#' Go from taxon names to a `datelifeQuery` object
## #' @description
#' @param input Taxon names as one of the following:
#' \describe{
#' \item{A character vector of taxon names}{With taxon names as a single comma separated starting or concatenated with [c()].}
#' \item{A phylogenetic tree with taxon names as tip labels}{As a `phylo` or `multiPhylo`
#' object, OR as a newick character string.}
#' }
#' @param use_tnrs Whether to use Open Tree of Life's Taxonomic Name Resolution Service (TNRS)
#' to process input taxon names. Default to `TRUE`, it corrects misspellings and
#' taxonomic name variations with [tnrs_match()], a wrapper of [rotl::tnrs_match_names()].
# #' @param use_tnrs Boolean; default to `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, use OpenTree's services
# #' to resolve names. This can dramatically improve the chance of matches, but also
# #' take much longer.
# #' @param approximate_match Boolean; default to `TRUE`: use a slower TNRS to
# #' correct misspellings, increasing the chance of matches (including false matches).
#' @param get_spp_from_taxon Whether to search ages for all species belonging to a
#' given taxon or not. Default to `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, it must have same length as input.
#' If input is a newick string with some clades it will be converted to a `phylo`
#' object, and the order of `get_spp_from_taxon` will match `phy$tip.label`.
#' @inheritParams tnrs_match
#' @return A `datelifeQuery` object, which is a list of three elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{$phy}{A `phylo` object or `NA`, if input is not a tree.}
#' \item{$cleaned_names}{A character vector of cleaned taxon names.}
#' \item{$ott_ids}{A numeric vector of OTT ids if `use_tnrs = TRUE`, or `NULL` if `use_tnrs = FALSE`.}
#' }
#' @details It processes `phylo` objects and newick character string inputs
#' with [input_process()]. If `input` is a `multiPhylo` object, only the first `phylo`
#' element will be used. Similarly, if an `input` newick character string has multiple trees,
#' only the first one will be used.
#' @export
make_datelife_query <- function(input = c("Rhea americana", "Pterocnemia pennata", "Struthio camelus"),
use_tnrs = TRUE,
get_spp_from_taxon = FALSE,
reference_taxonomy = "ott") {
# enhance: add mapped (has tnrs been performed?) and matched (was it matched successfully?) element to phylo object
# add one for each taxonomy queried: ott, catalogue of life (also contains fossils), enciclopedia of life (common names)
if (suppressMessages(is_datelife_query(input))) {
message("Input is already a 'datelifeQuery' object - returning input.")
# input_process determines if input is newick and transforms it to phylo
# if input is phylo or multiphylo it will also check if it is a good tree
# if input is anything else, it will return NA:
phy_new <- input_process(input = input)
# determine if tnrs should be run
# TODO should tnrs always be activated???
use_tnrs_global <- FALSE
if (use_tnrs | any(get_spp_from_taxon)) {
use_tnrs_global <- TRUE
# start datelife query
message("---> Making a DateLife query.")
if (inherits(phy_new, "phylo")) { # if input IS phylo
cleaned_names <- phy_new$tip.label
ott_ids <- NULL
cleaned_names_tnrs <- NULL
# if we have ott_ids in phy, don't use_tnrs again:
if (inherits(phy_new$ott_ids, "numeric") | inherits(phy_new$ott_ids, "integer")) {
# if(!any($ott_ids))){ #if there are no NAs
use_tnrs_global <- FALSE
ott_ids <- phy_new$ott_ids
if (any(get_spp_from_taxon)) { # to use later, when get_spp_from_taxon = TRUE
cleaned_names_tnrs <- list(ott_id = phy_new$ott_ids,
unique_name = phy_new$tip.label)
} else { # if input is NOT phylo, it can be a list
input <- unlist(input) # in case input is given as a list
# split elements by the commas:
cleaned_names <- unlist(strsplit(input, ","))
# clean split elements of lingering unneeded white spaces:
cleaned_names <- stringr::str_trim(cleaned_names, side = "both")
ott_ids <- NULL
cleaned_names_tnrs <- NULL
if (use_tnrs_global) {
# process names even if it's a "higher" taxon name:
cleaned_names_tnrs <- clean_tnrs(tnrs_match(input = cleaned_names),
remove_nonmatches = TRUE)
# recover original names of invalid taxa and unmatched:
ii <- !tolower(cleaned_names) %in% cleaned_names_tnrs$search_string
cleaned_names <- c(cleaned_names_tnrs$unique_name, cleaned_names[ii])
cleaned_names <- gsub(" ", "_", cleaned_names)
if (inherits(phy_new, "phylo")) {
if (is.null(phy_new$ott_ids)) {
# after some tests, decided to use rotl's method instead of taxize::gnr_resolve, and just output the original input and the actual query for users to check out.
# cleaned_names <- taxize::gnr_resolve(names = cleaned_names, data_source_ids=179, fields="all")$matched_name
# rename the tip labels with tnrs matched names
ott_ids <- rep(NA, length(cleaned_names))
ii <- match(cleaned_names_tnrs$search_string,
phy_new$tip.label[ii] <- cleaned_names[ii]
ott_ids[ii] <- cleaned_names_tnrs$ott_id
phy_new$ott_ids <- ott_ids
} else {
ott_ids <- cleaned_names_tnrs$ott_id
if (any(get_spp_from_taxon)) {
if (length(get_spp_from_taxon) == 1) {
get_spp_from_taxon <- rep(get_spp_from_taxon, length(cleaned_names))
if (length(cleaned_names) != length(get_spp_from_taxon)) {
# message("Specify all taxa in input to get species names from -")
message("---> Vectors provided in 'input' and 'get_spp_from_taxon' arguments have different length.")
message("Please fix and try again - returning NA.")
# rotl::tol_subtree is very fast but returns subspecies too \o/
# it has no argument to restrict it to species only
# so we are using our own function that wraps up their services nicely
if ("ott" %in% reference_taxonomy) {
species_list <- get_opentree_species(taxon_name = cleaned_names_tnrs$unique_name,
ott_id = cleaned_names_tnrs$ott_id,
synth_tree_only = TRUE)
cleaned_names <- species_list$species_names
ott_ids <- species_list$ott_ids
} else {
# example: df <- get_ott_children(ott_ids = 698424, ott_rank = "species")
df <- get_ott_children(ott_ids = cleaned_names_tnrs$ott_id, ott_rank = "species")
# head(rownames(df[[1]])[grepl("species", df[[1]]$rank)])
# the following does not work; it gives subspecies back
# fixing it from get_ott_children function and here too
cleaned_names <- lapply(df, function(x) rownames(x)[grepl("\\bspecies\\b", x$rank)])
# enhance: create vector original_taxon with original names: rep(cleaned_names[i], length(cleaned_names[i]))
original_taxa <- lapply(seq(nrow(cleaned_names_tnrs)), function(i) {
rep(cleaned_names_tnrs$unique_name[i], length(cleaned_names[[i]]))
ott_ids <- lapply(df, function(x) x$ott_id[grepl("\\bspecies\\b", x$rank)])
cleaned_names <- unlist(cleaned_names)
ott_ids <- unlist(ott_ids)
if (is.null(ott_ids)) {
message("---> OTT ids were not retrieved.")
# format return
# Make sure that we are using underscores and not spaces:
cleaned_names <- gsub("_", " ", cleaned_names)
if (inherits(ott_ids, "numeric") | inherits(ott_ids, "integer")) {
names(ott_ids) <- cleaned_names
# enhance: add original_taxa vector (from get_spp_from_taxon) to output here:
datelife_query_return <- list(
cleaned_names = cleaned_names, ott_ids = ott_ids,
phy = phy_new
#TODO: print working taxa to a file instead of screen
grammar <- ifelse(length(cleaned_names) == 1, "taxon: ", paste(length(cleaned_names), "taxa: "))
message("---> Working with the following ",
paste0(utils::head(cleaned_names, n = 10L), collapse = " | "),
ifelse(length(cleaned_names) <= 10,
paste("... omitted ", length(cleaned_names) - 10, "taxon names.")))
message("DateLife query done!\n")
return(structure(datelife_query_return, class = "datelifeQuery"))
#' Process a phylo object or a character string to determine if it's correct newick
#' @inheritParams make_datelife_query
#' @return A `phylo` object or `NA` if input is not a tree .
#' @export
input_process <- function(input) {
message("---> Phylo-processing 'input'.")
input_class <- "phylo"
ott_ids <- NULL
# TODO remove the multiPhylo if option from here?
# make a method for input processing on multiPhylo objects
if (inherits(input, "multiPhylo")) {
input <- input[[1]]
if (inherits(input, "phylo")) {
input_class <- class(input) # in case it has other classes to inherit
ott_ids <- input$ott_ids # if phy already has ott ids, save them for later
input <- ape::write.tree(input) # converts to newick
if (!is.character(input)) {
message("* 'input' must be a character vector of taxon names, a newick string, or a 'phylo' or 'multiPhylo' object.")
input <- gsub("\\+", " ", input) # clean the string
input <- stringr::str_trim(input, side = "both") # clean the string
phy_out <- NA
if (any(grepl("\\(.*\\).*;", input))) { # our test for newick
input <- input[grepl("\\(.*\\).*;", input)] # leave only the elements that are newick strings
if (length(input) > 1) {
message("'input' has several newick strings. Only the first one will be used...")
# phytools read.newick is not working
# phy_out <- = gsub(" ", "_", input[1])))
phy_out <- = gsub(" ", "_", input[1])))
phy_out$ott_ids <- ott_ids
class(phy_out) <- input_class
message("* 'input' is a phylogeny and it is correctly formatted...")
# ape::read.tree creates NaN edge lengths for tree without branch lengths
# clean it up:
if (!is.null(phy_out$edge.length)) {
if (any($edge.length))) {
warning("* 'input' has NA or NaN as branch lengths...")
# phy_out$edge.length <- NULL
} else {
# not a requirement for input to be a phylogeny at this point
message("* 'input' is not a phylogeny.") # so message instead of warning or stop
#' Check if input is a `datelifeQuery` object
#' @description `is_datelife_query` checks for two things to be `TRUE` or `FALSE`.
#' First, that `input` is of class {datelifeQuery}.
#' Second, that `input` is a list that contains at least two elements of a `datelifeQuery` object:
#' \describe{
#' \item{cleaned_names}{A character vector of taxon names.}
#' \item{phy}{Either NA or a `phylo` object.}
#' }
#' @param input An object to be checked as an object with essential properties of a 'datelifeQuery' object.
#' @return Is determined by the second condition.
#' @details If the object has the correct format but it has a class different than
#' `datelifeQuery`, the class is not modified.
#' @export
is_datelife_query <- function(input) {
if (is.list(input) & "phy" %in% names(input) & "cleaned_names" %in% names(input)) {
if (inherits(input, "datelifeQuery")) {
message("'input' is a 'datelifeQuery' object.")
} else {
"'input' has the elements of a 'datelifeQuery' object but is of class '",
# class(input) <- "datelifeQuery"
} else {
message("'input' is not a 'datelifeQuery' object.")
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