
  # And with the new name that will be set
  expect_message(rCompare(aa, bb, keys = "X..temp"))
  test3  <- capture.output(rCompare(aa, bb, keys = "X..temp"))
  expect_equal("All columns were compared, all rows were compared ", test3[1])
  expect_equal("All compared variables match ", test3[2])                     
  expect_equal(" Number of rows compared: 19 ", test3[3])
  expect_equal(" Number of columns compared: 2" , test3[4])
  # But not temp  
  expect_error(rCompare(aa, bb, keys = "temp"))

  # Or with lists inc NA
  # THis error could be improved..
  expect_error(rCompare(aa, bb, keys = c(NA,"temp")))

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dataCompareR documentation built on Nov. 23, 2021, 9:06 a.m.