
Defines functions tmle

Documented in tmle

#' Returns the targeted maximum likelihood estimates for the nuisance functions
#' @param datmat The data frame containing columns \code{yj}, \code{yk}, \code{yjk}, \code{q10}, \code{q02} and \code{q12}.
#' @param iter An integer denoting the maximum number of iterations allowed for targeted maximum likelihood method. Default value is 100.
#' @param margin The minimum value the estimates can attain to bound them away from zero.
#' @param stop_margin The minimum value the estimates can attain to bound them away from zero.
#' @param twolist The logical value of whether targeted maximum likelihood algorithm fits only two modes when K = 2.
#' @param K The number of lists in the original data.
#' @param ... Any extra arguments passed into the function.
#' @return A list of estimates containing the following components:
#' \item{error}{  An indicator of whether the algorithm ran and converged. Returns FALSE, if it ran correctly and FALSE otherwise.}
#' \item{datmat}{  A data frame returning \code{datmat} with the updated estimates for the nuisance functions \code{q10}, \code{q02} and \code{q12}. This is returned only if \code{error} is FALSE.}

#' @references van der Laan, M. J. and Rubin, D. (2006). Targeted maximum likelihood learning. _The International Journal of Biostatistics_, *2*(1)
#' @references Das, M., Kennedy, E. H., & Jewell, N.P. (2021). Doubly robust capture-recapture methods for estimating population size. _arXiv preprint_ arXiv:2104.14091.
#' @examples
#' data = matrix(sample(c(0,1), 2000, replace = TRUE), ncol = 2)
#' xmat = matrix(runif(nrow(data)*3, 0, 1), nrow = nrow(data))
#' datmat = cbind(data, data[,1]*data[,2], xmat)
#' colnames(datmat) = c("yj", "yk", "yjk", "q10", "q02", "q12")
#' datmat = as.data.frame(datmat)
#' result = tmle(datmat, margin = 0.005, stop_margin = 0.00001, twolist = TRUE)
#' @export
tmle <- function(datmat, iter = 250, margin = 0.005, stop_margin = 0.005, twolist = FALSE, K = 2,...){

  if(!prod(c("yj", "yk", "yjk", "q10", "q02", "q12") %in% colnames(datmat))){
    stop("datmat misses one or more of the following columns: \t (yj, yk, yjk, q10, q02, q12).")
    return(list(error = TRUE))

  margin = max(margin, 0.005)
  datmat[,4:6] = cbind(apply(datmat[,4:6], 2, function(u) {return(pmin(pmax(u, margin), 1 - margin))}))

 # ifval = (datmat$q10+datmat$q12)*(datmat$q10+datmat$q12)/datmat$q12 *(
#    datmat$yj/(datmat$q10+datmat$q12) + datmat$yk/(datmat$q02+datmat$q12) - datmat$yjk/(datmat$q12) - 1)

#  stop_margin = sqrt(mean((ifval)^2))/max(log(nrow(datmat)), 10)/sqrt(nrow(datmat))
  expit = function(x) {
    exp(x)/(1 + exp(x))
  logit = function(x) {
    log(x/(1 - x))

  margin_error = 1 + stop_margin
  cnt = 0

  while (abs(margin_error) > stop_margin){
    cnt = cnt + 1
    if (cnt > iter){break}

    ########################### model 1 for q12
    dat1 = cbind(datmat$yjk, logit(datmat$q12), (datmat$q10 + datmat$q12)/datmat$q12
                 + (datmat$q02 + datmat$q12)/datmat$q12
                 - (datmat$q10 + datmat$q12)*(datmat$q02 + datmat$q12)/datmat$q12^2 )
    colnames(dat1) = c("yjk", "logitq12", "ratio")
    dat1 = as.data.frame(dat1)
    mod1 = try(glm(yjk ~ -1 + offset(logitq12) + ratio
                   , family = binomial(link = logit), data = dat1, na.action = na.omit), silent = TRUE)
    if (!("try-error" %in% class(mod1))){
      datmat[,"q12"] = predict(mod1, newdata = dat1, type = "response")

    margin_error = abs(mod1$coefficients)
    datmat$q12 = pmax(pmin(datmat$q12, 1), margin)

    ########################### model 2 for q1
    dat1 = cbind(datmat$yj*(1 - datmat$yk), logit(datmat$q10), (datmat$q02 + datmat$q12)/datmat$q12)
    colnames(dat1) = c("yj0", "logitq10", "ratio")
    dat1 = as.data.frame(dat1)
    mod1 = try(glm(yj0 ~ -1 + offset(logitq10) + ratio, family = binomial(link = logit), data = dat1, na.action = na.omit), silent = TRUE)
    if (!("try-error" %in% class(mod1))){
      datmat$q10 = predict(mod1, newdata = dat1, type = "response")
      datmat[,"q10"] = pmin(datmat[,"q10"], 1 - datmat$q12)
    datmat$q10 = pmax(pmin(datmat$q10, 1), margin)
    margin_error = max(abs(mod1$coefficients), margin_error)

    ########################### model 3 for q2
    if (K > 2 | twolist == FALSE){
      dat1 = cbind(datmat$yk*(1 - datmat$yj), logit(datmat$q02), (datmat$q10 + datmat$q12)/datmat$q12)
      colnames(dat1) = c("y0k", "logitq02", "ratio")
      dat1 = as.data.frame(dat1)
      mod1 = try(glm(y0k ~ -1 + offset(logitq02) + ratio, family = binomial(link = logit), data = dat1, na.action = na.omit), silent = TRUE)
      if (!("try-error" %in% class(mod1))){
        datmat$q02 = predict(mod1, newdata = dat1, type = "response")
        datmat[,"q02"] = pmin(datmat[,"q02"], 1 - datmat$q10 - datmat$q12)
        margin_error = max(abs(mod1$coefficients), margin_error)
      datmat[,"q02"] = pmax(0, 1 - datmat$q10 - datmat$q12)

    datmat$q02 = pmax(pmin(datmat$q02, 1), margin)

    # ifval = (datmat$q10+datmat$q12)*(datmat$q10+datmat$q12)/datmat$q12 *(
    #   datmat$yj/(datmat$q10+datmat$q12) + datmat$yk/(datmat$q02+datmat$q12) - datmat$yjk/(datmat$q12) - 1)
    # eplison_error = mean(ifval)
       margin_error = 2
    #margin_error = max(abs(expit(dat1$logitq12) - datmat$q12),
    #                    abs(expit(dat1$logitq10) - datmat$q10),
    #                    abs(expit(dat1$logitq02) - datmat$q02))
  return(list(error = abs(margin_error) > 1, datmat = datmat, iterations = cnt, margin_error = margin_error))

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