
Defines functions combine_data_check fh_combinations fh_fw_check1 fh_check

# This script contains the checks of arguments that have be done for the
# fh function.

# Function called in fh

fh_check <- function(fixed, vardir, combined_data, domains, method, interval, k,
                     mult_constant, transformation, backtransformation,
                     eff_smpsize, correlation, corMatrix, Ci, tol, maxit, MSE,
                     mse_type, B, seed) {
  if (is.null(fixed) || !inherits(fixed, "formula")) {
    stop("Fixed must be a formula object. See also help(fh).")
  if (!all(!is.na(combined_data[all.vars(fixed)[-1]]))) {
    stop(paste0("The auxiliary variables must not contain NAs."))
  if (is.null(vardir) || !(vardir %in% colnames(combined_data))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 paste0("The sampling variances variable ", vardir, " is not
                 contained in combined_data. Please provide valid variable name
                 for the sampling variances.")))
  if (is.null(combined_data) || !is.data.frame(combined_data)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "combined_data must be a data frame containing the direct
                 estimates, the sampling variances, the explanatory variables
                 and the domains. If the arcsin transformation in combination
                 with bootstrap mse is chosen, also eff_smpsize needs to be
                 included. See also help(fh)."))
  if (!is.null(domains) && (!is.character(domains) || length(domains) != 1 ||
    !(domains %in% colnames(combined_data)))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "domains must be a vector of length 1 and of class character
                 specifying the variable name of a numeric or factor variable
                 indicating domains in the combined_data dataframe. See also

  if (is.null(method) || !(method == "reml" || method == "amrl" ||
    method == "amrl_yl" || method == "ampl" ||
    method == "ampl_yl" || method == "ml" ||
    method == "me" || method == "reblup" ||
    method == "reblupbc")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "The nine options for method are ''reml'', ''amrl'',
                 ''amrl_yl'', ''ampl'', ''ampl_yl'', ''ml'', ''me'',''reblup''
                 or ''reblupbc''."))
  if (!is.null(interval) && (length(interval) != 2 ||
    !is.vector(interval, mode = "numeric") ||
    !(interval[1] < interval[2]))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "interval needs to be a numeric vector of length 2
                 defining a lower and upper limit for the estimation of the
                 variance of the random effect. The value of the lower limit
                 needs to be smaller than the upper limit. See also
  if (is.null(k) || !(is.numeric(k) && length(k) == 1)) {
    stop("k needs to be a single numeric value. See also help(fh).")
  if (is.null(mult_constant) || !(is.numeric(mult_constant) &&
    length(mult_constant) == 1)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "mult_constant needs to be a single numeric value. See also
  if (is.null(transformation) || !is.character(transformation) ||
    !(transformation == "arcsin" || transformation == "log" ||
      transformation == "logit" || transformation == "no")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "transformation must be a character. The four options are
                 ''no'', ''log'', ''arcsin'' or ''logit''."))
  if (!is.null(backtransformation) && !(backtransformation == "naive" ||
    backtransformation == "bc_crude" ||
    backtransformation == "bc_sm" ||
    backtransformation == "bc")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "The four options for backtransformation are ''bc_crude'',
                 ''bc_sm'', ''naive'' or ''bc''."))
  if (!is.null(eff_smpsize) && !(eff_smpsize %in% colnames(combined_data))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 paste0("The effective sample size variable ", eff_smpsize,
                 " is not contained in combined_data. Please provide valid
                 variable name for the effective sample size.")))
  if (is.null(correlation) || !(correlation == "no" ||
    correlation == "spatial")) {
    stop("The options for correlation are ''no'' or ''spatial''.")
  if (correlation == "spatial" &&
    (!(is.matrix(corMatrix) || is.data.frame(corMatrix)))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "corMatrix must be a data frame or matrix containing the
                 row-standardised proximity matrix. See also help(fh). A
                 description how a proximity matrix can be computed can be
                 found in the vignette."))
  if (correlation == "spatial" &&
    (dim(corMatrix)[1] != dim(corMatrix)[2])) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "The columns and rows of corMatrix must have the same lengths.
                 See also help(fh). A description how a proximity matrix can be
                 computed can be found in the vignette."))
  direct <- makeXY(fixed, combined_data)$y
  if (correlation == "spatial" &&
    (dim(corMatrix)[1] != length(direct))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "The columns and rows of corMatrix must have the same lengths
                 like the number of areas. If out-of-sample areas exist, the
                 columns and rows of corMatrix must have the same lengths like
                 the number of in-sample areas. See also help(fh). A description
                 how a proximity matrix can be computed can be found in the
  if (correlation == "spatial" && (all(corMatrix == 0))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "The elements of corMatrix are all equal to 0. No
                 neighbourhood structure can be identified. It is suggested to
                 apply a standard Fay-Herriot model."))
  estcoef <- makeXY(formula = fixed, data = combined_data)
  if (method == "me" && !is.null(Ci) &&
    (!(dim(Ci)[1] == dim(estcoef$x)[2]) ||
      !(dim(Ci)[2] == dim(estcoef$x)[2]) ||
      !(dim(Ci)[3] == dim(combined_data)[1]))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "Ci must be an array with dimension number of estimated
                 regression coefficients times number of estimated regression
                 coefficients times number of areas containing the
                 variance-covariance matrix of the explanatory variables for
                 each area. The areas should be sorted like in combined_data.
                 See also help(fh). For an example how to create the array
                 please refer to the Vignette."))
  if ((method == "me") && (!is.numeric(tol) || !(is.numeric(tol) &&
    length(tol) == 1))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "tol must be a single number determining the tolerance value
                 for the convergence of weights for the estimation of the
                 variance of the random effects and the beta coefficients.
                 See help(fh)."))
  if ((method == "me") && (!is.numeric(maxit) || !(is.numeric(maxit) &&
    length(maxit) == 1))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "maxit must be a single number determining the tolerance value
                 for the convergence of weights for the estimation of the
                 variance of the random effects and the beta coefficients.
                 See help(fh)."))
  if (!is.logical(MSE) || length(MSE) != 1) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "MSE must be a logical value. Set MSE to TRUE or FALSE. The
                 default is set to FALSE. See also help(fh)."))
  if (MSE == TRUE &&
    (is.null(mse_type) || !(length(mse_type) == 1 &&
      (mse_type == "analytical" || mse_type == "boot" ||
        mse_type == "pseudo" ||
        mse_type == "jackknife" ||
        mse_type == "weighted_jackknife" ||
        mse_type == "spatialnonparboot" ||
        mse_type == "spatialnonparbootbc" ||
        mse_type == "spatialparboot" ||
        mse_type == "spatialparbootbc")))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "The nine mse types are ''analytical'', ''boot'', ''pseudo'',
                 ''jackknife'', ''weighted_jackknife'', ''spatialnonparboot'',
                 ''spatialnonparbootbc'', ''spatialparboot'' or
  if (MSE == TRUE && (mse_type == "boot" || mse_type == "spatialparboot" ||
    mse_type == "spatialparbootbc" ||
    mse_type == "spatialnonparboot" ||
    mse_type == "spatialnonparbootbc") && is.null(B)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If MSE is set to TRUE and a bootstrap MSE estimation method
                 is chosen, the argument B is required and cannot be NULL. See
                 also help(fh)."))
  if (!(is.numeric(B) && (length(B) == 1 || length(B) == 2))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "B needs to be either a single number or a numeric vector of
                 length 2 defining the number of bootstrap iterations. The
                 first element defines the number of bootstrap iterations for
                 the MSE estimation. The second element determines the number
                 of bootstrap iterations for the information criteria by
                 Marhuenda et al. (2014). See also help(fh)."))
  if (MSE == TRUE && (mse_type == "boot" || mse_type == "spatialparboot" ||
    mse_type == "spatialparbootbc" ||
    mse_type == "spatialnonparboot" ||
    mse_type == "spatialnonparbootbc") && !(B[1] > 1)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If MSE is set to TRUE and a bootstrap MSE estimation method
                 is chosen, the number of bootstrap samples (B) needs to be
                 greater than 1. See also help(fh)."))
  if (!is.null(seed) && (!is.numeric(seed) ||
    !(is.numeric(seed) && length(seed) == 1))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "The seed must be a single value, interpreted as an integer,
                 or NULL See also help(fh)."))

# Functions called in notation (framework)
fh_fw_check1 <- function(fixed, vardir, combined_data, domains,
                         eff_smpsize = NULL, Ci = NULL) {
  if (!(domains %in% colnames(combined_data))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 paste0("The domain variable ", domains, " is not contained in
                 combined_data. Please provide valid variable name for
  if (!(vardir %in% colnames(combined_data))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 paste0("The sampling variances variable ", vardir, " is not
                        contained in combined_data. Please provide valid
                        variable name for vardir.")))
  if (!(eff_smpsize %in% colnames(combined_data))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 paste0("The effective sample size variable ", eff_smpsize, "
                        is not contained in combined_data. Please provide valid
                        variable name for eff_smpsize.")))
  if (!(as.character(lhs(fixed))) %in% colnames(combined_data)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 paste0("Variable ", as.character(lhs(fixed)), " is not
                        contained in combined_data. Please provide valid
                        variable name for the dependent variable.")))
  mod_vars <- all.vars(fixed)
  mod_vars <- mod_vars[mod_vars != as.character(fixed[2])]
  if (!all(mod_vars %in% colnames(combined_data))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 paste0("Variable ",
                        mod_vars[which(!(mod_vars %in%
                        " is not contained in combined_data. Please provide
                        valid variables names for the explanatory
  if (!is.numeric(combined_data[[paste(fixed[2])]])) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 paste0(as.character(fixed[2]), " must be the name of a
                        variable that is a numeric vector.")))

# Check all possible allowed combinations

fh_combinations <- function(fixed, vardir, combined_data, domains, method,
                            interval, k, mult_constant, transformation,
                            backtransformation, eff_smpsize, correlation,
                            corMatrix, Ci, tol, maxit, MSE, mse_type, B, seed) {
  if (is.null(transformation) || !is.character(transformation) ||
    !(transformation == "arcsin" || transformation == "log" ||
      transformation == "no" || transformation == "logit")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "transformation must be a character. The four options are
                 ''no'',''log'', ''arcsin'' or ''logit''."))
  if ((method == "reml" || method == "ml") && correlation == "no" &&
    transformation == "no" && MSE == TRUE && mse_type != "analytical") {
    # stop("For the ''reml'' and ''ml'' variance estimation methods without
    #     incorporating a correlation structure (correlation = ''no'') and
    #     without applying a transformation (transformation = ''no''), the
    #     mse_type must be set to ''analytical''. See also help(fh).")
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the ''reml'' and ''ml'' variance estimation methods
                 without incorporating a correlation structure
                 (correlation = ''no'') and without applying a transformation
                 (transformation = ''no''), the mse_type must be set to
                 ''analytical''. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((method == "amrl" || method == "ampl" || method == "amrl_yl" ||
    method == "ampl_yl") && MSE == TRUE && mse_type != "analytical") {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the adjusted variance estimation methods, the mse_type
                 must be set to ''analytical''. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((method == "amrl" || method == "ampl" || method == "amrl_yl" ||
    method == "ampl_yl") && transformation != "no") {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the adjusted variance estimation methods, it is not
                 possible to apply a transformation. Transformation must be
                 set to ''no''. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((method == "amrl" || method == "ampl" || method == "amrl_yl" ||
    method == "ampl_yl") && correlation != "no") {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the adjusted variance estimation methods, it is not
                 possible to incorporate a correlation structure. Correlation
                 must be set to ''no''. If correlation is set to ''spatial''
                 only ''reml'' and ''ml'' variance estimation methods are
                 allowed. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((method == "me") && (is.null(Ci) || is.null(tol) || is.null(maxit))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the measurement error model (method = ''me''), the
                 arguments Ci, tol and maxit are required and cannot be
                 ''NULL''. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((method == "me") && correlation != "no") {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the measurement error model (method = ''me''), it is not
                 possible to incorporate a correlation structure. Correlation
                 must be set to ''no''. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((method == "me") && transformation != "no") {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the measurement error model (method = ''me''), it is not
                 possible to apply a transformation. Transformation must be set
                 to ''no''. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((method == "me") && MSE == TRUE && mse_type != "jackknife") {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the measurement error model (method = ''me''), mse_type
                 must be set to ''jackknife''. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((method == "reblup" || method == "reblupbc") && MSE == TRUE &&
    !(mse_type == "boot" || mse_type == "pseudo")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the robust estimation methods
                 (method = ''reblup''/''reblupbc''), possible mse_types are
                 ''boot'' and ''pseudo''. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((method == "reblup" || method == "reblupbc") && transformation != "no") {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the robust estimation methods
                 (method = ''reblup''/''reblupbc''), it is not possible to
                 apply a transformation. Transformation must be set to ''no''.
                 See also help(fh)."))
  if ((method == "reblup" || method == "reblupbc") &&
    (is.null(k) || is.null(tol) || is.null(maxit))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the robust estimation methods
                 (method = ''reblup''/''reblupbc''), the arguments k, tol and
                 maxit are required and cannot be ''NULL''. See also
  if ((method == "reblupbc") && is.null(mult_constant)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the bias corrected robust estimation method
                 (method = ''reblupbc''), the argument mult_constant is
                 required and cannot be ''NULL''. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((correlation == "spatial") && (is.null(corMatrix) || is.null(tol) ||
    is.null(maxit))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If correlation is set to ''spatial'' the arguments corMatrix,
                 tol and maxit are required and cannot be ''NULL''. See also
  if ((correlation == "spatial") && (transformation != "no")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If correlation is set to ''spatial'', it is not possible to
                 apply a transformation. Transformation must be set to ''no''.
                 See also help(fh)."))
  if ((correlation == "spatial") && method == "reml" && MSE == TRUE &&
    !(mse_type == "analytical" || mse_type == "spatialparboot" ||
      mse_type == "spatialparbootbc" || mse_type == "spatialnonparboot" ||
      mse_type == "spatialnonparbootbc")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If correlation is set to ''spatial'' and ''reml'' variance
                 estimation method is chosen, possible mse_types are
                 ''analytical'', ''spatialparboot'', ''spatialparbootbc'',
                 ''spatialnonparboot'' and ''spatialnonparbootbc''. See also
  if ((correlation == "spatial") && method == "ml" && MSE == TRUE &&
    !(mse_type == "analytical" || mse_type == "spatialparboot" ||
      mse_type == "spatialparbootbc")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If correlation is set to ''spatial'' and ''ml'' variance
                 estimation method is chosen, possible mse_types are
                 ''analytical'', ''spatialparboot'' and ''spatialparbootbc''.
                 See also help(fh)."))
  if ((transformation != "no") && is.null(backtransformation)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If a transformation is chosen, the argument
                 backtransformation is required and cannot be NULL. See also
  if ((transformation == "log") && !(backtransformation == "bc_crude" ||
    backtransformation == "bc_sm")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If transformation is set to ''log'', possible
                 backtransformations are ''bc_crude'' and ''bc_sm''. See also
  if ((transformation == "log") && (MSE == TRUE) && mse_type != "analytical") {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If transformation is set to ''log'', the mse_type must be set
                 to ''analytical''. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((transformation != "no") && (backtransformation == "bc_sm") &&
    method != "ml") {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If backtransformation is set to ''bc_sm'', only ''ml''
                 variance estimation is possible. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((transformation == "arcsin") && is.null(eff_smpsize)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If transformation is set to ''arcsin'', the argument
                 eff_smpsize is required and cannot be NULL. See also
  if ((transformation == "arcsin" || transformation == "logit") &&
      !(backtransformation == "naive" || backtransformation == "bc")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 sprintf("If transformation is set to %s, possible
                 backtransformations are ''naive'' and ''bc''. See also
                 help(fh).", transformation)))
  if ((transformation == "arcsin") && (backtransformation == "naive") &&
    (MSE == TRUE) && !(mse_type == "boot" || mse_type == "jackknife" ||
    mse_type == "weighted_jackknife")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If transformation is set to ''arcsin'' and backtransformation
                 to ''naive'', the mse_type must be set to ''boot'',
                 ''jackknife'' or ''weighted_jackknife''. See also help(fh)."))
  if ((transformation == "arcsin") && (backtransformation == "bc") &&
    (MSE == TRUE) && !(mse_type == "boot")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If transformation is set to ''arcsin'' and backtransformation
                 to ''bc'', the mse_type must be set to ''boot''. See also
  if ((transformation == "logit") &&
      ((backtransformation == "bc") || (backtransformation == "naive")) &&
      (MSE == TRUE) && !(mse_type == "boot")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If transformation is set to ''logit'' and backtransformation
                 to ''bc'', the mse_type must be set to ''boot''. See also

# Check of arguments for the combine_data function.

combine_data_check <- function(pop_data, pop_domains, smp_data, smp_domains,
                               vardir) {
  if (!is.data.frame(pop_data)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "Pop_data must be a data frame containing population data.
                 See also help(combine_data)."))
  if (!is.character(pop_domains) || length(pop_domains) != 1) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "Pop_domains must be a vector of length 1 and of class
                 character specifying the variable name of a numeric or factor
                 variable indicating domains in the population data. See also
  if (!is.data.frame(smp_data)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "Smp_data must be a data frame containing sample data. See
                 also help(combine_data)."))
  if (!is.character(smp_domains) || length(smp_domains) != 1) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "Smp_domains must be a vector of length 1 and of class
                 character specifying the variable (name)  of a numeric or
                 factor variable indicating domains in the sample data. See
                 also help(combine_data)."))
  if (!is.character(vardir) || length(vardir) != 1) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "vardir must be a vector of length 1 and of class character
                 specifying the variable (name)  of a numeric or factor
                 variable indicating the direct variances in the sample data.
                 See also help(combine_data)."))
  if (!(pop_domains %in% colnames(pop_data))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 paste0("The domain variable ", pop_domains, " is not contained
                        in pop_data. Please provide valid variable name for
  if (!(smp_domains %in% colnames(smp_data))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 paste0("The domain variable ", smp_domains, " is not contained
                        in smp_data. Please provide valid variable name for
  if (!(vardir %in% colnames(smp_data))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 paste0("The variable ", vardir, " is not contained in
                        smp_data. Please provide valid variable name for the
                        direct variances.")))
  if (!all(unique(as.character(smp_data[[smp_domains]])) %in%
    unique(as.character(pop_data[[pop_domains]])))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "The sample data contains domains that are not contained in
                 the population data."))
  if (dim(pop_data)[1] < dim(smp_data)[1]) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "","
                 The population data set cannot have less observations than the
                 sample data set."))

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