#' Methods for dfidx
#' A `dfidx` is a `data.frame` with a "sticky" data.frame column
#' which contains the indexes. Specific methods of functions that
#' extract lines and/or columns of a `data.frame` are provided.
#' @name methods.dfidx
#' @param x,object a `dfidx` object
#' @param i the row index
#' @param j the column index
#' @param drop if `TRUE` a vector is returned if the result is a one
#' column `data.frame`
#' @param y the name or the position of the series one wishes to
#' extract
#' @param value the value for the replacement method
#' @param row.names,optional arguments of the generic ``
#' method, not used
#' @param n the number of rows for the print method
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @export
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @return `` and `mean` return a `data.frame`, `[[` and
#' `$` a vector, `[` either a `dfidx` or a vector, `$<-`
#' and `[[<-` modify the values of an existing column or create a
#' new column of a `dfidx` object, `print` is called for its side
#' effect
#' @importFrom pillar new_pillar_shaft_simple tbl_sum pillar_shaft
#' @importFrom vctrs new_rcrd field vec_ptype_abbr
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @examples
#' mn <- dfidx(munnell)
#' # extract a series (returns as a xseries object)
#' mn$gsp
#' # or
#' mn[["gsp"]]
#' # extract a subset of series (returns as a dfidx object)
#' mn[c("gsp", "unemp")]
#' # extract a subset of rows and columns
#' mn[mn$unemp > 10, c("utilities", "water")]
#' # dfidx, idx and xseries have print methods as (like tibbles), a n
#' # argument
#' print(mn, n = 3)
#' print(idx(mn), n = 3)
#' print(mn$gsp, n = 3)
#' # a dfidx object can be coerced to a data.frame
#' head(
"[.dfidx" <- function(x, i, j, drop){
idx.pos <- idx_name(x)
mdrop <- missing(drop)
if (mdrop) drop <- ifelse(inherits(x, "tbl_df"), FALSE, TRUE)
clseries <- attr(x, "clseries")
idx <- idx(x)
Narg <- nargs() - ! mdrop
.class <- class(x)
class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "dfidx")
# then the data.frame or the tbl_df method we'll be used use the
# data.frame method for the dfidx
if (Narg < 3L){
# adata[c("one", "two")], i is a vector of columns always
# returns a data frame, even if only one column is selected
# for data frames
if (is.numeric(i)){
if (any(i < 0) & any(i > 0)) stop("negative and positive indexes can't be mixed")
if (any(i < 0)) i <- seq_len(length(x))[i]
i <- union(i, as.numeric(idx.pos))
if (is.character(i)){
if (any(! i %in% names(x))) stop("unknown column")
i <- union(i, names(idx.pos))
if (is.logical(i)){
if (length(i) != length(x)) stop("wrong length of the logical vector")
i[as.numeric(idx.pos)] <- TRUE
mydata <- `[`(x, i)
# i selects rows, j columns
# add the idx column to the returned data.frame if :
# - j > 1
# - j == 1 & drop = FALSE
if (! missing(j)){
if (is.numeric(j)){
if (any(j < 0) & any(j > 0)) stop("negative and positive indexes can't be mixed")
if (any(j < 0)) j <- seq_len(length(x))[j]
if (length(j) > 1 | ! drop) j <- union(j, as.numeric(idx.pos))
if (is.logical(j)){
if (length(j) != length(x)) stop("wrong length of the logical vector")
if (length(j) > 1 | ! drop) j[as.numeric(idx.pos)] <- TRUE
if (is.character(j)){
if (any(! j %in% names(x))) stop("unknown column")
if (length(j) > 1 | ! drop) j <- union(j, names(idx.pos))
mydata <- `[`(x, i, j, drop = drop)
# coerse the result to a clseries if it is a series or to a
# dfidx
if (is.null(dim(mydata))){
idx = idx,
class = c(clseries, class(mydata))
structure(mydata, class = .class)
#' @rdname methods.dfidx
#' @export <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...){
dfidx_class <- sapply(strsplit(class(x), "_"),
function(z) z[1]) %in% "dfidx"
class(x) <- class(x)[! dfidx_class]
attr(x, "row.names") <- 1:nrow(x)
attr(x, "clseries") <- NULL
#' @rdname methods.dfidx
#' @export
print.dfidx <- function(x, ..., n = 10L){
if (! inherits(x, "tbl_df")){
idx <- idx(x)
x <-
if (! inherits(x, "tbl_df")){
if (n < nrow(x))
cat(paste("~~~~~~~\n", "first", n, "observations out of", nrow(x), "\n~~~~~~~\n"))
stopifnot(length(n) == 1L)
n <- if (n < 0L)
max(nrow(x) + n, 0L)
else min(n, nrow(x))
x <- x[seq_len(n), , drop = FALSE]
print(x, ...)
else print(x, ..., n = n)
print(idx, ..., n = n)
.nms_idx <- names(idx_name(x))
.pos_idx <- as.numeric(idx_name(x))
class(x) <- c("tbl_dfidx", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")
tbl2vctr <- function(x) vctrs::new_rcrd(unclass(x), class = "vecidx")
# x$idx <- tbl2vctr(x$idx)
# pos_idx <- match("idx", names(x))
# x <- bind_cols(x[pos_idx], x[- pos_idx])
x[[.nms_idx]] <- tbl2vctr(x[[.nms_idx]])
# x <- bind_cols(x[.pos_idx], x[- .pos_idx])
print(x, ...)
#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.vecidx <- function(x, ..., prefix_named, suffix_shape) "idx"
#' @export
format.vecidx <- function(x, ...){
.cls <- attr(x, "ids")
ids <- match(c(1, 2), .cls)
id1 <- field(x, ids[1])
id2 <- field(x, ids[2])
paste(id1, id2, sep = ":")
#' @export
pillar_shaft.vecidx <- function(x, ...){
out <- format(x)
pillar::new_pillar_shaft_simple(out, min_width = 8, shorten = "mid")
index_structure <- function(x){
nms <- attr(x, "names")
ids <- attr(x, "ids")
idp <- match(c(1, 2), ids)
names(ids) <- nms
cards <- sapply(nms, function(f) length(unique(field(x, f))))
cards <- cards[idp]
.indexes <- paste(cards[1], " (", names(cards)[1], ") x ", cards[2], " (", names(cards)[2], ") ", sep = "")
.balanced <- ifelse(prod(cards) == length(x), "yes", "no")
result <- c(Index = .indexes, Balanced = .balanced)
if (length(idp) != length(ids)){
nesting <- ids[- idp]
nested <- names(cards[nesting])
nesting <- names(nesting)
nesting_structure <- paste(sapply(1:length(nested),
function(i) paste(nested[i], " (", nesting[i], ")", sep = "")),
collapse = ", ")
.nesting <- nesting_structure
result <- c(result, Nesting = .nesting)
#' @export
tbl_sum.tbl_dfidx <- function(x, ...) {
default_header <- NextMethod()
.idx <- names(which(sapply(x, function(aserie) inherits(aserie, "vecidx"))))
c(default_header, index_structure(x[[.idx]]))
#' @rdname methods.dfidx
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
head.dfidx <- function(x, n = 10L, ...) print(x, n = min(nrow(x), n), ...)
#' @rdname methods.dfidx
#' @export
"[[.dfidx" <- function(x, y){
clseries <- attr(x, "clseries")
.idx <- idx(x)
class(x) <- "data.frame"
if (y %in% names(x)){
series <- x[[y]]
if (! "idx" %in% class(series))
series <- structure(series, idx = .idx, class = c(clseries, class(series)))
else series <- NULL
"[[.dfidx" <- function(x, y){
clseries <- attr(x, "clseries")
.idx <- idx(x)
class(x) <- "data.frame"
if (is.character(y)){
if ((y %in% names(x)) | (y %in% names(.idx))){
if (y %in% names(x)) series <- x[[y]] else series <- .idx[[y]]
else series <- NULL
else series <- x[[y]]
if (! is.null(series))
if (! "idx" %in% class(series))
series <- structure(series, idx = .idx, class = c(clseries, class(series)))
#' @rdname methods.dfidx
#' @export
"$.dfidx" <- function(x,y){
"[["(x, paste(
#' @rdname methods.dfidx
#' @export
"$<-.dfidx" <- function(object, y, value){
# object : le data.frame
# y : la variable
# value : la nouvelle valeur
object[[y]] <- value
#' @rdname methods.dfidx
#' @export
"[[<-.dfidx" <- function(object, y, value){
if (class(value)[1] == "xseries"){
class(value) <- class(value)[-1]
attr(value, "idx") <- NULL
object <- "[[<"(object, y, value = value)
#' @rdname methods.dfidx
#' @export
#' @importFrom glue glue
print.xseries <- function(x, ..., n = 10L){
# just remove xseries from the class ?
# posxseries <- match("xseries", class(x))
# class(x) <- class(x)[-(1:posxseries)]
class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "xseries")
idx <- attr(x, "idx")
attr(x, "idx") <- NULL
if (inherits(idx, "tbl_df")) cat(glue("# Index: ", index_structure(idx)["Index"]), "\n")
print(x[seq_len(min(length(x), n))])
if (! inherits(idx, "tbl_df")) print(idx, n = n)
#' @rdname methods.dfidx
#' @export
print.idx <- function(x, ..., n = 10L){
if (! inherits(x, "tbl_df")){
ids <- paste(attr(x, "ids"))
cat("~~~ indexes ~~~~\n")
print([seq_len(min(nrow(x), n)), ])
cat("indexes: ", paste(ids, collapse = ", "), "\n")
class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "idx")
print(x, ...)
#' @rdname methods.dfidx
#' @method mean dfidx
#' @export
mean.dfidx <- function(x, ...){
alt <- idx(x)[[idx_name(x, 2)]]
x <-[, - idx_name(x)] #!!!
result <- data.frame(lapply(x,
if (is.numeric(x)) result <- as.numeric(tapply(x, alt, mean))
if (is.logical(x)){
z <- tapply(x, alt, sum)
result <- z == max(z)
if(is.character(x)) x <- factor(x, levels = unique(x))
if (is.factor(x)) result <- factor(names(which.max(table(x))), levels = levels(x))
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