
# Created:      05-Oct-2016
# Author:       Daniel Mastropietro
# Description:  Test the envnames package using the testthat package

context("Find objects")

with(globalenv(), {

# 1.- Prepare the workspace -----------------------------------------------
# THE TESTS THROUGH testthat (e.g. using the Check tool in RStudio or calling devtools::test())

env1 <- new.env(parent=baseenv())
env_of_envs <- new.env()
with(env_of_envs, { env2 <- new.env(); zz <- 6; env2$zz <- 7 })
env1$x <- 3
y = "x"
zz = 44
yy = "zz"
# Array of variable NAMES
v = c("x", "y", "z")
# Array of variable SYMBOLS (which is actually stored as a list by R!)
vquote = c(quote(x), quote(y), quote(z))
# A list of mixed variables
alist = list(z="x", v="env_of_envs$zz", u=2)

# 2.- TEST! ---------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("T1) an object in the global environment is found", {
  # browser()  # This can be used like a breakpoint for debugging. But stil F10 doesn't go to the next line, it will continue to the end of the program!
  expected = "R_GlobalEnv"

  observed = obj_find(y)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(y, envir=globalenv())
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T2) an object in a package is found", {
  expected = "base"

  observed = obj_find(mean)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(mean, envir=baseenv())
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T3a) an object inside a user-defined environment is found", {
  expected = "env1"

  observed = obj_find(x)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(x, envir=env1)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T3b) user-defined environments are found", {
  # test 1
  expected = c("R_GlobalEnv", "testenv")
  observed = obj_find(env1)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find("env1")
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 2
  expected = "env_of_envs"
  observed = obj_find(env2)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find("env2", envir=env_of_envs)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T3c) looking for system, package, and namespace environments should return NA because they don't have a location!
          They are simply part of the workspace...", {
  # NOTE: the list of R built-in environments is available in help(environment)

  # System environments
  # Package environments

  # Namespace environments
  expect_true(is.na(obj_find(.BaseNamespaceEnv)))      # Another way of referring to the Base namespace environment (ref: help(environment))

test_that("T4) objects are found when given as text, including if object is given with the full environment path", {
  expected = "env1"

  observed = obj_find("x")
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find("env1$x")
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find("x", envir=env1)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find("env1$x", envir=env1)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)  # This only passes when the parent environment is the global environment,
                                    # but not when environment env1 is defined as new.env(parent=baseenv()) for instance
                                    # In such case, env1$x is NOT found in env1 and the returned value by obj_find() is NULL.

test_that("T5) an object referenced via a text expression is not found (e.g. alist$z)
           unless the expression is the full environment path to the object (already tested)", {
  expected = NULL
  observed = obj_find("alist$z")
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T6) an object referenced by an expression (e.g. alist$z where z = \"x\" or v[1] where v[1] = \"x\")
          is found in the correct environment", {
  # test 1
  expected = "env1"
  observed = obj_find(alist$z)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(alist$z, envir=env1)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 2
  expected = "env1"
  observed = obj_find(v[1])
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(v[1], envir=env1)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 2
  expected = "env1"
  observed = obj_find(get("z", alist)) # "env1" because get("z", alist) resolves to "x"
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(get("z", alist), envir=env1) # "env1" because get("z", alist) resolves to "x"
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T7a) if object v exists in the global environment and also in another object (e.g. alist$v)
           obj_find() should search for the (possible) object that is stored in alist$v as name
           (as opposed to searching for 'v' in the global environment)", {
  expected = "env_of_envs"

  observed = obj_find(alist$v)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(alist$v, envir=env1)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T7b) an object referenced by another variable (e.g. y = \"x\") is found (WITHOUT needing to enclose as.name() in quote())", {
  # Case when the symbol referenced by 'y' exists in the calling environment
  expected = sort(c("env_of_envs", "env_of_envs$env2", "R_GlobalEnv"))
  observed = obj_find(as.name(yy))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # Case when the symbol referenced by 'y' does NOT exist but exists in another environment
  expected = "env1"
  observed = obj_find(as.name(y))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T7c) obj_find() can be called within sapply() on an array of object names or object symbols (which is actually a list)", {
  # Test 1
  expected = list(x="env1", y="R_GlobalEnv", z=NULL)
  observed = sapply(v, obj_find)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

  # Test 2
  expected = list("env1", "R_GlobalEnv", NULL)
  observed = sapply(vquote, obj_find)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

  # Test 3a: run the sapply() from within an environment
  expected = list(z="env1", v="env_of_envs", u=NULL)
  observed = with(env_of_envs, sapply(alist, obj_find))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # Test 3b: with globalsearch=FALSE
  expected = list(z=NULL, v="env_of_envs", u=NULL)
  observed = with(env_of_envs, sapply(alist, obj_find, globalsearch=FALSE))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # Test 3c: with envir=env_of_envs
  expected = list(z=NULL, v="env_of_envs", u=NULL)
  observed = with(env_of_envs, sapply(alist, obj_find, envir=env_of_envs))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # Test 3d: with both globalsearch=FALSE and envir=env_of_envs
  expected = list(z=NULL, v="env_of_envs", u=NULL)
  observed = with(env_of_envs, sapply(alist, obj_find, globalsearch=FALSE, envir=env_of_envs))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T8) looking for an object whose name is the name of another object (e.g. y = \"x\")
           should return the environment of the original object", {
  expected = "R_GlobalEnv"
  observed = obj_find(y)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(y, envir=.GlobalEnv)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T9) objects are found in all nested environments
          as well as packages and environments in the search() path when envir=NULL", {
  # test 1
  expected = sort(c("env_of_envs", "env_of_envs$env2", "R_GlobalEnv"))
  observed = obj_find("zz")
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 2: restricted to an environment
  expected = sort(c("env_of_envs", "env_of_envs$env2"))
  observed = obj_find("zz", envir=env_of_envs)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T10a) when obj_find() is called from within an environment using the with() function,
          objects are searched and found in all sub-environments, as well as in packages and environments
          reachable through the search() path when envir=NULL", {
  ### NOTE: Each of the three tests run below are split into 2 sub-tests:
  ### a) one which uses globalsearch=TRUE (meaning that (i) the search is performed on the whole workspace
  ### and (ii) all objects are referenced w.r.t. the global environment --e.g. env_of_envs$env2$zz to reach object zz)
  ### b) one which uses globalsearch=FALSE (meaning that (i) the search is performed ONLY in the calling environment
  ### and (ii) all objects are referenced w.r.t. the calling environment defined in with() --e.g. env_of_envs--)
  ### c) one which performs the search on a specified environment --using the envir= parameter
  ### (meaning that (i) the search is performed ONLY in the environment specified in 'envir=' and
  ### (ii) all objects are referenced w.r.t. the 'envir=' environment)
  # test 1a
  expected = sort(c("env_of_envs", "env_of_envs$env2", "R_GlobalEnv"))
  observed = with(env_of_envs, obj_find("zz"))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 1b
  expected = sort(c("env_of_envs", "env_of_envs$env2"))
  observed = with(env_of_envs, obj_find("zz", globalsearch=FALSE))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 1c
  expected = sort(c("env_of_envs", "env_of_envs$env2"))
  observed = with(env_of_envs, obj_find("zz", envir=env_of_envs))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

  # test 2a
  expected = sort(c("env_of_envs", "env_of_envs$env2", "R_GlobalEnv"))
  observed = with(env_of_envs, obj_find(zz))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 2b
  expected = c("env_of_envs", "env_of_envs$env2")
  observed = with(env_of_envs, obj_find(zz, globalsearch=FALSE))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 2c
  expected = sort(c("env_of_envs", "env_of_envs$env2"))
  observed = with(env_of_envs, obj_find(zz, envir=env_of_envs))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

  # test 3a
  # NOTE that when globalsearch=TRUE (the default) the expected result is NULL
  # because env2$zz is searched in the whole workspace, but the name 'env2$zz' does NOT exist
  # in the whole workspace.
  # If we wanted 'zz' to be found when basing its search in the whole workspace
  # we should refer to 'zz' as 'env_of_envs$env2$zz', since this is the path to reach
  # 'zz' starting from the GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT, ***which is where the search on the whole
  # workspace starts (based on the envmap returned by the get_env_names() function)***.
  expected = NULL
  observed = with(env_of_envs, obj_find(env2$zz))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 3b
  expected = c("env_of_envs$env2")
  observed = with(env_of_envs, obj_find(env2$zz, globalsearch=FALSE))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 3c
  expected = c("env_of_envs$env2")
  observed = with(env_of_envs, obj_find(env2$zz, envir=env_of_envs))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T10b) when obj_find() is called from within an environment but the object to search for is given
          with an absolute path to the actual object as in globalenv()$env1$x, the object is found", {
  # test 1
  expected = c("env1")
  observed = with(env_of_envs, obj_find(globalenv()$env1$x))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 2
  expected = c("base")
  observed = with(env_of_envs, obj_find(baseenv()$mean))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T11) objects given with a full environment path involving globalenv()
          or as.environment(package) as in globalenv()$x are found", {
  # test 1: look for an object in a user-defined environment
  expected = "env1"
  observed = obj_find(globalenv()$env1$x)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(globalenv()$env1$x, envir=.GlobalEnv)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

  # test 2a: look for an object in the global environment
  expected = "R_GlobalEnv"
  observed = obj_find(globalenv()$y)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(globalenv()$y, envir=globalenv())
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

  # test 2b: ...using as.environment(globalenv())
  expected = "R_GlobalEnv"
  observed = obj_find(as.environment(globalenv())$y)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(as.environment(globalenv())$y, envir=globalenv())
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

  # test 2a: look for an object in the empty environment (which has no objects!)
  expected = NULL
  observed = obj_find(emptyenv()$y)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(emptyenv()$y, envir=emptyenv())
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 3a: look for object in the base package
  # (note that the name of the environment is "base" as opposed to "package:base"
  # and this is due to the standardization of the three basic environments done in
  # envnames:::standardize_env_name())
  expected = "base"

  observed = obj_find(as.environment("package:base")$mean)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(as.environment("package:base")$mean, envir=as.environment("package:base"))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

  # test 3b: ...using as.environment(baseenv())
  observed = obj_find(as.environment(baseenv())$mean)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(as.environment(baseenv())$mean, envir=baseenv())
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

  # test 4: look for object in package stats
  expected = "package:stats"
  observed = obj_find(as.environment("package:stats")$aov)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(as.environment("package:stats")$aov, envir=as.environment("package:stats"))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

  # test 5: look for object in package envnames
  expected = "package:envnames"
  observed = obj_find(as.environment("package:envnames")$environment_name) # This refers to the function environment_name() in package envnames
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  observed = obj_find(as.environment("package:envnames")$environment_name, envir=as.environment("package:envnames"))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T21) specifying include_functions=TRUE returns ALL the function environments where the object is found", {
  # NOTE: (2020/12/05) This test is skipped on CRAN because it fails in some platforms tested by CRAN.
  # The reason most likely has to do with the functions that are part of the calling chain in each platform,
  # which perhaps vary depending on the other things that are being processed in their servers...(?).
  # Ref: conversation with Brian Ripley on 05-Dec-2020"
  # NOTE: This test passes only when calling obj_find() from WITHIN expect_equal() because doing so sets up a function
  # calling chain that makes the object being searched for appear in different function environments (e.g. eval())
  # ***********************************
  # IMPORTANT: The results of the tests are DIFFERENT depending on the context where the tests are run.
  # E.g. it is not the same running the tests by sourcing this script, or by TESTing the package or by CHECKing
  # the package.
  # This is why we call the try() function to make sure all the different testing results are tried.
  # ***********************************

  # (in this case the eval() function appears in the result but NOT the withVisible() function)
  result = try({
    print("Test form 1 (TEST or CHECK package):")

    observed = obj_find(y, include_functions=TRUE)
    cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) y: ", observed, "\n")
    expect_equal(observed, sort(c("eval", "R_GlobalEnv")))

    observed = obj_find(x, include_functions=TRUE)
    cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) x: ", observed, "\n")
    expect_equal(observed, sort(c("env1", "force")))

    # Referring an object indirecty
    observed = obj_find(alist$z, include_functions=TRUE)
    cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) z: ", observed, "\n")
    expect_equal(observed, sort(c("env1", "force")))
    # When calling obj_find() from outside expect_equal(), the object is found in less environments
    observed = obj_find(y, include_functions=TRUE)
    cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) y (outside call): ", observed, "\n")
    expect_equal(observed, sort(c("eval", "R_GlobalEnv")))
  }, silent=TRUE)

  if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
    # (in this case either the eval() or the withVisible() functions appear in the result)
    result = try({
      print("Test form 2 (SOURCE file):")

      observed = obj_find(y, include_functions=TRUE)
      cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) y: ", observed, "\n")
      expect_equal(observed, sort(c("eval", "R_GlobalEnv")))

      observed = obj_find(x, include_functions=TRUE)
      cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) x: ", observed, "\n")
      expect_equal(observed, sort(c("env1", "withVisible")))

      # Referring an object indirecty
      observed = obj_find(alist$z, include_functions=TRUE)
      cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) z: ", observed, "\n")
      expect_equal(observed, sort(c("env1", "withVisible")))
      # When calling obj_find() from outside expect_equal(), the object is only found in the global environment!
      observed = obj_find(y, include_functions=TRUE)
      cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) y (outside call): ", observed, "\n")
      expect_equal(observed, c("eval", "R_GlobalEnv"))
    }, silent=TRUE)

    if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
      # (in this case nor the eval() nor the withVisible() functions appear in the result)
      result = try( {
        print("Test form 3 (FUNCTION run):")

        observed = obj_find(y, include_functions=TRUE)
        cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) y: ", observed, "\n")
        expect_equal(observed, "R_GlobalEnv")

        observed = obj_find(x, include_functions=TRUE)
        cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) x: ", observed, "\n")
        expect_equal(observed, "env1")

        # Referring an object indirecty
        observed = obj_find(alist$z, include_functions=TRUE)
        cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) z: ", observed, "\n")
        expect_equal(observed, "env1")
        # When calling obj_find() from outside expect_equal(), the object is only found in the global environment!
        observed = obj_find(y, include_functions=TRUE)
        cat("test-obj_find.R, T21) y (outside call): ", observed, "\n")
        expect_equal(observed, "R_GlobalEnv")
      }, silent=TRUE)

      if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
        stop("The test did NOT pass in any of its forms.")

#--------------------- Searches for non-existing objects ------------------
test_that("T90) a non-existing object is not found and no error is raised", {
  # test 1
  expected = NULL
  observed = obj_find(nonexistent)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 2
  expected = NULL
  observed = obj_find(env1$nonexistent)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T91) using get() on a variable that refers to a non existing objects returns NULL", {
  # test 1
  expected = NULL
  observed = obj_find(get(y))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 2
  expected = NULL
  observed = obj_find(get(y, env1))
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
  # test 3
  expected = NULL
  observed = obj_find(get(y), envir=env1)    # NULL because get() is evaluated in the global environment where x does not exist
  expect_equal(observed, expected)

test_that("T92) looking for 'NA' returns NULL", {
  expected = NULL
  observed = obj_find(NA)
  expect_equal(observed, expected)
#--------------------- Searches for non-existent objects ------------------

# 3.- Cleanup -------------------------------------------------------------

})  # with(globalenv())

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envnames documentation built on Dec. 8, 2020, 9:07 a.m.