Man pages for eco
Ecological Inference in 2x2 Tables

censusBlack Illiteracy Rates in 1910 US Census
ecoFitting the Parametric Bayesian Model of Ecological Inference...
ecoBDCalculating the Bounds for Ecological Inference in RxC Tables
ecoMLFitting Parametric Models and Quantifying Missing Information...
ecoNPFitting the Nonparametric Bayesian Models of Ecological...
forgnlit30Foreign-born literacy in 1930
forgnlit30cForeign-born literacy in 1930, County Level
housep88Electoral Results for the House and Presidential Races in...
predict.ecoOut-of-Sample Posterior Prediction under the Parametric...
predict.ecoNPOut-of-Sample Posterior Prediction under the Nonparametric...
predict.ecoNPXOut-of-Sample Posterior Prediction under the Nonparametric...
predict.ecoXOut-of-Sample Posterior Prediction under the Parametric...
print.summary.ecoPrint the Summary of the Results for the Bayesian Parametric...
print.summary.ecoMLPrint the Summary of the Results for the Maximum Likelihood...
print.summary.ecoNPPrint the Summary of the Results for the Bayesian...
QfunFitting the Parametric Bayesian Model of Ecological Inference...
regVoter Registration in US Southern States
summary.ecoSummarizing the Results for the Bayesian Parametric Model for...
summary.ecoMLSummarizing the Results for the Maximum Likelihood Parametric...
summary.ecoNPSummarizing the Results for the Bayesian Nonparametric Model...
varcovCalculate the variance or covariance of the object
wallaceBlack voting rates for Wallace for President, 1968
eco documentation built on Nov. 4, 2022, 1:07 a.m.