
Defines functions `%y-%.date_yw` `%y+%.date_yw` `%y-%.date_ym` `%y+%.date_ym` `%y-%.date_yq` `%y+%.date_yq` `%/%.date_y` `%%.date_y` `%y-%.date_y` `%y+%.date_y` `%/%.date_xx` `%%.date_xx` `^.date_xx` `/.date_xx` `*.date_xx` `-.date_xx` `+.date_xx` `%y-%` `%y+%` floor.date_xx ceiling.date_xx round.date_yw round.date_ym round.date_yq range.date_y range.date_yw range.date_ym range.date_yq

Documented in ceiling.date_xx floor.date_xx round.date_ym round.date_yq round.date_yw

# Group generics ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Maxima and Minima for date_xx
#' @param ... `date_xx` vectors with the same subclass
#' @inheritParams base::Summary
#' @return
#'   for `min()` and `max()` a scalar of the same `date_xx` subclass as it's
#'   input, for range a vector of length 2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' min(date_yq(2014, 1), date_yq(2014, 2))
#' # raises an error
#' try(min(date_yq(2014, 1), date_ym(2014, 2)))
Summary.date_xx <- function (
    .Generic %in% c("min", "max", "range"),
    .Generic, "not defined for 'date_xx' Objects"
  dots  <- list(...)
  class <- vapply(dots, which_date_xx, character(1))
    "All inputs must have the same <date_xx> subclass"

  res <- NextMethod(.Generic)

    date_yq = as_date_yq(res),
    date_ym = as_date_ym(res),
    date_yw = as_date_yw(res),
    date_y = as_date_y(res)

#' Comparison Operators for date_xx
#' @param e1,e2 Objects with the same `date_xx` subclass (one of them can also
#'   be integer)
#' @return a `logical` scalar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' date_yq(2015, 1) < date_yq(2015, 2)
#' # comparison with integers is ok
#' date_yq(2015, 1) < 20152
#' # but two different date_xx cannot be compared
#' try(date_yq(2015, 1) < date_ym(2015, 2))
Ops.date_xx <- function (
    nargs() > 1L,
    sprintf("unary %s not defined for <date_xx> objects", .Generic)
    .Generic %in% c("<", ">", "==", "!=", "<=", ">="),
    sprintf("%s is not defined for <date_xx> objects", .Generic)

    (is_date_yq(e1) && is_date_yq(e2))  ||
    (is_date_ym(e1) && is_date_ym(e2))  ||
    (is_date_yw(e1) && is_date_yw(e2))  ||
    (is_date_y(e1)  && is_date_y(e2))   ||
    (!is_date_xx(e1) && is_date_xx(e2)) ||
    (!is_date_xx(e2) && is_date_xx(e1)),
      "Comparison of <date_xx> is only defined if both objects have the same",
      "subclass, but 'e1' is <%s> and 'e2' is <%s>"),

  if (is.character(e1))
    e1 <- as.Date(e1)
  if (is.character(e2))
    e2 <- as.Date(e2)


#' date_xx Arithmetic Operations
#' The arithmetic operations `+`, `-` as well as sequence generation with
#' `seq()` are all supported for `date_yq` and `date_ym` objects. Other binary
#' arithmetic operators are disabled (see [date_xx_arithmetic_disabled]).
#' @param x a [`date_yq`] or [`date_ym`] object
#' @param y an integer
#' @name date_xx_arithmetic
#' @seealso  [base::Arithmetic]
#' @examples
#' q <- date_yq(2018, 1)
#' q + 5
#' q - 1
#' seq(q, q + 5)
#' m <- date_ym(2018, 12)
#' m + 1
#' m - 13
#' seq(m - 1, m + 1)

#' Arithmetic Operations Disabled for date_xx
#' This page lists operators that are disabled for `date_yq` and `date_ym`
#' objects.
#' @inheritParams date_xx_arithmetic
#' @name date_xx_arithmetic_disabled
#' @seealso [date_xx_arithmetic], [base::Arithmetic]

# range -------------------------------------------------------------------

range.date_yq <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
  as_date_yq(range(as.integer(c(...), na.rm = na.rm)))

range.date_ym <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
  as_date_ym(range(as.integer(c(...), na.rm = na.rm)))

range.date_yw <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
  as_date_yw(range(as.integer(c(...), na.rm = na.rm)))

range.date_y <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
  as_date_y(range(as.integer(c(...), na.rm = na.rm)))

# round -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Rounding of date_xx
#' Rounds a `date_xx` to the first unit of the current year, or the first
#' unit of the next year.
#' @param x any `date_xx` object
#' @param digits ignored, only there for compatibility with [base::round()]
#' @return a `date_xx` of the same subclass as `x`
#' @export
#' @rdname round_date_xx
#' @examples
#' round(date_yq(2018, 2))
#' round(date_yq(2018, 3))
#' round(date_ym(2018, 6))
#' round(date_ym(2018, 7))
#' round(date_yw(2018, 26))
#' round(date_yw(2018, 27))
round.date_yq <- function(x, digits = NULL){
  q <- get_quarter(x)
  ifelse_simple(q %in% 1:2, floor(x), ceiling(x))

#' @rdname round_date_xx
#' @export
round.date_ym <- function(x, digits = NULL){
  q <- get_month(x)
  ifelse_simple(q %in% 1:6, floor(x), ceiling(x))

#' @rdname round_date_xx
#' @export
round.date_yw <- function(x, digits = NULL){
  q <- get_isoweek(x)
  ifelse_simple(q %in% 1:26, floor(x), ceiling(x))

#' @rdname round_date_xx
#' @export
ceiling.date_xx <- function(x){
  do.call(which_date_xx(x), list(get_year(x) + 1L, 1L))

#' @rdname round_date_xx
#' @export
floor.date_xx <- function(x){
  do.call(which_date_xx(x), list(get_year(x), 1L))

# generics ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Add/Subtract Year
#' @param x a [date_xx] vector
#' @param y an `integer` vector of years
#' @rdname y-plus
#' @export
#' @examples
#' date_yq(2017, 1) %y+% 1
#' date_yq(2017, 1) %y-% 1
#' date_ym(2017, 1) %y+% 1
#' date_ym(2017, 1) %y-% 1
`%y+%` <- function(x, y){

#' @rdname y-plus
#' @export
`%y-%` <- function(x, y){

# date_xx -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname date_xx_arithmetic
#' @export
`+.date_xx` <- function(x, y){
  increment(x, as.integer(y))

#' @rdname date_xx_arithmetic
#' @export
`-.date_xx` <- function(x, y){
  if (is_date_yq(y)){
    divisions <- 4L
    (get_year(x) - get_year(y)) * divisions + get_quarter(x) - get_quarter(y)
  } else  if (is_date_ym(y)){
    divisions <- 12L
    (get_year(x) - get_year(y)) * divisions + get_month(x) - get_month(y)
  } else if (is_date_yw(y)){
    if (x > y) {
      length(seq(x, y)) - 1L
    }  else {
      -(length(seq(y, x)) - 1L)

  } else {
    increment(x, as.integer(-y))

#' @rdname date_xx_arithmetic_disabled
#' @export
`*.date_xx` <- function(x, y){
  stop("Operation not supported")

#' @rdname date_xx_arithmetic_disabled
#' @export
`/.date_xx` <- function(x, y){
  stop("Operation not supported")

#' @rdname date_xx_arithmetic_disabled
#' @export
`^.date_xx` <- function(x, y){
  stop("Operation not supported")

#' @rdname date_xx_arithmetic_disabled
#' @export
`%%.date_xx` <- function(x, y){
  stop("Operation not supported")

#' @rdname date_xx_arithmetic_disabled
#' @export
`%/%.date_xx` <- function(x, y){
  stop("Operation not supported")

# date_y ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname y-plus
#' @export
`%y+%.date_y` <- function(x, y){
  as_date_y(as.integer(x) + y)

#' @rdname y-plus
#' @export
`%y-%.date_y` <- function(x, y){
  as_date_y(as.integer(x) - y)

#' @rdname date_xx_arithmetic_disabled
#' @export
`%%.date_y` <- function(x, y){
  warning("Coercing 'date_y' to integer.")
  as.integer(x) %/% y

#' @rdname date_xx_arithmetic_disabled
#' @export
`%/%.date_y` <- function(x, y){
  warning("Coercing 'date_y' to integer.")
  as.integer(x) %/% y

# date_yq -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname y-plus
#' @export
`%y+%.date_yq` <- function(x, y){
  as_date_yq(as.integer(x) + (10L * y))

#' @rdname y-plus
#' @export
`%y-%.date_yq` <- function(x, y){
  as_date_yq(as.integer(x) - (10L * y))

# date_ym -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname y-plus
#' @export
`%y+%.date_ym` <- function(x, y){
  as_date_ym(as.integer(x) + (100L * y))

#' @rdname y-plus
#' @export
`%y-%.date_ym` <- function(x, y){
  as_date_ym(as.integer(x) - (100L * y))

# date_yw -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname y-plus
#' @export
`%y+%.date_yw` <- function(x, y){
  as_date_yw(as.integer(x) + (100L * y))

#' @rdname y-plus
#' @export
`%y-%.date_yw` <- function(x, y){
  as_date_yw(as.integer(x) - (100L * y))

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