forgnlit30: Foreign-born literacy in 1930

forgnlit30R Documentation

Foreign-born literacy in 1930


This data set contains, on a state level, the proportion of white residents ten years and older who are foreign born, and the proportion of those residents who are literate. Data come from the 1930 census and were first analyzed by Robinson (1950).


A data frame containing 5 variables and 48 observations

X numeric proportion of the white population at least 10 years of age that is foreign born
Y numeric proportion of the white population at least 10 years of age that is illiterate
W1 numeric proportion of the foreign-born white population at least 10 years of age that is illiterate
W2 numeric proportion of the native-born white population at least 10 years of age that is illiterate
ICPSR numeric the ICPSR state code


Robinson, W.S. (1950). “Ecological Correlations and the Behavior of Individuals.” American Sociological Review, vol. 15, pp.351-357.

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