
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

    if (input$exitApp > 0) stopApp(TRUE)

  ## -- End: functions to make tabs active sequentially --

  ## -- End: functions to make tabs active sequentially --

  ## Variables to detect various states the app can be in, depending
  ## on what actions the user has taken.

  ## output$datasetSpecified
  ## output$datasetChecked
  ## output$rankEntered
  ## output$rankChecked
  ## output$definitionSaved

  ## When the user chooses a file and clicks on the "Load Data" button
  ## this function is triggered
  output$dataFileContentSummary <- renderPrint({
    if (input$loadData == 0) return("")
    ## Create data frame from file
      if (input$input_type == 'CSV File') {
        inputFile <- input$dataFile
          need(inputFile != "", "Please select a data set")
        ## Parse missing value strings
        missingValueIndicators <- stringr::str_trim(scan(textConnection(input$missingIndicators),
                                                         what = character(0), sep=",", quiet=TRUE))
        ## Return data frame or error as the case may be
        dataResult <- tryCatch(
          { read.csv(file = inputFile$datapath, na.strings = missingValueIndicators, header=FALSE) } ,
          warning = function(x) x,
          error = function(x) x
      } else if (input$input_type == 'Redcap API') {
          need(requireNamespace("redcapAPI", quietly = TRUE), "Please install the redcapAPI package"),
          need(input$redcapURL != "", "Please enter your Redcap URL"),
          need(input$redcapToken != "", "Please enter your Redcap Token")

        dataResult <-tryCatch(
          { redcapAPI::exportRecords(redcapAPI::redcapConnection(url = input$redcapURL, token = input$redcapToken)) },
          warning = function(x) x,
          error = function(x) x
      } else if (input$input_type == 'Postgres') {
          need(requireNamespace("RPostgreSQL", quietly = TRUE), "Please install the RPostgreSQL package"),
          need(requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE), "Please install the dplyr package"),
          need(input$dbName != "", "Please enter your Postgres database name"),
          need(input$dbHost != "", "Please enter your Postgres host"),
          need(!$dbPort)), "Please enter your Postgres port number"),
          need(input$dbUser != "", "Please enter your Postgres database user name"),
          need(input$dbPassword != "", "Please enter your Postgres database user password"),
          need(input$dbTable != "", "Please enter your Postgres database table name")
        dataResult <-  tryCatch(
            db <- dplyr::src_postgres(dbname = input$dbName, host = input$dbHost, port = input$dbPort,
                                      user = input$dbUser, password = input$dbPassword)
            ## CAUTION: Need to do better to prevent SQL injection...
            dplyr::tbl(db, paste("SELECT * from ", input$dbTable))
          warning = function(x) x,
          error = function(x) x
      } else {
          need(FALSE, "Report bug to Package owner: unexpected Data source!")
        dataResult <- NULL

      if ({
        dataResult <- as.matrix(dataResult)
        setComputationInfo("data", dataResult) ## Store data object
        updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId="navigationList", selected="Sanity Check")
      } else {
        cat('Error!', dataResult$message)

  output$dataLoaded <- reactive({
    if (input$loadData == 0) return()
    ifelse(is.matrix(getComputationInfo("data")), "Data Loaded; Proceed to Sanity Check", "")

  ## When the user clicks on the "Check Sanity" button
  ## this function is triggered
  output$sanityCheckResult <- renderPrint({
    if (input$checkSanity == 0) return()
    rank <- getComputationInfo("rank")
    data <- getComputationInfo("data")
      result <- tryCatch(
        (rank < 0 || rank > min(dim(getComputationInfo("data")))),
        error = function(x) x,
        warning = function(x) x)
      if (inherits(result, "error")) {
        sprintf("Rank '%d' or data is invalid.", rank)
      } else {
        "Success! Send to Opencpu Server."

  output$populateResult <- renderPrint({
    if (input$populateServer == 0) return()
      shiny::validate(need(input$siteName != "", "Please enter a site name"))
      shiny::validate(need(input$ocpuURL != "", "Please enter an opencpu URL"))
      site <- list(name = input$siteName, url = input$ocpuURL)
      defn <- makeDefinition(getComputationInfo("compType"))
      data <- getComputationInfo("data")
      result <- tryCatch(uploadNewComputation(site=site, defn=defn, data=data),
                         error = function(x) x,
                         warning = function(x) x)
      if (inherits(result, "error") ) {
        "Error: Uploading the definition to server"
      } else {
        ifelse(result, "Success: definition uploaded to server",
               "Error while uploading definition to server")


Try the distcomp package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

distcomp documentation built on Sept. 2, 2022, 1:07 a.m.