
Defines functions spatiotemp_check

Documented in spatiotemp_check

#'Check species occurrence record formatting, completeness and validity.
#'Checks the occurrence record data frame contains the column names and classes required for
#'dynamicSDM functions. Option to exclude records containing missing, duplicate or invalid
#'co-ordinates or dates.
#'@param occ.data a data frame, with columns for occurrence record co-ordinates and dates with
#'  column names as follows; record longitude as "x", latitude as "y", year as "year", month as
#'  "month", and day as "day".
#'@param na.handle a character string, method for handling missing data (NA values) in record
#'  co-ordinates and dates. One of `exclude` or `ignore`: can be abbreviated. Default; `exclude`.
#'@param duplicate.handle a character string, method for handling duplicate record co-ordinates or
#'  dates. One of `exclude` or `ignore`: can be abbreviated. Default; `exclude`.
#'@param coord.handle a character string, method for handling invalid co-ordinates in record data.
#'  One of `exclude` or `ignore`: can be abbreviated. Default; `exclude`.
#'@param date.handle a character string, method for handling invalid dates in record data. One of
#'  `exclude` or `ignore`: can be abbreviated. Default; `exclude`.
#'@param date.res a character string, stating the temporal resolution to complete checks on. One of
#'  `year`, `month` or `day`. If not given, dates are not checked.
#' @param coordclean a logical indicating whether to run function
#'  `clean_coordinates` from package `CoordinateCleaner` on `occ.data`. Default = FALSE.
#'@param coordclean.species a character string or vector, specifying the name of the species that
#'  all of `occ.data` records belong to, or a character vector the length of `nrow(occ.data)`
#'  specifying which species each record belongs to. Required if `coordclean` = TRUE.
#'@param coordclean.handle a character string, method for handling records flagged by
#'  `CoordinateCleaner`. One of `exclude` or `report`. Default: exclude.
#'@param ... Other arguments passed onto `CoordinateCleaner`.
#'# `date.res` argument
#' The `date.res` states the temporal resolution to check dates, including when searching for
#' duplicate records, removing records with NA values and checking for invalid dates.
#' # Validity checks
#' Record dates and co-ordinates are checked for validity using the following rules:
#'* Dates must be real dates that could exist. For example, 50th February 2000 is not a valid date.
#'* Co-ordinates must have longitude (x) values between -180 and 180, and latitude (y) values
#'between -90 and 90 to be considered valid.
#'# `CoordinateCleaner` compatibility
#'`spatiotemp_check()` acts as a helper function for compatibility with the R package
#'`CoordinateCleaner` (Zizka et al., 2019), which offers a diversity of functions for checking the
#'co-ordinates of occurrence records.
#'If `coordclean` = TRUE, then `coordclean.species` must be provided to identify which species each
#'record belonds to. If `coordclean.handle` = `exclude` then all `occ.data` records flagged by
#'`CoordinateCleaner::clean_coordinates()` as potentially erroneous are removed in the returned
#'If  `coordclean.handle` = `report`, then the occurrence data frame is returned with an additional
#'`CC_REPORT` column. This column contains the output from
#'`CoordinateCleaner::clean_coordinates()` which indicates the potentially erroneous records.
#'@references Zizka A, Silvestro D, Andermann T, Azevedo J, Duarte Ritter C, Edler D, Farooq H,
#'Herdean A, Ariza M, Scharn R, Svanteson S, Wengstrom N, Zizka V, Antonelli A (2019).
#'“CoordinateCleaner: standardized cleaning of occurrence records from biological collection
#'databases.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution, -7. \doi{10.1111/2041-210X.13152}, R package version
#'2.0-20, <https://github.com/ropensci/CoordinateCleaner>.
#'@return By default, returns occurrence record data frame, filtered to exclude records containing
#'  missing, duplicate or invalid data in record co-ordinates and dates.
#' @examples
#' filtered<-spatiotemp_check(
#'  occ.data = sample_occ_data,
#'  coord.handle = "exclude",
#'  date.handle = "exclude",
#'  duplicate.handle = "exclude",
#'  na.handle = "exclude"
#'  occ.data = sample_occ_data,
#'  coord.handle = "exclude",
#'  date.handle = "exclude",
#'  duplicate.handle = "exclude",
#'  na.handle = "exclude",
#'  coordclean = TRUE,
#'  coordclean.species = "quelea",
#'  coordclean.handle = "exclude"

spatiotemp_check <- function(occ.data,
                             coordclean = FALSE,
                             coordclean.species = "species_1",
                             ...) {

  # Check occurrence data present correct class
  if (!inherits(occ.data, "data.frame")) {
    stop("occ.data must be of class data.frame")

  if(missing(date.res)){n <- 0}

    # Check column names correct for dynamicSDM functions
    date.res <- match.arg(date.res, choices = c("day", "month", "year"))

    # Depending on date.res only need to check for certain columns
    n <- match(date.res, c("year", "month", "day"))}

  if (n > 0) {
    if (!"year" %in% colnames(occ.data)) {
      stop("year column not found. Ensure record year col is named 'year'")

  if (n > 1) {
    if (!"month" %in% colnames(occ.data)) {
      stop("month column not found. Ensure record month col is named 'month'")

  if (n > 2) {
    if (!"day" %in% colnames(occ.data)) {
      stop("day column not found. Ensure record day col is named 'day'")

  if (!"x" %in% colnames(occ.data)) {
    stop("x column not found. Ensure record longitude is named 'x'")

  if (!"y" %in% colnames(occ.data)) {
    stop("y column not found. Ensure record latitude is named 'y'")

  # Check column classes are correct for dynamicSDM functions

  if (n > 0) {
    if (!inherits(occ.data$year, "numeric")) {

      stop("year must be of class numeric")

  if (n > 1) {
    if (!inherits(occ.data$month, "numeric")) {
      stop("month must be of class numeric")

  if (n > 2) {
    if (!inherits(occ.data$day, "numeric")) {
      stop("day must be of class numeric")

  if (!inherits(occ.data$x, "numeric")) {
    stop("x must be of class numeric")

  if (!inherits(occ.data$y, "numeric")) {
    stop("y must be of class numeric")

  if (length(coordclean.species) == 1) {
    occ.data$coordclean.species_col <-
      rep(coordclean.species, nrow(occ.data))

  if (length(coordclean.species) == nrow(occ.data)) {
    occ.data$coordclean.species_col <- coordclean.species

  if (!length(coordclean.species) == 1 &&
      !length(coordclean.species) == nrow(occ.data)) {
    stop("Argument coordclean.species must be of length (1) or equal to nrow (occ.data)")

  ## check for NAs in record co-ordinates or dates - then exclude or ignore

  if (!missing(na.handle)) {
    na.handle <- match.arg(arg = na.handle, choices = c("exclude", "ignore"))

    if (na.handle == "exclude") {
      occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(occ.data[, "y"]),]
      occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(occ.data[, "x"]),]

      message("omitting any species records with coordinates containing NA")

      if (n > 0) {
        occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(occ.data[, "year"]),]

      if (n > 1) { # n was set earlier depending on date resolution of interest
        occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(occ.data[, "month"]),]

      if (n > 2) {
        occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(occ.data[, "day"]),]

      message("omitting any species records with dates containing NA")

  # Check for duplicate values in record co-ordinates and dates

  if (!missing(duplicate.handle)) {
    duplicate.handle <- match.arg(arg = duplicate.handle,
                                  choices = c("exclude", "ignore"))

    if (duplicate.handle == "exclude") {
      if (n == 1) {
        occ.data <- occ.data[!duplicated(occ.data[, c("year", "x", "y")]), ]

      if (n == 2) {
        occ.data <- occ.data[!duplicated(occ.data[, c("year", "month", "x", "y")]), ]

      if (n == 3) {
        occ.data <- occ.data[!duplicated(occ.data[, c("year", "month", "day", "x", "y")]), ]

      message("omitting any duplicate records")

  # Check co-ordinate validity

  if (!missing(coord.handle)) {
    coord.handle <- match.arg(arg = coord.handle,
                              choices = c("exclude", "ignore"))

    if (coord.handle == "exclude") {
      # Check longitude within acceptable bounds
      occ.data <- occ.data[which(occ.data[, "x"] >= (-180)),]
      occ.data <- occ.data[which(occ.data[, "x"] <= (180)),]
      # Check latitude within acceptable bounds
      occ.data <- occ.data[which(occ.data[, "y"] >= (-90)),]
      occ.data <- occ.data[which(occ.data[, "y"] <= (90)),]

      message("any records with invalid co-ordinates excluded")

  # Check date validity

  if (!missing(date.handle)) {
    date.handle <- match.arg(arg = date.handle,
                             choices = c("exclude", "ignore"))

    # Remove any dates that return NA when "Date" objects made from them
    if (date.handle == "exclude") {
      if (n == 1) {

        # Set correct month/day so function only identifies error in year column
        month <- rep(1, nrow(occ.data))
        day <- rep(1, nrow(occ.data))

        occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(as.character(suppressWarnings(lubridate::as_date(
          paste(occ.data$year, month, day, sep = "-"), "%Y-%m-%d", tz = NULL)))), ]

      if (n == 2) {
        day <- rep(1, nrow(occ.data))
        occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(as.character(suppressWarnings(lubridate::as_date(
          paste(occ.data$year, occ.data$month, day, sep = "-"), "%Y-%m-%d", tz = NULL)))), ]

      if (n == 3) {

        occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(as.character(suppressWarnings(lubridate::as_date(
          with(occ.data, paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")), "%Y-%m-%d", tz = NULL)))), ]

      message("any records with invalid dates excluded")

  # If user wants to use CoordinateCleaner, function requires "species" column. This creates one!
  if (coordclean) {

    report <- CoordinateCleaner::clean_coordinates(occ.data,
                                                   lon = "x",
                                                   lat = "y",
                                                   species = "coordclean.species_col",
                                                   value = "flagged",
                                                   outliers_mtp = NULL,

    if (coordclean.handle == "exclude") {
      occ.data <- occ.data[report,]


    if (coordclean.handle == "report") {
      occ.data$CC_REPORT <- report
  occ.data <- occ.data[, -which(names(occ.data) %in% c("coordclean.species_col"))]

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dynamicSDM documentation built on June 28, 2024, 5:08 p.m.