dexter-package: Dexter: data analyses for educational and psychological...

dexter-packageR Documentation

Dexter: data analyses for educational and psychological tests.


Dexter provides a comprehensive solution for managing and analyzing educational test data.


The main features are:

  • project databases providing a structure for storing data about persons, items, responses and booklets.

  • methods to assess data quality using Classical test theory and plots.

  • CML calibration of the extended nominal response model and interaction model.

To learn more about dexter, start with the vignettes: 'browseVignettes(package="dexter")'

Dexter uses the following global options

  • 'dexter.use_tibble' return tibbles instead of data.frames, defaults to FALSE

  • 'dexter.progress' show progress bars, defaults to TRUE in interactive sessions

  • 'dexter.max_cores' set a maximum number of cores that dexter will use, defaults to the minimum of 'Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT")' and 'getOption("Ncpus")', otherwise unlimited.


Maintainer: Jesse Koops


  • Gunter Maris

  • Timo Bechger

  • Ivailo Partchev

See Also

Useful links:

dexter documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:21 a.m.