Man pages for dave
Functions for "Data Analysis in Vegetation Ecology"

aoccAnalysis of concentration (AOC)
ccostCost function of 2 alternative classifications of rows in...
centroidCentroids of row groups (vegetation releves)
dave-packageData Analysis in Vegetation Ecology
davesilModified version of silhouette plotting
dircorDirectional mantel correlation
EKsSwiss forest vegetation data base 1972, site information
EKvSwiss forest vegetation data base 1972, vegetation...
fitmarkovApproximating a Markov chain
fspaFlexible shortest path adjustment
ltimLippe et al. 1985 data set, yr of observation
lvegLippe et al. 1985 data set, vegetation data
MtabsStructuring vegetation data tables
mvegEllenberg's 1956 meadow data
mxplotMatrixplot of groups similarities
nsitEuropean beach forest data, site factors
nvegEuropean beach forest data, vegetation
orankRanking by orthogonal components (RANK)
outlierOutlier detection
overlyOverly of multivariate time series
pcaserConnecting time series in ordinations
pcobiplotComputing and plotting a biplot ordination using principal...
pcovarPlotting 6 variants of principal coordinates analysis
psitTime scale (yr) for Soppensee pollen data
pvegSoppensee pollen data
sn59sitTime series from the Swiss National Park, 59 plots. Site...
sn59vegTime series from the Swiss National Park, 59 plots....
sn6sitTime series from the Swiss National Park, 6 plots. Site data.
sn6vegTime series from the Swiss National Park, 6 plots. Vegetation...
sn7sitTime series from the Swiss National Park, 7 plots. Site data.
sn7vegTime series from the Swiss National Park, 6 plots. Vegetation...
SNPsmThe spatial and temporal model of succession in the Swiss...
SNPtmThe temporal model of succession in the Swiss National Park
speedprofPlotting velocity profiles of multivariate time series
srankRanking species by IndVal or F-value
ssindIndicator values of all species in data set "sveg"
ssitSchlaenggli site data
sspftSelected plant functional traits of all species in data set...
svegSchlaenggli vegetation data
tsitTime series from the Swiss National Park, Plot Tr6. Site...
tvegTime series from the Swiss National Park, Plot Tr6....
vrsitVraconnaz time series data, site factors and dates
vrvegVraconnaz time series data, vegetation
vvelocityPrinting ordinations of velocity and acceleration and...
wetsitRandom sample of Swiss wetland vegetation, site information.
wetvegRandom sample of Swiss wetland vegetation, vegetation...
ws200Four kilometre grid forest data of Switzerland, 200m2 plots
ws30Four kilometre grid forest data of Switzerland, 30m2 plots
ws500Four kilometre grid forest data of Switzerland, 500m2 plots
wssitFour kilometre grid forest data of Switzerland, site...
dave documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:30 p.m.