
Defines functions Package.load

Documented in Package.load

#' Data Package class
#' @description A class for working with data packages. 
#' It provides various capabilities like loading local or 
#' remote data package, inferring a data package descriptor, 
#' saving a data package descriptor and many more.
#' @usage # Package.load(descriptor = list(),basePath = NA,strict = FALSE)
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{Package$new(descriptor = list(),basePath = NA,strict = FALSE)}}{
#' Use \code{\link{Package.load}} to instantiate \code{Package} class.}
#' \item{\code{getResource(name)}}{
#'   Get data package resource by name or null if not found.}
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{name }}{Data resource name.}  
#'  }
#' \item{\code{addResource(descriptor)}}{
#'   Add new resource to data package. The data package descriptor will be 
#'   validated with newly added resource descriptor.}
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{descriptor }}{Data resource descriptor.}  
#'  }
#' \item{\code{removeResource(name)}}{
#'   Remove data package resource by name. The data package descriptor will be 
#'   validated after resource descriptor removal.}
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{name }}{Data resource name.}  
#'  }
#' \item{\code{infer(pattern=FALSE)}}{
#'   Infer a data package metadata. If \code{pattern} is not provided only existent 
#'   resources will be inferred (added metadata like encoding, profile etc). 
#'   If \code{pattern} is provided new resoures with file names mathing the pattern 
#'   will be added and inferred. It commits changes to data package instance.}
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{pattern }}{Glob pattern for new resources.}  
#'  }
#' \item{\code{commit(strict)}}{
#' Update data package instance if there are in-place changes in the descriptor. Returns \code{TRUE} on success and \code{FALSE} if not modified.}
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{strict }}{Boolean - Alter strict mode for further work.}
#'  }
#' \item{\code{save(target)}}{
#' For now only descriptor will be saved. Save descriptor to target destination.}
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{target }}{String path where to save a data package.}
#'  }
#' }
#' @section Properties:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{valid}}{Returns validation status. It always \code{TRUE} in strict mode.}
#'   \item{\code{errors}}{Returns validation errors. It always empty in strict mode.}
#'   \item{\code{profile}}{Returns an instance of \code{\link{Profile}} class.}
#'   \item{\code{descriptor}}{Returns list of package descriptor.}
#'   \item{\code{resources}}{Returns list of Resource instances.}
#'   \item{\code{resourceNames}}{Returns list of resource names.}
#'  }
#' @section Details:
#' A Data Package consists of:
#' \itemize{ 
#' \item{Metadata that describes the structure and contents of the package.}
#' \item{Resources such as data files that form the contents of the package.}
#' }
#' The Data Package metadata is stored in a "descriptor". This descriptor is what 
#' makes a collection of data a Data Package. The structure of this descriptor is 
#' the main content of the specification below.
#' In addition to this descriptor a data package will include other resources such as 
#' data files. The Data Package specification does NOT impose any requirements on their 
#' form or structure and can therefore be used for packaging any kind of data.
#' The data included in the package may be provided as:
#' \itemize{    
#' \item{Files bundled locally with the package descriptor.}
#' \item{Remote resources, referenced by URL.}
#' \item{"Inline" data which is included directly in the descriptor.}
#' }
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=jsonlite}{Jsolite package} is internally used to convert json data to list objects. The input parameters of functions could be json strings, 
#' files or lists and the outputs are in list format to easily further process your data in R environment and exported as desired. 
#' It is recommended to use \code{\link{helpers.from.json.to.list}} or \code{\link{helpers.from.list.to.json}} to convert json objects to lists and vice versa.
#' More details about handling json you can see jsonlite documentation or vignettes \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=jsonlite}{here}.
#' @section Language:
#' The key words \code{MUST}, \code{MUST NOT}, \code{REQUIRED}, \code{SHALL}, \code{SHALL NOT}, 
#' \code{SHOULD}, \code{SHOULD NOT}, \code{RECOMMENDED}, \code{MAY}, and \code{OPTIONAL} 
#' in this package documents are to be interpreted as described in \href{https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt}{RFC 2119}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Package.load}}, 
#' \href{https://specs.frictionlessdata.io//data-package/}{Data Package Specifications}
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @keywords data
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}}
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object

Package <- R6::R6Class(
  class = TRUE,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(descriptor = list(),
                          basePath = NULL,
                          strict = FALSE,
                          profile = NULL) {
      # Handle deprecated resource.path.url
      if (length(descriptor$resources) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(descriptor$resources)) {
          if ("url" %in% names(descriptor$resources[[i]])) {
              'Resource property "url: <url>" is deprecated.
              Please use "path: <url>" instead.')
            descriptor$resources[[i]]$path <- descriptor$resources[[i]]$url
            rlist::list.remove(descriptor$resources[[i]], "url")
      private$currentDescriptor_ <- descriptor
      private$nextDescriptor_ <- descriptor
      private$basePath_ <- basePath
      private$profile_ <- profile
      private$strict_ <- strict
      private$resources_ <- list()
      private$errors_ <- list()
      # Build instance
    addResource = function(descriptor) {
      if (is.null(private$currentDescriptor_$resources)) private$currentDescriptor_$resources <- list()
      private$currentDescriptor_$resources <- rlist::list.append(private$currentDescriptor_$resources, descriptor)
    getResource = function(name) {
      resources <- Filter(function(x) x$name == name, private$resources_)
      if (length(resources) > 0) return(resources[[1]])
      else return(NULL)
    removeResource = function(name) {
      resource <- self$getResource(name)
      if (!is.null(resource)) {
        predicat <- function(resource) { return(resource$name != name) }
        private$currentDescriptor_$resources <- Filter(predicat, private$currentDescriptor_$resources)
    infer = function(pattern) {
      if (isTRUE(!is.null(pattern)) && stringr::str_length(pattern) > 0) {
        # No base path
        if (is.null(private$basePath_) || stringr::str_length(private$basePath_) < 1) {
          stop('Base path is required for pattern infer')
        # Add resources
        files <- findFiles(pattern, private$basePath_)
        for (file in files) {
          self$addResource(list(path = file))
      # Resources
      if (length(private$resources_) > 0) {
        for (index in 1:length(private$resources_)) {
          descriptor <- private$resources_[[index]]$infer()
          private$currentDescriptor_$resources[[index]] <- descriptor
      # Profile
      if (isTRUE(private$nextDescriptor_$profile == config::get("DEFAULT_DATA_PACKAGE_PROFILE", file = system.file("config/config.yaml", package = "datapackage.r")))) {
        if (length(private$resources_) >= 1 && rlist::list.all(private$resources_, r ~ isTRUE(r$tabular))) {
          private$currentDescriptor_$profile <- 'tabular-data-package'
    commit = function(strict = NULL) {
      if (is.logical(strict))
        private$strict_ <- strict
      else if (identical(private$currentDescriptor_, private$nextDescriptor_))
      private$currentDescriptor_ <- private$nextDescriptor_
    save = function(target, type = "json") {
      #add name descriptor
      # if(type == "zip"){
      # write.csv(private$currentDescriptor_, file=stringr::str_c(target, "package.txt",sep = "/"))
      # }ifelse(!dir.exists("Data"), dir.create("Data"), "Folder exists already")
      if (!dir.exists(target) & target != ".") {
        create_folder <- menu(c("Yes", "No"), title=
                               stringr::str_interp('Folder "${target}" does not exist in current directory: "${getwd()}".\n Do you want to create a new folder?'))
        ifelse(create_folder == 1, dir.create(target), return("Package descriptor wasn't saved."))
                 file = stringr::str_c(target, "package.json", sep = "/"))
      save <- if (isTRUE(target == ".")) stringr::str_interp('Package saved at: "${getwd()}"') else 
        stringr::str_interp('Package saved at: "${target}"')
      # if (!is.json(private$currentDescriptor_)) private$currentDescriptor_ = jsonlite::toJSON(private$currentDescriptor_, pretty = TRUE)
      # # if(type == "zip"){
      # # write.csv(private$currentDescriptor_, file=stringr::str_c(target, "package.txt",sep = "/"))
      # # }
      # else write(private$currentDescriptor_, file = stringr::str_c(target,"package.json", sep = "/"))
      # save=stringr::str_interp('Package saved at: "${target}"')
      # return (save)
  active = list(
    descriptor = function(x) {
      if (!missing(x)) private$nextDescriptor_ <- x
    resourceNames = function() {
      return(purrr::map(self$resources, "name")) 
    profile = function() {
      if (is.null(private$profile_))
        private$profile_ <- private$currentDescriptor_$resources$profile
      # if (is.json(private$currentDescriptor_)|is.character(private$currentDescriptor_)) {
      #   private$profile_ <- jsonlite::fromJSON(private$currentDescriptor_)$profile
      #   if (is.null(private$profile_)) private$profile_ <- jsonlite::fromJSON(private$currentDescriptor_)$resources$profile
      # }
      # return (private$profile_)
    valid = function() {
      return(isTRUE(length(private$errors_) < 1)) #== 0 && unlist(purrr::map(private$resources_, function(x) validate(jsonlite::toJSON(x))$valid)) ))
      #&& unlist(purrr::map(q, function(x) validate(jsonlite::toJSON(x))$valid))
      # return (isTRUE(length(private$errors_) == 0 && unlist(purrr::map(private$resources_, function(x) validate(jsonlite::toJSON(x))$valid)) )) #&& unlist(purrr::map(q, function(x) validate(jsonlite::toJSON(x))$valid))
    errors = function() {
      errors <- private$errors_
      if (length(private$resources_) > 0) {
        for (index in 1:length(private$resources_)) {
          if (!isTRUE(private$resources_[[index]]$valid)) {
            errors <- append(
                'Resource "${private$resources_[[index]]$name || index}" validation error(s)'
    resources = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      else {
        private$resources_ <- value
  private = list(
    currentDescriptor_ = NULL,
    nextDescriptor_ = NULL,
    profile_ = NULL,
    basePath_ = NULL,
    strict_ = NULL,
    resources_ = list(),
    errors_ = NULL,
    descriptor_ = NULL,
    pattern_ = NULL,
    currentDescriptor_json = NULL,
    resources_length = NULL,
    build_ = function() {
      private$currentDescriptor_ <- expandPackageDescriptor(private$currentDescriptor_)
      private$nextDescriptor_ <- private$currentDescriptor_
      # Validate descriptor
      private$errors_ <- list()
      valid_errors <- private$profile_$validate(private$currentDescriptor_)
      if (!isTRUE(valid_errors$valid)) {
        private$errors_ <- valid_errors$errors
        if (isTRUE(private$strict_)) {
          message <- stringr::str_interp(
            "There are ${length(valid_errors$errors)} validation errors: ${paste(private$errors_, collapse = ', ')}"
      # Update resources
      length(private$resources_) <- if (is.null(private$currentDescriptor_$resources)) {
      } else {
      if ( length(private$resources_) > 0) {
        for (index in 1: length(private$resources_)) {
          descriptor <- private$currentDescriptor_$resources[[index]]
          if (index > length(private$resources_) ||
              !identical(private$resources_[[index]], descriptor) ||
              (!is.null(private$resources_[[index]]$schema) &&
               length(private$resources_[[index]]$schema$foreignKeys >= 1)) ) {
            private$resources_[[index]] <- Resource$new(
              strict = private$strict_,
              basePath = private$basePath_,
              dataPackage = self

#' Instantiate \code{Data Package} class
#' @description Constructor to instantiate \code{Package} class.
#' @usage Package.load(descriptor = list(), basePath = NA, strict = FALSE)
#' @param descriptor Data package descriptor as local path, url or object.
#' @param basePath Base path for all relative paths
#' @param strict  Strict flag to alter validation behavior. 
#' Setting it to \code{TRUE} leads to throwing errors on any operation with invalid descriptor.
#' @rdname Package.load
#' @seealso \code{\link{Package}}, 
#' \href{https://specs.frictionlessdata.io//data-package/#specification}{Data Package Specifications}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load local descriptor
#' descriptor <- system.file('extdata/dp1/datapackage.json', 
#'                          package = "datapackage.r")
#' dataPackage <- Package.load(descriptor)
#' dataPackage$descriptor
#' # Retrieve Package Descriptor
#' descriptor2 <- '{"resources": [{"name": "name", "data": ["data"]}]}'
#' dataPackage2 <- Package.load(descriptor2)
#' dataPackage2$descriptor
#' # Expand Resource Descriptor
#' descriptor3 <- helpers.from.json.to.list('{"resources": 
#'                                          [{
#'                                           "name": "name",
#'                                           "data": ["data"]
#'                                           }]
#'                                         }')
#' dataPackage3 <- Package.load(descriptor3)
#' dataPackage3$descriptor
#' # Expand Tabular Resource Schema
#' descriptor4 <- helpers.from.json.to.list('{
#'                                       "resources": [{
#'                                         "name": "name",
#'                                         "data": ["data"],
#'                                         "profile": "tabular-data-resource",
#'                                         "schema": {
#'                                           "fields": [{
#'                                             "name": "name"
#'                                           }]
#'                                         }
#'                                       }]
#'                                       }')
#' dataPackage4 <- Package.load(descriptor4)
#' dataPackage4$descriptor
#' # Expand Tabular Resource Dialect
#' descriptor5 <- helpers.from.json.to.list('{
#'                                          "resources": [{
#'                                            "name": "name",
#'                                            "data": ["data"],
#'                                            "profile": "tabular-data-resource",
#'                                            "dialect": {
#'                                              "delimiter": "custom"
#'                                              }
#'                                            }]
#'                                          }')
#' dataPackage5 <- Package.load(descriptor5)
#' dataPackage5$descriptor
#' # Add, Get and Remove Package Resources
#' descriptor6 <- helpers.from.json.to.list(
#'        system.file('extdata/dp1/datapackage.json', 
#'                      package = "datapackage.r"))
#' dataPackage6 <- Package.load(descriptor6)
#' resource6 <- dataPackage6$addResource(
#'         helpers.from.json.to.list('{"name": "name", "data": ["test"]}'))
#' dataPackage6$resources[[2]]$source
#' # Get resource
#' dataPackage6$getResource('name')
#' # Remove resource
#' dataPackage6$removeResource('name')
#' dataPackage6$getResource('name')
#' # Modify and Commit Data Package
#' descriptor7 <- helpers.from.json.to.list(
#'         '{"resources": [{"name": "name", "data": ["data"]}]}')
#' dataPackage7 <- Package.load(descriptor7)
#' dataPackage7$descriptor$resources[[1]]$name <- 'modified'
#' ## Name did not modified.
#' dataPackage7$resources[[1]]$name
#' ## Should commit the changes
#' dataPackage7$commit() # TRUE - successful commit 
#' dataPackage7$resources[[1]]$name

Package.load <- function(descriptor = list(),
                        basePath = NA,
                        strict = FALSE) {
  # Get base path
  if (is.na(basePath)) {
    basePath <- locateDescriptor(descriptor)
  # Process descriptor
  descriptor <- retrieveDescriptor(descriptor)
  descriptor <- dereferencePackageDescriptor(descriptor, basePath)
  # Get profile
  profile.to.load <- if (is.null(descriptor$profile)) {
    config::get("DEFAULT_DATA_PACKAGE_PROFILE", file = system.file("config/config.yaml", package = "datapackage.r"))
  } else {
  profile <- Profile.load(profile.to.load)
  return(Package$new(descriptor, basePath, strict = strict, profile = profile))

Try the datapackage.r package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

datapackage.r documentation built on Jan. 11, 2022, 5:07 p.m.