
Defines functions best_degree cols_detrend_degree_specified_mean_b cols_detrend_degree_specified cols_detrend_smoothed

Documented in best_degree

cols_detrend_smoothed <- function(mat, mat_smoothed, purpose, parallel) {
  t(mat) %>%
      purpose = purpose,
      parallel = parallel
    ) %>%

cols_detrend_degree_specified <- function(mat, degree, purpose, parallel) {
  smoothed <- poly_fit_cols(mat, degree, parallel = parallel)
  cols_detrend_smoothed(mat, smoothed,
    purpose = purpose,
    parallel = parallel

cols_detrend_degree_specified_mean_b <- function(mat, degree, purpose,
                                                 parallel) {
  cols_detrend_degree_specified(mat, degree,
    purpose = purpose,
    parallel = parallel
  ) %>%
    brightness_cols(parallel = parallel) %>%
    mean(na.rm = TRUE)

#' Find the best polynomial degree for polynomial detrending.
#' Use Nolan's algorithm to find the ideal polynomial degree for polynomial
#' detrending.
#' @inheritParams detrending
#' @inheritParams best_l
#' @return If no detrend is necessary, this function returns `NA`. If a detrend
#'   is required, this function returns a natural number which is the ideal
#'   polynomial degree for polynomial detrending. If there are multiple
#'   channels, the function returns a vector, one `degree` parameter for each
#'   channel.
#' @references Rory Nolan, Luis A. J. Alvarez, Jonathan Elegheert, Maro
#'   Iliopoulou, G. Maria Jakobsdottir, Marina Rodriguez-Muñoz, A. Radu
#'   Aricescu, Sergi Padilla-Parra; nandb—number and brightness in R with a
#'   novel automatic detrending algorithm, Bioinformatics,
#'   https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx434.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## These examples are not run on CRAN because they take too long.
#' ## You can still try them for yourself.
#' img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "bleached.tif",
#'   package = "detrendr"
#' ))
#' best_degree(img, parallel = 2)
#' }
#' @export
best_degree <- function(img, parallel = FALSE, purpose = c("FCS", "FFS")) {
  checkmate::assert_numeric(img, lower = 0)
  checkmate::assert_array(img, min.d = 3, max.d = 4)
  if (filesstrings::all_equal(img)) {
      "Your image is constant: all pixel values are equal to {img[[1]]}. ",
      "This type of image is not detrendable."
  if (filesstrings::all_equal(purpose, c("FCS", "FFS"))) {
    custom_stop("You must choose *either* 'FCS' *or* 'FFS' for `purpose`.")
  purpose %<>% filesstrings::match_arg(c("FCS", "FFS"), ignore_case = TRUE)
  d <- dim(img)
  if (length(d) == 4 && d[3] == 1) {
    d <- d[-3]
    dim(img) <- d
  if (length(d) == 3) {
    frame_length <- sum(!anyNA_pillars(img))
    frame_means <- apply(img, 3, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
    sim_brightness <- NA
    for (i in 0:9) {
      if (is.na(sim_brightness)) {
        sim_mat <- myrpois_frames_t(frame_means, frame_length, parallel)
        if (!filesstrings::all_equal(sim_mat)) {
          sim_brightness <- brightness_cols(sim_mat, parallel = parallel) %>%
            mean(na.rm = TRUE)
    msg <- paste(
      "Your image is too close to zero. Can't detrend an image with",
      "so few nonzero values. \n* `img` has",
      length(img), "elements",
      "and just", sum(img > 0), "of them are greater than zero."
    if (is.na(sim_brightness)) stop(msg)
    if (sim_brightness <= 1) {
    lower_degree <- 0
    lower_degree_brightness <- sim_brightness
    upper_degree <- 1
    upper_degree_brightness <- cols_detrend_degree_specified_mean_b(
      sim_mat, upper_degree,
      purpose = purpose, parallel = parallel
    if (is.na(upper_degree_brightness)) stop(msg)
    if (upper_degree_brightness < 1) {
      return(ifelse(1 - upper_degree_brightness < lower_degree_brightness - 1,
        upper_degree, NA
    while (upper_degree_brightness > 1) {
      lower_degree <- lower_degree + 1
      lower_degree_brightness <- upper_degree_brightness
      upper_degree <- upper_degree + 1
      upper_degree_brightness <- cols_detrend_degree_specified_mean_b(
        sim_mat, upper_degree,
        purpose = purpose, parallel = parallel
      if (is.na(upper_degree_brightness)) stop(msg)
    out <- ifelse(1 - upper_degree_brightness < lower_degree_brightness - 1,
      upper_degree, lower_degree
    ) # checking which is closer to 1
    if (out > 3) {
        "The polynomial degree found for your detrend was ", out, ". ",
        "Degrees above 3 are not recommended as they usually indicate ",
        "eccentric fits. It would be wise to use another detrending ",
        "method (exponential or boxcar)."
  } else {
      ~ best_degree(img[, , ., , drop = FALSE],
        purpose = purpose,
        parallel = parallel

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detrendr documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:52 p.m.