
Defines functions lapply_async2

Documented in lapply_async2

#' Apply, but in parallel
#' @param x vector, list
#' @param FUN function to apply on each element of \code{x}
#' @param FUN.args more arguments to feed into \code{FUN}
#' @param plan logical, or character or \code{future} plan; see Details.
#' @param callback function to run after each iteration
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link[future]{plan}}
#' @param future.chunk.size,future.seed see also \code{future_lapply}.
#' If you want the callbacks
#' to be called immediately after each loop, then set it to \code{1},
#' which is not optimal but the only way right now.
#' @details
#' When \code{plan} is logical, \code{FALSE} means use current plan.
#' If \code{plan=TRUE}, then it equals to \code{plan='multicore'}. For
#' characters, \code{plan} can be \code{'multicore'}, \code{'callr'},
#' \code{'sequential'}, \code{'multisession'}, \code{'multiprocess'},
#' etc. Alternatively, you could pass future \code{\link[future]{plan}}
#' objects.
#' @return same as
#' \code{with(FUN.args, lapply(x, function(el){eval(body(FUN))}))}
#' @examples
#' library(future)
#' plan(sequential)
#' # Use sequential plan
#' # 1. Change `plan` to 'multicore', 'multisession', or TRUE to enable
#' # multi-core, but still with progress information
#' # 2. Change plan=FALSE will use current future plan
#' res <- lapply_async2(100:200, function(x){
#'   return(x+1)
#' }, callback = function(e){
#'   sprintf('Input=%d', e)
#' }, plan = 'sequential')
#' # Disable callback message, then the function reduce to
#' # normal `future.apply::future_lapply`
#' res <- lapply_async2(100:200, function(x){
#'   return(x+1)
#' }, callback = NULL, plan = FALSE)
#' if(interactive()) {
#'   # PID are different, meaning executing in different sessions
#'   lapply_async2(1:4, function(x){
#'     Sys.getpid()
#'   })
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{make_forked_clusters}}
#' @export
lapply_async2 <- function(x, FUN, FUN.args = list(),
                          callback = NULL, plan = TRUE,
                          future.chunk.size = NULL, future.seed = sample.int(1, n = 1e5 - 1), ...){
  if(length(plan) && !isFALSE(plan)){
      make_forked_clusters(..., clean = TRUE)
    } else {
      current_plan <- future::plan("list")
        # Restore plan might encounter errors, use try-catch
            substitute = FALSE,
            .call = NULL,
            .cleanup = FALSE,
            .init = FALSE
        }, error = function(e){
      }, add = TRUE, after = TRUE)
      if(is.character(plan) && plan == 'callr'){
        if (!requireNamespace("future.callr", quietly = TRUE)) {
          stop("Package \"future.callr\" is needed to set plan as 'callr'. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
        future::plan(future.callr::callr, ..., .call = NULL, .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)
        future::plan(plan, ..., .call = NULL, .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE)

  if(inherits(callback, "formula")) {
    penv <- parent.frame()
    callback <- rlang::as_function(callback, env = penv)

  if( is.function(callback) ){

    callback_formals <- formals(callback)
    if (length(callback_formals)){
      callback_call <- quote(callback(el))
      callback_call <- quote(callback())
    callback_call <- NULL

  # fun_body <- body(FUN)
  # fun_param <- str2lang(names(formals(FUN)[1]))

  call <- as_call(quote(FUN), quote(el), .list = FUN.args)
    f <- dipsaus::new_function2(alist(el = ), body = call, quote_type = 'quote', env = environment())
    fs <- future.apply::future_lapply(
      x, f, future.seed = future.seed,
      future.scheduling = TRUE,
      future.chunk.size = future.chunk.size)

    old.handlers <- progressr::handlers(handler_dipsaus_progress())
      }, silent = TRUE)
    }, add = TRUE)

    # if(is.null(shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain())){

      p <- progressr::progressor(steps = 2 * length(x) + 1)

      f <- dipsaus::new_function2(alist(el = ), body = bquote({
        ...msg... <- .(callback_call)
        if(is.character(...msg...)) {
          ...msg... <- paste(...msg..., collapse = "")
        } else {
          ...msg... <- deparse(el, width.cutoff = 30)
          if(length(...msg...) > 1){
            ...msg... <- ...msg...[[1]]
          if(nchar(...msg...) >= 10){
            ...msg... <- sprintf("%s...", substr(...msg..., stop = 7, start = 1))
        p(message = sprintf("%s (started)", ...msg...), )
          p(message = sprintf("%s (end)", ...msg...))
        }, add = TRUE, after = TRUE)


      }), quote_type = "quote", env = environment())
      # f <- dipsaus::new_function2(alist(el = ), body = rlang::quo({
      #   p(message = sprintf("%s (started)", ...msg...), )
      #   eval(!!call)
      #   p(message = sprintf("%s (end)", ...msg...))
      # }), quote_type = 'quote', env = environment())
      fs <- future.apply::future_lapply(x, f,
                                        future.scheduling = TRUE,
                                        future.chunk.size = future.chunk.size,
                                        future.seed = future.seed)

      p("Results collected\n")

        # fs <- future.apply::future_lapply(x, function(el) {
        #   p(message = eval(callback_call))
        #   eval(call)
        # },
        # future.scheduling = TRUE,
        # future.chunk.size = future.chunk.size,
        # future.seed = future.seed)
      }, enable = interactive() || shiny_is_running())
    # }else{
    #   progressr::withProgressShiny({
    #     p <- progressr::progressor(along = x)
    #     fs <- future.apply::future_lapply(x, function(el){
    #       p(message = eval(callback_call))
    #       eval(call)
    #     })
    #   }, handlers = handler_dipsaus_progress)
    # }


  # fs <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(ii){
  #   on.exit(eval(callback_call))
  #   call <- as_call(
  #     quote(future::future),
  #     as_call(
  #       quote(`{`),
  #       as_call(quote(`<-`), fun_param, x[[ii]]),
  #       fun_body
  #     ),
  #     substitute = TRUE,
  #     globals = TRUE
  #   )
  #   eval_dirty(call, env = env, data = FUN.args)
  # })
  # fs = future::value(fs)

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dipsaus documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.