
Defines functions tree.age

Documented in tree.age

#' @title Extracting the age of nodes and tips in a tree.
#' @description Extracting the age of each node and tip in a tree give the height of the tree or some specified age.
#' @param tree A \code{phylo} object.
#' @param age The age of the tree. If missing the age is set to be the tree height.
#' @param order Either "past" if the units express time since the present (e.g. million years ago), or "present" if the unit is expressed in time since the root.
#' @param fossil \code{logical}, whether to always consider the tree as containing at least one living taxa (\code{TRUE}) or allowing only fossil taxa (\code{FALSE} - default), see details.
#' @param digits A \code{numeric} value or \code{integer} for the precision of the output.
#' @details When \code{fossil = TRUE}, if the \code{tree} contains a \code{tree$root.time} element (for tree's root age), and that \code{order} is set to \code{"past"}, the output ages are adjusted to be starting from the root.time. Else, if no \code{tree$root.time} exists or \code{fossil = FALSE}, tips and nodes age is relative from the tip furthest away from the root. \emph{THIS FUNCTION DOES NOT ESTIMATE TREE AGES}, it just extracts branch length information and converts it into time units. For basic dating functions in R, check \code{\link[ape]{chronos}}, \code{\link[ape]{chronopl}},  \code{\link[ape]{chronoMPL}} or use more specialised dating software (e.g. MrBayes, BEAST, RAxML, etc.).
#' @examples
#' ## A dated random phylogeny with a root 50 units of time old.
#' tree.age(rtree(10), age = 50)
#' ## A random tree with the distance since the root.
#' tree.age(rtree(10), order = 'present')
#' @seealso \code{\link{slice.tree}}, \code{\link{chrono.subsets}}.
#' @author Thomas Guillerme

#Modified from [R-sig-phylo] nodes and taxa depth II - 21/06/2011 - Paolo Piras - ppiras(at)uniroma3.it

tree.age <- function(tree, age, order = 'past', fossil = TRUE, digits = 3){


    check.class(tree, 'phylo', ' must be a phylo object.')

    if(missing(age)) {
        ## Using the tree height as age if age is missing
        age <- max(castor::get_all_pairwise_distances(tree)[, Ntip(tree)+1], na.rm = TRUE)
    check.class(age, 'numeric', ' must be a numerical value.')
    check.length(age, '1', ' must a a single value.')

    check.method(order, c("past", "present"), "order argument")

    ## Digits
    check.class(digits, c("numeric", "integer"))
    check.length(digits, 1, msg = "must be a single numeric value.")

    ## Fossils only
    # check.class(fossil.only, "logical")


    if(age != 0) {
        ages.table <- tree.age_scale(tree.age_table(tree), age)
    } else {
        ages.table <- tree.age_table(tree)

    if(order != 'past') {
        ages.table$ages <- round(ages.table$ages, digits = digits)
    } else {
        tree.height <- max(ages.table$ages)
        ages.table$ages <- round(abs(ages.table$ages - tree.height), digits = digits)

    ## Adjust time for tree with non-living taxa
    if(fossil) {
        if(!is.null(tree$root.time) && order == "past") {
            ## If the root.time is not equal to the older node, scale the tree ages down
            # cat(paste0("tree$root.time = ", tree$root.time, "\n"))
            # cat(paste0("max(ages.table$ages) = ", max(ages.table$ages), "\n"))
            # cat(paste0("age = ", age, "\n"))
            # table_ages_test <<- ages.table
            # cat("\n")
            if(round(tree$root.time, digits = digits) > round(max(ages.table$ages), digits = digits)) {
                ## Add the time to the root age to all the ages
                ages.table$ages <- ages.table$ages + abs(tree$root.time - max(ages.table$ages))

    #ages.table <- round(ages.table[1, ], digits = 3)

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