
Defines functions spatiotemp_extent

Documented in spatiotemp_extent

#'Filter species occurrence records by a given spatial and temporal extent.
#'Function excludes species occurrence records with co-ordinates outside a given spatial extent and
#'record dates outside a given temporal extent.
#'@param occ.data a data frame, with columns for occurrence record co-ordinates and dates with
#'  column names as follows; record longitude as "x", latitude as "y", year as "year", month as
#'  "month", and day as "day".
#'@param temporal.ext optional; a character vector, two dates in format "YYYY-MM-DD". First date
#'  represents start of temporal extent and second date represents end of temporal extent for
#'  inclusion.
#'@param spatial.ext the spatial extent to filter by. Object from which extent
#'  can be extracted of class `SpatExtent`, `SpatRaster`, `sf` polygon or
#'  numeric vector listing xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax in order.
#'@param prj a character string, the coordinate reference system of input `occ.data` co-ordinates.
#'  Default is "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84".
#' # Spatial extent
#'If `spatial.ext` is provided, `spatiotemp_extent()` checks whether species occurrence record
#'co-ordinates are within the given spatial extent of the study (`spatial.ext`) and excludes any
#'outside of this extent.
#'If `spatial.ext` object can be used as a mask by `terra::mask()` then the mask is used to filter
#'records in a more targeted way. If not, then the rectangular extent of the `spatial.ext` object
#'is used.
#'# Temporal extent
#'If `temporal.ext` is provided, `spatiotemp_extent()` checks whether species
#'occurrence record dates are within the given temporal extent of the study and excludes any outside
#'of this extent.
#'@return Returns data frame of occurrence records filtered to the spatial and temporal extent
#'  given.
#' @examples
#'results <- spatiotemp_extent(occ.data = sample_filt_data,
#'                             spatial.ext = sample_extent_data,
#'                             temporal.ext = c("2012-01-01", "2017-01-01"))

spatiotemp_extent <- function(occ.data,
                              prj="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") {

  # Check formatting of temporal.ext

  if (!missing(temporal.ext)) {
    if (!is.character(temporal.ext)) {
      stop("temporal.ext must be character vector of length 2")

    if (!length(temporal.ext) == 2) {
      stop("two dates must be provided for temporal extent")

    # Check validity of temporal.ext dates
      dates <- as.Date(temporal.ext)}, error = function(e) {
        stop("Invalid dates provided in temporal.ext. Ensure format YYYY-MM-DD")

    if (any(is.na(dates))) {
      stop("Invalid date given in temporal.ext. Ensure format YYYY-MM-DD")

    firstdate <- as.Date(temporal.ext)[1]
    seconddate <- as.Date(temporal.ext)[2]

    if (firstdate - seconddate > 0) {
      stop("First date in temporal.ext must be earlier than second date given")

    # To speed up crop by years first

    occ.data <- occ.data[occ.data$year >= lubridate::year(firstdate) &
                           occ.data$year <= lubridate::year(seconddate), ]

    # Now finer temporal extent cropping
    # Create date object from occurrence data frame year, month and day columns
    occdates <- as.Date(with(occ.data, paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")), "%Y-%m-%d")

    if (any(is.na(as.character(lubridate::as_date(occdates))))) {
      warning("occ.data contains invalid date. NAs may be present in output.")

    # Subset occurrence record dataframe to records within specified temporal extent
    occ.data <- occ.data[occdates >= firstdate & occdates <= seconddate, ]

  if (!missing(spatial.ext)) {

    if (any(class(spatial.ext) == "numeric") && length(spatial.ext) == 4) {
      spatial.ext <- terra::ext(spatial.ext)

    # Create spatial points dataframe from occurrence records

    points <-  terra::vect(occ.data[, c("x", "y")],
                           geom = c("x", "y"),
                           crs = prj)

    r <- spatial.ext

    # Convert sf object to Spatial object that can be tranformed into raster
    if("sf" %in% class(spatial.ext)){
      spatial.ext <- terra::vect(spatial.ext)

    # Convert polygon object to Extent object that can be transformed into raster
    if ("Polygon" %in% class(spatial.ext)) {
      stop("Please provide sf polygon as spatial.ext object.")

    if("RasterLayer" %in% class(spatial.ext)){
      spatial.ext <- terra::rast(spatial.ext)

    if (inherits(spatial.ext, "XY")) {
      spatial.ext <- spatial.ext %>%
        sf::st_sfc(crs = prj)
      spatial.ext <- sf::st_set_crs(spatial.ext, prj)

    if(inherits(spatial.ext, "sfc_POLYGON")){
      spatial.ext <- terra::vect(spatial.ext)
      r <- terra::ext(spatial.ext)

    if(inherits(spatial.ext, "sfc_MULTIPOLYGON")){
      spatial.ext <- terra::vect(spatial.ext)
      r <- terra::ext(spatial.ext)

    # Convert spatial.ext to raster in same projection
    r <- terra::rast(r)
    terra::crs(r) <- prj
    terra::res(r) <- 0.05# High resolution for precise clipping
    r <- terra::setValues(r, values = 1:terra::ncell(r)) # Set fake raster values - not important

    # Mask to original spatial.ext, if fails keep original. Depending on spatial.ext type.
      r <- terra::mask(r, spatial.ext)
    }, error = function(error_message) {
      r <- r
      message("spatial.ext could not be used as a mask.")})

    # Remove points that return NA as these do not overlap the spatial extent
    occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(terra::extract(r, points, ID = FALSE)),]



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dynamicSDM documentation built on June 28, 2024, 5:08 p.m.