
Defines functions dbh_GET getdbkey get_dbkey gethydro parse_hydro_response get_hydro getwq get_wq

Documented in getdbkey get_dbkey gethydro get_hydro getwq get_wq

#'@name get_wq
#'@title Retrieve water quality data from the DBHYDRO Environmental Database
#'@description Retrieve water quality data from the
#' DBHYDRO Environmental Database
#'@param station_id character string of station id(s). See the SFWMD station
#' search utility for specific options
#'@param date_min character date must be in POSIXct YYYY-MM-DD format
#'@param date_max character date must be in POSIXct YYYY-MM-DD format
#'@param test_name character string of test name(s). See the SFWMD
#' Station Maps at \url{https://www.sfwmd.gov/documents-by-tag/emmaps}
#' for specific options
#'@param raw logical default is FALSE, set to TRUE to return data in "long"
#' format with all comments, qa information, and database codes included
#'@param qc_strip logical set TRUE to avoid returning QAQC flagged data entries
#'@param qc_field logical set TRUE to avoid returning field QC results
#'@param test_number numeric test name alternative (not implemented)
#'@param v_target_code string print to file? (not implemented)
#'@param sample_id numeric (not implemented)
#'@param project_code numeric (not implemented)
#'@param mdl_handling character string specifying the handling of measurement
#' values below the minimum detection limit (MDL). Example choices for this
#' argument include:
#'\item \code{raw}: Returns values exactly as they are stored in the database.
#' Current practice is to return values below the MDL as 0 minus the
#' uncertainty estimate.
#'\item \code{half}: Returns values below the MDL as half the MDL
#'\item \code{full}: Returns values below the MDL as the MDL
#'@aliases getwq
#'@importFrom httr GET content timeout
#'@importFrom utils read.csv
#'@details By default, \code{get_wq} returns a cleaned output. First, the
#' cleaning function \code{\link{clean_wq}} converts the raw output from native
#' DBHYDRO long format (each piece of data on its own row) to wide format (each
#' site x variable combination in its own column). Next, the extra columns
#' associated with QA flags, LIMS, and District receiving are removed. Finally,
#' row entries associated with QA field blanks, which are used to check on
#' potential sources of contamination, are removed. Setting the raw flag to TRUE
#' will force getwq to retain information on QA field blanks as well as the
#' other QA fields.
#'#one variable and one station
#'get_wq(station_id = "FLAB08",
#'date_min = "2011-03-01", date_max = "2012-05-01",
#'test_name = "CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE")
#'#one variable at multiple stations
#'get_wq(station_id = c("FLAB08", "FLAB09"),
#'date_min = "2011-03-01", date_max = "2012-05-01",
#'test_name = "CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE")
#'#One variable at a wildcard station
#'get_wq(station_id = c("FLAB0%"),
#'date_min = "2011-03-01",
#'date_max = "2012-05-01",
#'test_name = "CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE")
#'#multiple variables at multiple stations
#'get_wq(station_id = c("FLAB08", "FLAB09"),
#'date_min = "2011-03-01", date_max = "2012-05-01",

get_wq <- function(station_id = NA, date_min = NA, date_max = NA,
         test_name = NA, mdl_handling = "raw", raw = FALSE, qc_strip = "N",
         qc_field = "N", test_number = NA, v_target_code = "file_csv",
         sample_id = NA, project_code = NA){

  if(!(nchar(date_min) == 10 & nchar(date_max) == 10)){
    stop("Enter dates as quote-wrapped character strings in YYYY-MM-DD format")

  servfull <- "https://my.sfwmd.gov/dbhydroplsql/water_quality_data.report_full"

  # "http://www.sfwmd.gov/portal/page/portal/sfwmdmain/home%20page"),
  # silent=TRUE)
  #if(!exists("ping")){stop("no internet connection")}

  station_like <- station_id[grepl("%", station_id)]
  if(length(station_like) > 0){
    station_id <- station_id[!grepl("%", station_id)]
    station_like <- paste("(", paste("'", station_like, "'", sep = "",
                    collapse = ","), ")", sep = "")
    station_like <- NA

  station_list <- paste("(",paste("'", station_id, "'", sep = "",
                  collapse = ","), ")", sep = "")

    date_min <- strftime(date_min, format = "%d-%b-%Y")
    date_min <- paste("> ", "'", date_min, "'", sep = "")
    date_max <- strftime(date_max, format = "%d-%b-%Y")
    date_max <- paste("< ", "'", date_max, "'", sep = "")

  test_list <- paste("(", paste("'", test_name, "'", sep = "",
               collapse = ","), ")", sep = "")

  if(qc_strip == TRUE){
    qc_strip <- "Y"

  if(qc_field == TRUE){
    qc_field <- "Y"

  if(length(station_like) > 0 & any(!is.na(station_like))){
    qy <- list(v_where_clause = paste("where", "date_collected", date_min,
          "and", "date_collected", date_max, "and", "station_id", "like",
          station_like, "and", "test_name", "in", test_list, sep = " "),
          v_target_code = v_target_code, v_exc_flagged = qc_strip,
          v_exc_qc = qc_field)
    qy <- list(v_where_clause = paste("where", "date_collected", date_min,
          "and", "date_collected", date_max, "and", "station_id", "in",
          station_list, "and", "test_name", "in", test_list, sep = " "),
          v_target_code = v_target_code, v_exc_flagged = qc_strip,
          v_exc_qc = qc_field)

  res <- dbh_GET(servfull, query = qy)
  res <- suppressMessages(read.csv(text = res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
         na.strings = c(" ", "")))
  res <- res[rowSums(is.na(res)) != ncol(res),]

  if(!any(!is.na(res)) | !any(res$Matrix != "DI")){
    message("No data found")
    clean_wq(res, raw = raw, mdl_handling = mdl_handling)

getwq <- function(station_id = NA, date_min = NA, date_max = NA,
                  test_name = NA, mdl_handling = "raw", raw = FALSE,
                  qc_strip = "N", qc_field = "N", test_number = NA,
                  v_target_code = "file_csv", sample_id = NA,
                  project_code = NA){
  get_wq(station_id = station_id, date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max,
         test_name = test_name, mdl_handling = mdl_handling, raw = raw,
         qc_strip = qc_strip, qc_field = qc_field, test_number = test_number,
         v_target_code = v_target_code, sample_id = sample_id,
         project_code = project_code)

#'@name get_hydro
#'@title Retrieve hydrologic data from the DBHYDRO Environmental Database
#'@description Retrieve hydrologic data from the DBHYDRO Environmental Database
#'@param dbkey character string specifying a unique data series.
#' See \code{\link[dbhydroR]{get_dbkey}}
#'@param date_min character date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format
#'@param date_max character date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format
#'@param raw logical default is FALSE, set to TRUE to return data in "long"
#' format with all comments, qa information, and database codes included.
#'@param ... Options passed on to \code{\link[dbhydroR]{get_dbkey}}
#'@aliases gethydro
#'@importFrom httr GET content
#'@details  \code{get_hydro} can be run in one of two ways.
#'\item The first, is to identify one or more \code{dbkeys} before-hand that
#' correspond to unique data series and are passed to the \code{dbkey}
#' argument. \code{dbkeys} can be found by:
#'\itemize{ \item iterative calls to \code{\link{get_dbkey}} (see example)
#'\item using the Environmental Monitoring Location Maps
#' (\url{https://www.sfwmd.gov/documents-by-tag/emmaps})
#'\item using the DBHYDRO Browser.
#'\item The second way to run \code{get_hydro} is to specify additional
#' arguments to \code{...} which are passed to \code{\link{get_dbkey}}
#' on-the-fly.
#'By default, \code{get_hydro} returns a cleaned output where metadata
#' (station-name, variable, measurement units) is wholly contained in the column
#' name. This is accomplished internally by the \code{\link{clean_hydro}}
#' function. If additional metadata such as latitude and longitude are desired
#' set the \code{raw} argument to \code{TRUE}.
#'#One variable/station time series
#'get_hydro(dbkey = "15081", date_min = "2013-01-01", date_max = "2013-02-02")
#'#Multiple variable/station time series
#'get_hydro(dbkey = c("15081", "15069"),
#'date_min = "2013-01-01", date_max = "2013-02-02")
#'#Instantaneous hydro retrieval
#'get_hydro(dbkey = "IY639", date_min = "2015-11-01", date_max = "2015-11-04")
#'#Looking up unknown dbkeys on the fly
#'get_hydro(stationid = "JBTS", category = "WEATHER",
#'param = "WNDS", freq = "DA", date_min = "2013-01-01",
#'date_max = "2013-02-02")

get_hydro <- function(dbkey = NA, date_min = NA, date_max = NA, raw = FALSE,

  period <- "uspec"
  v_target_code <- "file_csv"

  if(!(nchar(date_min) == 10 & nchar(date_max) == 10)){
    stop("Enter dates as quote-wrapped character strings in YYYY-MM-DD format")

  # if((is.na(stationid) | is.na(category)) & all(is.na(dbkey))){
  #   stop("Must specify either a dbkey or stationid/category/param.")
  # }

    dbkey <- get_dbkey(detail.level = "dbkey", ...)

  if(length(dbkey) > 1){
    dbkey <- paste(dbkey, "/", collapse = "", sep = "")
    dbkey <- substring(dbkey, 1, (nchar(dbkey) - 1))

  servfull <- "https://my.sfwmd.gov/dbhydroplsql/web_io.report_process"

    date_min <- strftime(date_min, format = "%Y%m%d")
    date_max <- strftime(date_max, format = "%Y%m%d")

  qy <- list(v_period = period, v_start_date = date_min, v_end_date = date_max,
        v_report_type = "format6", v_target_code = v_target_code,
        v_run_mode = "onLine", v_js_flag = "Y", v_dbkey = dbkey)

  res <- dbh_GET(servfull, query = qy)
  try({res <- parse_hydro_response(res, raw)}, silent = TRUE)
  if(class(res) == "character"){
    stop("No data found")

  if(raw == FALSE){
    res <- clean_hydro(res)

# connect metadata header to results
parse_hydro_response <- function(res, raw = FALSE){
    base_skip <- 1
    raw       <- suppressMessages(read.csv(text = res, skip = base_skip,
                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL))
    i         <- 1 + min(which(apply(raw[,10:16], 1, function(x) all(is.na(x) |
                                                                       nchar(x) == 0))))

    # metadata should have type and units columns
    metadata  <- suppressMessages(read.csv(text = res, skip = base_skip,
                                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL))[1:(i - 1),]
    names(metadata) <- c(names(metadata)[2:(ncol(metadata))], "AID")

    try({dt <- suppressMessages(read.csv(text = res, skip = i,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE, colClasses = c("DBKEY" = "character")))}
      , silent = TRUE)

    if(class(dt) != "data.frame"){
      stop("No data found")

    if(!any(names(dt) == "DBKEY")){
      message("Column headings missing. Guessing...")

      names(dt) <- c("Station", "DBKEY", "Daily.Date", "Data.Value",
                     "Qualifer", "Revision.Date")

      if(all(is.na(as.POSIXct(strptime(dt$Daily.Date, format = "%d-%b-%Y"))))){
        message("Returning instantaneous data...")

        names(dt) <- c("Inst.Date", "DCVP", "DBKEY", "Data.Value",
                       "Code", "Quality.Flag")

        dt <- merge(metadata, dt)
        dt$date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(dt$Inst.Date, format = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M"),
                    tz = "America/New_York")
      dt <- merge(metadata, dt)
      dt$date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(dt$Daily.Date, format = "%d-%b-%Y"),
                  tz = "America/New_York")

    names(dt) <- tolower(names(dt))


gethydro <- function(dbkey = NA, date_min = NA, date_max = NA, raw = FALSE,
  get_hydro(dbkey = dbkey, date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max, raw = raw,

#'@name get_dbkey
#'@title Query dbkey information
#'@description Retrieve a data.frame summary including dbkeys or a vector of
#' dbkeys corresponding to specified parameters
#'@param category character string, choice of "WEATHER", "SW", "GW", or "WQ"
#'@param stationid character string specifying station name
#'@param param character string specifying desired parameter name
#'@param longest logical limit results to the longest period-of-record?
#'@param freq character string specifying collection frequency (daily = "DA")
#'@param stat character string specifying statistic type
#'@param recorder character string specifying recorder information
#'@param agency character string specifying collector agency
#'@param strata numeric vector of length 2 specifying a range of z-coordinates
#' relative to local ground elevation. Only applicable for queries in the
#' "WEATHER" and "GW" categories.
#'@param detail.level character string specifying the level of detail to return.
#' Choices are "full", "summary", and "dbkey".
#'@param ... Options passed as named parameters
#'@details A \code{dbkey} represents a unique station x variable time-series. A
#' value in the "Recorder" field of "PREF" should be used whenever possible.
#' This indicates that the dataset has been checked by the SFWMD modelling
#' group.
#'@aliases getdbkey
#'@importFrom XML readHTMLTable
#'@importFrom stats setNames
#'@examples \dontrun{
#'# Weather
#'get_dbkey(stationid = "JBTS", category = "WEATHER", param = "WNDS",
#' detail.level = "summary")
#'get_dbkey(stationid = "JBTS", category = "WEATHER", param = "WNDS",
#' detail.level = "dbkey")
#'# query on multiple values
#'get_dbkey(stationid = c("MBTS", "JBTS"), category = "WEATHER",
#' param = "WNDS", freq = "DA", detail.level = "dbkey")
#'# Surfacewater
#'get_dbkey(stationid = "C111%", category = "SW")
#'get_dbkey(category = "SW", stationid = "LAKE%", detail.level = "full")
#'# Groundwater
#'get_dbkey(stationid = "C111%", category = "GW")
#'get_dbkey(stationid = "C111AE", category = "GW", param = "WELL",
#' freq = "DA", stat = "MEAN", strata = c(9, 22), recorder = "TROL",
#'  agency = "WMD", detail.level = "full")
#'# Water Quality
#'get_dbkey(stationid = "C111%", category = "WQ")

get_dbkey <- function(category, stationid = NA, param = NA, freq = NA,
                      longest = FALSE, stat = NA, recorder = NA, agency = NA,
                      strata = NA, detail.level = "summary", ...){

  if(!(detail.level %in% c("full", "summary", "dbkey"))){
    stop("Must specify either 'full', 'summary',
      or 'dbkey' for the detail.level argument ")

    strata_from <- strata[1]
    strata_to <- strata[2]
    strata_from <- NA
    strata_to <- NA

  # expand parameters with length > 1 to be seperated by "/"
  # with no trailing "/" ####
  user_args <- list(v_category = category, v_station = stationid,
               v_data_type = param, v_frequency = freq, v_statistic_type = stat,
               v_recorder = recorder, v_agency = agency,
               v_strata_from = strata_from, v_strata_to = strata_to)
  greater_length_args <- lapply(user_args, function(x) length(x))

  if(length(which(greater_length_args > 1)) >  0){
    collapse_args <- user_args[which(greater_length_args > 1)]
    collapse_args <- paste0(do.call("c", collapse_args), "/", collapse = "")
    collapse_args <- substring(collapse_args, 1, (nchar(collapse_args) - 1))
    user_args[which(greater_length_args > 1)] <- collapse_args

  dbhydro_args <- setNames(as.list(c("Y", "STATION", "Y", "100000")),
                    c("v_js_flag", "v_order_by", "v_dbkey_list_flag",
  qy <- c(user_args, dbhydro_args)

    qy <- qy[-which(is.na(qy))]

  servfull <- "https://my.sfwmd.gov/dbhydroplsql/show_dbkey_info.show_dbkeys_matched"
  res <- dbh_GET(servfull, query = qy)
  res <- sub('.*(<table class="grid".*?>.*</table>).*', '\\1',

  if(length(XML::readHTMLTable(res)) < 3){
    stop("No dbkeys found")

  if(detail.level == "full"){
    res <- XML::readHTMLTable(res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
            encoding  = "UTF-8", skip.rows = 1:2, header = TRUE)[[3]]
    names(res) <- gsub("\\n", "", names(res))

    format_coords <- function(dt){
      coords <- dt[,c("Latitude", "Longitude")]
      coords <- apply(coords, 2, function(x) gsub("\\.", "", x))
        coords <- as.numeric(paste0(substring(coords, 1, 2),
                   substring(coords, 4, nchar(coords))))
        coords <- coords * c(1, -1)
        coords <- apply(coords, 2, function(x) as.numeric(paste0(
                    substring(x, 1, 2),
                    substring(x, 4, nchar(x)))))
        coords <- coords * matrix(c(rep(1, nrow(coords)),
                    rep(-1, nrow(coords))), ncol = 2)

    res[,c("Latitude", "Longitude")] <- format_coords(res)

    res <- XML::readHTMLTable(res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
           encoding = "UTF-8", skip.rows = 1:2, header = TRUE)[[3]]
    res <- res[,c("Dbkey", "Group", "Data Type",
           "Freq", "Recorder", "Start Date", "End Date")]

    stop("No dbkeys found")

  if(nrow(res) > 1){
    not_na_col <- !(apply(res, 2, function(x) all(is.na(x))))
    if(any(not_na_col == FALSE)){
      res <- res[,not_na_col]
      get_longest_por <- function(df){
        period_of_record <- apply(df, 1,
                                  function(x) x[c("Start Date", "End Date")])
        period_of_record <- as.POSIXct(strptime(period_of_record, "%d-%b-%Y"))
          period_of_record[(1:length(period_of_record) %% 2) == 1] -
            period_of_record[(1:length(period_of_record) %% 2) == 0])),]

      res <- do.call("rbind", lapply(unique(res$Group),
                    function(x) get_longest_por(res[res$Group == x,])))

    not_na_element <- which(is.na(res))
    if(length(not_na_element) > 0){
      res <- res[-not_na_element]

  res[,1] <- as.character(res[,1])

  if(any(names(res) == "Get Data")){
    res <- res[,-(names(res) %in% c("Get Data"))]

  if(detail.level %in% c("full", "summary")){
    message(paste("Search results for", " '", stationid, " ", category, "'",
      sep = ""))

getdbkey <- function(category, stationid = NA, param = NA, freq = NA,
                     stat = NA, recorder = NA, agency = NA, strata = NA,
                     detail.level = "summary", ...){
  get_dbkey(category = category, stationid = stationid, param = param,
            freq = freq, stat = stat, recorder = recorder, agency = agency,
            strata = strata, detail.level = "summary", ...)

dbh_GET <- function(url, ...) {
  res <- httr::GET(url, httr::timeout(20), ...)
  httr::content(res, "text", encoding = "UTF-8") # parse to text

Try the dbhydroR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

dbhydroR documentation built on Feb. 22, 2021, 9:10 a.m.