if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")
#' Calculate EI-Index of ego networks
#' The EI-Index is the division of the surplus count intra-group edges over inter-group edges,
#' divided by total count of all edges.
#' This implementation uses the intra-group and inter-group density instead
#' of edge counts, when `rescale` is set to `TRUE` (default). The EI-Index is calculated for
#' the whole network and for subgroups. Alternatively, the EI index can be employed as a measurement
#' for egos tendency to homo-/heterophily - use [egor::comp_ei()].
#' for that variant of the EI-Index.
#' @param object An \code{egor} object.
#' @param alt.attr \code{Character} naming grouping variable.
#' @param include.ego `Logical`. Include or exclude ego from EI calculation.
#' @param ego.attr `Character`, naming the ego variable corresponding to `ego.attr`. Defaults to `ego.attr`.
#' @param rescale `Logical`. If `TRUE`, the EI index calculation is re-scaled,
#' so that the EI is not distorted by differing group sizes.
#' @return Returns `tibble` with the following columns:
#' - ego ID (".egoID")
#' - network EI-Index ("ei")
#' - subgroup EI-Index values (named by value levels of `alt.attr`/`ego.attr`)
#' @details The
#' whole network EI is a metric indicating the tendency of a network to be
#' clustered by the categories of a given factor variable (`alt.attr`). The EI value of a
#' group describes the tendency of that group within a network to be connected
#' (if between 0 and 1) or not connected (if between -1 and 0)
#' to other groups. Differing group sizes can lead to a distortion of EI values
#' i.e. the ability of a big group A to form relationships to much smaller group B
#' is limited by the size of B. Even when all possible edges between A and B exist,
#' the EI value for group A might still be negative, classifying it as _homophile_.
#' The `re-scaled` EI-Index values provided by this implementation substitutes absolute
#' edge counts by inter- and intra-group edge densities in order to avoid the
#' distortion of the EI-Index values. These values express the extend of homo- or heterophily
#' of the network and its subgroups, _as made possible by subgroup sizes_.
#' @seealso [comp_ei()], for an ego level homophily measure.
#' @references Krackhardt, D., Stern, R.N., 1988. Informal networks and
#' organizational crises: an experimental simulation. Social Psychology
#' Quarterly 51 (2), 123-140.
#' @references Everett, M. G., & Borgatti, S. P. (2012). Categorical attribute
#' based centrality: E-I and G-F centrality. Social Networks, 34(4), 562-569.
#' @keywords ego-centered network
#' @keywords sna
#' @examples
#' data("egor32")
#' EI(egor32, "sex")
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom purrr map2
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom purrr map_dbl
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom tidyr replace_na
#' @importFrom tidyr complete
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
EI <- function(object,
include.ego = FALSE,
ego.attr = alt.attr,
rescale = TRUE) {
object_original <- object
ei <- function(e, i)
(e - i) / (e + i)
get_ei_tab <- function(object) {
object %>%
mutate(.alts = map(.alts, function(x)
select(x, .altID, fact = !!alt.attr_enquo))) %>%
mutate(ei_tab = map2(
.f = function(x, y) {
left_join(y, x, by = c(".srcID" = ".altID")) %>%
left_join(x, by = c(".tgtID" = ".altID")) %>%
mutate(homogen = fact.x == fact.y) %>%
mutate(homogen = factor(
levels = c("TRUE", "FALSE"),
labels = c("I", "E")
calc_grp_sizes <- function(x) {
x %>%
mutate(netsize = map_dbl(.alts, nrow)) %>%
mutate(grp_sizes = map(.alts, function(x) {
as_tibble(x) %>%
})) %>%
mutate(poss_ext = map2(netsize, grp_sizes, function(x, y) {
mutate(y, poss_ext = (x - n) * n)
})) %>%
mutate(poss_int = map(grp_sizes, function(x) {
mutate(x, poss_int = (n ^ 2 - n) / 2)
})) %>%
mutate(poss = map2(poss_ext, poss_int, function(x, y)
full_join(x, y, by = c("fact", "n"))))
calc_grp_ei_tab <- function(ei_tab, fact) {
ei_tab %>%
filter(fact.x == fact | fact.y == fact) %>%
count(homogen) %>%
complete(homogen) %>%
tidyr::replace_na(list(n = 0)) %>%
tidyr::spread(homogen, n)
alt.attr_enquo <- enquo(alt.attr)
object <-
purrr::map(object, ungroup)
if (include.ego) {
object$aatie <-
object$alter %>%
select(.srcID = .altID) %>%
mutate(.tgtID = NA) %>%
object$alter <-
object$ego[c(".egoID", ego.attr)] %>%
mutate(.altID = NA) %>%
class(object) <- c("egor", class(object))
object2 <- strip_ego_design(as_nested_egor(object))
obj <-
object2 %>%
as_tibble() %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(.alts, .aaties) %>%
get_ei_tab() %>%
calc_grp_sizes() %>%
mutate(grp_ei_tab = map2(ei_tab, grp_sizes, function(x, y) {
if (nrow(y) < 1 | nrow(x) < 1) {
if (is.factor(y$fact))
res <-
tibble(fact = factor(NA, levels = levels(y$fact)),
E = NA_integer_,
I = NA_integer_)
else if (is.numeric(y$fact))
res <-
tibble(fact = NA_integer_, E = NA_integer_, I = NA_integer_)
else if (is.character(y$fact))
res <-
tibble(fact = NA_character_, E = NA_integer_, I = NA_integer_)
else if (is.logical(y$fact))
res <-
tibble(fact = NA, E = NA_integer_, I = NA_integer_)
purrr::map(y$fact, function(z) {
calc_grp_ei_tab(x, z)
}) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
bind_cols(fact = y$fact)
})) %>%
mutate(grp_ei_tab = map2(grp_ei_tab, poss, function(x, y)
full_join(x, y, by = "fact")))
E <- igraph::E
a <- map_dfr(obj$grp_ei_tab, function(x)
x %>%
summarise_if(is.numeric, sum) %>%
ei = if(rescale) ei(E / poss_ext, I / poss_int) else ei(E, I)) %>%
b <- map_dfr(obj$grp_ei_tab, function(x) {
x %>%
mutate(ei = if(rescale) ei(E / poss_ext, I / poss_int) else ei(E, I)) %>%
select(fact, ei) %>%
tidyr::spread(fact, ei)
if(has_ego_design(object_original)) {
res <- bind_cols(.egoID = object$ego$variables$.egoID, ei = a, b)
} else {
res <- bind_cols(.egoID = object$ego$.egoID, ei = a, b)
return_results(object_original, res)
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