
Defines functions cts

Documented in cts

#' Similarity Matrices
#' `cts` computes the connected triple based similarity matrix, `srs` computes
#' the simrank based similarity matrix, and `asrs` computes the approximated
#' simrank based similarity matrix.
#' @param E an N by M matrix of cluster ensembles
#' @param dc decay factor, ranges from 0 to 1 inclusive
#' @param R number of iterations for `srs`
#' @return an N by N CTS, SRS, or ASRS matrix
#' @name similarity
#' @author Johnson Liu, Derek Chiu
#' @references MATLAB functions cts, srs, asrs in package LinkCluE by Simon
#'   Garrett
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' E <- matrix(rep(sample(1:4, 800, replace = TRUE)), nrow = 100)
#' CTS <- cts(E = E, dc = 0.8)
#' SRS <- srs(E = E, dc = 0.8, R = 3)
#' ASRS <- asrs(E = E, dc = 0.8)
#' purrr::walk(list(CTS, SRS, ASRS), str)
cts <- function(E, dc) {
  assertthat::assert_that(is.matrix(E), is.numeric(E), dc >= 0 && dc <= 1)
  n <- nrow(E)
  M <- ncol(E)
  E.new <- relabel_clusters(E)
  E <- E.new$newE
  no_allcl <- E.new$no_allcl
  wcl <- weigh_clusters(E)
  ind <- seq_len(no_allcl) %>%
    split(ceiling(. / (no_allcl / M))) %>%
    purrr::map(utils::combn, 2) %>%
    do.call(cbind, .) %>%
  wCT <- diag(0, no_allcl) %>%
    magrittr::inset(ind, ind %>%
                      purrr::array_branch(margin = 2) %>%
                      purrr::pmap_dbl(~ sum(colMin(wcl[c(.x, .y), ])))) %>%
    magrittr::inset(max(.) > 0, . / max(.)) %>%
    magrittr::add(t(.)) %>%
    magrittr::inset(row(.) == col(.), 1)
  S <- diag(0, n) %>%
    magrittr::inset(upper.tri(.), purrr::map(seq_len(n)[-1], function(i) {
      purrr::map_dbl(seq_len(i - 1), function(j) {
        Ei <- E[i, ]
        Ej <- E[j, ]
        sum(dc * wCT[Ei, Ej][, Ei != Ej]) + sum(wCT[Ei, Ej][, Ei == Ej])
    }) %>%
      purrr::flatten_dbl()) %>%
    magrittr::divide_by(M) %>%
    magrittr::add(t(.)) %>%
    magrittr::inset(row(.) == col(.), 1)

#' @rdname similarity
#' @export
srs <- function(E, dc, R) {
  assertthat::assert_that(is.matrix(E), is.numeric(E),
                          is.numeric(R), is_pos_int(R), dc >= 0 && dc <= 1)
  n <- nrow(E)
  E.new <- relabel_clusters(E)
  E <- E.new$newE
  no_allcl <- E.new$no_allcl
  S <- diag(1, n)
  C <- diag(1, no_allcl)

  for (r in seq_len(R - 1)) {
    S1 <- diag(1, n) %>%
      magrittr::inset(upper.tri(.), purrr::map2_dbl(
        upper_tri_row(n), upper_tri_col(n),
        ~ (dc / (ncol(E) * ncol(E))) * sum(C[E[.x, ], E[.y, ]]))) %>%
      magrittr::add(t(.)) %>%
      magrittr::inset(row(.) == col(.), 1)
    C1 <- diag(1, no_allcl) %>%
      magrittr::inset(upper.tri(.), purrr::map2_dbl(
        upper_tri_row(no_allcl), upper_tri_col(no_allcl), ~ {
          Ni <- which_row(E, .x)
          Nii <- which_row(E, .y)
          if (length(Ni) * length(Nii)) {
            dc * sum(S[Ni, Nii]) / (length(Ni) * length(Nii))
      )) %>%
      magrittr::add(t(.)) %>%
      magrittr::inset(row(.) == col(.), 1)
    S <- S1
    C <- C1

#' @rdname similarity
#' @export
asrs <- function(E, dc) {
  assertthat::assert_that(is.matrix(E), is.numeric(E), dc >= 0 && dc <= 1)
  n <- nrow(E)
  M <- ncol(E)
  E.new <- relabel_clusters(E)
  E <- E.new$newE
  no_allcl <- E.new$no_allcl
  wcl <- weigh_clusters(E)
  CS <- vapply(seq_len(no_allcl), function(j) {
    vapply(seq_len(no_allcl), function(i) {
      if (i < no_allcl & i < j) {
        Ni <- wcl[i, ]
        ni <- length(Ni[Ni > 0])
        Nj <- wcl[j, ]
        nj <- length(Nj[Nj > 0])
        if (ni * nj)
          return((Ni %*% Nj) / (ni * nj))
      } else {
    }, double(1))
  }, double(no_allcl)) %>%
    magrittr::inset(max(.) > 0, . / max(.)) %>%
    magrittr::add(t(.)) %>%
    magrittr::inset(row(.) == col(.), 1)
  S <- diag(0, n) %>%
    magrittr::inset(upper.tri(.), purrr::map(seq_len(n)[-1], function(i) {
      purrr::map_dbl(seq_len(i - 1), function(ii) {
        cse <- CS[E[i, ], E[ii, ]]
        sum(dc * cse[cse != 1]) + sum(cse == 1)
    }) %>%
      purrr::flatten_dbl()) %>%
    magrittr::divide_by(M * M) %>%
    magrittr::add(t(.)) %>%
    magrittr::inset(row(.) == col(.), 1)

#' Relabel clusters in ensemble `E`
#' @param E N by M cluster ensemble matrix
#' @return A list with elements
#' * `newE`: N by M relabelled cluster ensemble matrix
#' * `no_allcl`: total number of clusters in the ensemble
#' @author Johnson Liu, Derek Chiu
#' @references MATLAB function relabelCl by Simon Garrett in LinkCluE package
#' @noRd
relabel_clusters <- function(E) {
  if (!all(vapply(as.vector(E), is_pos_int, logical(1))))
    stop("One of the entries in the input matrix is not a positive integer.")
  N <- nrow(E)
  M <- ncol(E)
  newE <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = M)
  for (i in seq_len(M)) {
    ucl <- sort(unique(E[, i]))
    prevCl <- dplyr::n_distinct(c(newE[, seq_len(i - 1)]))
    for (j in seq_along(ucl)) {
      newE[E[, i] == ucl[j], i] <- prevCl + j
  list(no_allcl = max(newE), newE = newE)

#' Compute weight for each pair of clusters using their shared members (Jaccard
#' coefficient)
#' @param E N by M cluster ensemble matrix
#' @return a p by p weighted cluster matrix where p denotes number of classes
#' @author Johnson Liu, Derek Chiu
#' @references MATLAB function weightCl by Simon Garrett in package LinkCluE
#' @noRd
weigh_clusters <- function(E) {
  if (!all(vapply(as.vector(E), is_pos_int, logical(1))))
    stop("One of the entries in the input matrix is not a positive integer.")
  N <- nrow(E)
  no_allcl <- max(E)
  pc <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = no_allcl)
  for (i in seq_len(N)) {
    pc[i, E[i, ]] <- 1
  wcl <- diag(0, no_allcl) %>%
    magrittr::inset(upper.tri(.), purrr::map2_dbl(
      upper_tri_row(no_allcl), upper_tri_col(no_allcl), ~ {
        tmp <- pc[, .x] + pc[, .y]
        ifelse(sum(tmp) > 0, sum(tmp == 2) / sum(tmp > 0), 0)
    )) %>%

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