
Defines functions error_txt_first_rm_fks abort_first_rm_fks error_txt_key_set_force_false abort_key_set_force_false error_txt_pk_not_defined abort_pk_not_defined check_pk enum_pk_candidates_impl dm_enum_pk_candidates enum_pk_candidates dm_rm_pk_impl dm_rm_pk_ dm_rm_pk dm_get_all_pks_def_impl dm_get_all_pks_impl dm_get_all_pks dm_get_pk_impl dm_get_pk dm_has_pk_impl dm_has_pk dm_add_pk_impl dm_add_pk

Documented in dm_add_pk dm_enum_pk_candidates dm_get_all_pks dm_get_pk dm_has_pk dm_rm_pk enum_pk_candidates

#' Add a primary key
#' @description
#' `dm_add_pk()` marks the specified columns as the primary key of the specified table.
#' If `check == TRUE`, then it will first check if
#' the given combination of columns is a unique key of the table.
#' If `force == TRUE`, the function will replace an already
#' set key, without altering foreign keys previously pointing to that primary key.
#' @details There can be only one primary key per table in a [`dm`].
#' It's possible though to set an unlimited number of unique keys using [dm_add_uk()]
#' or adding foreign keys pointing to columns other than the primary key columns with [dm_add_fk()].
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @param dm A `dm` object.
#' @param table A table in the `dm`.
#' @param columns Table columns, unquoted.
#'   To define a compound key, use `c(col1, col2)`.
#' @param check Boolean, if `TRUE`, a check is made if the combination of columns is a unique key of the table.
#' @param force Boolean, if `FALSE` (default), an error will be thrown if there is already a primary key
#'   set for this table.
#'   If `TRUE`, a potential old `pk` is deleted before setting a new one.
#' @param autoincrement
#'   `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#'   If `TRUE`, the  column specified in `columns` will be populated
#'   automatically with a sequence of integers.
#' @family primary key functions
#' @return An updated `dm` with an additional primary key.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed(c("nycflights13", "DiagrammeR"))
#' nycflights_dm <- dm(
#'   planes = nycflights13::planes,
#'   airports = nycflights13::airports,
#'   weather = nycflights13::weather
#' )
#' nycflights_dm %>%
#'   dm_draw()
#' # Create primary keys:
#' nycflights_dm %>%
#'   dm_add_pk(planes, tailnum) %>%
#'   dm_add_pk(airports, faa, check = TRUE) %>%
#'   dm_add_pk(weather, c(origin, time_hour)) %>%
#'   dm_draw()
#' # Keys can be checked during creation:
#' try(
#'   nycflights_dm %>%
#'     dm_add_pk(planes, manufacturer, check = TRUE)
#' )
#' @export
dm_add_pk <- function(dm, table, columns, ..., autoincrement = FALSE, check = FALSE, force = FALSE) {


  table_name <- dm_tbl_name(dm, {{ table }})
  table <- dm_get_tables_impl(dm)[[table_name]]

  col_expr <- enexpr(columns)
  col_name <- names(eval_select_indices(col_expr, colnames(table)))

  if (autoincrement && length(col_name) > 1L) {
        "Composite primary keys cannot be autoincremented.",
        "Provide only a single column name to `columns`."

  if (check) {
    table_from_dm <- dm_get_filtered_table(dm, table_name)
    eval_tidy(expr(check_key(!!sym(table_name), !!col_expr)), list2(!!table_name := table_from_dm))

  dm_add_pk_impl(dm, table_name, col_name, autoincrement, force)

# both "table" and "column" must be characters
# in {datamodelr}, a primary key may consist of more than one columns
# a key will be added, regardless of whether it is a unique key or not; not to be exported
dm_add_pk_impl <- function(dm, table, column, autoincrement, force) {
  def <- dm_get_def(dm)
  i <- which(def$table == table)

  if (!force && NROW(def$pks[[i]]) > 0) {
    if (!dm_is_strict_keys(dm) &&
      identical(def$pks[[i]]$column[[1]], column)) {


  def$pks[[i]] <- new_pk(column = list(column), autoincrement = autoincrement)


#' Check for primary key
#' @description
#' `dm_has_pk()` checks if a given table has columns marked as its primary key.
#' @inheritParams dm_add_pk
#' @family primary key functions
#' @return A logical value: `TRUE` if the given table has a primary key, `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("nycflights13")
#' dm_nycflights13() %>%
#'   dm_has_pk(flights)
#' dm_nycflights13() %>%
#'   dm_has_pk(planes)
#' @export
dm_has_pk <- function(dm, table, ...) {
  table_name <- dm_tbl_name(dm, {{ table }})
  dm_has_pk_impl(dm, table_name)

dm_has_pk_impl <- function(dm, table) {
  has_length(dm_get_pk_impl(dm, table))

#' Primary key column names
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' This function is deprecated because of its limited use
#' and its unintuitive return value.
#' Use [dm_get_all_pks()] instead.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
dm_get_pk <- function(dm, table, ...) {

  deprecate_soft("0.2.1", "dm::dm_get_pk()", "dm::dm_get_all_pks()")

  table_name <- dm_tbl_name(dm, {{ table }})
  new_keys(dm_get_pk_impl(dm, table_name))

dm_get_pk_impl <- function(dm, table_name) {
  # Optimized
  def <- dm_get_def(dm)
  pks <- def$pks[[which(def$table == table_name)]]

#' Get all primary keys of a [`dm`] object
#' @description
#' `dm_get_all_pks()` checks the `dm` object for primary keys and
#' returns the tables and the respective primary key columns.
#' @family primary key functions
#' @param table One or more table names, unquoted,
#'   to return primary key information for.
#'   If given, primary keys are returned in that order.
#'   The default `NULL` returns information for all tables.
#' @inheritParams dm_add_pk
#' @return A tibble with the following columns:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{`table`}{table name,}
#'     \item{`pk_col`}{column name(s) of primary key, as list of character vectors.}
#'   }
#' @export
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("nycflights13")
#' dm_nycflights13() %>%
#'   dm_get_all_pks()
dm_get_all_pks <- function(dm, table = NULL, ...) {
  table_expr <- enexpr(table) %||% src_tbls_impl(dm, quiet = TRUE)
  table_names <- eval_select_table(table_expr, set_names(src_tbls_impl(dm, quiet = TRUE)))
  dm_get_all_pks_impl(dm, table_names)

dm_get_all_pks_impl <- function(dm, table = NULL) {
  dm %>%
    dm_get_def() %>%

dm_get_all_pks_def_impl <- function(def, table = NULL) {
  # Optimized for speed

  def_sub <- def[c("table", "pks")]

  if (!is.null(table)) {
    idx <- match(table, def_sub$table)
    def_sub <- def_sub[match(table, def_sub$table), ]

  out <-
    def_sub %>%
    unnest_df("pks", tibble(column = list(), autoincrement = logical())) %>%
    set_names(c("table", "pk_col", "autoincrement"))

  out$pk_col <- new_keys(out$pk_col)

#' Remove a primary key
#' @description
#' If a table name is provided, `dm_rm_pk()` removes the primary key from this table and leaves the [`dm`] object otherwise unaltered.
#' If no table is given, the `dm` is stripped of all primary keys at once.
#' An error is thrown if no primary key matches the selection criteria.
#' If the selection criteria are ambiguous, a message with unambiguous replacement code is shown.
#' Foreign keys are never removed.
#' @inheritParams dm_add_pk
#' @param table A table in the `dm`.
#'   Pass `NULL` to remove all matching keys.
#' @param columns Table columns, unquoted.
#'   To refer to a compound key, use `c(col1, col2)`.
#'   Pass `NULL` (the default) to remove all matching keys.
#' @param fail_fk `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @family primary key functions
#' @return An updated `dm` without the indicated primary key(s).
#' @export
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed(c("nycflights13", "DiagrammeR"))
#' dm_nycflights13() %>%
#'   dm_rm_pk(airports) %>%
#'   dm_draw()
dm_rm_pk <- function(dm, table = NULL, columns = NULL, ..., fail_fk = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(fail_fk)) {
      "dm_rm_pk(fail_fk =)",
      details = "When removing a primary key, potential associated foreign keys will be pointing at an implicit unique key."
  dm_rm_pk_(dm, {{ table }}, {{ columns }}, ...)

dm_rm_pk_ <- function(dm, table, columns, ..., rm_referencing_fks = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(rm_referencing_fks)) {
      "dm::dm_rm_pk(rm_referencing_fks = )",
      details = "When removing a primary key, potential associated foreign keys will be pointing at an implicit unique key."

  table_name <- dm_tbl_name_null(dm, {{ table }})
  columns <- enexpr(columns)

  dm_rm_pk_impl(dm, table_name, columns)

dm_rm_pk_impl <- function(dm, table_name, columns) {
  def <- dm_get_def(dm)

  if (is.null(table_name)) {
    i <- which(map_int(def$pks, vec_size) > 0)
  } else {
    i <- which(def$table == table_name)
    if (nrow(def$pks[[i]]) == 0) {
      i <- integer()

  if (!quo_is_null(columns)) {
    ii <- map2_lgl(def$data[i], def$pks[i], ~ tryCatch(
        vars <- eval_select_indices(columns, colnames(.x))
        identical(names(vars), .y$column[[1]])
      error = function(e) {

    i <- i[ii]

  if (length(i) == 0 && dm_is_strict_keys(dm)) {

  # Talk about it
  if (is.null(table_name)) {
    message("Removing primary keys: %>%")
    message("  ", glue_collapse(glue("dm_rm_pk({tick_if_needed(def$table[i])})"), " %>%\n  "))

  # Execute
  def$pks[i] <- list_of(new_pk())


#' Primary key candidate
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' `enum_pk_candidates()` checks for each column of a
#' table if the column contains only unique values, and is thus
#' a suitable candidate for a primary key of the table.
#' @return A tibble with the following columns:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{`columns`}{columns of `table`,}
#'     \item{`candidate`}{boolean: are these columns a candidate for a primary key,}
#'     \item{`why`}{if not a candidate for a primary key column, explanation for this.}
#'   }
#' @section Life cycle:
#' These functions are marked "experimental" because we are not yet sure about
#' the interface, in particular if we need both `dm_enum...()` and `enum...()`
#' variants.
#' Changing the interface later seems harmless because these functions are
#' most likely used interactively.
#' @rdname dm_enum_pk_candidates
#' @export
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("nycflights13")
#' nycflights13::flights %>%
#'   enum_pk_candidates()
#' @autoglobal
enum_pk_candidates <- function(table, ...) {
  # a list of ayes and noes:
  if (is_dm(table) && is_zoomed(table)) {
    table <- tbl_zoomed(table)

  table %>%
    enum_pk_candidates_impl() %>%
    rename(columns = column) %>%
    mutate(columns = new_keys(columns))

#' @description `dm_enum_pk_candidates()` performs these checks
#' for a table in a [dm] object.
#' @family primary key functions
#' @inheritParams dm_add_pk
#' @export
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("nycflights13")
#' dm_nycflights13() %>%
#'   dm_enum_pk_candidates(airports)
dm_enum_pk_candidates <- function(dm, table, ...) {
  # FIXME: with "direct" filter maybe no check necessary: but do we want to check
  # for tables retrieved with `tbl()` or with `dm_get_tables()[[table_name]]`

  table_name <- dm_tbl_name(dm, {{ table }})

  table <- dm_get_tables_impl(dm)[[table_name]]
  table %>%
    enum_pk_candidates_impl() %>%
    rename(columns = column) %>%
    mutate(columns = new_keys(columns))

#' @autoglobal
enum_pk_candidates_impl <- function(table, columns = new_keys(colnames(table))) {
  tibble(column = new_keys(columns)) %>%
    mutate(why = map_chr(column, ~ check_pk(table, .x))) %>%
    mutate(candidate = (why == "")) %>%
    select(column, candidate, why) %>%
    arrange(desc(candidate), column)

check_pk <- function(table, columns) {
  duplicate_values <- is_unique_key_se(table, columns)
  if (duplicate_values$unique) {

  dup_data <- duplicate_values$data[[1]]

  fun <- ~ format(.x, trim = TRUE, justify = "none")

  values <- dup_data$value
  n <- dup_data$n
  values_na <- is.na(values)

  if (any(values_na)) {
    missing <- paste0(sum(n[values_na]), " missing values")
    values <- values[!values_na]
    n <- n[!values_na]
  } else {
    missing <- NULL

  if (length(values) > 0) {
    values_count <- paste0(values, " (", n[!values_na], ")")
    values_text <- commas(values_count, capped = TRUE, fun = fun)
    duplicate <- paste0("duplicate values: ", values_text)
  } else {
    duplicate <- NULL

  problem <- glue_collapse(c(missing, duplicate), sep = "", last = ", and ")
  paste0("has ", problem)

# Error -------------------------------------------------------------------

abort_pk_not_defined <- function() {
  abort(error_txt_pk_not_defined(), class = dm_error_full("pk_not_defined"))

error_txt_pk_not_defined <- function() {
  glue("No primary keys to remove.")

abort_key_set_force_false <- function(table) {
  abort(error_txt_key_set_force_false(table), class = dm_error_full("key_set_force_false"))

error_txt_key_set_force_false <- function(table) {
  glue("Table {tick(table)} already has a primary key. Use `force = TRUE` to change the existing primary key.")

abort_first_rm_fks <- function(table, fk_tables) {
  abort(error_txt_first_rm_fks(table, fk_tables), class = dm_error_full("first_rm_fks"))

error_txt_first_rm_fks <- function(table, fk_tables) {
    "There are foreign keys pointing from table(s) {commas(tick(fk_tables))} to table {tick(table)}. ",
    "First remove those, or set `fail_fk = FALSE`."

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dm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:41 a.m.