#' Reformat Values
#' @param obj (`character`, `factor` or `list of data.frame`) to reformat.
#' @param format (`rule`) or (`list`) of `rule` depending on the class of obj.
#' @param ... for compatibility between methods and pass additional special mapping to transform rules.
#' * `.string_as_fct` (`flag`) whether the reformatted character object should be converted to factor.
#' * `.to_NA` (`character`) values that should be converted to `NA`. For `factor`, the corresponding levels are
#' dropped. If `NULL`, the argument will be taken from the `to_NA`attribute of the rule.
#' * `.drop` (`flag`) whether to drop empty levels. If `NULL`, the argument will be taken from the `drop`attribute of
#' the rule.
#' * `.na_last` (`flag`) whether the level replacing `NA` should be last.
#' @param verbose (`flag`) whether to print the format.
#' @returns (`character`, `factor` or `list of data.frame`) with remapped values.
#' @export
#' @note When the rule is empty rule or when values subject to reformatting are absent from the object, no error is
#' raised. The conversion to factor if `.string_as_fct = TRUE`) is still carried out. The conversion of the levels
#' declared in `.to_NA` to `NA` values occurs after the remapping. `NA` values created this way are not affected by a
#' rule declaring a remapping of `NA` values. For factors, level dropping is the last step, hence, levels converted to
#' `NA` by the `.to_NA` argument, will be removed if `.drop` is `TRUE`. Arguments passed via `reformat` override the
#' ones defined during rule creation.
#' @rdname reformat
reformat <- function(obj, ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname reformat
reformat.default <- function(obj, format, ...) {
rlang::warn(paste0("Not implemented for class: ", toString(class(obj)), "! Returning original object."))
#' @export
#' @rdname reformat
#' @examples
#' # Reformatting of character.
#' obj <- c("a", "b", "x", NA, "")
#' attr(obj, "label") <- "my label"
#' format <- rule("A" = "a", "NN" = NA)
#' reformat(obj, format)
#' reformat(obj, format, .string_as_fct = FALSE, .to_NA = NULL)
reformat.character <- function(obj, format, ..., verbose = FALSE) {
checkmate::assert_class(format, "rule")
# Give priority to argument defined in reformat.
format <-, modifyList(as.list(format), list(...), keep.null = TRUE))
if (verbose) {
if (attr(format, ".string_as_fct")) {
# Keep attributes.
att <- attributes(obj)
obj_fact <- as.factor(obj)
supp_att_name <- setdiff(names(att), attributes(obj_fact))
supp_att <- att[supp_att_name]
attributes(obj_fact) <- c(attributes(obj_fact), supp_att)
reformat(obj_fact, format)
} else {
value_match <- unlist(format)
m <- match(obj, value_match)
obj[!] <- names(format)[m[!]]
val_to_NA <- attr(format, ".to_NA")
if (!is.null(val_to_NA)) {
obj[obj %in% val_to_NA] <- NA_character_
#' @export
#' @rdname reformat
#' @examples
#' # Reformatting of factor.
#' obj <- factor(c("first", "a", "aa", "b", "x", NA), levels = c("first", "x", "b", "aa", "a", "z"))
#' attr(obj, "label") <- "my label"
#' format <- rule("A" = c("a", "aa"), "NN" = c(NA, "x"), "Not_present" = "z", "Not_a_level" = "P")
#' reformat(obj, format)
#' reformat(obj, format, .na_last = FALSE, .to_NA = "b", .drop = FALSE)
reformat.factor <- function(obj, format, ..., verbose = FALSE) {
checkmate::assert_class(format, "rule")
format <-, modifyList(as.list(format), list(...), keep.null = TRUE))
if (verbose) {
any_na <- anyNA(obj)
if (any( && any_na) {
obj <- forcats::fct_na_value_to_level(obj)
absent_format <- format[!format %in% levels(obj)]
sel_format <- format[format %in% levels(obj)]
obj <- forcats::fct_recode(obj, !!!sel_format)
obj <- forcats::fct_expand(obj, unique(names(absent_format)))
obj <- forcats::fct_relevel(obj, unique(names(format)))
if (any( && attr(format, ".na_last")) {
na_lvl <- names(format)[]
obj <- forcats::fct_relevel(obj, na_lvl, after = Inf)
drop_lvl <- attr(format, ".drop")
if (drop_lvl) {
obj <- forcats::fct_drop(obj)
# Levels converted to NA are dropped.
val_to_NA <- attr(format, ".to_NA")
if (!is.null(val_to_NA)) {
obj <- forcats::fct_na_level_to_value(obj, val_to_NA)
#' @export
#' @rdname reformat
#' @note the variables listed under the `all_dataset` keyword will be reformatted with the corresponding rule in every
#' data set except where another rule is specified for the same variable under a specific data set name.
#' @examples
#' # Reformatting of list of data.frame.
#' df1 <- data.frame(
#' var1 = c("a", "b", NA),
#' var2 = factor(c("F1", "F2", NA))
#' )
#' df2 <- data.frame(
#' var1 = c("x", NA, "y"),
#' var2 = factor(c("F11", NA, "F22"))
#' )
#' db <- list(df1 = df1, df2 = df2)
#' format <- list(
#' df1 = list(
#' var1 = rule("X" = "x", "N" = NA, .to_NA = "b")
#' ),
#' df2 = list(
#' var2 = rule("f11" = "F11", "NN" = NA)
#' ),
#' all_datasets = list(
#' var1 = rule("xx" = "x", "aa" = "a")
#' )
#' )
#' reformat(db, format)
reformat.list <- function(obj,
verbose = get_arg("dunlin.reformat.verbose", "R_DUNLIN_REFORMAT_VERBOSE", FALSE)) {
checkmate::assert_list(obj, types = c("data.frame", "tibble"))
checkmate::assert_list(format, names = "unique", types = "list", null.ok = TRUE)
verbose <- as.logical(verbose)
if (length(format) == 0) {
ls_datasets <- names(obj)
format <- h_expand_all_datasets(format, ls_datasets)
if (verbose) {
for (tb in names(format)) {
for (cl in names(format[[tb]])) {
cat(sprintf("\nData frame `%s`, column `%s`:\n", tb, cl))
for (tab in ls_datasets) {
local_map <- format[[tab]]
local_map <- local_map[names(local_map) %in% names(obj[[tab]])]
obj[[tab]][names(local_map)] <- mapply(
function(rl, col) reformat(obj[[tab]][[col]], format = rl, ...),
#' Propagate the rules for all datasets
#' @inheritParams reformat
#' @param ls_datasets (`character`) the name of all datasets in the object to reformat.
#' @returns a nested `list` attributing a rule to be applied to specific variables of specific datasets.
#' @details the rules described under `all_datasets` are propagated to all data sets for the corresponding variables
#' except in data sets where a rule is already attributed to the same variable.
#' @keywords internal
h_expand_all_datasets <- function(format_list, ls_datasets = NULL) {
assert_valid_list_format(list(f = format_list))
checkmate::assert_character(ls_datasets, null.ok = TRUE)
spec_datasets <- format_list[setdiff(names(format_list), "all_datasets")]
if (!is.null(ls_datasets)) {
to_all_datasets <- list()
to_all_datasets[ls_datasets] <- format_list["all_datasets"]
to_all_datasets <- base::Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), to_all_datasets)
modifyList(to_all_datasets, spec_datasets)
} else {
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