
Defines functions fileStatus

# fileStatus: check if file has been modified since last commit

fileStatus <- function(repo, testPath) {
  testStatus <- NULL
  # need to get top level path for repo
  # try S4 call first, then S3
  repoPath <- ifelse(isS4(repo),
    try(repo@path, silent = TRUE),
    try(repo$path, silent = TRUE))
  if(class(repoPath) == "try-error") {
  repoRoot <- sub("/\\.git/*", "", repoPath,  fixed = FALSE)
  statusVals <- unlist(git2r::status(repo))
  hasStatus <-  normalizePath(testPath, mustWork = FALSE) == 
    normalizePath(paste(repoRoot, statusVals, sep = "/"), 
                  mustWork = FALSE)
  if(any(hasStatus)) {
    testStatus <- paste(names(statusVals[hasStatus]), collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    testStatus <- "committed"

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envDocument documentation built on Aug. 20, 2019, 1:03 a.m.