#' Calculate the growth suppression index
#' This function removes the nonhost growth signal from a host tree-ring series.
#' @details The growth suppression index (GSI) is referred to as the "corrected"
#' series in OUTBREAK. It is calculated as:
#' \deqn{GSI(i) = H(i) - (NH(i) - mean(NH)) sd(H)/sd(NH)}
#' where H and NH are the host and nonhost tree-ring series as standardized
#' index values; i is the year, and the functions [mean()] and [sd()] are
#' applied to the common period.
#' [gsi()] will rarely be run directly by a user. It is called from
#' [defoliate_trees()].
#' @param input_series A `dplr::rwl` object with the host tree series as the
#' first column and the non-host chronology as the second. Years should be the
#' row names. This is specifically created by [defoliate_trees()] and
#' passed to [gsi()].
#' @return A data frame with the two input columns (host and nonhost series) and
#' 3 added columns:
#' \enumerate{ \item The mean/sd adjusted non-host chronology, \item The
#' growth suppression index ("gsi") of the host series after subtraction of
#' the adjusted nonhost chronology, \item The normalized growth suppression
#' index ("ngsi") generated by applying [scale()] to the gsi. }
#' @export
gsi <- function(input_series) {
nms <- colnames(input_series)
nam1 <- paste(nms[2], "_rescale", sep = "")
nam2 <- paste(nms[1], "_gsi", sep = "")
nam3 <- paste(nms[1], "_ngsi", sep = "")
h_sd <- stats::sd(input_series[, 1])
nh_sd <- stats::sd(input_series[, 2])
nh_mean <- mean(input_series[, 2])
# To Do: Add provision to prevent large non-host values from swaying results
# See outbreak.txt for description of fractional power.
input_series[, 3] <- (input_series[, 2] - nh_mean) * (h_sd / nh_sd)
input_series[, 4] <- input_series[, 1] - input_series[, 3]
input_series[, 5] <- as.numeric(scale(input_series[, 4]))
input_series <- round(input_series, 4)
names(input_series) <- c(nms, nam1, nam2, nam3)
#' Identify defoliation events in a host series
#' After calculating the growth suppression index in [gsi()], [id_defoliation()]
#' performs a runs analysis on the normalized growth suppression index, or
#' `ngsi`, in which sequences of negative departures are assessed as possible
#' defoliation events. [id_defoliation()] is the workhorse for
#' [defoliate_trees()], performing much of the necessary criteria evaluation
#' used in OUTBREAK. The defaults for most parameters originate from OUTBREAK.
#' Two new features distinguish the `dfoliatR` version: bridging events that
#' occur in close sequence and allowing for the recent end of a series to be
#' evaluated for defoliation regardless of the event duration. See parameter
#' specifics for details.
#' @note [id_defoliation()] is called by [defoliate_trees()]. It might only be
#' used by the user for troubleshooting.
#' @param input_series A data frame with 5 columns, as generated by [gsi()].
#' @param duration_years The minimum length of time in which the tree is
#' considered to be in defoliation.
#' @param max_reduction The minimum value of `ngsi` required to be considered a
#' defoliation event. If a sequence of negative ngsi values does not reach
#' this threshold, the potential event is rejected. Defaults to -1.28.
#' @param bridge_events Binary, defaults to `FALSE`. This option allows for
#' successive events that are separated by a single year to be bridged and
#' become one event. It should be used cautiously and closely evaluated to
#' ensure the likelihood that the two (or more) events are actually one long
#' event.
#' @param series_end_event Binary, defaults to `FALSE`. This option allows the
#' user to identify an event occurring at the time of sampling as a
#' defoliation event, regardless of duration. Including it will help to
#' quantify periodicity and extent of an outbreak. This should only be used if
#' the user has direct knowledge of an ongoing defoliation event when the
#' trees were sampled.
#' @return After performing runs analyses, the function adds a column to the
#' input data frame that distinguishes years of defoliation and the maximum
#' defoliation year (ie. the year the greatest negative growth departure
#' within the event).
#' @export
id_defoliation <- function(input_series,
duration_years = 8,
max_reduction = -1.28,
bridge_events = FALSE,
series_end_event = FALSE) {
rns <- rle(as.vector(input_series[, 5] < 0))
rns_index <- cumsum(rns$lengths)
neg_runs_pos <- which(rns$values == TRUE)
ends <- rns_index[neg_runs_pos]
newindex <- ifelse(neg_runs_pos > 1, neg_runs_pos - 1, 0)
starts <- rns_index[newindex] + 1
if (0 %in% newindex) starts <- c(1, starts)
deps <- data.frame(cbind(starts, ends))
input_series$defol_status <- NA
events <- c("defol", "max_defol", "bridge_defol", "series_end_defol")
for (y in seq_len(nrow(deps))) {
dep_seq <- deps$starts[y] : deps$ends[y]
if (any(input_series[dep_seq, ]$defol_status %in% events)) next <- dep_seq[1] + which.min(input_series[dep_seq, 5]) - 1
# Includes setting for max growth reduction
if (input_series[, 5] > max_reduction) next
prev_flag <- FALSE
if (y > 1) {
if (min(dep_seq) - deps$ends[y - 1] == 2) {
if (! any(
input_series[deps$starts[y - 1] :
deps$ends[y - 1], ]$defol_status %in% events)) {
dep_seq <- c(deps$starts[y - 1] : max(dep_seq))
prev_flag <- TRUE
if (y < nrow(deps)) {
if (deps$starts[y + 1] - max(dep_seq) == 2) {
if (min(input_series[dep_seq, 5]) >
min(input_series[deps$starts[y + 1] : deps$ends[y + 1], 5])
) next
if ((!prev_flag) & (y < nrow(deps) - 1)) {
if (deps$starts[y + 2] - deps$ends[y + 1] == 2) {
if (min(input_series[dep_seq, 5]) >
min(input_series[deps$starts[y + 2] : deps$ends[y + 2], 5])
) next
dep_seq <- c(min(dep_seq) : deps$ends[y + 1])
se_flag <- FALSE
if (y == nrow(deps)) {
if (series_end_event) {
if (nrow(input_series) - deps[y, "ends"] < 2) {
dep_seq <- c(min(dep_seq) : nrow(input_series))
se_flag <- TRUE
if (! se_flag) {
if (length(dep_seq) < duration_years) next
else if (length(dep_seq) < duration_years) next
else if (length(dep_seq) < duration_years) next
input_series[dep_seq, "defol_status"] <- "defol"
input_series[, "defol_status"] <- "max_defol"
if (se_flag) {
input_series[dep_seq, ]$defol_status <-
replace(input_series[dep_seq, ]$defol_status,
input_series[dep_seq, ]$defol_status == "defol",
if (y > 1 & bridge_events) {
if (any(input_series[min(dep_seq) - 2, ]$defol_status %in% events)) {
input_series[min(dep_seq) - 1, "defol_status"] <- "bridge_defol"
input_series$defol_status <- replace(input_series$defol_status,$defol_status),
#' Turn character vector into factor with proper levels of `defol_status`
#' @param x a vector of defol types
#' @return A factor with appropriate defol levels
#' @noRd
make_defol_status <- function(x) {
defol_types <- c("nd", "defol",
stopifnot(x %in% defol_types)
factor(x, levels = defol_types)
#' Constructor for S3 defol class
#' @param year An n-length integer vector of observation years
#' @param series An n-length factor or character vector of series names
#' @param gsi An n-length numeric vector of growth suppression index, such as
#' calculated by [gsi()]
#' @param ngsi An n-length numeric vector of normalized gsi, such as calculated
#' by [gsi()].
#' @param defol_status An n-length factor or character vector denoting the
#' defoliation event status of each year. This uses a controlled vocabulary,
#' see `dfoliatR:::make_defol_status` for possible values.
#' @return a tree-level `defol` object
#' @export
defol <- function(year, series, gsi, ngsi, defol_status) {
df <- data.frame(year = as.numeric(year),
series = as.factor(series),
gsi = as.numeric(gsi),
ngsi = as.numeric(ngsi),
defol_status = make_defol_status(defol_status)
class(df) <- c("defol", "data.frame")
#' Cast data frame to list-like `defol` object
#' @param x A data frame or list-like object to cast. Must have named elements
#' for "year", "series", "gsi", "ngsi", and "defol_status".
#' @return `x` cast to a `defol` object
#' @examples
#' data(dmj_defol)
#' example_data <-
#' is.defol(example_data)
#' back_to_defol <- as_defol(example_data)
#' is.defol(back_to_defol)
#' @export
as_defol <- function(x) {
good_names <- c("year",
if (! all(good_names %in% names(x))) {
stop("`x` must have members 'year', 'series',
'gsi', 'ngsi', 'defol_status'")
defol(x$year, x$series, x$gsi, x$ngsi, x$defol_status)
#' Alias to [as_defol()]
#' @inherit as_defol
#' @export
as.defol <- function(x) {
#' Stack a defoliation list
#' @param x a list object created by [defoliate_trees()]
#' @return a defol object (long-format data frame)
#' @export
stack_defoliation <- function(x) {
out_list <- lapply(x, function(i) {
inout <- range(as.numeric(rownames(i)))
df <- data.frame(year = inout[1]:inout[2],
series = colnames(i)[1],
gsi = i[, 4],
ngsi = i[, 5],
defol_status = i[, 6])
out <-, out_list)
#' Create a runs table of events
#' @param status vector of defoliation or outbreak status
#' @param events vector of events types to include in the table
#' @noRd
events_table <- function(status, events) {
rlx <- rle(status %in% events)
index <- cumsum(rlx$lengths)
pos <- which(rlx$values == TRUE)
ends <- index[pos]
newindex <- ifelse(pos > 1, pos - 1, 0)
starts <- index[newindex] + 1
if (0 %in% newindex) starts <- c(1, starts)
data.frame(cbind(starts, ends))
#' Extract series names from a defol object
#' @param x a defol object
#' @export
series_names <- function(x) {
#' Check if object is tree-level defoliation object: `defol`
#' @param x Any R object.
#' @return Boolean indicating whether `x` is a defol object.
#' @export
is.defol <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "defol")
#' Turn character vector into factor with proper levels of `outbreak_status`
#' @param x a vector of outbreak designation types
#' @return A factor with appropriate outbreak levels
#' @noRd
make_outbreak_status <- function(x) {
obr_types <- c("outbreak", "se_outbreak", "not_obr")
stopifnot(x %in% obr_types)
factor(x, levels = obr_types)
#' Constructor for an `obr` object.
#' @param year An n-length numeric vector of observed years.
#' @param samp_depth An n-length numeric vector of the number of trees.
#' @param num_defol An n-length numeric vector of the number of trees
#' experiencing defoliation.
#' @param perc_defol An n-length numeric vector of the percent of trees
#' experiencing defoliation.
#' @param num_max_defol An n-length numeric vector of the number of trees
#' experiencing their maximum level of defoliation (i.e., their most extreme
#' negative growth departure).
#' @param perc_max_defol An n-length numeric vector of the percent of trees
#' experiencing their maximum level of defoliation (i.e., their most extreme
#' negative growth departure).
#' @param mean_gsi An n-length numeric vector of the average growth suppression
#' index across all observed trees.
#' @param mean_ngsi An n-length numeric vector of the average normalized
#' (scaled) growth suppression index.
#' @param outbreak_status An n-length factor or character vector that identified
#' whether that year surpasses the designated thresholds for an "outbreak
#' event". Threshold criteria are provided in [outbreak()].
#' @return An `obr` object with columns matching the input variables.
#' @export
obr <- function(year,
outbreak_status) {
obr_dat <- data.frame(
year = as.numeric(year),
samp_depth = as.numeric(samp_depth),
num_defol = as.numeric(num_defol),
perc_defol = as.numeric(perc_defol),
num_max_defol = as.numeric(num_max_defol),
perc_max_defol = as.numeric(perc_max_defol),
mean_gsi = as.numeric(mean_gsi),
mean_ngsi = as.numeric(mean_ngsi),
outbreak_status = make_outbreak_status(outbreak_status)
class(obr_dat) <- c("obr", "data.frame")
#' Cast data frame to list-like `obr` object
#' @param x A data frame or list-like object to cast. Must have named elements
#' for "year", "samp_depth", "num_defol", "perc_defol", "num_max_defol",
#' "perc_max_defol", "mean_gsi", "mean_ngsi", "outbreak_status".
#' @return `x` cast to an `obr` object
#' @examples
#' data(dmj_obr)
#' example_data <-
#' is.obr(example_data)
#' back_to_obr <- as_obr(example_data)
#' is.obr(back_to_obr)
#' @export
as_obr <- function(x) {
good_names <- c("year",
if (! all(good_names %in% names(x))) {
"`x` must have members 'year', 'samp_depth',
'num_defol', 'perc_defol', 'num_max_defol',
'perc_max_defol', 'mean_gsi', 'mean_ngsi',
#' Alias to [as_obr()]
#' @inherit as_obr
#' @export
as.obr <- function(x) {
#' Check if object is outbreak, meaning site-level outbreak object
#' @param x Any R object.
#' @return Boolean indicating whether `x` is an outbreak object.
#' @export
is.obr <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "obr")
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