
## Soetaert and Herman (2008)                ##
## A practical guide to ecological modelling ##
## Chapter 7.                                ##
## Stability and steady-state                ##
## Chapter 7.9.4. Project                    ##
## Predator-prey system with type II         ##
## functional response                       ##


# Stability properties of model with density dependent growth of prey
# and holling type II functional response of grazing

# parameters
r     <- 3      # prey rate of increase        
K     <- 10     # prey carrying capacity
ks    <- 2      # half-saturation constant
e     <- 0.5    # growth efficiency of predator
m     <- 0.2    # predator mortality rate
In    <- 0.6    # ingestion rate predator

# rate of change 
 with (as.list(State),{
 dN <- r*Prey*(1-Prey/K)-In*Prey/(Prey+ks)*Predator
 dP <- e*In*Prey/(Prey+ks)*Predator - m*Predator

 list(c(dN  , dP  ))     # the rate of change

# isoclines and roots
isocline <- function()

# prey isocline is a curve
 curve  (r/In*(1-x/K)*(x+ks), from=0, to= K,lwd=3,   # 1st isocline

# predator isocline is a vertical line
 Neq    <- m*ks/(In*e-m)        
 if (Neq < 0 | is.infinite(Neq)) {warnings("Model has no solution");return}
 abline (v=Neq,lwd=3,lty=2)                # 2nd isocline
# legend("topright",legend=paste("r=",In))

# first equilibrium point : (0,0)
# then intersection between predator isocline and X-axis, 
# and intersection between predator and prey isocline
 roots <- matrix(ncol=2,byrow=TRUE,data=
          c(0  ,0,
            K  ,0,
            Neq, r/In*(1-Neq/K)*(Neq+ks)))
 colnames(roots) <- c("Prey","Predator")

# end isocline

# the stability properties of the equilibrium points

stability <- function (roots)
 small    <- 1e-8
 # Jacobian matrix, and eigenvalues
 eig    <- NULL
 for (i in 1:nrow(roots))
  equi <- roots[i,]
  Jacob <- jacobian.full(y=equi,func=model)

 # eigenvalues
  ei   <- eigen(Jacob)$values
  eig <- rbind(eig,ei)

 # white:unstable node, black:stable node, grey:saddle
  ifelse (is.complex(ei), pch<-21, pch<-22)
  ei <- Re(ei)
  if (sign(ei[1])>0 & sign(ei[2])>=0) pcol <- "white"
  if (sign(ei[1])<0 & sign(ei[2])<=0) pcol <- "black"
  if (sign(ei[1])   * sign(ei[2])<0 ) pcol <- "grey"
 # equilibrium point plotting

  points (equi[1],equi[2],cex=2,pch=pch,bg=pcol,col="black")

 return(list(equilibrium=roots,eigenvalues=eig) )
}   # end stability

# model trajectories

trajectory <- function(N,P)
times  <-seq(0,100,0.1)
state  <-c(Prey = N, Predator = P)
out    <,times,model,0))

lines (out$Prey,out$Predator,type="l")


# model applications

In     <- 0.55    # ingestion rate predator
xlim   <- c(0,K)
ylim   <- c(0,25)
isocline( ) 
trajectory (6,10)
trajectory (10,15)
trajectory (4,5)
trajectory (2,20)
title("stable equilibrium")

In     <- 0.45    # ingestion rate predator
ylim   <- c(0,30)
xlim   <- c(0,20)
isocline( ) 
trajectory (6,5)
trajectory (10,25)
trajectory (20,20)

title("stable equilibrium")

In     <- 0.8    # ingestion rate predator
ylim   <- c(0,20)
xlim   <- c(0,K)
isocline( ) 
trajectory (6,8)
trajectory (10,5)
trajectory (1,1)
trajectory (2.1,12.1)
title("stable limit cycle")

mtext(3,text="Predator-Prey, Monod grazing",line=-1,outer=TRUE,cex=1.2)

      legend=c("stable","unstable","neutral","constant prey","constant predator"))

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