
Defines functions check_for_unknowns has_unknowns_val has_unknowns is_unknown_val is_unknown unknown

Documented in has_unknowns is_unknown unknown

#' Placeholder for unknown parameter values
#' `unknown()` creates an expression used to signify that the value will be
#' specified at a later time.
#' @param x An object or vector or objects to test for unknown-ness.
#' @param object An object of class `param`.
#' @return
#' `unknown()` returns expression value for `unknown()`.
#' `is_unknown()` returns a vector of logicals as long as `x` that are `TRUE`
#' is the element of `x` is unknown, and `FALSE` otherwise.
#' `has_unknowns()` returns a single logical indicating if the `range` of a `param`
#' object has any unknown values.
#' @examples
#' # Just returns an expression
#' unknown()
#' # Of course, true!
#' is_unknown(unknown())
#' # Create a range with a minimum of 1
#' # and an unknown maximum
#' range <- c(1, unknown())
#' range
#' # The first value is known, the
#' # second is not
#' is_unknown(range)
#' # mtry()'s maximum value is not known at
#' # creation time
#' has_unknowns(mtry())
#' @export
unknown <- function() {

#' @export
#' @rdname unknown
is_unknown <- function(x) {
  # in case `x` is not a vector (language)
  if (length(x) == 1) {
  map_lgl(x, is_unknown_val)

is_unknown_val <- function(x) {
  isTRUE(all.equal(x, quote(unknown())))

#' @export
#' @rdname unknown
has_unknowns <- function(object) {
  if (inherits(object, "param")) {
  map_lgl(object, has_unknowns_val)

has_unknowns_val <- function(object) {
  if (all(is.na(object))) {
  if (any(names(object) == "range")) {
    rng_check <- any(is_unknown(object$range))
  } else {
    rng_check <- FALSE
  val_check <- any(is_unknown(object$values))
  any(rng_check) | any(val_check)

check_for_unknowns <- function(x, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  if (is.atomic(x)) {
  if (length(x) == 1 && is_unknown(x)) {
    rlang::abort("Unknowns not allowed.", call = call)
  is_ukn <- map_lgl(x, is_unknown)
  if (any(is_ukn)) {
    rlang::abort("Unknowns not allowed.", call = call)

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