#' @title Barrier option pricing
#' @description This library provides a set of barrier binary options
#' that are used to construct prices of barrier options. The
#' nomenclature is that
#' \itemize{
#' \item "call" and "put" refer to claims that are exercised when the
#' asset price is above or below the strike;
#' \item "up" and "down" refer to claims for which the barrier is above or
#' below the current asset price; and
#' \item "in" and "out" refer to claims that knock in or out
#' }
#' For example, for standard barrier options, \code{calldownin} refers
#' to a knock-in call for which the barrier is below the current
#' price, while \code{putdownout} refers to a knock-out put for which
#' the barrier is below the current asset price.
#' For binary barrier options, "ui", "di" "uo", and "do" refer to
#' up-and-in, down-and-in, up-and-out, and down-and-out options.
#' Rebate options pay \$1 if a barrier is reached. The barrier can be
#' reached from above ("d") or below ("d"), and the payment can occur
#' immediately ("ur" or "dr") or at expiration ("drdeferred" and
#' "urdeferred")
#' \code{callupin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) =
#' assetuicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) - k*cashuicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' }
#' @name barriers
#' @aliases callupin callupout putupin putupout calldownin calldownout
#' putdownin putdownout uicall uocall dicall docall uiput uoput
#' diput doput cashuicall cashuiput cashdicall cashdiput
#' assetuicall assetuiput assetdicall assetdiput cashuocall
#' cashuoput cashdocall cashdoput assetuocall assetuoput
#' assetdocall assetdoput dr ur drdeferred urdeferred
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @return The pricing functions return the price of a barrier
#' claim. If more than one argument is a vector, the recycling rule
#' determines the handling of the inputs.
#' @usage
#' callupin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' callupout(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' putupin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' putupout(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' calldownin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' calldownout(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' putdownin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' putdownout(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' uicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) ## same as callupin
#' uocall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) ## same as callupout
#' uiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) ## same as putupin
#' uoput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) ## same as putupout
#' dicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) ## same as calldownin
#' docall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) ## same as calldownout
#' diput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) ## same as putdownin
#' doput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) ## same as putdownout
#' cashuicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' cashuiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' cashdicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' cashdiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' assetuicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' assetuiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' assetdicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' assetdiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' cashuocall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' cashuoput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' cashdocall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' cashdoput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' assetuocall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' assetuoput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' assetdocall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' assetdoput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' dr(s, v, r, tt, d, H, perpetual)
#' ur(s, v, r, tt, d, H, perpetual)
#' drdeferred(s, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' urdeferred(s, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @param s Stock price
#' @param k Strike price of the option
#' @param v Volatility of the stock, defined as the annualized
#' standard deviation of the continuously-compounded return
#' @param r Annual continuously-compounded risk-free interest rate
#' @param tt Time to maturity in years
#' @param d Dividend yield, annualized, continuously-compounded
#' @param H Barrier
#' @param perpetual Boolean for the case where an up or down rebate is
#' infinitely lived. Default is FALSE.
#' @details Returns a scalar or vector of option prices, depending on
#' the inputs
#' @examples
#' s=40; k=40; v=0.30; r=0.08; tt=0.25; d=0; H=44
#' callupin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' ## following returns the same price as previous
#' assetuicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) - k*cashuicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' ## return option prices for different strikes putupin(s, k=38:42,
#' #v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
cashdicall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
tmp <- data.frame(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
for (i in names(tmp)) {assign(i, tmp[, i])}
ifelse(s <= H, cashcall(s, k, v, r, tt, d),
exp(-r*tt)*(.nd2(s, k, v, r, tt, d) -
.nd6(s, k, v, r, tt, d, pmax(k, H)) +
.nd8(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H*pmin(H/k, 1))))
cashdicall2 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
## tmp <- data.frame(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
## for (i in names(tmp)) {assign(i, tmp[, i])}
knockedin <- (s <= H)
knockedin*cashcall(s, k, v, r, tt, d) +
(1-knockedin)*exp(-r*tt)*(.nd2(s, k, v, r, tt, d) -
.nd6(s, k, v, r, tt, d, pmax(k, H)) +
.nd8(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H*pmin(H/k, 1)))
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
assetdicall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
exp((r-d)*tt)*s*cashdicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d - v^2, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
cashdocall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
cashcall(s, k, v, r, tt, d) -
cashdicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
assetdocall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
price <- s*exp((r-d)*tt)*
cashdocall(s, k, v, r, tt, d-v^2, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
cashdoput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
tmp <- data.frame(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
for (i in names(tmp)) {assign(i, tmp[, i])}
ifelse( (s<=H) | (k<=H), 0,
cashdocall(s, H, v, r, tt, d, H) -
cashdocall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
cashdiput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
cashput(s, k, v, r, tt, d) -
cashdoput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
assetdoput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
cashdoput(s, k, v, r, tt, d-v^2, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
assetdiput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
cashdiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d-v^2, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
calldownin <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
assetdicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) -
k*cashdicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
dicall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
calldownin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
calldownout <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
bscall(s, k, v, r, tt, d) -
calldownin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
docall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
calldownout(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
putdownin <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
k*cashdiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) -
assetdiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
diput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
putdownin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
putdownout <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
bsput(s, k, v, r, tt, d) -
putdownin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
doput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
putdownout(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
## up barriers
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
cashuiput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
tmp <- data.frame(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
for (i in names(tmp)) {assign(i, tmp[, i])}
ifelse(s >= H,
cashput(s, k, v, r, tt, d),
exp(-r*tt)*(1-.nd2(s, k, v, r, tt, d)
- (1 - .nd6(s, k, v, r, tt, d, pmin(k, H))
) +(H/s)^(2*(r-d)/(v^2)-1)*
(1 - .nd8(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H*pmax(H/k, 1))))
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
cashuoput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
cashput(s, k, v, r, tt, d) -
cashuiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
cashuicall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
cashuiput(s, 1e15, v, r, tt, d, H) -
cashuiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
cashuocall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
price <- cashcall(s, k, v, r, tt, d) -
cashuicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
assetuiput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
cashuiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d-v^2, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
assetuoput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
price <- s*exp((r-d)*tt)*
cashuoput(s, k, v, r, tt, d-v^2, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
assetuicall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
s*exp((r-d)*tt)*cashuicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d-v^2, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
assetuocall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
s*exp((r-d)*tt)*cashuocall(s, k, v, r, tt, d-v^2, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
callupin <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
assetuicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) -
k*cashuicall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
uicall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
callupin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
callupout <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
assetuocall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) -
k*cashuocall(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
uocall <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
callupout(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
putupin <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
k*cashuiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) -
assetuiput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
uiput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
putupin(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
putupout <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
k*cashuoput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)-
assetuoput(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
uoput <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
putupout(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H)
.d3 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
.d5 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
.d7 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
.d4 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
.d3(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) - v*sqrt(tt)
.d6 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
.d5(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) - v*sqrt(tt)
.d8 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
.d7(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) - v*sqrt(tt)
.nd3 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
pnorm(.d3(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H))
.nd5 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
pnorm(.d5(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H))
.nd7 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
pnorm(.d7(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H))
.nd4<- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
pnorm(.d4(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H))
.nd6 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
pnorm(.d6(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H))
.nd8 <- function(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H) {
pnorm(.d8(s, k, v, r, tt, d, H))
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
drdeferred <- function(s, v, r, tt, d, H) {
cashdicall(s, 0.00000001, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
urdeferred <- function(s, v, r, tt, d, H) {
cashuicall(s, 0.00000001, v, r, tt, d, H)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
ur <- function(s, v, r, tt, d, H, perpetual=FALSE) {
tmp <- data.frame(s, v, r, tt, d, H, perpetual)
for (i in names(tmp)) {assign(i, tmp[, i])}
val <- ifelse(s >= H, 1,
g <- (((r - d) / v^2 - 0.5)^2 + 2*r /v^2)^0.5
h1 <- 0.5 - (r - d) / v ^ 2 + g
h2 <- 0.5 - (r - d) / v ^ 2 - g
ifelse(perpetual, (s/H)^h1,
z1 <- (log(H/s) - g*v^2*tt)/(v*sqrt(tt))
z2 <- (log(H/s) + g*v^2*tt)/(v*sqrt(tt))
(s/H)^h1*pnorm(-z1) + (s/H)^h2*pnorm(-z2)
#' @export
#' @family Barriers
dr <- function(s, v, r, tt, d, H, perpetual=FALSE) {
tmp <- data.frame(s, v, r, tt, d, H, perpetual)
for (i in names(tmp)) {assign(i, tmp[, i])}
val <- ifelse(s <= H, 1,
g = (((r - d) / v^2 - 0.5)^2 + 2*r /v^2)^0.5
h1 = 0.5 - (r - d) / v ^ 2 + g
h2 = 0.5 - (r - d) / v ^ 2 - g
ifelse(perpetual, (s/H)^h2,
z1 = (log(H/s) - g*v^2*tt)/(v*sqrt(tt))
z2 = (log(H/s) + g*v^2*tt)/(v*sqrt(tt))
(s/H)^h1*pnorm(z1) + (s/H)^h2*pnorm(z2)
#' @export
callperpetual <- function(s, k, v, r, d, priceonly=TRUE) {
g <- (((r - d) / v^2 - 0.5)^2 + 2*r /v^2)^0.5
h1 <- 0.5 - (r-d) /v^2 + g
sbar <- k*h1/(h1-1)
val <- (pmax(sbar, s) - k)*ur(s=s, v=v, r=r, tt=1, d=d, H=sbar,
if (priceonly) return(price=val)
else return(list(price=val, barrier=sbar))
#' @export
putperpetual <- function(s, k, v, r, d, priceonly=TRUE) {
g <- (((r - d) / v^2 - 0.5)^2 + 2*r /v^2)^0.5
h2 <- 0.5 - (r-d) /v^2 - g
sbar <- k*h2 / (h2-1)
val <- (k - pmin(s, sbar))*dr(s=s, v=v, r=r, tt=1, d=d, H=sbar,
if (priceonly) return(price=val)
else return(list(price=val, barrier=sbar))
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