
## tests for digest, taken from the examples in the manual page


## Standard RFC 1321 test vectors
md5Input <-
      "message digest",
            "345678901234567890", sep=""))
md5Output <-

for (i in seq(along.with=md5Input)) {
    md5 <- digest(md5Input[i], serialize=FALSE)
    expect_true(identical(md5, md5Output[i]))
    #cat(md5, "\n")

md5 <- getVDigest()
expect_identical(md5(md5Input, serialize = FALSE), md5Output)

expect_identical(digest(character(0), serialize = FALSE),
                 md5(character(0), serialize = FALSE))

## md5 raw output test
for (i in seq(along.with=md5Input)) {
    md5 <- digest(md5Input[i], serialize=FALSE, raw=TRUE)
    md5 <- gsub(" ","",capture.output(cat(md5)))
    expect_true(identical(md5, md5Output[i]))
    #cat(md5, "\n")

sha1Input <-
sha1Output <-

for (i in seq(along.with=sha1Input)) {
    sha1 <- digest(sha1Input[i], algo="sha1", serialize=FALSE)
    expect_true(identical(sha1, sha1Output[i]))
    #cat(sha1, "\n")

sha1 <- getVDigest(algo = 'sha1')
expect_identical(sha1(sha1Input, serialize = FALSE), sha1Output[1:2])

## sha1 raw output test
for (i in seq(along.with=sha1Input)) {
    sha1 <- digest(sha1Input[i], algo="sha1", serialize=FALSE, raw=TRUE)
    sha1 <- gsub(" ","",capture.output(cat(sha1)))
    expect_true(identical(sha1, sha1Output[i]))
    #cat(sha1, "\n")

## sha512 test
sha512Input <-c(
    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
sha512Output <- c(

for (i in seq(along.with=sha512Input)) {
    sha512 <- digest(sha512Input[i], algo="sha512", serialize=FALSE)
    expect_true(identical(sha512, sha512Output[i]))
    #cat(sha512, "\n")

sha512 <- getVDigest(algo = 'sha512')
expect_identical(sha512(sha512Input, serialize = FALSE), sha512Output[1:2])

## sha512 raw output test
for (i in seq(along.with=sha512Input)) {
    sha512 <- digest(sha512Input[i], algo="sha512", serialize=FALSE, raw=TRUE)

    sha512 <- gsub(" ","",capture.output(cat(sha512)))
    expect_true(identical(sha512, sha512Output[i]))
    #cat(sha512, "\n")

crc32Input <-
crc32Output <-

for (i in seq(along.with=crc32Input)) {
    crc32 <- digest(crc32Input[i], algo="crc32", serialize=FALSE)
    expect_true(identical(crc32, crc32Output[i]))
    #cat(crc32, "\n")

crc32 <- getVDigest(algo = 'crc32')
expect_identical(crc32(crc32Input, serialize = FALSE), crc32Output[1:2])

## one of the FIPS-
sha1 <- digest("abc", algo="sha1", serialize=FALSE)
expect_true(identical(sha1, "a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d"))

## This one seems to give slightly different output depending on the R version used
##                                      # example of a digest of a standard R list structure
## cat(digest(list(LETTERS, data.frame(a=letters[1:5],
##                                     b=matrix(1:10,
##                                     ncol=2)))), "\n")

## these outputs were calculated using xxh32sum
## [ Correction:  These reproduce via the Python xxhash package and its hexdigest() output
##   but not the xxh64sum command-line tool as the original comment here implies. ]
xxhash32Input <-
xxhash32Output <-

for (i in seq(along.with=xxhash32Input)) {
    xxhash32 <- digest(xxhash32Input[i], algo="xxhash32", serialize=FALSE)
    #cat(xxhash32, "\n")
    expect_true(identical(xxhash32, xxhash32Output[i]))

xxhash32 <- getVDigest(algo = 'xxhash32')
expect_identical(xxhash32(xxhash32Input, serialize = FALSE), xxhash32Output)

## these outputs were calculated using xxh64sum
## [ Correction:  These reproduce via the Python xxhash package and its hexdigest() output
##   but not the xxh64sum command-line tool as the original comment here implies. ]
xxhash64Input <-
xxhash64Output <-

for (i in seq(along.with=xxhash64Input)) {
    xxhash64 <- digest(xxhash64Input[i], algo="xxhash64", serialize=FALSE)
    #cat(xxhash64, "\n")
    expect_true(identical(xxhash64, xxhash64Output[i]))

xxhash64 <- getVDigest(algo = 'xxhash64')
expect_identical(xxhash64(xxhash64Input, serialize = FALSE), xxhash64Output)

## these outputs were calculated using mmh3 python package
## the first two are also shown at this StackOverflow question on test vectors
murmur32Input <-
murmur32Output <-

for (i in seq(along.with=murmur32Input)) {
    murmur32 <- digest(murmur32Input[i], algo="murmur32", serialize=FALSE)
    #cat(murmur32, "\n")
    expect_true(identical(murmur32, murmur32Output[i]))

murmur32 <- getVDigest(algo = 'murmur32')
expect_identical(murmur32(murmur32Input, serialize = FALSE), murmur32Output)

## tests for digest spooky

## Per PR 205, see comment in
## Values ought to be sensible on big endian too but different from little endian reference
## so we do not test on big endian
if (isTRUE(.Call(digest:::is_little_endian))) {

    ## test vectors (originally for md5)
    spookyInput <- c("",
                     "message digest",
                           "345678901234567890", sep=""))

    # from spooky import hash128
    # from binascii import hexlify
    # spookyInput = [
    #     "",
    #       "a",
    #       "abc",
    #       "message digest",
    #       "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
    #       "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789",
    #       "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
    #     ]
    # for s in spookyInput:
    #     hexlify(hash128(s).to_bytes(16, 'little')).decode()
    # '1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b'
    # 'bdc9bba09181101a922a4161f0584275'
    # '67c93775f715ab8ab01178caf86713c6'
    # '9630c2a55c0987a0db44434f9d67a192'
    # '5172de938ce149a98f4d06d3c3168ffe'
    # 'b5b3b2d0f08b58aa07f551895f929f81'
    # '3621ec01112dafa1610a4bd23041966b'

    spookyOutputPython <-   c('1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b',

    ## spooky raw output test
    for (i in seq(along.with=spookyInput)) {
      # skip = 30 skips the entire serialization header for a length 1 character vector
      # this is equivalent to raw = TRUE and matches the python spooky implementation for those vectors
      spooky <- digest(spookyInput[i], algo = "spookyhash", skip = 30)
      expect_true(identical(spooky, spookyOutputPython[i]))
      #cat(spooky, "\n")

        getVDigest(algo = 'spookyhash')(spookyInput, skip = 30),

    ## some extras to get coverage up - these aren't tested against reference output,
    ## just output from R 3.6.0
    spookyInput <- c("a", "aaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaaa")
    spookyOutput <- c("b7a3573ba6139dfdc52db30acba87f46",
    for (i in seq(along.with=spookyInput)) {
        spooky <- digest(spookyInput[i], algo = "spookyhash")
        expect_true(identical(spooky, spookyOutput[i]))
        ##cat(spooky, "\n")

        getVDigest(algo = 'spookyhash')(spookyInput),

    ## test a bigger object
    spooky <- digest(iris, algo = "spookyhash")
    expect_true(identical(spooky, "af58add8b4f7044582b331083bc239ff"))
    ##cat(spooky, "\n")

    # test error message
    #error.message <- try(digest(spookyInput[i], algo = "spookyhash", serialize = FALSE))
    #  grepl("spookyhash algorithm is not available without serialization.", error.message)

## Ensure that all values of algo are actually allowed (in case a new one is
## added in the future). The call to match.arg() passes choices explicitly
## because it is significantly faster to do it than to have it automatically
## infer the possible choices from the function's formals.

# Grab the possible values of algo, then call digest() for each one.
algos <- eval(formals(digest)$algo)
for (algo in algos) {
  digest(123, algo = algo)
# Same for getVDigest
algos <- eval(formals(getVDigest)$algo)
for (algo in algos) {
  getVDigest(algo = algo)

## xxhash h3_64 variant
## reference values computed via xxhash and its xxh3_64 object and hexdiges printer:
## ie print(xxhash.xxh3_64("abc").hexdigest())
xxh3_64Input <- c("abc",
xxh3_64Output <- c("78af5f94892f3950",
for (i in seq(along.with=xxh3_64Input)) {
    xxh3_64 <- digest(xxh3_64Input[i], algo="xxh3_64", serialize=FALSE)
    #cat(xxh3_64, "\n")
    expect_true(identical(xxh3_64, xxh3_64Output[i]))

xxh3_64 <- getVDigest(algo = 'xxh3_64')
expect_identical(xxh3_64(xxh3_64Input, serialize = FALSE), xxh3_64Output)

## xxhash h3_128 variant
## reference values computed via xxhash and its xxh3_128 object and hexdiges printer:
## ie print(xxhash.xxh3_128("abc").hexdigest())
xxh3_128Input <- c("abc",
xxh3_128Output <- c("06b05ab6733a618578af5f94892f3950",
for (i in seq(along.with=xxh3_128Input)) {
    xxh3_128 <- digest(xxh3_128Input[i], algo="xxh3_128", serialize=FALSE)
    #cat(xxh3_128, "\n")
    expect_true(identical(xxh3_128, xxh3_128Output[i]))

xxh3_128 <- getVDigest(algo = 'xxh3_128')
expect_identical(xxh3_128(xxh3_128Input, serialize = FALSE), xxh3_128Output)

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digest documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:43 p.m.