
##' Write out ESPS-style label files
##' Writes out separate ESPS-label files for each utterance to a specified
##' directory.
##' @param vectimes a vector of times
##' @param uttname a character vector of the same length as vectimes giving the
##' utterance name associated with each element of vectimes
##' @param dir a character specifying the directory
##' @param extn a character specifying the extension of the resulting files.
##' Defaults to xlab
##' @param labels either a single character vector or a character vector the
##' same length as vectimes.  Defaults to "T"
##' @return ESPS-style label files are written out to the directory of the
##' user's choice. One ESPS-label file is created for each utterance containing
##' all time values for that utterance.
##' @author Jonathan Harrington
##' @keywords IO
##' @examples
##'    #first two segments (for the whole example) of segmentlist vowlax 
##'    vowlax[1:2,]
##'    #format track of vowlax
##'    vowlax.fdat[1:2,]
##'    #Formant values of the midpoint of the segment
##'    vowlax.fdat.5 = dcut(vowlax.fdat,0.5,prop=TRUE)
##'    #the time marks of the midpoint of the segment
##'    times = vowlax.fdat.5[1:2,1]
##'    times
##'    #utterance names to the segments
##'    utts = utt(vowlax[1:2,])
##'    utts 
##'    #the path to save the label files to "." is the RHOME Directory
##'    path = "."
##'    #write the label files to path
##'    \dontrun{makelab(times, utts, path, labels="T")}
##'    #the first two segments are from the same utterance,
##'    #thus one label file was created in the R_HOME directory
##' @export makelab
"makelab" <- function(vectimes,  uttname, dir, extn="xlab", labels=NULL)
  # Function to write out ESPS label files
  # One label file is written per element in uttname
  # The resulting file is uttname.extn
  # and it is written to the directory given by dir.
  # vectimes:  a vector of times
  # uttname: a character vector of the same length as vectimes
  # giving the utterance name associated with each
  # element of vectimes
  # dir: a character specifying the directory
  # extn: a character specifying the extension of the
  # resulting files. Defaults to xlab
  # labels:  if missing, each label written out
  # has the label "x". Otherwise it can be a single
  # element character vector such as "T" (each label
  # then has the label "T") or else a vector of
  # the same length as vectimes. 
  # Example:
  # s.vk <- emu.query("epg-demo", "*", "[Phoneme!=x -> Phoneme=k]")
  # l.vk <- label(s.vk)
  # e.vk <- emu.track(s.vk, "epg")
  # e.dp <- dp(e.vk)
  # maxzeit <- dmax(e.dp)
  # labelfile(maxzeit[,1], utt(s.vk), "c:/d/test", "T")
    labels <- rep("x", length(vectimes))
    labels <- rep(labels, length(vectimes))
  ufun <- function(vectimes, uttname, labels, extn, dir)
    a1 <- paste("signal", uttname)
    a2 <- "nfields 1"
    a3 <- "#"
    omat <- cbind(vectimes/1000, rep(125, length(vectimes)), 
    psort <- sort.list(vectimes/1000)
    omat <- omat[psort,]
    dirloc <- paste(paste(dir, uttname, sep="/"), extn, sep=".")
    write(t(a1), dirloc)
    write(t(a2), dirloc, append=TRUE)
    write(t(a3), dirloc, append=TRUE)
    write(t(omat), dirloc, ncolumns=3, append=TRUE)
  for(j in unique(uttname)){
    temp <- uttname==j
    ufun(vectimes[temp], j, labels[temp], extn, dir)

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emuR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:33 a.m.