#' Plot discrete observation frequencies per sample and per grouping
#' @inheritParams yPlot
#' @inheritParams barPlot
#' @param var Single string representing the name of a column of \code{data_frame} that contains the discrete data you wish to quantify as frequencies.
#' @param Single string representing the name of a column of \code{data_frame} that contains an indicator of which sample each observation belongs to.
#' Note that when this is not provided, there will only be one data point per grouping.
#' A warning can be expected then for all \code{plots} options except \code{"jitter"}.
#' @param vars.use String or string vector naming a subset of the values of \code{var}-data which should be shown.
#' If left as \code{NULL}, all values are shown.
#' Hint: use \code{\link{colLevels}} or \code{unique(data_frame[,var])} to assess options.
#' Note: When \code{var.labels.rename} is jointly utilized to update how the \code{var}-values are shown, the \strong{updated} values must be used.
#' @param var.labels.reorder Integer vector. A sequence of numbers, from 1 to the number of distinct \code{var}-value identities, for rearranging the order of facets within the plot space.
#' Method: Make a first plot without this input.
#' Then, treating the top-left-most grouping as index 1, and the bottom-right-most as index n.
#' Values of \code{var.labels.reorder} should be these indices, but in the order that you would like them rearranged to be.
#' @param max.normalize Logical which sets whether the data for each \code{var}-data value (each facet) should be normalized to have the same maximum value.
#' When set to \code{TRUE}, lower frequency \code{var}-values will make use of just as much plot space as higher frequency vars.
#' Note: Similarly equal plot space utilization can be achieved by using \code{split.adjust = list(scales = "free_y")}, and that alternative route retains original values of the data.
#' @param split.nrow,split.ncol Integers which set the dimensions of the facet grid.
#' @param split.adjust A named list which allows extra parameters to be pushed through to the faceting function call.
#' List elements should be valid inputs to the faceting function \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_wrap}}, e.g. `list(scales = "free_y")`.
#' See \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_wrap}} for options.
#' @param ylab String, sets the continuous-axis label (=y-axis for box and violin plots, x-axis for ridgeplots).
#' Default = "make" and if left as make, this title will be automatically generated.
#' @param do.hover Logical which sets whether the ggplot output should be converted to a ggplotly object with data about individual bars displayed when you hover your cursor over them.
#' @param data.out Logical. When set to \code{TRUE}, changes the output, from the plot alone, to a list containing the plot (\code{p}), its underlying data (\code{data}).
#' @return A ggplot plot where frequencies of discrete \code{var}-data per sample, grouped by condition, timepoint, etc., is shown on the y-axis by a violin plot, boxplot, and/or jittered points, or on the x-axis by a ridgeplot with or without jittered points.
#' Alternatively, if \code{data.out = TRUE}, a list containing the plot ("p") and a dataframe of the underlying data ("data").
#' Alternatively, if \code{do.hover = TRUE}, a plotly conversion of the ggplot output in which underlying data can be retrieved upon hovering the cursor over the plot.
#' @details
#' The function creates a dataframe containing counts and percent makeup of \code{var} identities per sample if \code{} is given, or per group if only \code{} is given.
#' \code{} can optionally be used to add subgroupings to calculations and ultimate plots, or to convey super-groups of \code{} groupings.
#' Typically, \code{var} might target clustering or observation-type annotations, but in truth it can be given any discrete data.
#' If a set of rows to use was indicated with the \code{rows.use} input, only the targeted rows are used for counts and percent makeup calculations.
#' In other words, the \code{row.use} input adjusts the universe that frequencies are calculated within.
#' If a set of \code{var}-values to show is indicated with the \code{vars.use} input, the data.frame is trimmed at the end to include only the corresponding rows.
#' Thus, this input does not affect the universe for frequency calculation.
#' If \code{max.normalized} is set to \code{TRUE}, counts and percent data are transformed to a 0-1 scale, which is one method for making better use of white space for lower frequency \code{var}-values.
#' Alternatively, \code{split.adjust = list(scales = "free_y")} can be used to achieve the same white-space utilization while retaining original data values.
#' Either percent of total (\code{scale = "percent"}), which is the default, or counts (if \code{scale = "count"})
#' data is then (gg)plotted with the data representation types in \code{plots} by utilizing the same machinery as \code{\link{yPlot}}.
#' Faceting by \code{var}-data values is utilized to achieve per \code{var}-value (e.g. cluster) granularity.
#' See below for additional customization options!
#' @section Calculation Details:
#' The function is restricted in that each samples' observations, indicated by the unique values of \code{}-data, must exist within single \code{} and \code{} groupings.
#' Thus, in order to ensure all valid \code{var}-data composition data points are generated, prior to calculations... \itemize{
#' \item \code{var}-data are ensured to be a factor, which ensures a calculation will be run for every \code{var}-value (a.k.a. cluster)
#' \item \code{}-data and \code{color-by}-data are treated as non-factor data, which ensures that calculations are run only for the groupings that each sample is associated with.
#' }
#' @section Plot Customization:
#' The \code{plots} argument determines the types of \strong{data representation} that will be generated, as well as their order from back to front.
#' Options are \code{"jitter"}, \code{"boxplot"}, \code{"vlnplot"}, and \code{"ridgeplot"}.
#' Each plot type has specific associated options which are controlled by variables that start with their associated string.
#' For example, all jitter adjustments start with "\code{jitter.}", such as \code{jitter.size} and \code{jitter.width}.
#' Inclusion of \code{"ridgeplot"} overrides \code{"boxplot"} and \code{"vlnplot"} presence and changes the plot to be horizontal.
#' Additionally:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{Colors can be adjusted} with \code{color.panel}.
#' \item \strong{Subgroupings:} \code{} can be utilized to split major \code{} groupings into subgroups.
#' When this is done in y-axis plotting, dittoViz automatically ensures the centers of all geoms will align,
#' but users will need to manually adjust \code{jitter.width} to less than 0.5/num_subgroups to avoid overlaps.
#' There are also three inputs through which one can use to control geom-center placement, but the easiest way to do all at once so is to just adjust \code{vlnplot.width}!
#' The other two: \code{}, and \code{}.
#' \item \strong{Line(s) can be added} at single or multiple value(s) by providing these values to \code{add.line}.
#' Linetype and color are set with \code{line.linetype}, which is "dashed" by default, and \code{line.color}, which is "black" by default.
#' \item \strong{Titles and axes labels} can be adjusted with \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}, and \code{legend.title} arguments.
#' \item The \strong{legend can be hidden} by setting \code{ = FALSE}.
#' \item \strong{y-axis zoom and tick marks} can be adjusted using \code{min}, \code{max}, and \code{y.breaks}.
#' \item \strong{x-axis labels and groupings} can be changed / reordered using \code{x.labels} and \code{x.reorder}, and rotation of these labels can be turned on/off with \code{x.labels.rotate = TRUE/FALSE}.
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{barPlot}} for a data representation that emphasizes total makeup of samples/groups rather than focusing on the \code{var}-data values individually.
#' @examples
#' example("dittoExampleData", echo = FALSE)
#' # There are three main inputs for this function, in addition to 'data_frame'.
#' # var = typically this will be observation-type annotations or clustering
#' # This is the set of observations for which we will calculate frequencies
#' # (per each unique value of this data) within each sample
#' # = the name of a column containing sample assignments
#' # We'll treat all observations with the same value in this column as part
#' # of the same sample.
#' # = how to group samples together
#' freqPlot(example_df,
#' var = "clustering",
#' = "sample",
#' = "category")
#' # '' can also be set differently from '' to have the effect
#' # of highlighting supersets or subgroupings:
#' freqPlot(example_df, "clustering",
#' = "category",
#' = "sample",
#' = "subcategory")
#' # The var-values shown can be subset with 'vars.use'
#' freqPlot(example_df, "clustering",
#' = "category", = "sample", = "subcategory",
#' vars.use = 1:2)
#' # Particular observations can be ignored from calculations and plotting using
#' # the 'rows.use' input. Note that doing so adjusts the universe in which
#' # frequencies are calculated; all frequencies will now be in terms of freq.
#' # out of the rows.use cells.
#' # This can be useful for quantifying subtypes within a given supertype,
#' # rather than per all observations.
#' # For our example, we'll calculate among clusters 1 and 2, treating clusters 3
#' # and 4 observations as part of an unwanted other group of data. You'll
#' # notice that frequencies are higher here than when we used 'vars.use' in
#' # the previous example.
#' freqPlot(example_df, "clustering",
#' = "category", = "sample", = "subcategory",
#' rows.use = example_df$clustering %in% 1:2)
#' # Lower frequency targets can be expanded to use the entire y-axis by:
#' # turning on 'max.normalize'-ation:
#' freqPlot(example_df, "clustering",
#' = "category", = "sample", = "subcategory",
#' max.normalize = TRUE)
#' # or by setting y-scale limits to be set by the contents of facets:
#' freqPlot(example_df, "clustering",
#' = "category", = "sample", = "subcategory",
#' split.adjust = list(scales = "free_y"))
#' # Data representations can also be selected and reordered with the 'plots'
#' # input, and further adjusted with inputs applying to each representation.
#' freqPlot(example_df,
#' var = "clustering", = "sample", = "category",
#' plots = c("vlnplot", "boxplot", "jitter"),
#' vlnplot.lineweight = 0.2,
#' boxplot.fill = FALSE,
#' boxplot.lineweight = 0.2)
#' # Finally, '' is not technically required. When not given, a
#' # single data point of overall composition stats will be shown for each
#' # grouping.
#' # Just note, all data representation other than "jitter" will complain
#' # due to there only being the one datapoint per group unless you set
#' # plots to "jitter".
#' freqPlot(example_df,
#' var = "clustering", = "category", = "subcategory",
#' plots = "jitter")
#' @author Daniel Bunis
#' @export
freqPlot <- function(
var, = NULL,, =,
vars.use = NULL,
scale = c("percent", "count"),
max.normalize = FALSE,
plots = c("boxplot","jitter"),
split.nrow = NULL,
split.ncol = NULL,
split.adjust = list(),
rows.use = NULL,
data.out = FALSE,
data.only = FALSE,
do.hover = FALSE,
hover.round.digits = 5,
color.panel = dittoColors(),
colors = seq_along(color.panel),
y.breaks = NULL,
min = 0,
max = NA,
var.labels.rename = NULL,
var.labels.reorder = NULL,
x.labels = NULL,
x.labels.rotate = TRUE,
x.reorder = NULL,
theme = theme_classic(),
xlab =,
ylab = "make",
main = "make",
sub = NULL,
jitter.size = 1,
jitter.width = 0.2,
jitter.color = "black", =,
do.raster = FALSE,
raster.dpi = 300,
boxplot.width = 0.4,
boxplot.color = "black", = NA,
boxplot.outlier.size = 1.5,
boxplot.fill = TRUE, = vlnplot.width,
boxplot.lineweight = 1,
vlnplot.lineweight = 1,
vlnplot.width = 1,
vlnplot.scaling = "area",
vlnplot.quantiles = NULL,
ridgeplot.lineweight = 1,
ridgeplot.scale = 1.25,
ridgeplot.ymax.expansion = NA,
ridgeplot.shape = c("smooth", "hist"),
ridgeplot.bins = 30,
ridgeplot.binwidth = NULL,
add.line = NULL,
line.linetype = "dashed",
line.color = "black", = TRUE,
legend.title = {
scale <- match.arg(scale)
ridgeplot.shape <- match.arg(ridgeplot.shape)
# Check that sample definitions are 1:1 with groupings/colorings
if (!is.null( {
samps <- ._col(, data_frame, add.names = FALSE)
.check_1value_per_group(samps,, "", data_frame)
if ( != {
.check_1value_per_group(samps,, "", data_frame)
# Gather data (use to ensure per- & calculation)
data <- .make_composition_summary_df(
data_frame, var,, = c(,,
rows.use, x.reorder, x.labels,
var.labels.reorder, var.labels.rename, FALSE, hover.round.digits,
max.normalize, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)
if (data.only) {
# Decide titles
ylab <- .leave_default_or_null(ylab, scale)
main <- .leave_default_or_null(main, var)
# Subset to vars.use
if (!is.null(vars.use)) {
data <- data[data$label %in% vars.use,]
# Adjust BarPlot-ready data for dittoPlot plotter expectation
if (max.normalize) {
scale <- paste0(scale, ".norm")
y.breaks <- NULL
ylab <- paste("Normalized", ylab)
#Build Plot
data, scale, = "grouping", =, = NULL, = "label", plots = plots,
var.adjustment = NULL, var.adj.fxn = NULL,
do.hover = do.hover, hover.round.digits = hover.round.digits, = unique(c("grouping", "label",,, "count", "percent")),
color.panel = color.panel, colors = colors,
theme = theme, main = main, sub = sub, ylab = ylab, y.breaks = y.breaks,
min = min, max = max, xlab = xlab, x.labels = x.labels,
x.labels.rotate = x.labels.rotate, x.reorder = x.reorder,
split.nrow = split.nrow, split.ncol = split.ncol,
split.adjust = split.adjust, do.raster = do.raster,
raster.dpi = raster.dpi, jitter.size = jitter.size,
jitter.color = jitter.color, jitter.width = jitter.width, =,
boxplot.width = boxplot.width,
boxplot.color = boxplot.color, =,
boxplot.outlier.size = boxplot.outlier.size,
boxplot.fill = boxplot.fill, =,
boxplot.lineweight = boxplot.lineweight,
vlnplot.lineweight = vlnplot.lineweight,
vlnplot.width = vlnplot.width,
vlnplot.scaling = vlnplot.scaling,
vlnplot.quantiles = vlnplot.quantiles,
ridgeplot.lineweight = ridgeplot.lineweight,
ridgeplot.scale = ridgeplot.scale,
ridgeplot.ymax.expansion = ridgeplot.ymax.expansion,
ridgeplot.shape = ridgeplot.shape,
ridgeplot.bins = ridgeplot.bins,
ridgeplot.binwidth = ridgeplot.binwidth,
add.line = add.line,
line.linetype = line.linetype,
line.color = line.color, =,
legend.title = legend.title,
data.out = data.out)
.check_1value_per_group <- function(groupings, check,, data_frame) {
values <- data_frame[,check, drop = TRUE]
pairs <- paste(groupings, values)
if (length(unique(groupings)) != length(unique(pairs))) {
stop("Unable to interpret '",,"' with ''. '",
check, "' data does not map 1 per sample.")
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