
Defines functions is_dosearch get_derivation_ldag get_derivation_dag parse_graph parse_distribution parse_data to_vec to_dec

to_dec <- function(set, n) {
    if (is.null(set)) return(0)

to_vec <- function(dec, n) {
    if (n == 0) return(numeric())
    b <- numeric(n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        b[n - i + 1] <- (dec %% 2)
        dec <- (dec %/% 2)

parse_data <- function(d) {
    if (is.character(d)) return(d)
    if (is.list(d)) {
        dv <- sapply(d, parse_distribution)
        return(paste0(dv, collapse = "\n"))
    if (is.numeric(d)) return(parse_distribution(d))
    stop("Unsupported data input.")

parse_distribution <- function(p) {
    if (is.character(p)) return(p)
    if (is.list(p) | is.numeric(p)) {
        val <- NULL
        if (is.list(p)) {
            if (length(p) > 2) stop("Unsupported distribution format: ", p)
            pre <- p[[1]]
            if (!is.numeric(pre)) stop("Unsupported distribution format: ", p)
            if (length(p) == 2) {
                val <- p[[2]]
                if (!is.numeric(val)) stop("Unsupported value assignments: ", val)
                if (length(val) != length(pre)) stop("Length mismatch between variables and value assignments ", p)
        } else {
            pre <- p
        if (any(pre < 0 | pre > 2, na.rm = TRUE)) stop("Invalid variable roles in distribution format: ", p)
        if (all(pre > 0, na.rm = TRUE)) stop("Invalid variable roles in distribution format: ", p)
        v <- names(pre)
        if (is.null(v)) v <- 1:length(pre)
        A_set <- v[which(pre == 0)]
        B_set <- v[which(pre == 1)]
        C_set <- v[which(pre == 2)]
        A_val_set <- rep("", length(A_set))
        B_val_set <- rep("", length(B_set))
        C_val_set <- rep("", length(C_set))
        if (!is.null(val)) {
            names(val) <- v
            A_val_set <- as.character(val[v %in% A_set])
            B_val_set <- as.character(val[v %in% B_set])
            C_val_set <- as.character(val[v %in% C_set])
            A_val_set <- gsub("(.*)", " = \\1", A_val_set)
            B_val_set <- gsub("(.*)", " = \\1", B_val_set)
            C_val_set <- gsub("(.*)", " = \\1", C_val_set)
            A_val_set[is.na(A_val_set)] <- ""
            B_val_set[is.na(B_val_set)] <- ""
            C_val_set[is.na(C_val_set)] <- ""
        A <- paste(A_set, A_val_set, sep = "", collapse = ",")
        B <- paste(B_set, B_val_set, sep = "", collapse = ",")
        C <- paste(C_set, C_val_set, sep = "", collapse = ",")
        nb <- nchar(B)
        nc <- nchar(C)
        dist <- paste("p(", A, ifelse(nb > 0 | nc > 0, "|", ""), 
                      ifelse(nb > 0, "do(", ""), B, ifelse(nb > 0, ")", ""), ifelse(nb > 0 & nc > 0, ",", ""),
                      C, ")", sep = "")
    stop("Unsupported distribution format: ", p)

parse_graph <- function(graph) {
    if (is.character(graph)) return(graph)
    if ("igraph" %in% class(graph)) {
        if (requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
            e <- igraph::E(graph)
            v <- igraph::vertex_attr(graph, "name")
            g_obs <- ""
            g_unobs <- ""
            description <- NULL
            obs_edges <- e[(is.na(description) | description != "U")]
            unobs_edges <- e[description == "U" & !is.na(description)]
            if (length(obs_edges) > 0) {
                obs_ind <- igraph::get.edges(graph, obs_edges)
                g_obs <- paste(v[obs_ind[,1]], "->", v[obs_ind[,2]], collapse = "\n")
            if (length(unobs_edges) > 0) {
                unobs_ind <- igraph::get.edges(graph, unobs_edges)
                unobs_ind <- unobs_ind[unobs_ind[,1] < unobs_ind[,2],,drop=FALSE]
                g_unobs <- paste(v[unobs_ind[,1]], "<->", v[unobs_ind[,2]], collapse = "\n")
            g <- paste0(c(g_obs, g_unobs), collapse = "\n")
        } else stop("Attempting to use 'igraph' input, but the required package is not available.")
    if ("dagitty" %in% class(graph)) {
        if (requireNamespace("dagitty", quietly = TRUE)) {
            if (dagitty::graphType(graph) != "dag") stop("Attempting to use 'dagitty', but the graph is not a DAG.")
            e <- dagitty::edges(g)
            g <- paste(e[,1], e[,3], e[,2], collapse = "\n")
        } else stop("Attempting to use 'dagitty' input, but the required package is not available.")
    stop("Unsupported graph input.")

# Function to call the search from R
# data             : A string describing the known distributions.
# query            : A string describing the target distribution.
# graph            : A string describing the graph.
# transportability : A string that lists the transportability nodes.
# selection_bias   : A string that lists the selection bias nodes.
# missing_data     : A string that lists the missing data mechanisms.
# control is a list that accepts the following components
# benchmark       : A logical value. If TRUE, record time it took for the search (in milliseconds).
# benchmark_rules : A logical value. If TRUE, include total time taken by each rule in the benchmark.
# draw_all        : A logical value. If TRUE, all steps of the search are drawn. If FALSE, only steps resulting in the identifying formula are drawn.
# draw_derivation : A logical value. If TRUE, a string representing the derivation steps as a dot graph is also provided.
# formula         : A logical value. If TRUE, a formula for an identifiable effect is provided. If false, the output is a boolean instead.
# improve         : A logical value. If TRUE, various enhancements of the search are enabled.
# heuristic       : A logical value. If TRUE, a search heuristic is applied.
# md_sym          : A single character describing the value that a missing data mechanism attains when it is enabled (defaults to "1")
# rules           : A numeric vector of do-calculus/probability rules used in the search.
# time_limit      : A numeric value for maximum search time (in hours). Will only be in effect if benchmark = TRUE.
# verbose         : A logical value. If TRUE, various diagnostic information is printed to the console during the search.
# warn            : A logical value. If TRUE, gives warnings on possibly mistyped/unwanted input data

get_derivation_dag <- function(
    data, query, graph, 
    transportability = NULL, selection_bias = NULL, missing_data = NULL,
    control = list()) {

    if (is.null(control$benchmark)        || typeof(control$benchmark) != "logical"        || length(control$benchmark) > 1)        control$benchmark <- FALSE
    if (is.null(control$benchmark_rules)  || typeof(control$benchmark_rules) != "logical"  || length(control$benchmark_rules) > 1)  control$benchmark_rules <- FALSE
    if (is.null(control$draw_all)         || typeof(control$draw_all) != "logical"         || length(control$draw_all) > 1)         control$draw_all <- FALSE
    if (is.null(control$draw_derivation)  || typeof(control$draw_derivation) != "logical"  || length(control$draw_derivation) > 1)  control$draw_derivation <- FALSE
    if (is.null(control$formula)          || typeof(control$formula) != "logical"          || length(control$formula) > 1)          control$formula <- TRUE
    if (is.null(control$improve)          || typeof(control$improve) != "logical"          || length(control$improve) > 1)          control$improve <- TRUE
    if (is.null(control$heuristic)        || typeof(control$heuristic) != "logical"        || length(control$heuristic) > 1)        control$heuristic <- FALSE
    if (is.null(control$md_sym)           || typeof(control$md_sym) != "character"         || length(control$verbose) > 1)          control$md_sym <- "1"
    if (is.null(control$rules)            || class(control$rules) != "numeric"             || length(control$rules) == 0)           control$rules <- numeric(0)
    if (is.null(control$time_limit)       || class(control$time_limit) != "numeric"        || length(control$time_limit) == 0)      control$time_limit <- -1.0
    if (is.null(control$verbose)          || typeof(control$verbose) != "logical"          || length(control$verbose) > 1)          control$verbose <- FALSE
    if (is.null(control$warn)             || typeof(control$warn) != "logical"             || length(control$warn) > 1)             control$warn <- TRUE
    # Default value for heuristic is set later after checking for missing data mechanisms

    dir_lhs <- c()
    dir_rhs <- c()
    bi_lhs <- c()
    bi_rhs <- c()
    vars <- c()
    nums <- c()
    tr_nums <- c()
    sb_nums <- c()
    n <- 0
    tr <- 0
    sb <- 0
    md_s <- 0
    md_p <- 0
    md_t <- 0
    ntr <- 0
    nsb <- 0
    dist_pattern <- character(5)
    dist_pattern[1] <- "^[Pp]\\(([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)\\)$" # Pattern for p(y)
    dist_pattern[2] <- "^[Pp]\\(([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)[|]([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)\\)$" # Pattern for p(y|z)
    dist_pattern[3] <- "^[Pp]\\(([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)[|](?:[\\$]\\(([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)\\))\\)$" # Pattern for p(y|do(x))
    dist_pattern[4] <- "^[Pp]\\(([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)[|]([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)[,](?:[\\$]\\(([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)\\))\\)$" # Pattern for p(y|z,do(x))
    dist_pattern[5] <- "^[Pp]\\(([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)[|](?:[\\$]\\(([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)\\))[,]([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)\\)$" # Pattern for p(y|do(x),z)

    # transform the graph
    if (nchar(graph) == 0) {
        if (is.null(missing_data)) stop("Invalid graph: the graph is empty.\n")
    } else {
        graph <- gsub("<->", "--", graph)
        graph_split <- strsplit(strsplit(graph, "\r|\n")[[1]], "\\s+")
        line_lengths <- sapply(graph_split, length)
        graph_split <- graph_split[line_lengths > 2]
        arrow_indices <- sapply(graph_split, grep, pattern = "(->)|(--)")
        graph_split <- lapply(1:length(graph_split), function(x) {
            graph_split[[x]][-1:1 + arrow_indices[x]]
        graph_split <- sapply(graph_split, paste, collapse = "")
        directed <- strsplit(graph_split[grep("(.+)?->(.+)?", graph_split)], "->")
        bidirected <- strsplit(graph_split[grep("(.+)?--(.+)?", graph_split)], "--")
        if (length(directed) > 0) {
            dir_lhs <- sapply(directed, "[[", 1)
            dir_rhs <- sapply(directed, "[[", 2)
            if (any(dir_lhs == dir_rhs)) stop("Invalid graph: no self loops are allowed.\n")
        if (length(bidirected) > 0) {
            bi_lhs <- sapply(bidirected, "[[", 1)
            bi_rhs <- sapply(bidirected, "[[", 2)
            if (any(bi_lhs == bi_rhs)) stop("Invalid graph: no self loops are allowed.\n")
        vars <- unique(c(dir_rhs, dir_lhs, bi_rhs, bi_lhs))

    # parse missing data mechanisms and add proxies
    if (!is.null(missing_data)) {
        md_pairs <- gsub("\\s+", "", strsplit(missing_data, ",")[[1]])
        if (length(md_pairs) == 0) stop("Invalid missing data mechanisms.\n")
        md_mechanisms <- strsplit(md_pairs, ":")
        md_true <- sapply(md_mechanisms, "[[", 2)
        md_switch <- sapply(md_mechanisms, "[[", 1)
        md_proxy <- paste0(md_true, "*")
        if (any(md_switch %in% dir_lhs[dir_rhs %in% md_true])) stop("Missing data mechanism cannot be a parent of a true variable.\n")
        dir_lhs <- c(dir_lhs, md_true, md_switch)
        dir_rhs <- c(dir_rhs, md_proxy, md_proxy)
        vars_md <- as.vector(rbind(md_true, md_switch, md_proxy))
        vars <- c(vars_md, vars[!(vars %in% vars_md)])
        n <- length(vars)
        nums <- 1:n
        names(vars) <- nums
        names(nums) <- vars
        md_switch_nums <- nums[md_switch]
        md_proxy_nums <- nums[md_proxy]
        if (any(is.na(md_switch_nums))) stop("Invalid missing data mechanisms.\n")
        if (any(is.na(md_proxy_nums))) stop("Invalid missing data mechanisms.\n")
        md_s <- to_dec(md_switch_nums, n)
        md_p <- to_dec(md_proxy_nums, n)
        md_t <- bitwShiftR(md_p, 2)
    } else {
        n <- length(vars)
        nums <- 1:n
        names(vars) <- nums
        names(nums) <- vars

    # parse transportability nodes
    if (!is.null(transportability)) {
        tr_nums <- nums[gsub("\\s+", "", strsplit(transportability, ",")[[1]])]
        ntr <- length(tr_nums)
        if (ntr == 0) stop("Invalid transportability nodes.\n")
        if (any(tr_nums %in% nums[c(dir_rhs, bi_rhs, bi_lhs)])) stop("Invalid graph: a transportability node cannot be a child of another node.\n")

    # parse selection bias nodes
    if (!is.null(selection_bias)) {
        sb_nums <- nums[gsub("\\s+", "", strsplit(selection_bias, ",")[[1]])]
        nsb <- length(sb_nums)
        if (nsb == 0) stop("Invalid selection bias nodes.\n")
        if (any(sb_nums %in% nums[dir_lhs])) stop("Invalid graph: a selection bias node cannot be a parent of another node.\n")

    if (ntr > 0 || nsb > 0) {
        vars <- vars[c(setdiff(nums, union(tr_nums, sb_nums)), tr_nums, sb_nums)]
        nums <- 1:n
        names(vars) <- nums
        names(nums) <- vars
        if (ntr > 0) {
            tr_nums <- (n - ntr - nsb + 1):(n - nsb)
            tr <- to_dec(tr_nums, n)
        if (nsb > 0) {
            sb_nums <- (n - nsb + 1):n
            sb <- to_dec(sb_nums, n)

    # transform the query
    parts <- NULL
    q_split <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL)
    enabled <- c()
    query_parsed <- gsub("\\s+", "", query)
    query_parsed <- gsub("do", "$", query_parsed)
    matches <- lapply(dist_pattern, function(p) regexec(p, query_parsed, perl = TRUE))
    match_lens <- sapply(matches, function(x) length(attr(x[[1]], "match.length")))
    best_match <- which.max(match_lens)[1]
    parts <- regmatches(query_parsed, matches[[best_match]])[[1]]
    q_split[[1]] <- strsplit(parts[2], "[,]")[[1]]
    if (best_match == 2) {
        q_split[[2]] <- strsplit(parts[3], "[,]")[[1]]
    } else if (best_match == 3) {
        q_split[[3]] <- strsplit(parts[3], "[,]")[[1]]
    } else if (best_match == 4) {
        q_split[[2]] <- strsplit(parts[3], "[,]")[[1]]
        q_split[[3]] <- strsplit(parts[4], "[,]")[[1]]
    } else if (best_match == 5) {
        q_split[[2]] <- strsplit(parts[4], "[,]")[[1]]
        q_split[[3]] <- strsplit(parts[3], "[,]")[[1]]
    if (any(is.na(q_split[[1]]))) stop("Invalid query.\n")
    err <- FALSE
    for ( i in 1:3 ) {
        if (!is.null(q_split[[i]])) {
            if (any(dup <- duplicated(q_split[[i]]))) {
                msg <- paste0(c("cannot contain duplicated variables ", q_split[[i]][dup], ".\n"))
                err <- TRUE
            if (err) stop(paste0(c("Invalid query: ", msg)))
            if (!is.null(missing_data)) {
                equals <- grep("=", q_split[[i]], value = FALSE)
                eq_split <- strsplit(q_split[[i]][equals], "[=]")
                eq_lhs <- eq_rhs <- c()
                if (length(equals) > 0) {
                    eq_lhs <- sapply(eq_split, "[[", 1)
                    eq_lhs <- gsub("\\s+", "", eq_lhs)
                    eq_rhs <- sapply(eq_split, "[[", 2)
                    eq_rhs <- gsub("\\s+", "", eq_rhs)
                    uniq_rhs <- unique(eq_rhs)
                    if (length(uniq_rhs) > 1) stop("Cannot use multiple symbols to denote active missing data mechanisms.\n")
                    if (uniq_rhs[1] != control$md_sym) stop(paste0("Invalid symbol for missing data mechanism on data line ", i, ": ", uniq_rhs[1], ".\n"))
                    q_split[[i]][equals] <- eq_lhs
                    enabled <- c(enabled, eq_lhs)
    q1_new <- q_split[[1]][which(!(q_split[[1]] %in% vars))]
    q2_new <- q_split[[2]][which(!(q_split[[2]] %in% vars))]
    q3_new <- q_split[[3]][which(!(q_split[[3]] %in% vars))]
    new_vars <- unique(c(q1_new, q2_new, q3_new))
    if (length(new_vars) > 0) {
        n <- n + length(new_vars)
        vars <- c(vars, new_vars)
        nums <- 1:n
        names(vars) <- nums
        names(nums) <- vars
    q_process <- list(nums[q_split[[1]]], nums[q_split[[2]]], nums[q_split[[3]]], nums[enabled], parts[1])

    # transform the data
    data_split <- strsplit(data, "\r|\n")[[1]]
    data_split <- gsub("\\s+", "", data_split)
    data_split <- data_split[which(nchar(data_split) > 0)]
    p_list <- list()
    p_process <- list()
    var_pool <- c()
    for ( i in 1:length(data_split) ) {
        parts <- NULL
        p_split <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL)
        enabled <- c()
        p_parsed <- gsub("\\s+", "", data_split[[i]])
        p_parsed <- gsub("do", "$", p_parsed)
        matches <- lapply(dist_pattern, function(p) regexec(p, p_parsed, perl = TRUE))
        match_lens <- sapply(matches, function(x) length(attr(x[[1]], "match.length")))
        best_match <- which.max(match_lens)[1]
        parts <- regmatches(p_parsed, matches[[best_match]])[[1]]
        p_split[[1]] <- strsplit(parts[2], "[,]")[[1]]
        if (best_match == 2) {
            p_split[[2]] <- strsplit(parts[3], "[,]")[[1]]
        } else if (best_match == 3) {
            p_split[[3]] <- strsplit(parts[3], "[,]")[[1]]
        } else if (best_match == 4) {
            p_split[[2]] <- strsplit(parts[3], "[,]")[[1]]
            p_split[[3]] <- strsplit(parts[4], "[,]")[[1]]
        } else if (best_match == 5) {
            p_split[[2]] <- strsplit(parts[4], "[,]")[[1]]
            p_split[[3]] <- strsplit(parts[3], "[,]")[[1]]
        if (any(is.na(p_split[[1]]))) {
            stop(paste0("Invalid input distribution on data line ", i ,": ", data_split[[i]], ".\n")) 
        err <- FALSE
        for ( j in 1:3 ) {
            if (!is.null(p_split[[j]])) {
                if (any(dup <- duplicated(p_split[[j]])) ) {
                    msg <- paste0(c("cannot contain duplicated variables ", p_split[[j]][dup], ".\n"))
                    err <- TRUE
                if (err) stop(paste0(c("Invalid input distribution: ", data_split[[i]], ", ", msg)))
                if (!is.null(missing_data) ) {
                    equals <- grep("=", p_split[[j]], value = FALSE)
                    eq_split <- strsplit(p_split[[j]][equals], "[=]")
                    eq_lhs <- eq_rhs <- c()
                    if (length(equals) > 0) {
                        eq_lhs <- sapply(eq_split, "[[", 1)
                        eq_lhs <- gsub("\\s+", "", eq_lhs)
                        eq_rhs <- sapply(eq_split, "[[", 2)
                        eq_rhs <- gsub("\\s+", "", eq_rhs)
                        uniq_rhs <- unique(eq_rhs)
                        if (length(uniq_rhs) > 1) stop("Cannot use multiple symbols to denote active missing data mechanisms.\n")
                        if (uniq_rhs[1] != control$md_sym) stop(paste0("Invalid symbol for missing data mechanism on data line ", i, ": ", uniq_rhs[1], ".\n"))
                        p_split[[j]][equals] <- eq_lhs
                        enabled <- c(enabled, eq_lhs)
        p1_new <- p_split[[1]][which(!(p_split[[1]] %in% vars))]
        p2_new <- p_split[[2]][which(!(p_split[[2]] %in% vars))]
        p3_new <- p_split[[3]][which(!(p_split[[3]] %in% vars))]
        new_vars <- unique(c(p1_new, p2_new, p3_new))
        if (length(new_vars) > 0) {
            n <- n + length(new_vars)
            vars <- c(vars, new_vars)
            nums <- 1:n
            names(vars) <- nums
            names(nums) <- vars
        p_process[[i]] <- list(nums[p_split[[1]]], nums[p_split[[2]]], nums[p_split[[3]]], nums[enabled], data_split[[i]])
        var_pool <- union(var_pool, p_split[[1]])

    if (control$warn) {
        var_dec <- to_dec(nums[var_pool], n)
        if (!is.null(missing_data)) {
            if ((inc_md <- bitwAnd(md_s, var_dec)) != md_s) {
                no_ind <- vars[which(to_vec(bitwAnd(md_s, bitwNot(inc_md)), n) == 1)]
                warning(paste0(c("There are response indicators that are not present in any input distribution: ", paste(no_ind, collapse = ", "))))

    for ( i in 1:length(p_process) ) {
        p <- p_process[[i]]
        p_list[[i]] <- c(to_dec(p[[1]], n), to_dec(c(p[[2]], p[[3]]), n), to_dec(p[[3]], n), to_dec(p[[4]], n))
        err <- FALSE
        msg <- ""
        if (bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][1], md_p), 2), bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][2], md_t)) > 0) {
            msg <- "proxy variable of a true variable present on the left-hand side.\n"
            err <- TRUE
        } else if (bitwAnd(bitwShiftL(bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][1], md_t), 2), bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][2], md_p)) > 0) {
            msg <- "true variable of a proxy variable present on the left-hand side.\n"
            err <- TRUE
        } else if (bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][1], md_p), 2), bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][1], md_t)) > 0) {
            msg <- "true and proxy versions of the same variable present on the left-hand side.\n"
            err <- TRUE
        } else if (bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][2], md_p), 2), bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][2], md_t)) > 0) {
            msg <- "true and proxy versions of the same variable present on the right-hand side.\n"
            err <- TRUE
        } else if (bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][1], p_list[[i]][2]) > 0) {
            msg <- "same variable on the left and right-hand side.\n"
            err <- TRUE
        } else if (bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][1], tr) > 0) {
            msg <- "cannot contain a transportability node on the left-hand side.\n"
            err <- TRUE
        } else if (bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][1], sb) > 0) {
            msg <- "cannot contain a a selection bias node on the left-hand side.\n"
            err <- TRUE
        } else if (bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][3], tr) > 0) {
            msg <- "cannot intervene on a transportability node.\n"
            err <- TRUE
        } else if (bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][3], sb) > 0) {
            msg <- "cannot intervene on a selection bias node.\n"
            err <- TRUE
        } else if (bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][4], md_s) != p_list[[i]][4] ) {
            msg <- "cannot set value of non-missing data mechanism.\n"
            err <- TRUE
        if (err) stop(paste0(c("Invalid input distribution on data line ", i, ": ", p[[4]], ", ", msg)))

    q_vec <- c(to_dec(q_process[[1]], n), to_dec(c(q_process[[2]], q_process[[3]]), n), to_dec(q_process[[3]], n), to_dec(q_process[[4]], n))
    err <- FALSE
    msg <- ""
    if (bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(bitwAnd(q_vec[1], md_p), 2), bitwAnd(q_vec[2], md_t)) > 0) {
        msg <- "proxy variable of a true variable present on the left-hand side.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    } else if (bitwAnd(bitwShiftL(bitwAnd(q_vec[1], md_t), 2), bitwAnd(q_vec[2], md_p)) > 0) {
        msg <- "true variable of a proxy variable present on the left-hand side.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    } else if (bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(bitwAnd(q_vec[1], md_p), 2), bitwAnd(q_vec[1], md_t)) > 0) {
        msg <- "true and proxy versions of the same variable present on the left-hand side.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    } else if (bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(bitwAnd(q_vec[2], md_p), 2), bitwAnd(q_vec[2], md_t)) > 0) {
        msg <- "true and proxy versions of the same variable present on the right-hand side.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    } else if (bitwAnd(q_vec[1], q_vec[2]) > 0) {
        msg <- "same variable on the left and right-hand side.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    } else if (bitwAnd(q_vec[1], tr) > 0) {
        msg <- "cannot contain a transportability node on the left-hand side.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    } else if (bitwAnd(q_vec[1], sb) > 0) {
        msg <- "cannot contain a a selection bias node on the left-hand side.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    } else if (bitwAnd(q_vec[3], tr) > 0) {
        msg <- "cannot intervene on a transportability node.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    } else if (bitwAnd(q_vec[3], sb) > 0) {
        msg <- "cannot intervene on a selection bias node.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    } else if (bitwAnd(q_vec[3], md_s) > 0) {
        msg <- "cannot intervene on a missing data mechanism.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    } else if (bitwAnd(q_vec[4], md_s) != q_vec[4]) {
        msg <- "cannot set value of non-missing data mechanism.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    if (err) {
        stop(paste0(c("Invalid query: ", msg)))

    res <- initialize_dosearch(

    res$call <- list(
        data = data, 
        query = query, 
        graph = graph, 
        transportability = transportability, 
        selection_bias = selection_bias, 
        missing_data = missing_data, 
        control = control

        TRUE, # always include identifiability
        TRUE # always include the call
    )], class = "dosearch"))


# Function to call the search from R
# data             : A string describing the known distributions.
# query            : A string describing the target distribution.
# graph            : A string describing the graph.
# control is a list that accepts the following components
# benchmark       : A logical value. If TRUE, record time it took for the search (in milliseconds).
# benchmark_rules : A logical value. If TRUE, include total time taken by each rule in the benchmark.
# draw_derivation : A logical value. If TRUE, a string representing the derivation steps as a dot graph is also provided.
# draw_all        : A logical value. If TRUE, all steps of the search are drawn. If FALSE, only steps resulting in the identifying formula are drawn.
# cache           : A logical value. If TRUE, derived separation criteria are stored and not evaluated again.
# improve         : A logical value. If TRUE, various enhancements of the search are enabled.
# formula         : A logical value. If TRUE, a formula for an identifiable effect is provided. If false, the output is a boolean instead.
# heuristic       : A logical value. If TRUE, a search heuristic is applied.
# rules           : A numeric vector of do-calculus/probability rules used in the search.
# time_limit      : A numeric value for maximum search time (in hours). Will only be in effect if benchmark = TRUE.
# verbose         : A logical value. If TRUE, various diagnostic information is printed to the console during the search.

get_derivation_ldag <- function(
    data, query, graph, control = list()) {

    if (is.null(control$benchmark)        || typeof(control$benchmark) != "logical"        || length(control$benchmark) > 1)        control$benchmark <- FALSE
    if (is.null(control$benchmark_rules)  || typeof(control$benchmark_rules) != "logical"  || length(control$benchmark_rules) > 1)  control$benchmark_rules <- FALSE
    if (is.null(control$draw_derivation)  || typeof(control$draw_derivation) != "logical"  || length(control$draw_derivation) > 1)  control$draw_derivation <- FALSE
    if (is.null(control$draw_all)         || typeof(control$draw_all) != "logical"         || length(control$draw_all) > 1)         control$draw_all <- FALSE
    if (is.null(control$cache)            || typeof(control$cache) != "logical"            || length(control$cache) > 1)            control$cache <- TRUE
    if (is.null(control$formula)          || typeof(control$formula) != "logical"          || length(control$formula) > 1)          control$formula <- TRUE
    if (is.null(control$improve)          || typeof(control$improve) != "logical"          || length(control$improve) > 1)          control$improve <- TRUE
    if (is.null(control$heuristic)        || typeof(control$heuristic) != "logical"        || length(control$heuristic) > 1)        control$heuristic <- TRUE
    if (is.null(control$rules)            || class(control$rules) != "numeric"             || length(control$rules) == 0)           control$rules <- numeric(0)
    if (is.null(control$time_limit)       || class(control$time_limit) != "numeric"        || length(control$time_limit) == 0)      control$time_limit <- -1.0
    if (is.null(control$verbose)          || typeof(control$verbose) != "logical"          || length(control$verbose) > 1)          control$verbose <- FALSE

    dir_lhs <- c()
    dir_rhs <- c()
    bi_lhs <- c()
    bi_rhs <- c()
    vars <- c()
    nums <- c()
    n <- 0
    con_vars <- c()
    intv_vars <- c()
    parents <- list()
    contexts <- c()
    target <- NULL
    label_map <- NULL
    local_csi <- NULL
    dist_pattern <- character(2)
    dist_pattern[1] <- "^[Pp]\\(([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)\\)$" # Pattern for p(y)
    dist_pattern[2] <- "^[Pp]\\(([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)[|]([^|\\$\\),]++(?>,[^|\\$\\),]+)*)\\)$" # Pattern for p(y|z)

    # transform the graph
    if (nchar(graph) == 0) stop("Invalid graph: the graph is empty. \n")
    else {
        row_pattern <- "^(.+(?>->|--|<->)[^\\:]+)(?>\\:(.+))?$"
        graph_split <- strsplit(graph, "\r|\n")[[1]]
        graph_split <- gsub("\\s", "", graph_split)
        valid_rows <- grep(row_pattern, graph_split, perl = TRUE)
        graph_split <- graph_split[valid_rows]
        graph_match <- regexec(row_pattern, graph_split, perl = TRUE)
        split_rows <- regmatches(graph_split, graph_match)
        edges <- sapply(split_rows, "[[", 2)
        directed <- strsplit(grep("(.+)->(.+)", edges, value = TRUE), "->")
        if (length(directed) > 0) {
            dir_lhs <- sapply(directed, "[[", 1)
            dir_rhs <- sapply(directed, "[[", 2)
            if (any(dir_lhs == dir_rhs)) stop("Invalid graph: no self loops are allowed.\n")
        contexts_split <- list()
        contextuals <- which(nchar(sapply(split_rows, "[[", 3)) > 0)
        labels_split <- list()
        if (length(contextuals) > 0) {
            edges_split <- strsplit(edges, "(->)")
            labels <- sapply(split_rows[contextuals], "[[", 3)
            labels_split <- strsplit(labels, "[;]")
            labels_split <- lapply(labels_split, strsplit, "[,]")
            targets <- lapply(1:length(labels_split), function(i) {
              c("from" = edges_split[[contextuals[i]]][1],
                "to" = edges_split[[contextuals[i]]][2])
        labels <- labels_split
        vars <- unique(c(dir_rhs, dir_lhs))
        n <- length(vars)
        intv <- dir_lhs[substr(dir_lhs, 1, 2) == "I_"]
        ivar <- which(vars %in% intv)
        vars <- vars[c(setdiff(1:n, ivar), ivar)]
        intv_vars <- vars[which(vars %in% intv)]
        nums <- 1:n
        names(vars) <- nums
        names(nums) <- vars
        for (v in vars) {
            parents[[v]] <- character(0)
        for (i in seq_along(dir_rhs)) {
            parents[[dir_rhs[i]]] <- union(parents[[dir_rhs[i]]], dir_lhs[i])

    # parse labels
    if (length(labels) > 0) {
        input_labels <- matrix(0, sum(sapply(labels, length)), 5)
        index <- 0
        index_csi <- 0
        inferred <- 0
        inferred_labels <- matrix(0, 0, 5)
        local_csi <- list()
        vanishing <- matrix(0, 0, 2)
        for (i in seq_along(labels)) { # Labels
            from <- targets[[i]]["from"]
            to <- targets[[i]]["to"]
            pa <- setdiff(parents[[to]], from)
            npa <- length(pa)
            if (npa == 0) stop(paste0("Invalid label for edge", from, " -> ", to, ": no parents to assign.\n"))
            vals <- expand.grid(rep(list(c(0, 1)), npa))
            names(vals) <- pa
            vals$present <- FALSE
            for (j in seq_along(labels[[i]])) { # Individual assignments within label
                index <- index + 1
                label_split <- strsplit(labels[[i]][[j]], "[=]")
                label_lhs <- sapply(label_split, "[[", 1)
                label_rhs <- sapply(label_split, "[[", 2)
                if (any(duplicated(label_lhs))) stop(paste0("Invalid label for edge", from, " -> ", to, ": duplicate assignment.\n"))
                if (from %in% label_lhs) stop(paste0("Invalid label for edge", from, " -> ", to, ": ", from, " cannot appear in the label.\n"))
                if (to %in% label_lhs) stop(paste0("Invalid label for edge", from, " -> ", to, ": ", to, " cannot appear in the label.\n"))
                if (any(!(label_lhs %in% pa))) stop(paste0("Invalid label for edge", from, " -> ", to, ": only other parents of ", to, " may be assigned.\n"))
                intv <- substr(label_lhs, 1, 2) == "I_"
                con_vars <- c(con_vars, label_lhs[!intv])
                zero <- which(label_rhs == 0)
                one <- which(label_rhs == 1)
                input_labels[index,1] <- to_dec(nums[label_lhs[zero]], n)
                input_labels[index,2] <- to_dec(nums[label_lhs[one]], n)
                input_labels[index,3] <- nums[from]
                input_labels[index,4] <- nums[to]
                input_labels[index,5] <- to_dec(nums[pa], n)
                # Infer non-explicit labels from input
                zl <- length(zero)
                ol <- length(one)
                if (zl == 0) {
                    ones <- vals[ ,which(pa %in% label_lhs[one]), drop = FALSE]
                    if (nrow(ones) > 0) {
                        vals[which(apply(ones, 1, function(x) all(x == 1))),"present"] <- TRUE
                } else if (ol == 0) {
                    zeros <- vals[ ,which(pa %in% label_lhs[zero]), drop = FALSE]
                    if (nrow(zeros) > 0) {
                        vals[which(apply(zeros, 1, function(x) all(x == 0))),"present"] <- TRUE
                } else {
                    zeros <- vals[ ,which(pa %in% label_lhs[zero]), drop = FALSE]
                    ones <- vals[ ,which(pa %in% label_lhs[one]), drop = FALSE]
                    ind_z <- which(apply(zeros, 1, function(x) all(x == 0)))
                    ind_o <- which(apply(ones, 1, function(x) all(x == 1)))
                    ind_zo <- intersect(ind_z, ind_o)
                    if (length(ind_zo) > 0) {
                        vals[ind_zo,"present"] <- TRUE
            if (all(vals$present)) {
                vanishing <- rbind(vanishing, c(nums[from], nums[to]))
            #stop(paste0("Invalid label for edge: ", from, " -> ", to, ": label is satisfied in every context.\n"))
            # Cannot infer from empty set
            if ((nsets <- nrow(vals) - 1) > 1) {
                for (j in 2:nsets) {
                    sub_pa <- pa[which(vals[j,1:npa] == 1)]
                    sub_ind <- which(pa %in% sub_pa)
                    sub_vals <- vals[ ,c(sub_ind, npa + 1)]
                    assignments <- expand.grid(rep(list(c(0, 1)), length(sub_pa)))
                    names(assignments) <- sub_pa
                    for (k in 1:nrow(assignments)) {
                        zero <- sub_pa[which(assignments[k, ] == 0)]
                        one <- sub_pa[which(assignments[k, ] == 1)]
                        assign_ind <- apply(sub_vals[ ,-ncol(sub_vals), drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) identical(as.numeric(x), as.numeric(assignments[k, ])))
                        if (all(sub_vals[assign_ind,"present"])) {
                            inferred <- inferred + 1
                            inferred_labels <- rbind(inferred_labels, c(to_dec(nums[zero], n), to_dec(nums[one], n), nums[from], nums[to], to_dec(nums[pa], n)))
        if (inferred > 0) {
            input_labels <- rbind(input_labels, inferred_labels)
            input_labels <- input_labels[!duplicated(input_labels), ]
        con_vars <- unique(con_vars)
        all_contexts <- expand.grid(rep(list(c(0, 1)), length(con_vars)))
        label_map <- list()
        null_context <- c()
        if ((ncon <- nrow(all_contexts)) > 0) {
            for (i in 2:ncon) {
                sub_vars <- con_vars[which(all_contexts[i, ] == 1)]
                con_vals <- expand.grid(rep(list(c(0, 1)), length(sub_vars)))
                label_map[[i-1]] <- list(vars = to_dec(nums[sub_vars], n), contexts = vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(con_vals)))
                equiv_ind <- 0
                unique_context <- list()
                for (j in 1:nrow(con_vals)) {
                    zero <- sub_vars[which(con_vals[j, ] == 0)]
                    one <- sub_vars[which(con_vals[j, ] == 1)]
                    z <- to_dec(nums[zero], n)
                    o <- to_dec(nums[one], n)
                    label_map[[i-1]][["contexts"]][[j]]$zero <- z
                    label_map[[i-1]][["contexts"]][[j]]$one <- o
                    endpoints <- matrix(0, 0, 2)
                    for (k in 1:nrow(input_labels)) {
                        z_inp <- input_labels[k,1]
                        o_inp <- input_labels[k,2]
                        if ((bitwAnd(z, z_inp) == z_inp && bitwAnd(o, o_inp) == o_inp)) {
                            if (!any(apply(vanishing, 1, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, input_labels[k,3:4]))))) {
                                endpoints <- rbind(endpoints, input_labels[k,3:4])
                                pa <- input_labels[k,5]
                                lab <- bitwOr(z, o)
                                if (pa == lab) {
                                    index_csi <- index_csi + 1
                                    local_csi[[index_csi]] <- list(
                                        x = to_dec(input_labels[k,3], n),
                                        y = to_dec(input_labels[k,4], n),
                                        z = pa,
                                        zero = z,
                                        one = o)
                    endpoints <- unique(endpoints)
                    label_map[[i-1]][["contexts"]][[j]]$from <- endpoints[ ,1]
                    label_map[[i-1]][["contexts"]][[j]]$to <- endpoints[ ,2]
                    pos <- Position(function(x) identical(endpoints[ ,1], x$from) && identical(endpoints[ ,2], x$to), unique_context)
                    if (is.na(pos)) {
                        equiv_ind <- equiv_ind + 1
                        label_map[[i-1]][["contexts"]][[j]]$equivalence <- equiv_ind
                        unique_context[[equiv_ind]] <- list(from = endpoints[ ,1], to = endpoints[ ,2])
                    } else {
                        label_map[[i-1]][["contexts"]][[j]]$equivalence <- pos
                if (all(sapply(label_map[[i-1]][["contexts"]], function(x) length(x[["from"]])) == 0)) null_context <- c(null_context, i - 1)
        all_interventions <- expand.grid(rep(list(c(0, 1)), length(intv_vars)))
        if ((nintv <- nrow(all_interventions)) > 0) {
            for (i in 2:nintv) {
                index <- max(ncon - 1, 0) + i - 1
                sub_vars <- intv_vars[which(all_interventions[i, ] == 1)]
                o <- to_dec(nums[sub_vars], n)
                label_map[[index]] <- list(vars = o, contexts = list(list(zero = 0, one = o)))
                endpoints <- matrix(0, 0, 2)
                for (k in 1:nrow(input_labels)) {
                    z_inp <- input_labels[k,1]
                    o_inp <- input_labels[k,2]
                    if ( z_inp == 0 && bitwAnd(o, o_inp) == o_inp) {
                        if (!any(apply(vanishing, 1, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, input_labels[k,3:4]))))) {
                            endpoints <- rbind(endpoints, input_labels[k,3:4])
                endpoints <- unique(endpoints)
                label_map[[index]][["contexts"]][[1]]$from <- endpoints[ ,1]
                label_map[[index]][["contexts"]][[1]]$to <- endpoints[ ,2]
                label_map[[index]][["contexts"]][[1]]$equivalence <- 1
        label_map[null_context] <- NULL
        if (nrow(vanishing) > 0) {
            edge_mat <- cbind(nums[dir_lhs], nums[dir_rhs])
            present <- !duplicated(rbind(edge_mat, vanishing), fromLast = TRUE)[1:nrow(edge_mat)]
            dir_lhs <- dir_lhs[present]
            dir_rhs <- dir_rhs[present]

    # transform the query
    parts <- NULL
    q_split <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL)
    zero <- c()
    one <- c()
    query_parsed <- gsub("\\s+", "", query)
    query_parsed <- gsub("do", "$", query_parsed)
    matches <- lapply(dist_pattern, function(p) regexec(p, query_parsed, perl = TRUE))
    match_lens <- sapply(matches, function(x) length(attr(x[[1]], "match.length")))
    best_match <- which.max(match_lens)[1]
    parts <- regmatches(query_parsed, matches[[best_match]])[[1]]
    q_split[[1]] <- strsplit(parts[2], "[,]")[[1]]
    if (best_match == 2) {
        q_split[[2]] <- strsplit(parts[3], "[,]")[[1]]
    if (any(is.na(q_split[[1]]))) stop("Invalid query.\n")
    err <- FALSE
    for (i in 1:2) {
        if (!is.null(q_split[[i]])) {
            if (any(dup <- duplicated(q_split[[i]]))) {
                msg <- paste0(c("cannot contain duplicated variables ", q_split[[i]][dup], ".\n"))
                err <- TRUE
            if (err) stop(paste0(c("Invalid query: ", msg)))
            equals <- grep("=", q_split[[i]], value = FALSE)
            eq_split <- strsplit(q_split[[i]][equals], "[=]")
            eq_lhs <- eq_rhs <- c()
            if (length(equals) > 0) {
                eq_lhs <- sapply(eq_split, "[[", 1)
                eq_lhs <- gsub("\\s+", "", eq_lhs)
                eq_rhs <- sapply(eq_split, "[[", 2)
                eq_rhs <- gsub("\\s+", "", eq_rhs)
                uniq_rhs <- unique(eq_rhs)
                if (!(uniq_rhs[1] %in% 0:1)) stop(paste0("Invalid value assignment in query. \n"))
                q_split[[i]][equals] <- eq_lhs
                z <- which(eq_rhs == 1)
                o <- which(eq_rhs == 0)
                zero <- c(zero, eq_lhs[eq_rhs == 0])
                one <- c(one, eq_lhs[eq_rhs == 1])
    q1_new <- q_split[[1]][which(!(q_split[[1]] %in% vars))]
    q2_new <- q_split[[2]][which(!(q_split[[2]] %in% vars))]
    new_vars <- unique(c(q1_new, q2_new))
    if (length(new_vars) > 0) {
        n <- n + length(new_vars)
        vars <- c(vars, new_vars)
        nums <- 1:n
        names(vars) <- nums
        names(nums) <- vars
    q_process <- list(nums[q_split[[1]]], nums[q_split[[2]]], nums[zero], nums[one], parts[1])

    # transform the data
    data_split <- strsplit(data, "\r|\n")[[1]]
    data_split <- gsub("\\s+", "", data_split)
    data_split <- data_split[which(nchar(data_split) > 0)]
    p_list <- list()
    p_process <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(data_split)) {
        parts <- NULL
        p_split <- list(NULL, NULL, NULL)
        zero <- c()
        one <- c()
        p_parsed <- gsub("\\s+", "", data_split[[i]])
        p_parsed <- gsub("do", "$", p_parsed)
        matches <- lapply(dist_pattern, function(p) regexec(p, p_parsed, perl = TRUE))
        match_lens <- sapply(matches, function(x) length(attr(x[[1]], "match.length")))
        best_match <- which.max(match_lens)[1]
        parts <- regmatches(p_parsed, matches[[best_match]])[[1]]
        p_split[[1]] <- strsplit(parts[2], "[,]")[[1]]
        if (best_match == 2) {
            p_split[[2]] <- strsplit(parts[3], "[,]")[[1]]
        if (any(is.na(p_split[[1]]))) {
            stop(paste0("Invalid input distribution on data line ", i ,": ", data_split[[i]], ".\n")) 
        err <- FALSE
        for (j in 1:2)  {
            if (!is.null(p_split[[j]])) {
                if (any(dup <- duplicated(p_split[[j]]))) {
                    msg <- paste0(c("cannot contain duplicated variables ", p_split[[j]][dup], ".\n"))
                    err <- TRUE
                if (err) stop(paste0(c("Invalid input distribution: ", data_split[[i]], ", ", msg)))
                equals <- grep("=", p_split[[j]], value = FALSE)
                eq_split <- strsplit(p_split[[j]][equals], "[=]")
                eq_lhs <- eq_rhs <- c()
                if (length(equals) > 0) {
                    eq_lhs <- sapply(eq_split, "[[", 1)
                    eq_lhs <- gsub("\\s+", "", eq_lhs)
                    eq_rhs <- sapply(eq_split, "[[", 2)
                    eq_rhs <- gsub("\\s+", "", eq_rhs)
                    uniq_rhs <- unique(eq_rhs)
                    if (!(uniq_rhs[1] %in% 0:1)) stop(paste0("Invalid value assignment on data line ", i ,": ", data_split[[i]], ".\n")) 
                    p_split[[j]][equals] <- eq_lhs
                    z <- which(eq_rhs == 1)
                    o <- which(eq_rhs == 0)
                    zero <- c(zero, eq_lhs[eq_rhs == 0])
                    one <- c(one, eq_lhs[eq_rhs == 1])
        p1_new <- p_split[[1]][which(!(p_split[[1]] %in% vars))]
        p2_new <- p_split[[2]][which(!(p_split[[2]] %in% vars))]
        new_vars <- unique(c(p1_new, p2_new))
        if (length(new_vars) > 0) {
            n <- n + length(new_vars)
            vars <- c(vars, new_vars)
            nums <- 1:n
            names(vars) <- nums
            names(nums) <- vars
        p_process[[i]] <- list(nums[p_split[[1]]], nums[p_split[[2]]], nums[zero], nums[one], data_split[[i]])

    for (i in 1:length(p_process)) {
        p <- p_process[[i]]
        p_list[[i]] <- c(to_dec(p[[1]], n), to_dec(p[[2]], n), to_dec(p[[3]], n), to_dec(p[[4]], n))
        err <- FALSE
        msg <- ""
        if (bitwAnd(p_list[[i]][1], p_list[[i]][2]) > 0) {
            msg <- "same variable on the left-hand and right-hand side.\n"
            err <- TRUE
        if (err) stop(paste0(c("Invalid input distribution on data line ", i, ": ", p[[4]], ", ", msg)))

    q_vec <- c(to_dec(q_process[[1]], n), to_dec(q_process[[2]], n), to_dec(q_process[[3]], n), to_dec(q_process[[4]], n))
    err <- FALSE
    msg <- ""
    if (bitwAnd(q_vec[1], q_vec[2]) > 0) {
        msg <- "same variable on the left and right-hand side.\n"
        err <- TRUE
    if (err) {
        stop(paste0(c("Invalid query: ", msg)))

    res <- initialize_csisearch(
        to_dec(nums[con_vars], n),
        to_dec(nums[intv_vars], n),

    res$call <- list(
        data = data, 
        query = query, 
        graph = graph, 
        transportability = NULL, 
        selection_bias = NULL, 
        missing_data = NULL, 
        control = control

        TRUE, # always include identifiability
        TRUE # always include the call
    )], class = "dosearch"))


is_dosearch <- function(x) inherits(x, "dosearch")

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dosearch documentation built on Aug. 19, 2021, 5:07 p.m.