
Defines functions TextGridToBundleAnnotDFs parse_TextGridDBI

## Parser for Praat TextGrid files
## parses directly to DBI tables (items, labels)
## @param emuDBhandle 
## @param textGridPath TextGrid file connection
## @param sampleRate sample rate of correponding signal file
## @param encoding text encoding (currently the only excepted is the default UTF-8)
## @param bundle name of bundle 
## @param session name of session
parse_TextGridDBI <- function(emuDBhandle, 
                              TextGridPath = NULL, 
                              encoding = "UTF-8", 
                              bundle = NULL, 
                              session = "0000") {
  # check arguments (TODO better checks for classes and the like...)
  if(is.null(TextGridPath)) {
    stop("Argument TextGridPath must not be NULL\n")
  if(sampleRate <=0 ){
    stop("Samplerate must be greater than zero\n")
  if(encoding != "UTF-8"){
    stop("The only encoding that is currently supported is UTF-8\n")
    stop("Argument bundle must not be NULL!\n")
    stop("Argument session must not be NULL!\n")
  itemCounterGlobal = 1
  itemCounterLevel = 1
  FILE_TYPE_KEY = "File type"
  OBJECT_CLASS_KEY = "Object class"
  TIERS_SIZE_KEY = "size"
  TIER_ITEM_KEY = "item"
  NAME_KEY = "name"
  INTERVALS_KEY = "intervals"
  POINTS_KEY = "points"
  XMIN_KEY = "xmin"
  XMAX_KEY = "xmax"
  TEXT_KEY = "text"
  TIME_KEY = "time"
  fileType = NULL
  objectClass = NULL
  hasTiers = FALSE
  tiersCount = NULL
  currentTier = NULL
  currentTierClass = NULL
  currentTierName = NULL
  currentTierSize = NULL
  # read TextGrid
  tg = try(readr::read_lines(TextGridPath))
  if(inherits(tg, "try-error")) {
    stop("read.TextGrid: cannot read from file ", TextGridPath)
  # remove all trailing/leading white spaces (for speed improvment)
  tg = gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", tg)
  for(line in tg){
    # check for fileType
      p = parse_lineToKeyValue(line,
                               doubleQuoted = TRUE, 
                               initialTrim = FALSE)
        if(p[1] == FILE_TYPE_KEY){
          fileType = p[2]
          # check if of correct type:
          if(fileType != FILE_TYPE_VAL_OO_TEXTFILE){
            stop("Can only parse TextGrids with the File type: ", 
                 ". Found following File type: ", 
      # check for objectClass
        p = parse_lineToKeyValue(line,
                                 doubleQuoted = TRUE, 
                                 initialTrim = FALSE)
          if(p[1] == OBJECT_CLASS_KEY){
            objectClass = p[2]
        # if we have both the file type and the object class        
        if((fileType == FILE_TYPE_VAL_OO_TEXTFILE) 
           && (objectClass == OBJECT_CLASS_VAL_TEXTGRID)){
            p = parse_lineToKeyValue(line, initialTrim = FALSE)
            if((!is.null(p)) && (p[1] == 'size')){
              tiersCount = p[2]
            ## if we have tiersCount tiers
            if(length(grep("^item",line)) == 1){
              tierIndexStr = sub('item\\s*','', line);
              tierIndexStr = sub('\\s*:$','', tierIndexStr);
              if(length(grep('\\[\\s*[0-9]+\\s*\\]', tierIndexStr)) == 1){
                tierIndexStr = sub('\\[\\s*', '', tierIndexStr);
                tierIndexStr = sub('\\s*\\]', '', tierIndexStr);
                tierIndex = tierIndexStr;
                # reset level/tier attributes
                itemCounterLevel = 1
                currentTierClass = NULL;
                currentTierName = NULL;
                currentTierSize = NULL;
                currentSegment = NULL;
                currentSegmentIndex = NULL;
                currentSegmentStart = NULL;
                currentSegmentDur = NULL;
                currentSegmentLabel = NULL;
                currentMark = NULL;
                currentPointIndex = NULL;
                currentPointSample = NULL;
                currentPointLabel = NULL;
            }else {
              # check for currentTierClass
                                       doubleQuoted = TRUE, 
                                       initialTrim = FALSE)
                if((! is.null(p)) && ('class' == p[1])){
                  currentTierClass = p[2];
                  if(currentTierClass == TIER_CLASS_VAL_INTERVAL){
                  }else if(currentTierClass == TIER_CLASS_VAL_TEXT){
                    stop("TextGrid tiers of class \"",
                         "\" not supported!");
              # check for currentTierName
                p = parse_lineToKeyValue(line,
                                         doubleQuoted = TRUE, 
                                         initialTrim = FALSE)
                if((!is.null(p)) && ('name' == p[1])){
                  currentTierName = p[2]
              # if we have the currentTierClass
                if(currentTierClass == TIER_CLASS_VAL_INTERVAL){
                  # find size (and other properties)
                     && (length(grep('^intervals[[:space:]]*:.*',line)) == 1)){
                    intervalsPropertyStr = stringr::str_trim(sub('^intervals[[:space:]]*:', '', line))
                    intervalsProperty = parse_lineToKeyValue(intervalsPropertyStr, initialTrim = FALSE);
                       && (intervalsProperty[1] == 'size')){
                      currentTierSize = intervalsProperty[2]
                      #cat("intervals: size=",currentTierSize,"\n");
                  if(length(grep('intervals[[:space:]]*[[][[:space:]]*[0-9]+[[:space:]]*[]][[:space:]]*[:][[:space:]]*', line)) == 1){
                    segmentIndexStr = sub("intervals[[:space:]]*[[][[:space:]]*", "", line);
                    segmentIndexStr = sub("[[:space:]]*[]][[:space:]]*[:][[:space:]]*", "", segmentIndexStr);
                    currentElementIndex = segmentIndexStr;
                    currentSegmentIndex = segmentIndexStr;
                    currentSegmentStart = NULL;
                    currentSegmentEnd = NULL;
                    currentSegmentLabel = NULL;
                    p = parse_lineToKeyValue(line, 
                                             doubleQuoted = TRUE, 
                                             initialTrim = FALSE)
                    if((!is.null(p)) && (!is.null(currentSegmentIndex))){
                      if(p[1] == "xmin"){
                        minTimeStr = p[2]
                        minTime = as(minTimeStr, "numeric")
                        startSample = floor(minTime * sampleRate)
                        currentSegmentStart = startSample
                      }else if(p[1] == "xmax"){
                        maxTimeStr = p[2];
                        maxTime = as(maxTimeStr, "numeric")
                        currentSegmentEnd = floor(maxTime * sampleRate)
                      }else if(p[1] == "text"){
                        label = p[2];
                        currentSegmentLabel = label
                      if(!is.null(currentSegmentIndex) && 
                         !is.null(currentSegmentStart) &&
                         !is.null(currentSegmentEnd) &&
                        sampleDur = currentSegmentEnd - currentSegmentStart - 1
                        labels = list(list(name = currentTierName, value = currentSegmentLabel))
                        # item entry:
                        DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO items VALUES (",
                                                                      " '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "', ",
                                                                      " '", session, "', ",
                                                                      " '", bundle, "', ",
                                                                      " '", itemCounterGlobal, "', ",
                                                                      " '", currentTierName, "', ",
                                                                      " '", "SEGMENT", "', ", 
                                                                      itemCounterLevel, ", ", 
                                                                      sampleRate, ", ", 
                                                                      "NULL", ", ", 
                                                                      currentSegmentStart, ", ", 
                                                                      sampleDur, ")"))
                        # label entry:
                        DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO labels VALUES","(", 
                                                                      " '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "', ",
                                                                      " '", session, "', ",
                                                                      " '", bundle, "',", 
                                                                      itemCounterGlobal, ", ", 
                                                                      0,", ",
                                                                      " '", currentTierName, "', ",
                                                                      " '", gsub("'","''", currentSegmentLabel), "')"))
                        # links entry:
                        # no link entry because TextGrids don't have hierarchical infos
                        # increase counters
                        itemCounterGlobal = itemCounterGlobal + 1
                        itemCounterLevel = itemCounterLevel + 1
                        currentSegment = NULL;
                        currentSegmentIndex = NULL;
                        currentSegmentStart = NULL;
                        currentSegmentDur = NULL;
                }else if(currentTierClass == TIER_CLASS_VAL_TEXT){
                  # find size (and other properties)
                  if((is.null(currentTierSize)) && (length(grep('^points[[:space:]]*[:].*', line)) == 1)){
                    intervalsPropertyStr = stringr::str_trim(sub('^points[[:space:]]*[:]', '', line))
                    intervalsProperty = parse_lineToKeyValue(intervalsPropertyStr, initialTrim = FALSE);
                    if((!is.null(intervalsProperty)) && (intervalsProperty[1] == 'size')){
                      currentTierSize = intervalsProperty[2]
                  if(length(grep("points[[:space:]]*[[][[:space:]]*[0-9]+[[:space:]]*[]][[:space:]]*[:][[:space:]]*", line)) == 1){
                    pointIndexStr = sub("points[[:space:]]*[[][[:space:]]*", "", line);
                    pointIndexStr = sub("[[:space:]]*[]][[:space:]]*[:][[:space:]]*", "", pointIndexStr);
                    currentPointIndex = as.integer(pointIndexStr)
                    currentElementIndex = currentPointIndex
                    currentPointLabel = NULL;
                    currentPointSample = NULL;
                    #cat("inside point: \n")
                    p = parse_lineToKeyValue(line, 
                                             doubleQuoted = TRUE, 
                                             initialTrim = FALSE)
                    if((!is.null(p)) && (!is.null(currentPointIndex))){
                      if(p[1] == "time" || p[1] == "number"){
                        timePointStr = p[2];
                        timePoint = as(timePointStr, "numeric")
                        samplePoint = floor(timePoint * sampleRate)
                        currentPointSample = samplePoint
                      }else if(p[1] == "mark"){
                        currentPointLabel = p[2]
                      }else if(p[1] == "text"){
                        currentPointLabel = p[2]
                    if(!is.null(currentPointIndex) && 
                       !is.null(currentPointSample) &&
                      labels = list(list(name = currentTierName,
                                         value = currentPointLabel))
                      # item entry
                      itemId = paste0(emuDBhandle$dbName, '_', session, '_', bundle, '_', itemCounterGlobal)
                      DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO items VALUES"," (", 
                                                                    " '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "', ",
                                                                    " '", session, "', ",
                                                                    " '", bundle, "', ",
                                                                    itemCounterGlobal, ", ",
                                                                    " '", currentTierName,"', ",
                                                                    " '", "EVENT", "', ", 
                                                                    itemCounterLevel, ", ", 
                                                                    sampleRate, ", ", 
                                                                    currentPointSample, ", ", 
                                                                    "NULL", ", ", 
                                                                    "NULL", ")"))
                      # label entry:
                      DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO labels VALUES","(", 
                                                                    " '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "', ",
                                                                    " '", session, "', ",
                                                                    " '", bundle, "', ", 
                                                                    itemCounterGlobal, ", ", 
                                                                    0,", ", 
                                                                    " '", currentTierName, "', ",
                                                                    " '", gsub("'","''", currentPointLabel), "')"))              
                      # links entry:
                      # no link entry because TextGrids don't have hierarchical infos
                      # increase counters
                      itemCounterGlobal = itemCounterGlobal + 1
                      itemCounterLevel = itemCounterLevel + 1
                      currentPointIndex = NULL;
                      currentPointLabel = NULL;
                      currentPointSample = NULL;

TextGridToBundleAnnotDFs <- function(tgPath, 
  FILE_TYPE_KEY = "File type"
  OBJECT_CLASS_KEY = "Object class"
  #tgChar = enc2utf8(readChar(tgPath, file.info(tgPath)$size)) # wrapped in enc2utf8 as readChar respects the system default (windows iso 88591)
  tgChar = readr::read_file(tgPath)
  lines = unlist(strsplit(tgChar, "\n"))
  if(!grepl(paste0("^", FILE_TYPE_KEY), lines[1]) & !grepl(paste0("^", OBJECT_CLASS_KEY), lines[2])){
    stop("First two lines of TextGrid file do not match: ", 
         "; and: ", 
         ". Only UTF-8 long form TextGrids are currently supported. Problem file is: ", 
  # estimate how many items are in TextGrid for preallocation
  nrOfItems = length(grep("^\\s*(text|mark)\\s*=", lines))
  # init data frames and preallocate enough rows
  items = data.frame(item_id = integer(nrOfItems), 
                     level = character(nrOfItems),
                     type = character(nrOfItems),
                     seq_idx = integer(nrOfItems),
                     sample_rate = numeric(nrOfItems),
                     sample_point = integer(nrOfItems),
                     sample_start = integer(nrOfItems),
                     sample_dur = integer(nrOfItems),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  labels = data.frame(item_id = integer(nrOfItems),
                      label_idx = integer(nrOfItems),
                      name = character(nrOfItems),
                      label = character(nrOfItems),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # split at "...items [1]..." type lines
  tiers = unlist(strsplit(tgChar, ".*item\\s\\[[0-9]+\\].*\n", perl = TRUE))
  header = tiers[1] # extract header
  tiers = tiers[-1]
  maxItemID = 1
  # iterate through tiers
  for(i in 1:length(tiers)){
    curTier = tiers[i]
    tierLines = unlist(strsplit(curTier, "\n"))
    tierHeaderEndIdx = grep("[intervals|points]:\\s*size", tierLines, perl = TRUE)
    if(length(tierHeaderEndIdx) == 0){
      stop("Couldn't find a match for [intervals|points]:\\s*size in ", 
           "!!! The first few lines of the current tier are (might help spot the error...): \n", 
    tierHeader = tierLines[1:tierHeaderEndIdx]
    tierLines = tierLines[-1:(-1*tierHeaderEndIdx)]
    if(grepl("IntervalTier", tierHeader[1])){
      levelName = sub('\\"\\s*$', "", 
                          tierHeader[grepl("^\\s*name\\s*=", tierHeader)], 
                          perl = TRUE), 
                      perl = TRUE)
      xminTimes = as.numeric(sub("^\\s*xmin\\s*=\\s*", 
                                 tierLines[grepl("^\\s*xmin\\s*=", tierLines)], 
                                 perl = TRUE)) # as.numeric seems to be able to deal with trailing blanks
      xmaxTimes = as.numeric(sub("^\\s*xmax\\s*=\\s*", 
                                 tierLines[grepl("^\\s*xmax\\s*=", tierLines)], 
                                 perl = TRUE)) # as.numeric seems to be able to deal with trailing blanks
      texts = sub('\\"\\s*$', 
                      tierLines[grepl("^\\s*text\\s*=", tierLines)]), 
                  perl = TRUE)
      # check if any items where found
      if(length(xminTimes) != 0){
        # calculate times 
        startSamples = floor(xminTimes * sampleRate)
        endSamples = floor(xmaxTimes * sampleRate)
        sampleDurs = endSamples - startSamples - 1
        # insert in data frames  
        items[maxItemID:(maxItemID + length(xminTimes) - 1), ]  = data.frame(item_id = maxItemID:(maxItemID + length(xminTimes) - 1), 
                                                                             level = rep(levelName, length(xminTimes)),
                                                                             type = rep("SEGMENT", length(xminTimes)),
                                                                             seq_idx = 1:length(xminTimes),
                                                                             sample_rate = rep(sampleRate, length(xminTimes)),
                                                                             sample_point = NA,
                                                                             sample_start = startSamples,
                                                                             sample_dur = sampleDurs,
                                                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        labels[maxItemID:(maxItemID + length(xminTimes) - 1), ] = data.frame(item_id = maxItemID:(maxItemID + length(xminTimes) - 1),
                                                                             label_idx = rep(1, length(xminTimes)),
                                                                             name = rep(levelName, length(xminTimes)),
                                                                             label = texts,
                                                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        maxItemID = max(items$item_id) + 1
    }else if(grepl("TextTier", tierHeader[1])){
      levelName = sub('\\"\\s*$', 
                          tierHeader[grepl("^\\s*name\\s*=", tierHeader)], 
                          perl = TRUE), 
                      perl = TRUE)
      pointsTimes = as.numeric(sub("^\\s*\\w+\\s*=\\s*", 
                                   tierLines[grepl("^\\s*number|time\\s*=", tierLines)], 
                                   perl = TRUE)) # as.numeric seems to be able to deal with trailing blanks
      marks = sub('\\"\\s*$', 
                      tierLines[grepl("^\\s*mark\\s*=", tierLines)]), 
                  perl = TRUE)
      # check if any items where found
      if(length(pointsTimes) != 0){
        # calculate times 
        samplePoints = floor(pointsTimes * sampleRate)
        # create data frames
        items[maxItemID:(maxItemID + length(samplePoints) - 1), ] = data.frame(item_id = maxItemID:(maxItemID + length(pointsTimes) - 1), 
                                                                               level = rep(levelName, length(pointsTimes)),
                                                                               type = rep("EVENT", length(pointsTimes)),
                                                                               seq_idx = 1:length(pointsTimes),
                                                                               sample_rate = rep(sampleRate, length(pointsTimes)),
                                                                               sample_point = samplePoints,
                                                                               sample_start = NA,
                                                                               sample_dur = NA,
                                                                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        labels[maxItemID:(maxItemID + length(samplePoints) - 1), ] = data.frame(items_id = maxItemID:(maxItemID + length(pointsTimes) - 1),
                                                                                label_idx = rep(1, length(pointsTimes)),
                                                                                name = rep(levelName, length(pointsTimes)),
                                                                                label = marks,
                                                                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        maxItemID = max(items$item_id) + 1
      stop("Found Tier that does not have a class definition 'IntervalTier' or 'TextTier'.",
           " This probably means it is a mal formated TextGrid file. Problem file is: ", tgPath)
  links = data.frame(bundle = character(), 
                     from_id = integer(), 
                     to_id = integer(), 
                     label = character(), 
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  return(list(name = name, 
              annotates = annotates, 
              sampleRate = sampleRate, 
              items = items, 
              links = links, 
              labels = labels))

# library('testthat')
# test_file('tests/testthat/test_aaa_initData.R')
# test_file('tests/testthat/test_emuR-parse_TextGrid.R')
# tgPath = "~/Desktop/emuR_demoData/TextGrid_collection/msajc003.TextGrid"

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emuR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:33 a.m.