
Defines functions projections

Documented in projections

#' Projections of a Country-Product Network
#' @description \code{projections()} computes two graphs that are particularly
#' useful to visualize product-product and country-country similarity.
#' @details The current implementation follows
#' \insertCite{atlas2014}{economiccomplexity} to create simplified graphs
#' that correspond to a simplification of the proximity matrices. The result is
#' obtained by iterating and reducing links until the desired average number of
#' links per node is obtained, or a spaning tree after the strongest links is
#' returned when is not possible to return the desired network.
#' @return A list of two graphs.
#' @param proximity_country (Type: dgCMatrix) the output from
#' \code{proximity()}) or an equivalent arrangement.
#' @param proximity_product (Type: dgCMatrix) the output from
#' \code{proximity()}) or an equivalent arrangement.
#' @param avg_links average number of connections for the projections.
#' By default this is set to \code{5}.
#' @param tolerance tolerance for proximity variation on each iteration until
#' obtaining the desired average number of connections.
#' By default this is set to \code{0.05}.
#' @param compute (Type: character) the proximity to compute. By default this is
#' \code{"both"} (both projections) but it can also be \code{"country"}
#' or \code{"product"}.
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_adjacency_matrix mst
#' degree delete.edges graph.difference graph.union remove.edge.attribute E E<-
#' @examples
#' net <- projections(
#'   economiccomplexity_output$proximity$proximity_country,
#'   economiccomplexity_output$proximity$proximity_product,
#'   avg_links = 10,
#'   tolerance = 0.1
#' )
#' # partial view of projections
#' igraph::E(net$network_country)[1:5]
#' igraph::E(net$network_product)[1:5]
#' @references
#' For more information see:
#' \insertRef{atlas2014}{economiccomplexity}
#' and the references therein.
#' @keywords functions
#' @export

projections <- function(proximity_country, proximity_product,
                        avg_links = 5, tolerance = 0.05, compute = "both") {
  # sanity checks ----
  if (!(any(class(proximity_country) %in% "dsCMatrix") == TRUE) |
    !(any(class(proximity_product) %in% "dsCMatrix") == TRUE)) {
    stop("'proximity_country' and 'proximity_product' must be dsCMatrix")

  if (!is.numeric(avg_links)) {
    stop("'avg_links' must be numeric")

  if (!any(compute %in% c("both", "country", "product"))) {
    stop("'compute' must be 'both', 'country' or 'product'")

  if (compute == "both") {
    compute2 <- c("country", "product")
  } else {
    compute2 <- compute

  trim_network <- function(proximity_mat, proximity_avg) {
    proximity_mat <- (-1) * proximity_mat

    g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(proximity_mat, weighted = TRUE, mode = "undirected", diag = FALSE)

    g_mst <- mst(g, algorithm = "prim")

    threshold <- 0
    avg_links_n <- FALSE

    while (avg_links_n == FALSE) {
      if (threshold < 1) {
        message(sprintf("%s threshold...", threshold))

        g_not_in_mst <- delete.edges(g, which(abs(E(g)$weight) <= threshold))
        g_not_in_mst <- graph.difference(g_not_in_mst, g_mst)

        g <- graph.union(g_mst, g_not_in_mst)
        E(g)$weight <- pmin(E(g)$weight_1, E(g)$weight_2, na.rm = T)
        g <- remove.edge.attribute(g, "weight_1")
        g <- remove.edge.attribute(g, "weight_2")

        avg_links_n <- ifelse(mean(degree(g)) <= avg_links, TRUE, FALSE)
        threshold <- threshold + tolerance

        if (avg_links_n == TRUE) {
          message(sprintf("%s threshold achieves the avg number of connections", threshold))
          E(g)$weight <- (-1) * E(g)$weight
      } else {
        warning("no threshold achieves the avg number of connections\nreturning maximum spanning tree")
        avg_links_n <- TRUE
        E(g_mst)$weight <- (-1) * E(g_mst)$weight

  if (any("country" %in% compute2) == TRUE) {
    message("computing country projection...")
    message(rep("-", 50))
    xg <- trim_network(proximity_country, avg_links)
  } else {
    xg <- NULL

  if (any("product" %in% compute2) == TRUE) {
    message("computing product projection...")
    message(rep("-", 50))
    yg <- trim_network(proximity_product, avg_links)
  } else {
    yg <- NULL

      network_country = xg,
      network_product = yg

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economiccomplexity documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 1:09 a.m.