depthf.simplicialBand: Calculate Simplicial Band Depth

View source: R/depthf.simplicialBand.R

depthf.simplicialBandR Documentation

Calculate Simplicial Band Depth


Calculate the simplicial band depth defined by Lopez-Pintado, Sun, Lin, Genton (2014).


depthf.simplicialBand(objectsf, dataf, modified = TRUE, J = NULL, 
                      range = NULL, d = 101)



Functoins for which the depth should be computed; a list containing lists (functions) of two vectors of equal length, named args and vals: arguments sorted in ascending order and corresponding them values respectively.


Data sample of functoins w.r.t. which the depth should be computed; structure as for objectsf.


Whether modified simplicial band depth should be computed; logical, TRUE by default.


How many functions to consider in each tuple of the U-statistics; integer, d+1 by default.


The common range of the domain where the functions of objectsf and dataf are observed. Vector of length 2 with the left and the right end of the interval. Must contain all arguments given in objectsf and dataf.


Grid size to which all the functional data are transformed. For depth computation, all functional observations are first transformed into vectors of their functional values of length d corresponding to equi-spaced points in the domain given by the interval range. Functional values in these points are reconstructed using linear interpolation, and extrapolation.


A vector of depths of each of objectsf w.r.t. dataf.


Lopez-Pintado, Sun, Lin, Genton (2014). Simplicial band depth for multivariate data. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 8(3) 321–338.

See Also

depthf.BD, depthf.ABD.


datafA = dataf.population()$dataf[1:20]
datafB = dataf.population()$dataf[21:50]

dataf2A = derivatives.est(datafA,deriv=c(0,1))
dataf2B = derivatives.est(datafB,deriv=c(0,1))

ddalpha documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:12 a.m.